I Bet This is Story behind the Weiner Emails.

Lots of hand-wringing and despair. Just saw Joe Biden go off on Anthony Weiner. That's a clue. Another clue is that MSNBC is talking about how Humadein was forced to make hard copy docs, strip the security headers and repost to the Clinton server. I THINK I've figured this out. I'll bet that ---

The FBI is reviewing a series of conversations between the Weiner and his Humadein. With Huma complaining about being forced to mishandle these docs by the Sec State. Probably a lot of details about the process and how unsafe she felt doing this for her arrogant boss.

Probably also explains their marriage break-up and MAYBE even how his tweet fetishes got public in the first place. Perhaps Weiner got involved in the deal and tried to speak sense to the Clinton staff. And MAYBE --- this deal about tweeting his undie bulges to a 15 yr old was to "neutralize" him for intervening.

Makes sense because now top DNC members are dissing him like crazy. Everyone for themselves. If I'm RIGHT -- this could be big. And at a MINIMUM --- Hillary's courtesy clearances and security briefing should be PULLED by Monday...

We could start a pool or something -- but it adds up..

1. I agree this has to do with Weiner and his ex-wife and it will lead to her.

2. Weiner ex-wife will fall on the sword and go to prison for Hillary Clinton before she gives up Hillary..

3. The Democratic Party will try to play this off as a non-issue and that the FBI has gone rogue with this investigation...

My bet Hillary Clinton win the November Election but will be impeached and removed once all the information is out!

Most likely, if Huma gets prosecuted, Hillary will be sanctioned. And remember there is about 60 days between the election and the swearing in.. Might be the worst 60 days for America in your lifetime.

Not for me... I have no dog in this fight and am just tire of the nonsense... I am about to root for Assange and Snowden to tear this damn world of illusion down!
Nope. .FBI already had Huma's laptop and Weiners little e-toys. No outside source required.

The emails came "from the laptop?"

We can't confirm that. Could be that she deleted on hers, but they found the convos on Weiner's when they went back and looked.

And yet, nothing actually sent by Hillary. Why didn't they see these before? Why now? Why reopen the investigation 11 days before the election?

Obviously, the FBI is receiving serious pressure from some entity to do this, especially when it means an indirect admission that they didn't do a thorough enough job the first time.

It's because the FBI NEEDED to come clean before Wikileaks dumps information that is SIMILAR. Would look like a cover-up if any of the Wikileaks emails point in that direction -- To Abedein and Weiner. And then it's found that FBI had this information all along. Didn't EXPECT that angle would be in play. And now their INTEGRITY is in question if they don't get it out first.

I see what you're saying, but I don't think the feds gives a rats ass about wikileaks and have never authenticated anything they've ever released anyway. Playing cat and mouse games with wikileaks is literally the last way they'd run their program. It's akin to negotiating with terrorists -- they're just not going to operate that way. Wikileaks is capable of releasing bullshit in order to manipulate the US government, if that was their agenda -- and it does seem to be their agenda, especially Assange's with his personal axe to grind with Clinton.

Except that nothing Wikileaks has released has been determined OR EVEN ACCUSED of "being bullshit". Sticking my neck out again -- Comey was probably nervous about the FBI losing reputation over anything that Assange was PREPARING to release. Might have KNOWN or had some underling mention to him conversations between Huma and her husband and just "dissallowed" that from the primary Hillary server investigation.

And what I KNOW is -- other agencies (like MrBeale has said) were TOTALLY aware of this unapproved communications that Hillary had set up. In fact, I'd be AMAZED if NSA wasn't extensively tracking all the Clinton team electronic gear when they went of country on State Biz. That's THEIR JOB. And POSSIBLY Comey went to these other agencies to SEE what might possibly come out of the next big Wiki dump. It's not USUAL for this happen - but in situations like these -- where there is a HUGE and IMMEDIATE threat to the stability of political leadership of this country -- some of those agency boundaries might be blurred and ignored.
The emails don't need to contain classified information to be damaging. Huma could have shared concerns with her husband about the selling of the state department. Those might be secrets. They aren't state secrets.

That would be a separate investigation. Comey wouldn't have tied that to the previous investigation.
The emails don't need to contain classified information to be damaging. Huma could have shared concerns with her husband about the selling of the state department. Those might be secrets. They aren't state secrets.

That would be a separate investigation. Comey wouldn't have tied that to the previous investigation.
Don't count on it. It would just be a separate count.
The emails came "from the laptop?"

