I Bet This is Story behind the Weiner Emails.

No dude, they are reviewing the new information. That doesn't mean the case is re-opened. It's no different than a regular court case where you do the fact finding before you actually seek the indictment.

Sheesh, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin till you die!
Comey KNEW for months about the 'Weiner-Pig and Huma and Hillary and the email chains.
He NEVER "closed the investigation'. He knows exactly what he's doing dropping 'Weiner-Gate' days before the election.
Comey is stupid like a fox!
I'll bet the new evidence shows that Hillary knew she was violating security regulations, so the excuse Comey used to avoid prosecuting her is no longer in play.
Like I had stated, in so many words yesterday,
we may not know what was discovered by happenstance,
but, you can believe, that whatever it is, it is not good.

There is no way he would do an about face,
on the heels of the election, nearly a week away....
when the election was, at least 1 reason, if not the reason why
he put himself in the hot seat, for her, in the first place.

He committed a crime by sweeping hers under the rug.
Who knows what else he's covered up for her,
or, to what extent he is involved in her political corruption.

Corruption has seeped into and infested,
every department, every agency, every nook and cranny of government

I have no doubt, the magnitude of infestation,
is far greater then we will ever realize
and beyond anything we could even comprehend
you people are going to be babbling about this womans emails for the next 8 years aren't you?
Yep. All during the Trump administration, the senate hearings, formal charges, appeals and finally sentencing to a federal penitentiary, when America's faith in the judicial system will finally be restored.
The same link I just posted in response to someone else... specifically says it is linked to Hillary's emails.

New Clinton emails under FBI review came from Anthony Weiner investigation

I don't see anywhere in that link anyone claiming that "it contains classified docs" that "went through Hillary's private server".

It's right there at the very beginning?

FBI Director James Comey sent a letter to congressional leaders Oct. 28 saying that his agency recently discovered additional emails that are pertinent to the previously concluded investigation into whether Clinton mishandled classified information using a private server from her home in Chappaqua, N.Y. Comey said these new emails were found in “connection with an unrelated case.”

This is what Comey said:

"In connection with an unrelated case, the FBI has learned of the existence of emails that appear to be pertinent to the investigation. I am writing to inform you that the investigative team briefed me on this yesterday, and I agreed that the FBI should take appropriate investigative steps to designed to allow investigators to review these emails to determine whether they contain classified information, as well as to assess their their importance to the investigation."

There's nothing in there that could be translated to "It contains classified docs that went through Hillary's server".

Now you are spinning things. No wonder JimBowie thinks everyone spins stuff. It's spelled out in Black and White that they have new information that is pertinent enough that they had to notify Congress. Don't pee on my leg and tell me it is raining.


No, actually what I'm doing is the opposite of "spin".

Why don't you show me exactly where anyone involved with the investigation has made an affirmative claim that Huma's computer contains classified information that came from Hillary's server, since you seem so devoted to defending that claim?
"Anyone" excually "involved with investigation" sure as hell at this point isn't going to say a fucking word to YOU or anyone else.
Someone 'smart' like you of all people ought to be able to understand this fact.
The ONLY information or 'non-information' EVER (cough) leaked by the FBI is information the FBI WANTS the public to know.
Well go ahead genius, tell us what's incriminating in the Huma emails.
I don't know what they found, wasn't aware they released that info
who said anything about Humas emails... I didn't

Hey, if this should end up.... much ado about nothing
I don't have a problem with eating crow,
and acknowledging that I was totally wrong,
watch too many criminally based TV shows,
and get caught up and run off, on the boards.
No, but for whatever reason, especially this year, people have lost their damn minds. Liberals and Republicans alike are blindly following their candidate and have totally thrown any sense of reasoning out the window. I have yet to see ONE reasonable conversation about the candidates on this forum or in real life.
Then you are wearing blinders. Many people, including myself, said why they are casting a ballot for Trump. We want the economy to get off life support and get going again and his ideas sound like the best bet. Borders, immigration, trade, common core, etc. You may not agree but it's stupid to pretend that things don't exist because you don't hold the same views.
you people are going to be babbling about this womans emails for the next 8 years aren't you?

