I Bet This is Story behind the Weiner Emails.

Here's mine, posted in another thread:

This is my conspiracy theory:

Team Trump have been desperate to get the FBI to reopen the investigation. They searched and searched and searched for something that would give them an excuse to reopen it, couldn't come up with anything, so they contracted with either Wikileaks or similar hackers to find "something" that they could use, and this Anthony Weiner stuff was the best (and only) thing they could find. Trump had already referenced this stuff last year.

The anonymous hackers notified the FBI of these emails, and in doing so, were able to convince them to reopen the investigation.

Knowing that the content of the emails contained no wrongdoing by Hillary, they didn't care. That wasn't the point. The only goal was to create the illusion that the FBI missed something. By getting them to reopen it without giving any details, they accomplished their goal.

In other words, the FBI's been trolled.

Nope. .FBI already had Huma's laptop and Weiners little e-toys. No outside source required.

The emails came "from the laptop?"

We can't confirm that. Could be that she deleted on hers, but they found the convos on Weiner's when they went back and looked.

And yet, nothing actually sent by Hillary. Why didn't they see these before? Why now? Why reopen the investigation 11 days before the election?

Obviously, the FBI is receiving serious pressure from some entity to do this, especially when it means an indirect admission that they didn't do a thorough enough job the first time.

It's because the FBI NEEDED to come clean before Wikileaks dumps information that is SIMILAR. Would look like a cover-up if any of the Wikileaks emails point in that direction -- To Abedein and Weiner. And then it's found that FBI had this information all along. Didn't EXPECT that angle would be in play. And now their INTEGRITY is in question if they don't get it out first.

That goes along with what I have been saying since Comey took a dive for the Hillary campaign. If they have gotten information since they gave immunity to the Clinton staffers, and if it has been the CIA, FBI, or NSA that has been the source of the leaks, rather than say, the Russians, which the MSM has been conditioning the public to believe, then there might in fact be an internal struggle for control of the Deep State.

If it occurs to them that Wikileaks might have information that would implicate them, it is better that the non-partisan portion of the government look united, and LET TRUMP win, rather than have the whole thing fall apart. What are the chances he could win now anyway?

And who are we kidding, they can always assassinate Trump if he really tries to "drain the swamp," or at least give it a go. They sent Reagan a message, and that was good enough to bring him in line.
You think it's reasonable to claim (without any sources) that the FBI has found conclusive proof of every rightwinger's wet-dream fantasy, even while the FBI says they haven't?
Who has said that that has happened?

Do you enjoy Straw Man arguments or is it just a slip?

You did, clown shoes. Did you already forget?

What are you guys going to do when this turns out to more ado about nothing?

According to sources in the FBI, these "new" emails are not actually connected to Hillary at all.
roflmao, yes, they are, dude


Or did you just see it in your crystal ball?
They are re-opening the investigation because the emails on a machine once used by Huma at her home has thousands of emails on it and it is said it contains classified docs off/went through Hillarys private server.

And no I am not going to give you links because I saw it in several TV shows on FOX, CNN, and One America News.
Lol, Clown shoes?

<- this is me ignoring what you post, pretty much. You just are not worth the time.


Whatever you have to tell yourself, clown shoes.

I know, cognitive dissonance hurts.
Nope. .FBI already had Huma's laptop and Weiners little e-toys. No outside source required.

The emails came "from the laptop?"

We can't confirm that. Could be that she deleted on hers, but they found the convos on Weiner's when they went back and looked.

And yet, nothing actually sent by Hillary. Why didn't they see these before? Why now? Why reopen the investigation 11 days before the election?

Obviously, the FBI is receiving serious pressure from some entity to do this, especially when it means an indirect admission that they didn't do a thorough enough job the first time.

It's because the FBI NEEDED to come clean before Wikileaks dumps information that is SIMILAR. Would look like a cover-up if any of the Wikileaks emails point in that direction -- To Abedein and Weiner. And then it's found that FBI had this information all along. Didn't EXPECT that angle would be in play. And now their INTEGRITY is in question if they don't get it out first.

That goes along with what I have been saying since Comey took a dive for the Hillary campaign. If they have gotten information since they gave immunity to the Clinton staffers, and if it has been the CIA, FBI, or NSA that has been the source of the leaks, rather than say, the Russians, which the MSM has been conditioning the public to believe, then there might in fact be an internal struggle for control of the Deep State.