We can't confirm that. Could be that she deleted on hers, but they found the convos on Weiner's when they went back and looked.

And yet, nothing actually sent by Hillary. Why didn't they see these before? Why now? Why reopen the investigation 11 days before the election?

Obviously, the FBI is receiving serious pressure from some entity to do this, especially when it means an indirect admission that they didn't do a thorough enough job the first time.

It's because the FBI NEEDED to come clean before Wikileaks dumps information that is SIMILAR. Would look like a cover-up if any of the Wikileaks emails point in that direction -- To Abedein and Weiner. And then it's found that FBI had this information all along. Didn't EXPECT that angle would be in play. And now their INTEGRITY is in question if they don't get it out first.

I see what you're saying, but I don't think the feds gives a rats ass about wikileaks and have never authenticated anything they've ever released anyway. Playing cat and mouse games with wikileaks is literally the last way they'd run their program. It's akin to negotiating with terrorists -- they're just not going to operate that way. Wikileaks is capable of releasing bullshit in order to manipulate the US government, if that was their agenda -- and it does seem to be their agenda, especially Assange's with his personal axe to grind with Clinton.

Except that nothing Wikileaks has released has been determined OR EVEN ACCUSED of "being bullshit". Sticking my neck out again -- Comey was probably nervous about the FBI losing reputation over anything that Assange was PREPARING to release. Might have KNOWN or had some underling mention to him conversations between Huma and her husband and just "dissallowed" that from the primary Hillary server investigation.

And what I KNOW is -- other agencies (like MrBeale has said) were TOTALLY aware of this unapproved communications that Hillary had set up. In fact, I'd be AMAZED if NSA wasn't extensively tracking all the Clinton team electronic gear when they went of country on State Biz. That's THEIR JOB. And POSSIBLY Comey went to these other agencies to SEE what might possibly come out of the next big Wiki dump. It's not USUAL for this happen - but in situations like these -- where there is a HUGE and IMMEDIATE threat to the stability of political leadership of this country -- some of those agency boundaries might be blurred and ignored.

The fact that he circumvented protocol and decided to release this letter anyway -- putting his own job at risk, is another line of proof pointing towards pressure from an outside entity. Was Comey ready to retire? Because he's going to be retiring VERY SOON.



Hillary Clinton's Emails: The Real Reason the FBI Is Reviewing More of Them

Not neccessary for there to be direct commun. with Hillary. Conversations btwn a SITTING CONGRESSMAN, and his wife DETAILING the criminality of how and why the server existed is enough to show KNOWLEDGE and FORETHOUGHT and INTENT. And if you remember -- Comey balked on prosecution with an excuse of "lack of intent".. Your quotes are all spin that you WANT TO HEAR. You're not thinking about what's actually happened here.
We can't confirm that. Could be that she deleted on hers, but they found the convos on Weiner's when they went back and looked.

And yet, nothing actually sent by Hillary. Why didn't they see these before? Why now? Why reopen the investigation 11 days before the election?

Obviously, the FBI is receiving serious pressure from some entity to do this, especially when it means an indirect admission that they didn't do a thorough enough job the first time.

It's because the FBI NEEDED to come clean before Wikileaks dumps information that is SIMILAR. Would look like a cover-up if any of the Wikileaks emails point in that direction -- To Abedein and Weiner. And then it's found that FBI had this information all along. Didn't EXPECT that angle would be in play. And now their INTEGRITY is in question if they don't get it out first.

I see what you're saying, but I don't think the feds gives a rats ass about wikileaks and have never authenticated anything they've ever released anyway. Playing cat and mouse games with wikileaks is literally the last way they'd run their program. It's akin to negotiating with terrorists -- they're just not going to operate that way. Wikileaks is capable of releasing bullshit in order to manipulate the US government, if that was their agenda -- and it does seem to be their agenda, especially Assange's with his personal axe to grind with Clinton.

Except that nothing Wikileaks has released has been determined OR EVEN ACCUSED of "being bullshit". Sticking my neck out again -- Comey was probably nervous about the FBI losing reputation over anything that Assange was PREPARING to release. Might have KNOWN or had some underling mention to him conversations between Huma and her husband and just "dissallowed" that from the primary Hillary server investigation.