As Rumsfeld put it. The known knowns and the known unknowns. As long as the focus on the ability to generate questions based on what they don't know...which can be in done until the end of time. They'll keep throwing shit against the wall and then make fuss over other stuff in the emails like "OMG they did research", "Omg they don't like catholics" etc etc.

It's the same they did with Bill.
What the fuck does Donald Rumsfeld have to do with election 2016?
Well go ahead genius, tell us what's incriminating in the Huma emails.
I don't know what they found, wasn't aware they released that info
who said anything about Humas emails... I didn't

Hey, if this should end up.... much ado about nothing
I don't have a problem with eating crow,
and acknowledging that I was totally wrong,
watch too many criminally based TV shows,
and get caught up and run off, on the boards.

So at least two of us agree that as of this moment, nothing incriminating towards Hillary Clinton has been found in these latest emails,

and everyone on this board or anywhere else who says otherwise is full of shit.

You expect people here to actually agree with each other all the time?

No, but for whatever reason, especially this year, people have lost their damn minds. Liberals and Republicans alike are blindly following their candidate and have totally thrown any sense of reasoning out the window. I have yet to see ONE reasonable conversation about the candidates on this forum or in real life.

I wish both candidates would get thrown in jail, and the election postponed until the Democrats and Republicans pull their heads out of their asses and actually put up two people who are worthy of being President. Both Hillary and Trump are pieces of shit, making the United States the laughing stocks of the planet. It's fucking ridiculous and I can't wait for it to be over. Hell, at this rate...with this shit getting worse and worse as the election gets closer, I'd welcome a big fucking Satan 2 rocket from Russia, maybe it would change the conversation for a day or two and united the country.

It's clear that you don't really understand how politics work then.

None of this was a mistake.

Hillary was anointed at a Bilderburg meeting waaaaay back in 2008. The folks that identify themselves as Democrats never had a choice.

And for those poor sods that identify themselves as Republicans? Well, they never really had a choice either. Every candidate that was given to them was chosen by the establishment, well, except for a few.

I'm not sure Ben Carson was. Nor am I sure about Trump. All the others have ties to the Deep State. Their preferred guy this time around was probably Ted Cruz. It might have been Jeb, but rumors abound about his lack of ability and his mother not approving.

Did you know that Ted Cruz's campaign manager Chad Sweet, and Hillary Clinton's future advisor on intelligence and Security matters, who once worked for Bush, Michael Chertoff, together founded The Chertoff Group, a global advisory firm and investment bank exclusively focused on the security sector.

This is one of those Deep State companies that has intelligence operations contracted out to it, sort of like Booz-Allen Hamilton, Snowden's former company. Nearly three quarters of the intelligence work is now subcontracted, it is out of control. And it isn't a left/right issue anymore. The corporate state is into taking over and finding everything about everyone, all over the planet.

Big Brother from the nightmares is here to stay, and power hunger elites use greedy and corrupt politicians from both parties to do their bidding.

We know Hillary is dangerous and dirty. Does Trump really want to clean up DC, or does he just want a piece of the action? Who can say?

Trump is just a narcissist that thinks he is better than everyone else and is trolling the country in order to pander to his own ego and build a new brand of Trump... the former POTUS Trump that can charge huge amounts of money for doing an hour long speech. He knows that despite spending a lot of money on his own campaign, he'll easily make ten times that much back in just a few years after leaving office.
The things you are missing here, is that the reason folks pay big money to see Hillary speak, is that she is an internationalist.

The folks paying to see her speak, believe the same things she does, they WANT to see a one world order. They believe she is on a team that will give it to them.