If it occurs to them that Wikileaks might have information that would implicate them, it is better that the non-partisan portion of the government look united, and LET TRUMP win, rather than have the whole thing fall apart. What are the chances he could win now anyway?

And who are we kidding, they can always assassinate Trump if he really tries to "drain the swamp," or at least give it a go. They sent Reagan a message, and that was good enough to bring him in line.

Yeah, if Trump doesnt cut a deal and start palying their game on their terms, he has an airplane accident coming his way.

How long was Reagan President before they had him shot?
Its kind of funny that the data was found because of a sex crazed poodle..

The fact that it was still on a home computer, outside of government security and controls, while they took great lengths to destroy all copies, is funny as hell to me.

Funnier still is the fact that all of their immunity deals are now worthless as it was found in relation to an unrelated investigation.. Every one in those email chains are now open to criminal prosecution.
Stephen Colbert Tackles Hillary Emails, Anthony Weiner — Watch Video
Lots of hand-wringing and despair. Just saw Joe Biden go off on Anthony Weiner. That's a clue. Another clue is that MSNBC is talking about how Humadein was forced to make hard copy docs, strip the security headers and repost to the Clinton server. I THINK I've figured this out. I'll bet that ---

The FBI is reviewing a series of conversations between the Weiner and his Humadein. With Huma complaining about being forced to mishandle these docs by the Sec State. Probably a lot of details about the process and how unsafe she felt doing this for her arrogant boss.

Probably also explains their marriage break-up and MAYBE even how his tweet fetishes got public in the first place. Perhaps Weiner got involved in the deal and tried to speak sense to the Clinton staff. And MAYBE --- this deal about tweeting his undie bulges to a 15 yr old was to "neutralize" him for intervening.

Makes sense because now top DNC members are dissing him like crazy. Everyone for themselves. If I'm RIGHT -- this could be big. And at a MINIMUM --- Hillary's courtesy clearances and security briefing should be PULLED by Monday...

We could start a pool or something -- but it adds up..

Would they not ultimately scapegoat Huma, though? Seems to me that the establishment won't touch Hillary.
No dude, they are reviewing the new information. That doesn't mean the case is re-opened. It's no different than a regular court case where you do the fact finding before you actually seek the indictment.

Sheesh, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin till you die!

Just because you want her in jail doesn't mean things have to be your way or the highway. I'm not a Democrat and I'd like to see her in jail...but I'm sorry, but the investigation isn't re-opened. They are simply reviewing new information that came to light in an unrelated case. Simple as that. And because he had officially closed the case before, and has now received new information about it, he had to inform Congress. You can try as much as you want, but that isn't going to magically make it what you want it to be when it isn't.

If the investigation isn't re-opened, what do they need an "investigative team" for?
For Christ Sakes, there is no reasoning with the two extremes of this election. You people have lost you God for saken minds. The reasoning part of your brain has either turned red or blue. I'm out.

You expect people here to actually agree with each other all the time?

No, but for whatever reason, especially this year, people have lost their damn minds. Liberals and Republicans alike are blindly following their candidate and have totally thrown any sense of reasoning out the window. I have yet to see ONE reasonable conversation about the candidates on this forum or in real life.

I wish both candidates would get thrown in jail, and the election postponed until the Democrats and Republicans pull their heads out of their asses and actually put up two people who are worthy of being President. Both Hillary and Trump are pieces of shit, making the United States the laughing stocks of the planet. It's fucking ridiculous and I can't wait for it to be over. Hell, at this rate...with this shit getting worse and worse as the election gets closer, I'd welcome a big fucking Satan 2 rocket from Russia, maybe it would change the conversation for a day or two and united the country.
I'm not a Democrat and I'd like to see her in jail...but I'm sorry, but the investigation isn't re-opened. They are simply reviewing new information that came to light in an unrelated case. Simple as that.
And that is what an investigation is Nimrod.

Lol, I do very much hope that the Hillary campaign takes up this spin; it will be a hoot.
The emails came "from the laptop?"

We can't confirm that. Could be that she deleted on hers, but they found the convos on Weiner's when they went back and looked.