And what I KNOW is -- other agencies (like MrBeale has said) were TOTALLY aware of this unapproved communications that Hillary had set up. In fact, I'd be AMAZED if NSA wasn't extensively tracking all the Clinton team electronic gear when they went of country on State Biz. That's THEIR JOB. And POSSIBLY Comey went to these other agencies to SEE what might possibly come out of the next big Wiki dump. It's not USUAL for this happen - but in situations like these -- where there is a HUGE and IMMEDIATE threat to the stability of political leadership of this country -- some of those agency boundaries might be blurred and ignored.

The fact that he circumvented protocol and decided to release this letter anyway -- putting his own job at risk, is another line of proof pointing towards pressure from an outside entity. Was Comey ready to retire? Because he's going to be retiring VERY SOON.

At this point, some of the folks in the middle of all this are seeing a very REAL "national leadership crisis". Or at least a potential one. So careers and pressure shouldn't matter if Comey and what other agencies involved (including parts of Congress) are acting in the interest of national security.

I've been yelling "leadership crisis" for this entire election from my little Libertarian party soapbox.. And here we are. Time for America to sober up and realize how serious this can get...
And yet, nothing actually sent by Hillary. Why didn't they see these before? Why now? Why reopen the investigation 11 days before the election?

Obviously, the FBI is receiving serious pressure from some entity to do this, especially when it means an indirect admission that they didn't do a thorough enough job the first time.

It's because the FBI NEEDED to come clean before Wikileaks dumps information that is SIMILAR. Would look like a cover-up if any of the Wikileaks emails point in that direction -- To Abedein and Weiner. And then it's found that FBI had this information all along. Didn't EXPECT that angle would be in play. And now their INTEGRITY is in question if they don't get it out first.

I see what you're saying, but I don't think the feds gives a rats ass about wikileaks and have never authenticated anything they've ever released anyway. Playing cat and mouse games with wikileaks is literally the last way they'd run their program. It's akin to negotiating with terrorists -- they're just not going to operate that way. Wikileaks is capable of releasing bullshit in order to manipulate the US government, if that was their agenda -- and it does seem to be their agenda, especially Assange's with his personal axe to grind with Clinton.

Except that nothing Wikileaks has released has been determined OR EVEN ACCUSED of "being bullshit". Sticking my neck out again -- Comey was probably nervous about the FBI losing reputation over anything that Assange was PREPARING to release. Might have KNOWN or had some underling mention to him conversations between Huma and her husband and just "dissallowed" that from the primary Hillary server investigation.

And what I KNOW is -- other agencies (like MrBeale has said) were TOTALLY aware of this unapproved communications that Hillary had set up. In fact, I'd be AMAZED if NSA wasn't extensively tracking all the Clinton team electronic gear when they went of country on State Biz. That's THEIR JOB. And POSSIBLY Comey went to these other agencies to SEE what might possibly come out of the next big Wiki dump. It's not USUAL for this happen - but in situations like these -- where there is a HUGE and IMMEDIATE threat to the stability of political leadership of this country -- some of those agency boundaries might be blurred and ignored.

The fact that he circumvented protocol and decided to release this letter anyway -- putting his own job at risk, is another line of proof pointing towards pressure from an outside entity. Was Comey ready to retire? Because he's going to be retiring VERY SOON.

At this point, some of the folks in the middle of all this are seeing a very REAL "national leadership crisis". Or at least a potential one. So careers and pressure shouldn't matter if Comey and what other agencies involved (including parts of Congress) are acting in the interest of national security.

I've been yelling "leadership crisis" for this entire election from my little Libertarian party soapbox.. And here we are. Time for America to sober up and realize how serious this can get...

Agreed there. What the US government is realizing is that we're in a new age of transparency, and they still think they can function within secrecy behind hidden doors. My own personal feelings are that the internet is something of a destructive (or disruptive) force, slowly unraveling all of the 'old ways of doing things' and shining a spotlight on everything -- including our government. They don't now how to deal with it, and they're spiraling out of control. But that's kind of a different topic.
What are you guys going to do when this turns out to more ado about nothing?

According to sources in the FBI, these "new" emails are not actually connected to Hillary at all.
Ah yes. The famous "Sources".
Hillary sent Huma a number of Highly Classified documents for Huma to turn into hard copies. With instructions to remove the 'C' headers. 'Weiner-Pig' peaked at these documents and made 'insurance copies' basically to be able to blackmail Huma and Hillary so he wouldn't end up in 'Pedo-Prison'.
The FBI seized four devices all containing these email chains and had no choice be to go public.