Once she is not viable, she is worthless. Once Bill is no longer viable, he is worthless. Do you think folks pay that kind of money to still see Carter speak? Or do you think they paid that kind of money to see Nixon speak once he left office? Obama will fetch a pretty penny while he is still young though, of that you can be sure.

Sure, Trump may bring in speaking fees, but if he doesn't toe the line, and get on board with Agenda 21, the NWO and the establishment, I'm not sure anyone will pay him a dime. He isn't exactly an intellectual heavy weight that has proven his ideas.

For instance, do you think he'll admit AGW is real? If he doesn't, I'm not sure many organizations are going to pony up to hear him open his trap. Who cares if it is a scam, the establishment needs folks to believe it is real to stay in power and control. Till he understands that, he won't be welcomed in a lot of venues.

Teddy Roosevelt he ain't.
So who the fuck is going to pay Obama millions to hear him talk about what a great President he believes he was?
He'll maybe do the 'Jr. college' circuit.
They'll pony up a free cafeteria dinner for two, beverages not included and fucking bus fare.

Will he be welcome in your country? lol
No, but for whatever reason, especially this year, people have lost their damn minds. Liberals and Republicans alike are blindly following their candidate and have totally thrown any sense of reasoning out the window. I have yet to see ONE reasonable conversation about the candidates on this forum or in real life.

I wish both candidates would get thrown in jail, and the election postponed until the Democrats and Republicans pull their heads out of their asses and actually put up two people who are worthy of being President. Both Hillary and Trump are pieces of shit, making the United States the laughing stocks of the planet. It's fucking ridiculous and I can't wait for it to be over. Hell, at this rate...with this shit getting worse and worse as the election gets closer, I'd welcome a big fucking Satan 2 rocket from Russia, maybe it would change the conversation for a day or two and united the country.

It's clear that you don't really understand how politics work then.

None of this was a mistake.

Hillary was anointed at a Bilderburg meeting waaaaay back in 2008. The folks that identify themselves as Democrats never had a choice.

And for those poor sods that identify themselves as Republicans? Well, they never really had a choice either. Every candidate that was given to them was chosen by the establishment, well, except for a few.

I'm not sure Ben Carson was. Nor am I sure about Trump. All the others have ties to the Deep State. Their preferred guy this time around was probably Ted Cruz. It might have been Jeb, but rumors abound about his lack of ability and his mother not approving.

Did you know that Ted Cruz's campaign manager Chad Sweet, and Hillary Clinton's future advisor on intelligence and Security matters, who once worked for Bush, Michael Chertoff, together founded The Chertoff Group, a global advisory firm and investment bank exclusively focused on the security sector.

This is one of those Deep State companies that has intelligence operations contracted out to it, sort of like Booz-Allen Hamilton, Snowden's former company. Nearly three quarters of the intelligence work is now subcontracted, it is out of control. And it isn't a left/right issue anymore. The corporate state is into taking over and finding everything about everyone, all over the planet.

Big Brother from the nightmares is here to stay, and power hunger elites use greedy and corrupt politicians from both parties to do their bidding.

We know Hillary is dangerous and dirty. Does Trump really want to clean up DC, or does he just want a piece of the action? Who can say?

Trump is just a narcissist that thinks he is better than everyone else and is trolling the country in order to pander to his own ego and build a new brand of Trump... the former POTUS Trump that can charge huge amounts of money for doing an hour long speech. He knows that despite spending a lot of money on his own campaign, he'll easily make ten times that much back in just a few years after leaving office.
The things you are missing here, is that the reason folks pay big money to see Hillary speak, is that she is an internationalist.

The folks paying to see her speak, believe the same things she does, they WANT to see a one world order. They believe she is on a team that will give it to them.

Once she is not viable, she is worthless. Once Bill is no longer viable, he is worthless. Do you think folks pay that kind of money to still see Carter speak? Or do you think they paid that kind of money to see Nixon speak once he left office? Obama will fetch a pretty penny while he is still young though, of that you can be sure.