And yet, nothing actually sent by Hillary. Why didn't they see these before? Why now? Why reopen the investigation 11 days before the election?

Obviously, the FBI is receiving serious pressure from some entity to do this, especially when it means an indirect admission that they didn't do a thorough enough job the first time.

It's because the FBI NEEDED to come clean before Wikileaks dumps information that is SIMILAR. Would look like a cover-up if any of the Wikileaks emails point in that direction -- To Abedein and Weiner. And then it's found that FBI had this information all along. Didn't EXPECT that angle would be in play. And now their INTEGRITY is in question if they don't get it out first.

That goes along with what I have been saying since Comey took a dive for the Hillary campaign. If they have gotten information since they gave immunity to the Clinton staffers, and if it has been the CIA, FBI, or NSA that has been the source of the leaks, rather than say, the Russians, which the MSM has been conditioning the public to believe, then there might in fact be an internal struggle for control of the Deep State.

If it occurs to them that Wikileaks might have information that would implicate them, it is better that the non-partisan portion of the government look united, and LET TRUMP win, rather than have the whole thing fall apart. What are the chances he could win now anyway?

And who are we kidding, they can always assassinate Trump if he really tries to "drain the swamp," or at least give it a go. They sent Reagan a message, and that was good enough to bring him in line.

Yeah, if Trump doesnt cut a deal and start palying their game on their terms, he has an airplane accident coming his way.

How long was Reagan President before they had him shot?
On the 69th day of his presidency, John Hinckley Jr., the son of the close friends of the Vice President George Bush (Former Head of the CIA) attempted the assassination.

Several months after Nancy Reagan died, the assassin was released from a low security mental health facility to live in freedom.

The Deep State is transparent and disgusting for those who are paying attention.
There's no way in hell Comey drops this bombshell 11 days before the election unless something very significant has been found, it had to be huge. Somebody is going to get arrested bank on it.
The Deep State is transparent and disgusting for those who are paying attention.
Yep, but they historically prefer to use a very light touch and work their way up the scale of disruptive violence only as required.

That is why they have remained in power for so long, going back to the Pharoahs
For Christ Sakes, there is no reasoning with the two extremes of this election. You people have lost you God for saken minds. The reasoning part of your brain has either turned red or blue. I'm out.

You expect people here to actually agree with each other all the time?

No, but for whatever reason, especially this year, people have lost their damn minds. Liberals and Republicans alike are blindly following their candidate and have totally thrown any sense of reasoning out the window. I have yet to see ONE reasonable conversation about the candidates on this forum or in real life.

I wish both candidates would get thrown in jail, and the election postponed until the Democrats and Republicans pull their heads out of their asses and actually put up two people who are worthy of being President. Both Hillary and Trump are pieces of shit, making the United States the laughing stocks of the planet. It's fucking ridiculous and I can't wait for it to be over. Hell, at this rate...with this shit getting worse and worse as the election gets closer, I'd welcome a big fucking Satan 2 rocket from Russia, maybe it would change the conversation for a day or two and united the country.

It's clear that you don't really understand how politics work then.

None of this was a mistake.

Hillary was anointed at a Bilderburg meeting waaaaay back in 2008. The folks that identify themselves as Democrats never had a choice.

And for those poor sods that identify themselves as Republicans? Well, they never really had a choice either. Every candidate that was given to them was chosen by the establishment, well, except for a few.

I'm not sure Ben Carson was. Nor am I sure about Trump. All the others have ties to the Deep State. Their preferred guy this time around was probably Ted Cruz. It might have been Jeb, but rumors abound about his lack of ability and his mother not approving.

Did you know that Ted Cruz's campaign manager Chad Sweet, and Hillary Clinton's future advisor on intelligence and Security matters, who once worked for Bush, Michael Chertoff, together founded The Chertoff Group, a global advisory firm and investment bank exclusively focused on the security sector.

This is one of those Deep State companies that has intelligence operations contracted out to it, sort of like Booz-Allen Hamilton, Snowden's former company. Nearly three quarters of the intelligence work is now subcontracted, it is out of control. And it isn't a left/right issue anymore. The corporate state is into taking over and finding everything about everyone, all over the planet.