I think he was trying to keep his wife out of an orange jumpsuit. Remember. They had JUST gotten married. He was a POWERFUL US congress person and probably had the ethics and sense to know just how wrong all this was. As I said before -- didn't take the DNC more than a couple days to throw him out after the sexting thing broke as news. And POSSIBLY -- all that became a news story -- to keep him from injecting himself into Hillary's design of a parallel unapproved communications system.. Long stretch here -- but maybe the 15 yr old didn't turn him in.
you people are going to be babbling about this womans emails for the next 8 years aren't you?

As Rumsfeld put it. The known knowns and the known unknowns. As long as the focus on the ability to generate questions based on what they don't know...which can be in done until the end of time. They'll keep throwing shit against the wall and then make fuss over other stuff in the emails like "OMG they did research", "Omg they don't like catholics" etc etc.

It's the same they did with Bill.

There's not a "not funny" award -- but if there WAS one -- this earns it. You're complete denial about this crisis is not amusing..
Well go ahead genius, tell us what's incriminating in the Huma emails.
I don't know what they found, wasn't aware they released that info
who said anything about Humas emails... I didn't

Hey, if this should end up.... much ado about nothing
I don't have a problem with eating crow,
and acknowledging that I was totally wrong,
watch too many criminally based TV shows,
and get caught up and run off, on the boards.

Don't worry.. I shouldn't be speculating either. But my point in doing so is to wake folks the fuck up and get them to see how serious this all is. When someone like Comey makes this a campaign stopping issue 10 days before an election -- it's a genuine crisis.
And yet, nothing actually sent by Hillary. Why didn't they see these before? Why now? Why reopen the investigation 11 days before the election?

Obviously, the FBI is receiving serious pressure from some entity to do this, especially when it means an indirect admission that they didn't do a thorough enough job the first time.

It's because the FBI NEEDED to come clean before Wikileaks dumps information that is SIMILAR. Would look like a cover-up if any of the Wikileaks emails point in that direction -- To Abedein and Weiner. And then it's found that FBI had this information all along. Didn't EXPECT that angle would be in play. And now their INTEGRITY is in question if they don't get it out first.

I see what you're saying, but I don't think the feds gives a rats ass about wikileaks and have never authenticated anything they've ever released anyway. Playing cat and mouse games with wikileaks is literally the last way they'd run their program. It's akin to negotiating with terrorists -- they're just not going to operate that way. Wikileaks is capable of releasing bullshit in order to manipulate the US government, if that was their agenda -- and it does seem to be their agenda, especially Assange's with his personal axe to grind with Clinton.

Except that nothing Wikileaks has released has been determined OR EVEN ACCUSED of "being bullshit". Sticking my neck out again -- Comey was probably nervous about the FBI losing reputation over anything that Assange was PREPARING to release. Might have KNOWN or had some underling mention to him conversations between Huma and her husband and just "dissallowed" that from the primary Hillary server investigation.

And what I KNOW is -- other agencies (like MrBeale has said) were TOTALLY aware of this unapproved communications that Hillary had set up. In fact, I'd be AMAZED if NSA wasn't extensively tracking all the Clinton team electronic gear when they went of country on State Biz. That's THEIR JOB. And POSSIBLY Comey went to these other agencies to SEE what might possibly come out of the next big Wiki dump. It's not USUAL for this happen - but in situations like these -- where there is a HUGE and IMMEDIATE threat to the stability of political leadership of this country -- some of those agency boundaries might be blurred and ignored.

The fact that he circumvented protocol and decided to release this letter anyway -- putting his own job at risk, is another line of proof pointing towards pressure from an outside entity. Was Comey ready to retire? Because he's going to be retiring VERY SOON.

At this point, some of the folks in the middle of all this are seeing a very REAL "national leadership crisis". Or at least a potential one. So careers and pressure shouldn't matter if Comey and what other agencies involved (including parts of Congress) are acting in the interest of national security.

I've been yelling "leadership crisis" for this entire election from my little Libertarian party soapbox.. And here we are. Time for America to sober up and realize how serious this can get...

Americans will not sober up...

If they had a lick of sense they would vote Johnson or Stein in and end this cycle of tabloid candidates!
It's because the FBI NEEDED to come clean before Wikileaks dumps information that is SIMILAR. Would look like a cover-up if any of the Wikileaks emails point in that direction -- To Abedein and Weiner. And then it's found that FBI had this information all along. Didn't EXPECT that angle would be in play. And now their INTEGRITY is in question if they don't get it out first.