Sure, Trump may bring in speaking fees, but if he doesn't toe the line, and get on board with Agenda 21, the NWO and the establishment, I'm not sure anyone will pay him a dime. He isn't exactly an intellectual heavy weight that has proven his ideas.

For instance, do you think he'll admit AGW is real? If he doesn't, I'm not sure many organizations are going to pony up to hear him open his trap. Who cares if it is a scam, the establishment needs folks to believe it is real to stay in power and control. Till he understands that, he won't be welcomed in a lot of venues.

Teddy Roosevelt he ain't.
So who the fuck is going to pay Obama millions to hear him talk about what a great President he believes he was?
He'll maybe do the 'Jr. college' circuit.
They'll pony up a free cafeteria dinner for two, beverages not included and fucking bus fare.

Will he be welcome in your country? lol
I'm an American citizen. Born in Chicago.
I'm only waiting to put you on PI until Trump wins.
Fucking Loser! Shouldn't you be blowing leaves off a McDonald's parking lot right now?
I'll bet the new evidence shows that Hillary knew she was violating security regulations, so the excuse Comey used to avoid prosecuting her is no longer in play.
Like I had stated, in so many words yesterday,
we may not know what was discovered by happenstance,
but, you can believe, that whatever it is, it is not good.

There is no way he would do an about face,
on the heels of the election, nearly a week away....
when the election was, at least 1 reason, if not the reason why
he put himself in the hot seat, for her, in the first place.

He committed a crime by sweeping hers under the rug.
Who knows what else he's covered up for her,
or, to what extent he is involved in her political corruption.

Corruption has seeped into and infested,
every department, every agency, every nook and cranny of government

I have no doubt, the magnitude of infestation,
is far greater then we will ever realize
and beyond anything we could even comprehend
I don't know, I can comprehend an awful lot. You may be surprised. :biggrin:
I don't see anywhere in that link anyone claiming that "it contains classified docs" that "went through Hillary's private server".

It's right there at the very beginning?

FBI Director James Comey sent a letter to congressional leaders Oct. 28 saying that his agency recently discovered additional emails that are pertinent to the previously concluded investigation into whether Clinton mishandled classified information using a private server from her home in Chappaqua, N.Y. Comey said these new emails were found in “connection with an unrelated case.”

This is what Comey said:

"In connection with an unrelated case, the FBI has learned of the existence of emails that appear to be pertinent to the investigation. I am writing to inform you that the investigative team briefed me on this yesterday, and I agreed that the FBI should take appropriate investigative steps to designed to allow investigators to review these emails to determine whether they contain classified information, as well as to assess their their importance to the investigation."

There's nothing in there that could be translated to "It contains classified docs that went through Hillary's server".

Now you are spinning things. No wonder JimBowie thinks everyone spins stuff. It's spelled out in Black and White that they have new information that is pertinent enough that they had to notify Congress. Don't pee on my leg and tell me it is raining.


No, actually what I'm doing is the opposite of "spin".

Why don't you show me exactly where anyone involved with the investigation has made an affirmative claim that Huma's computer contains classified information that came from Hillary's server, since you seem so devoted to defending that claim?

Ok, I'm going to type this nice and slow... WHY would Comey take the time to write a letter to Congress spelling out that they have gotten new evidence about the case while investigating Weiner's case? WHY? You think he went through that trouble because he found some new recipes? Maybe they read about what color dresses Chelsea was going to have her bridesmaids wear? No seriously... you're a mod here, you can not be that stupid to NOT think they actually have some evidence for him to do that. So that means you are in denial, you're trolling the anti-HRC people, or...I dunno. For anyone to read that letter, knowing the seriousness of it, read that it specifically says they are reviewing potential new evidence of the Clinton Private email and mishandling of Classified material... and then say it doesn't spell it out? Come on man. Seriously!??!
You really are a moron...