Big Brother from the nightmares is here to stay, and power hunger elites use greedy and corrupt politicians from both parties to do their bidding.

We know Hillary is dangerous and dirty. Does Trump really want to clean up DC, or does he just want a piece of the action? Who can say?
For Christ Sakes, there is no reasoning with the two extremes of this election. You people have lost you God for saken minds. The reasoning part of your brain has either turned red or blue. I'm out.

You expect people here to actually agree with each other all the time?

No, but for whatever reason, especially this year, people have lost their damn minds. Liberals and Republicans alike are blindly following their candidate and have totally thrown any sense of reasoning out the window. I have yet to see ONE reasonable conversation about the candidates on this forum or in real life.

I wish both candidates would get thrown in jail, and the election postponed until the Democrats and Republicans pull their heads out of their asses and actually put up two people who are worthy of being President. Both Hillary and Trump are pieces of shit, making the United States the laughing stocks of the planet. It's fucking ridiculous and I can't wait for it to be over. Hell, at this rate...with this shit getting worse and worse as the election gets closer, I'd welcome a big fucking Satan 2 rocket from Russia, maybe it would change the conversation for a day or two and united the country.

It's clear that you don't really understand how politics work then.

None of this was a mistake.

Hillary was anointed at a Bilderburg meeting waaaaay back in 2008. The folks that identify themselves as Democrats never had a choice.

And for those poor sods that identify themselves as Republicans? Well, they never really had a choice either. Every candidate that was given to them was chosen by the establishment, well, except for a few.

I'm not sure Ben Carson was. Nor am I sure about Trump. All the others have ties to the Deep State. Their preferred guy this time around was probably Ted Cruz. It might have been Jeb, but rumors abound about his lack of ability and his mother not approving.

Did you know that Ted Cruz's campaign manager Chad Sweet, and Hillary Clinton's future advisor on intelligence and Security matters, who once worked for Bush, Michael Chertoff, together founded The Chertoff Group, a global advisory firm and investment bank exclusively focused on the security sector.

This is one of those Deep State companies that has intelligence operations contracted out to it, sort of like Booz-Allen Hamilton, Snowden's former company. Nearly three quarters of the intelligence work is now subcontracted, it is out of control. And it isn't a left/right issue anymore. The corporate state is into taking over and finding everything about everyone, all over the planet.

Big Brother from the nightmares is here to stay, and power hunger elites use greedy and corrupt politicians from both parties to do their bidding.

We know Hillary is dangerous and dirty. Does Trump really want to clean up DC, or does he just want a piece of the action? Who can say?

Trump is just a narcissist that thinks he is better than everyone else and is trolling the country in order to pander to his own ego and build a new brand of Trump... the former POTUS Trump that can charge huge amounts of money for doing an hour long speech. He knows that despite spending a lot of money on his own campaign, he'll easily make ten times that much back in just a few years after leaving office.
Lots of hand-wringing and despair. Just saw Joe Biden go off on Anthony Weiner. That's a clue. Another clue is that MSNBC is talking about how Humadein was forced to make hard copy docs, strip the security headers and repost to the Clinton server. I THINK I've figured this out. I'll bet that ---

The FBI is reviewing a series of conversations between the Weiner and his Humadein. With Huma complaining about being forced to mishandle these docs by the Sec State. Probably a lot of details about the process and how unsafe she felt doing this for her arrogant boss.

Probably also explains their marriage break-up and MAYBE even how his tweet fetishes got public in the first place. Perhaps Weiner got involved in the deal and tried to speak sense to the Clinton staff. And MAYBE --- this deal about tweeting his undie bulges to a 15 yr old was to "neutralize" him for intervening.

Makes sense because now top DNC members are dissing him like crazy. Everyone for themselves. If I'm RIGHT -- this could be big. And at a MINIMUM --- Hillary's courtesy clearances and security briefing should be PULLED by Monday...

We could start a pool or something -- but it adds up..

1. I agree this has to do with Weiner and his ex-wife and it will lead to her.

2. Weiner ex-wife will fall on the sword and go to prison for Hillary Clinton before she gives up Hillary..

3. The Democratic Party will try to play this off as a non-issue and that the FBI has gone rogue with this investigation...

My bet Hillary Clinton win the November Election but will be impeached and removed once all the information is out!

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