I see what you're saying, but I don't think the feds gives a rats ass about wikileaks and have never authenticated anything they've ever released anyway. Playing cat and mouse games with wikileaks is literally the last way they'd run their program. It's akin to negotiating with terrorists -- they're just not going to operate that way. Wikileaks is capable of releasing bullshit in order to manipulate the US government, if that was their agenda -- and it does seem to be their agenda, especially Assange's with his personal axe to grind with Clinton.

Except that nothing Wikileaks has released has been determined OR EVEN ACCUSED of "being bullshit". Sticking my neck out again -- Comey was probably nervous about the FBI losing reputation over anything that Assange was PREPARING to release. Might have KNOWN or had some underling mention to him conversations between Huma and her husband and just "dissallowed" that from the primary Hillary server investigation.

And what I KNOW is -- other agencies (like MrBeale has said) were TOTALLY aware of this unapproved communications that Hillary had set up. In fact, I'd be AMAZED if NSA wasn't extensively tracking all the Clinton team electronic gear when they went of country on State Biz. That's THEIR JOB. And POSSIBLY Comey went to these other agencies to SEE what might possibly come out of the next big Wiki dump. It's not USUAL for this happen - but in situations like these -- where there is a HUGE and IMMEDIATE threat to the stability of political leadership of this country -- some of those agency boundaries might be blurred and ignored.

The fact that he circumvented protocol and decided to release this letter anyway -- putting his own job at risk, is another line of proof pointing towards pressure from an outside entity. Was Comey ready to retire? Because he's going to be retiring VERY SOON.

At this point, some of the folks in the middle of all this are seeing a very REAL "national leadership crisis". Or at least a potential one. So careers and pressure shouldn't matter if Comey and what other agencies involved (including parts of Congress) are acting in the interest of national security.

I've been yelling "leadership crisis" for this entire election from my little Libertarian party soapbox.. And here we are. Time for America to sober up and realize how serious this can get...

Agreed there. What the US government is realizing is that we're in a new age of transparency, and they still think they can function within secrecy behind hidden doors. My own personal feelings are that the internet is something of a destructive (or disruptive) force, slowly unraveling all of the 'old ways of doing things' and shining a spotlight on everything -- including our government. They don't now how to deal with it, and they're spiraling out of control. But that's kind of a different topic.

You are SO right. It's old politics and govt in 20th century mode of operation trying to cope with the 21st century. This is a theme with the Pirate Party in Iceland. Where the "youngins" are trying to get govt AHEAD of technology and the new OPEN press and information market. And it needs to be addressed.

Two stogey seniors, one that thinks you "wipe servers with a cloth" aint got a CLUE how to run a govt in this new age of democratized information..
It's because the FBI NEEDED to come clean before Wikileaks dumps information that is SIMILAR. Would look like a cover-up if any of the Wikileaks emails point in that direction -- To Abedein and Weiner. And then it's found that FBI had this information all along. Didn't EXPECT that angle would be in play. And now their INTEGRITY is in question if they don't get it out first.

I see what you're saying, but I don't think the feds gives a rats ass about wikileaks and have never authenticated anything they've ever released anyway. Playing cat and mouse games with wikileaks is literally the last way they'd run their program. It's akin to negotiating with terrorists -- they're just not going to operate that way. Wikileaks is capable of releasing bullshit in order to manipulate the US government, if that was their agenda -- and it does seem to be their agenda, especially Assange's with his personal axe to grind with Clinton.

Except that nothing Wikileaks has released has been determined OR EVEN ACCUSED of "being bullshit". Sticking my neck out again -- Comey was probably nervous about the FBI losing reputation over anything that Assange was PREPARING to release. Might have KNOWN or had some underling mention to him conversations between Huma and her husband and just "dissallowed" that from the primary Hillary server investigation.

And what I KNOW is -- other agencies (like MrBeale has said) were TOTALLY aware of this unapproved communications that Hillary had set up. In fact, I'd be AMAZED if NSA wasn't extensively tracking all the Clinton team electronic gear when they went of country on State Biz. That's THEIR JOB. And POSSIBLY Comey went to these other agencies to SEE what might possibly come out of the next big Wiki dump. It's not USUAL for this happen - but in situations like these -- where there is a HUGE and IMMEDIATE threat to the stability of political leadership of this country -- some of those agency boundaries might be blurred and ignored.