Comey wrote that letter because of his testimony to Congress and the need to update their oversight in the light of new information. In other words he was acting ETHICALLY and responsibly within his job duties and responsibilities.

I know that is abborhant to democrats as criminal and unethical are job application enhancements.

You expect people here to actually agree with each other all the time?

No, but for whatever reason, especially this year, people have lost their damn minds. Liberals and Republicans alike are blindly following their candidate and have totally thrown any sense of reasoning out the window. I have yet to see ONE reasonable conversation about the candidates on this forum or in real life.

I wish both candidates would get thrown in jail, and the election postponed until the Democrats and Republicans pull their heads out of their asses and actually put up two people who are worthy of being President. Both Hillary and Trump are pieces of shit, making the United States the laughing stocks of the planet. It's fucking ridiculous and I can't wait for it to be over. Hell, at this rate...with this shit getting worse and worse as the election gets closer, I'd welcome a big fucking Satan 2 rocket from Russia, maybe it would change the conversation for a day or two and united the country.

It's clear that you don't really understand how politics work then.

None of this was a mistake.

Hillary was anointed at a Bilderburg meeting waaaaay back in 2008. The folks that identify themselves as Democrats never had a choice.

And for those poor sods that identify themselves as Republicans? Well, they never really had a choice either. Every candidate that was given to them was chosen by the establishment, well, except for a few.

I'm not sure Ben Carson was. Nor am I sure about Trump. All the others have ties to the Deep State. Their preferred guy this time around was probably Ted Cruz. It might have been Jeb, but rumors abound about his lack of ability and his mother not approving.

Did you know that Ted Cruz's campaign manager Chad Sweet, and Hillary Clinton's future advisor on intelligence and Security matters, who once worked for Bush, Michael Chertoff, together founded The Chertoff Group, a global advisory firm and investment bank exclusively focused on the security sector.

This is one of those Deep State companies that has intelligence operations contracted out to it, sort of like Booz-Allen Hamilton, Snowden's former company. Nearly three quarters of the intelligence work is now subcontracted, it is out of control. And it isn't a left/right issue anymore. The corporate state is into taking over and finding everything about everyone, all over the planet.

Big Brother from the nightmares is here to stay, and power hunger elites use greedy and corrupt politicians from both parties to do their bidding.

We know Hillary is dangerous and dirty. Does Trump really want to clean up DC, or does he just want a piece of the action? Who can say?

Trump is just a narcissist that thinks he is better than everyone else and is trolling the country in order to pander to his own ego and build a new brand of Trump... the former POTUS Trump that can charge huge amounts of money for doing an hour long speech. He knows that despite spending a lot of money on his own campaign, he'll easily make ten times that much back in just a few years after leaving office.
The things you are missing here, is that the reason folks pay big money to see Hillary speak, is that she is an internationalist.

The folks paying to see her speak, believe the same things she does, they WANT to see a one world order. They believe she is on a team that will give it to them.

Once she is not viable, she is worthless. Once Bill is no longer viable, he is worthless. Do you think folks pay that kind of money to still see Carter speak? Or do you think they paid that kind of money to see Nixon speak once he left office? Obama will fetch a pretty penny while he is still young though, of that you can be sure.

Sure, Trump may bring in speaking fees, but if he doesn't toe the line, and get on board with Agenda 21, the NWO and the establishment, I'm not sure anyone will pay him a dime. He isn't exactly an intellectual heavy weight that has proven his ideas.

For instance, do you think he'll admit AGW is real? If he doesn't, I'm not sure many organizations are going to pony up to hear him open his trap. Who cares if it is a scam, the establishment needs folks to believe it is real to stay in power and control. Till he understands that, he won't be welcomed in a lot of venues.

Teddy Roosevelt he ain't.
So who the fuck is going to pay Obama millions to hear him talk about what a great President he believes he was?
He'll maybe do the 'Jr. college' circuit.
They'll pony up a free cafeteria dinner for two, beverages not included and fucking bus fare.