The fact that he circumvented protocol and decided to release this letter anyway -- putting his own job at risk, is another line of proof pointing towards pressure from an outside entity. Was Comey ready to retire? Because he's going to be retiring VERY SOON.

At this point, some of the folks in the middle of all this are seeing a very REAL "national leadership crisis". Or at least a potential one. So careers and pressure shouldn't matter if Comey and what other agencies involved (including parts of Congress) are acting in the interest of national security.

I've been yelling "leadership crisis" for this entire election from my little Libertarian party soapbox.. And here we are. Time for America to sober up and realize how serious this can get...

Americans will not sober up...

If they had a lick of sense they would vote Johnson or Stein in and end this cycle of tabloid candidates!

A 3rd party intervention mgt team like Johnson/Weld right now would put folks in places of power at the agencies who are there to SERVE. Not to run interference when their team gets blitzed. (I'm jonesing on missing my college games for this crap)..
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I see what you're saying, but I don't think the feds gives a rats ass about wikileaks and have never authenticated anything they've ever released anyway. Playing cat and mouse games with wikileaks is literally the last way they'd run their program. It's akin to negotiating with terrorists -- they're just not going to operate that way. Wikileaks is capable of releasing bullshit in order to manipulate the US government, if that was their agenda -- and it does seem to be their agenda, especially Assange's with his personal axe to grind with Clinton.

Except that nothing Wikileaks has released has been determined OR EVEN ACCUSED of "being bullshit". Sticking my neck out again -- Comey was probably nervous about the FBI losing reputation over anything that Assange was PREPARING to release. Might have KNOWN or had some underling mention to him conversations between Huma and her husband and just "dissallowed" that from the primary Hillary server investigation.

And what I KNOW is -- other agencies (like MrBeale has said) were TOTALLY aware of this unapproved communications that Hillary had set up. In fact, I'd be AMAZED if NSA wasn't extensively tracking all the Clinton team electronic gear when they went of country on State Biz. That's THEIR JOB. And POSSIBLY Comey went to these other agencies to SEE what might possibly come out of the next big Wiki dump. It's not USUAL for this happen - but in situations like these -- where there is a HUGE and IMMEDIATE threat to the stability of political leadership of this country -- some of those agency boundaries might be blurred and ignored.

The fact that he circumvented protocol and decided to release this letter anyway -- putting his own job at risk, is another line of proof pointing towards pressure from an outside entity. Was Comey ready to retire? Because he's going to be retiring VERY SOON.

At this point, some of the folks in the middle of all this are seeing a very REAL "national leadership crisis". Or at least a potential one. So careers and pressure shouldn't matter if Comey and what other agencies involved (including parts of Congress) are acting in the interest of national security.

I've been yelling "leadership crisis" for this entire election from my little Libertarian party soapbox.. And here we are. Time for America to sober up and realize how serious this can get...

Americans will not sober up...

If they had a lick of sense they would vote Johnson or Stein in and end this cycle of tabloid candidates!

An intervention mgt team right now would put folks in places of power at the agencies who are there to SERVE. Not to run interference when their team gets blitzed. (I'm jonesing on missing my college games for this crap)..

The American people get the government they vote for. The have the resources at their fingertips and instead rely on MSM to feeding them what they should believe.

The American public ( Not you nor I ) believe the choice is either Democratic or Republican and how the mindset should be is educate yourself ( again not you ) and pick the best candidate and not the Corporate Choice...

Too many people are using tabloid nonsense as defense and not finally asking questions!
lol, what happened to wanting to wait until all the facts were out, you know,

like the Trumpbots have blathered about every time a Trump scandal hit.
lol, what happened to wanting to wait until all the facts were out, you know,

like the Trumpbots have blathered about every time a Trump scandal hit.

So you put no value in the extraordinary timing of Comey literally bringing this election to it's knees? Just another Trumbot scandal? You're in the lead ranks of the deniers here. There is a MAJOR national crisis of leadership right now -- or Comey would NOT have done this.

Excuse the rest of us while we try to figure out what triggered this emergency..
Here it comes..

A leak in the FBI investigation has indicated that there are several bombshells. Wikileaks also confirms some of them. Agents working on the Weiner case stumbled on classified information and troubling emails with known terror organizations, bringing it to Comey's attention.

The first is the fact that the Clinton sever had been hacked multiple times and that everything on the server was compromised. this was so bad that communications to encrypted devices were severed in order to stop the data flow.

A newly released email from 2011 from Hillary aide Huma Abedin reportedly said that her BlackBerry wasn’t working. In response, Justin Cooper — the IT guy who set up Hillary’s private email server — said, “We were attacked again.”

Second is the presence of classified documents that were in various stages of alteration and copies of sent emails/attachments with the classification markings stripped in messages to and from Hillary Clinton (this is in direct conflict with what has been reported by many news agencies)

Third is the presence of communications to known terror groups but what was discussed was not disclosed.

If these allegations are true it goes all the way up to Obama and this is why the whole administration is now in defense and damage control mode.

This is a nuclear strike and there will be nothing left after it burns.. I hope Wikileaks releases all the emails this week.... we need confirmation.....
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lol, what happened to wanting to wait until all the facts were out, you know,

like the Trumpbots have blathered about every time a Trump scandal hit.

So you put no value in the extraordinary timing of Comey literally bringing this election to it's knees? Just another Trumbot scandal? You're in the lead ranks of the deniers here. There is a MAJOR national crisis of leadership right now -- or Comey would NOT have done this.

Excuse the rest of us while we try to figure out what triggered this emergency..

well, now, it's not your fault, you didn't create the wave of mass hysteria. hillary did that when she called everyone deplorables, where she basically conceded in that moment because it proved the days of the political correctness finished. but the government of, by, and for the propaganda can't handle that. there's tea-bagging, and then there's tea-bagging, and then there's tea-bagging where all the presstitutes themselves are steeped in it echo chamber style.

in that, weiner is like to be the lightning rod in a media storm, or maybe a dipstick in a media engine, whatever metaphor works, whatever is tasteful discussion, right? i mean, c'mon, sexting? again? with a kid? the sublime common denominator in that among all the people in the news media, or whenever the propaganda is directed at the people in the news media first and then to the general public, the sexting is the ideal representing the emotional appeals in the propaganda.

for example: just look at this poor, broken syria refugee child in the photograph, what's wrong with you if you don't shed a tear. gibmedat tear, i own that tear, i'm the thirsty gaslighting news network, gimme that tear so i can get my ''sexting'' fix, otherwise you're a racist and i'll tell everyone in america to hate you and you'll be hashtagged to death.
lol, what happened to wanting to wait until all the facts were out, you know,

like the Trumpbots have blathered about every time a Trump scandal hit.

So you put no value in the extraordinary timing of Comey literally bringing this election to it's knees? Just another Trumbot scandal? You're in the lead ranks of the deniers here. There is a MAJOR national crisis of leadership right now -- or Comey would NOT have done this.

Excuse the rest of us while we try to figure out what triggered this emergency..

well, now, it's not your fault, you didn't create the wave of mass hysteria. hillary did that when she called everyone deplorables, where she basically conceded in that moment because it proved the days of the political correctness finished. but the government of, by, and for the propaganda can't handle that. there's tea-bagging, and then there's tea-bagging, and then there's tea-bagging where all the presstitutes themselves are steeped in it echo chamber style.

in that, weiner is like to be the lightning rod in a media storm, or maybe a dipstick in a media engine, whatever metaphor works, whatever is tasteful discussion, right? i mean, c'mon, sexting? again? with a kid? the sublime common denominator in that among all the people in the news media, or whenever the propaganda is directed at the people in the news media first and then to the general public, the sexting is the ideal representing the emotional appeals in the propaganda.

for example: just look at this poor, broken syria refugee child in the photograph, what's wrong with you if you don't shed a tear. gibmedat tear, i own that tear, i'm the thirsty gaslighting news network, gimme that tear so i can get my ''sexting'' fix, otherwise you're a racist and i'll tell everyone in america to hate you and you'll be hashtagged to death.

All that "noise" and arrogance and lust for power is irritating the hell of out of Americans that love their country and want this circus out of our towns. America NEEDS an intervention right now. They need leadership with humility and a willingness to serve. And the BALLS to stand between the warring "name brand" parties and point to the dysfunction and disarray of American leadership in the world. THIS IS a crisis. And it's not funny or entertaining anymore. The media needs to grow the fuck up and WORK for a living. And raise the discussion above the tabloid level. Time to end the 2 party death match.. It's bringing us all down with it..

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