Considering his grandparents and his mother were members of the Deep State, Ford foundation, etc., and their outlook is decidedly globalist, and considering how much the media has conditioned the population to view him as a super star and a messiah, there will be plenty of institutions to give him lots of cash to spread the gospel of AGW, SJW, and one world unity and new feudalism, as long as the elites are the ones to lord of the plebes in a most undemocratic way.

Naturally, the little folks will be too dumb to understand the implications of it all. The only thing they will hear are empty platitudes from an aging hipster that seems charismatic and cool.
Lots of hand-wringing and despair. Just saw Joe Biden go off on Anthony Weiner. That's a clue. Another clue is that MSNBC is talking about how Humadein was forced to make hard copy docs, strip the security headers and repost to the Clinton server. I THINK I've figured this out. I'll bet that ---

The FBI is reviewing a series of conversations between the Weiner and his Humadein. With Huma complaining about being forced to mishandle these docs by the Sec State. Probably a lot of details about the process and how unsafe she felt doing this for her arrogant boss.

Probably also explains their marriage break-up and MAYBE even how his tweet fetishes got public in the first place. Perhaps Weiner got involved in the deal and tried to speak sense to the Clinton staff. And MAYBE --- this deal about tweeting his undie bulges to a 15 yr old was to "neutralize" him for intervening.

Makes sense because now top DNC members are dissing him like crazy. Everyone for themselves. If I'm RIGHT -- this could be big. And at a MINIMUM --- Hillary's courtesy clearances and security briefing should be PULLED by Monday...

We could start a pool or something -- but it adds up..

1. I agree this has to do with Weiner and his ex-wife and it will lead to her.

2. Weiner ex-wife will fall on the sword and go to prison for Hillary Clinton before she gives up Hillary..

3. The Democratic Party will try to play this off as a non-issue and that the FBI has gone rogue with this investigation...

My bet Hillary Clinton win the November Election but will be impeached and removed once all the information is out!
If the emails contain classified data and photo crops to remove markings both of them are going down in flames.

Its hard to say what is exactly in the emails, but it had to be very substantial for Comey to reopen the case in this manner.
Lots of hand-wringing and despair. Just saw Joe Biden go off on Anthony Weiner. That's a clue. Another clue is that MSNBC is talking about how Humadein was forced to make hard copy docs, strip the security headers and repost to the Clinton server. I THINK I've figured this out. I'll bet that ---

The FBI is reviewing a series of conversations between the Weiner and his Humadein. With Huma complaining about being forced to mishandle these docs by the Sec State. Probably a lot of details about the process and how unsafe she felt doing this for her arrogant boss.

Probably also explains their marriage break-up and MAYBE even how his tweet fetishes got public in the first place. Perhaps Weiner got involved in the deal and tried to speak sense to the Clinton staff. And MAYBE --- this deal about tweeting his undie bulges to a 15 yr old was to "neutralize" him for intervening.

Makes sense because now top DNC members are dissing him like crazy. Everyone for themselves. If I'm RIGHT -- this could be big. And at a MINIMUM --- Hillary's courtesy clearances and security briefing should be PULLED by Monday...

We could start a pool or something -- but it adds up..

Would they not ultimately scapegoat Huma, though? Seems to me that the establishment won't touch Hillary.

No. Huma is "the handler" for Hillary. Too close to the candidate. If the DNC DID expose Weiner (that's lewd) on the sexting thing to get him to back off from coaching his wife about her illegalities on the Clinton server, is was to protect Humadein. A clue to that is -- Debby Sgt Schultz was one of the 1st people to ask for Weiner's resignation from Congress. Kinda uncharacteristic for Dems who usually circle the wagons.

My neck is WAAAY out on all of this. But there is a DEEP pattern of clues about how Weiner ties into a discovery so IMPORTANT -- the Dir FBI is disrupting an election... So I'm gonna just ease off here -- til the shit hits the fan.
No dude, they are reviewing the new information. That doesn't mean the case is re-opened. It's no different than a regular court case where you do the fact finding before you actually seek the indictment.

Sheesh, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin till you die!

Just because you want her in jail doesn't mean things have to be your way or the highway. I'm not a Democrat and I'd like to see her in jail...but I'm sorry, but the investigation isn't re-opened. They are simply reviewing new information that came to light in an unrelated case. Simple as that. And because he had officially closed the case before, and has now received new information about it, he had to inform Congress. You can try as much as you want, but that isn't going to magically make it what you want it to be when it isn't.

If the investigation isn't re-opened, what do they need an "investigative team" for?

The investigation was SOOO CLOSED, Congress started to berate the FBI for destroying some of the evidence. Those listening to the political spin --- you ain't gonna reach those nutbags.
Lots of hand-wringing and despair. Just saw Joe Biden go off on Anthony Weiner. That's a clue. Another clue is that MSNBC is talking about how Humadein was forced to make hard copy docs, strip the security headers and repost to the Clinton server. I THINK I've figured this out. I'll bet that ---

The FBI is reviewing a series of conversations between the Weiner and his Humadein. With Huma complaining about being forced to mishandle these docs by the Sec State. Probably a lot of details about the process and how unsafe she felt doing this for her arrogant boss.

Probably also explains their marriage break-up and MAYBE even how his tweet fetishes got public in the first place. Perhaps Weiner got involved in the deal and tried to speak sense to the Clinton staff. And MAYBE --- this deal about tweeting his undie bulges to a 15 yr old was to "neutralize" him for intervening.

Makes sense because now top DNC members are dissing him like crazy. Everyone for themselves. If I'm RIGHT -- this could be big. And at a MINIMUM --- Hillary's courtesy clearances and security briefing should be PULLED by Monday...

We could start a pool or something -- but it adds up..
I'll bet the new evidence shows that Hillary knew she was violating security regulations, so the excuse Comey used to avoid prosecuting her is no longer in play.

Or her STAFF knew -- because Weiner was lecturing them about it..
Lots of hand-wringing and despair. Just saw Joe Biden go off on Anthony Weiner. That's a clue. Another clue is that MSNBC is talking about how Humadein was forced to make hard copy docs, strip the security headers and repost to the Clinton server. I THINK I've figured this out. I'll bet that ---

The FBI is reviewing a series of conversations between the Weiner and his Humadein. With Huma complaining about being forced to mishandle these docs by the Sec State. Probably a lot of details about the process and how unsafe she felt doing this for her arrogant boss.

Probably also explains their marriage break-up and MAYBE even how his tweet fetishes got public in the first place. Perhaps Weiner got involved in the deal and tried to speak sense to the Clinton staff. And MAYBE --- this deal about tweeting his undie bulges to a 15 yr old was to "neutralize" him for intervening.

Makes sense because now top DNC members are dissing him like crazy. Everyone for themselves. If I'm RIGHT -- this could be big. And at a MINIMUM --- Hillary's courtesy clearances and security briefing should be PULLED by Monday...

We could start a pool or something -- but it adds up..

1. I agree this has to do with Weiner and his ex-wife and it will lead to her.

2. Weiner ex-wife will fall on the sword and go to prison for Hillary Clinton before she gives up Hillary..

3. The Democratic Party will try to play this off as a non-issue and that the FBI has gone rogue with this investigation...

My bet Hillary Clinton win the November Election but will be impeached and removed once all the information is out!

Most likely, if Huma gets prosecuted, Hillary will be sanctioned. And remember there is about 60 days between the election and the swearing in.. Might be the worst 60 days for America in your lifetime.
The emails don't need to contain classified information to be damaging. Huma could have shared concerns with her husband about the selling of the state department. Those might be secrets. They aren't state secrets.

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