I Bet This is Story behind the Weiner Emails.

lol, what happened to wanting to wait until all the facts were out, you know,

like the Trumpbots have blathered about every time a Trump scandal hit.

So you put no value in the extraordinary timing of Comey literally bringing this election to it's knees? Just another Trumbot scandal? You're in the lead ranks of the deniers here. There is a MAJOR national crisis of leadership right now -- or Comey would NOT have done this.

Excuse the rest of us while we try to figure out what triggered this emergency..

well, now, it's not your fault, you didn't create the wave of mass hysteria. hillary did that when she called everyone deplorables, where she basically conceded in that moment because it proved the days of the political correctness finished. but the government of, by, and for the propaganda can't handle that. there's tea-bagging, and then there's tea-bagging, and then there's tea-bagging where all the presstitutes themselves are steeped in it echo chamber style.

in that, weiner is like to be the lightning rod in a media storm, or maybe a dipstick in a media engine, whatever metaphor works, whatever is tasteful discussion, right? i mean, c'mon, sexting? again? with a kid? the sublime common denominator in that among all the people in the news media, or whenever the propaganda is directed at the people in the news media first and then to the general public, the sexting is the ideal representing the emotional appeals in the propaganda.

for example: just look at this poor, broken syria refugee child in the photograph, what's wrong with you if you don't shed a tear. gibmedat tear, i own that tear, i'm the thirsty gaslighting news network, gimme that tear so i can get my ''sexting'' fix, otherwise you're a racist and i'll tell everyone in america to hate you and you'll be hashtagged to death.

All that "noise" and arrogance and lust for power is irritating the hell of out of Americans that love their country and want this circus out of our towns. America NEEDS an intervention right now. They need leadership with humility and a willingness to serve. And the BALLS to stand between the warring "name brand" parties and point to the dysfunction and disarray of American leadership in the world. THIS IS a crisis. And it's not funny or entertaining anymore. The media needs to grow the fuck up and WORK for a living. And raise the discussion above the tabloid level. Time to end the 2 party death match.. It's bringing us all down with it..
nah it's fine
Hey, flacaltenn!

Lol...gotta share

I enjoy reading your posts...
actually, any posts from the sensible side of USMB
I find them either, thought provoking or on the same wavelength.

But, this....this was a first!
He was a POWERFUL US congress person and probably had the ethics and sense to know just how wrong all this was. As I said before -- didn't take the DNC more than a couple days to throw him out after the sexting thing broke
... not only, did it make me laugh but, it caused me concern!

I'm thinking... Omg, poor baby...
he's suffering from 'extreme madness overload'
He's actually not making sense.

Come on now,
if Weiner, actually was, a powerful congressman,
he'd still be in office and we'd be none the wiser...
his misdeeds would have been covered up or downplayed!
eventually, it would have come out...always does.

Not a doubt in my mind that he has plenty of sense.
He knew what he was doing was inappropriate.

Moral principles...ethics,
We are talking about a former congressman

Snap out of it and pull it together :slap:

Hey, flacaltenn!

Lol...gotta share

I enjoy reading your posts...
actually, any posts from the sensible side of USMB
I find them either, thought provoking or on the same wavelength.

But, this....this was a first!
He was a POWERFUL US congress person and probably had the ethics and sense to know just how wrong all this was. As I said before -- didn't take the DNC more than a couple days to throw him out after the sexting thing broke
... not only, did it make me laugh but, it caused me concern!

I'm thinking... Omg, poor baby...
he's suffering from 'extreme madness overload'
He's actually not making sense.

Come on now,
if Weiner, actually was, a powerful congressman,
he'd still be in office and we'd be none the wiser...
his misdeeds would have been covered up or downplayed!
eventually, it would have come out...always does.

Not a doubt in my mind that he has plenty of sense.
He knew what he was doing was inappropriate.

Moral principles...ethics,
We are talking about a former congressman

Snap out of it and pull it together :slap:


The prose you might write tho -- indeed turns darker if you consider the possibility that he was WHACKED by the Dems for interferring. After all -- the "source" of that bulge pix and the story comes from ANONYMOUS sources to this day. And a LOT of the weiner "aftermath" about producing women with Gloria Allred kinda STINKS of a modus operandi of a certain family that is a political dynasty -- doesn't it? Joe Biden dissing him now? Sgt Debra Schultz of the DNC being one of FIRST to call for his resignation? C'mon. The guy was Clintoned.. :badgrin:
Lots of hand-wringing and despair. Just saw Joe Biden go off on Anthony Weiner. That's a clue. Another clue is that MSNBC is talking about how Humadein was forced to make hard copy docs, strip the security headers and repost to the Clinton server. I THINK I've figured this out. I'll bet that ---

The FBI is reviewing a series of conversations between the Weiner and his Humadein. With Huma complaining about being forced to mishandle these docs by the Sec State. Probably a lot of details about the process and how unsafe she felt doing this for her arrogant boss.

Probably also explains their marriage break-up and MAYBE even how his tweet fetishes got public in the first place. Perhaps Weiner got involved in the deal and tried to speak sense to the Clinton staff. And MAYBE --- this deal about tweeting his undie bulges to a 15 yr old was to "neutralize" him for intervening.

Makes sense because now top DNC members are dissing him like crazy. Everyone for themselves. If I'm RIGHT -- this could be big. And at a MINIMUM --- Hillary's courtesy clearances and security briefing should be PULLED by Monday...

We could start a pool or something -- but it adds up..
MSNBC is talking about how Humadein was forced to make hard copy docs, strip the security headers and repost to the Clinton server.
I remember hearing about this back when the investigation had gotten started. If it were true, wouldn't the CIA and NSA and whoever else was sending classified information have caught that when each and every email was painstakingly sent to them to see if it was classified at the time?
Lots of hand-wringing and despair. Just saw Joe Biden go off on Anthony Weiner. That's a clue. Another clue is that MSNBC is talking about how Humadein was forced to make hard copy docs, strip the security headers and repost to the Clinton server. I THINK I've figured this out. I'll bet that ---

The FBI is reviewing a series of conversations between the Weiner and his Humadein. With Huma complaining about being forced to mishandle these docs by the Sec State. Probably a lot of details about the process and how unsafe she felt doing this for her arrogant boss.

Probably also explains their marriage break-up and MAYBE even how his tweet fetishes got public in the first place. Perhaps Weiner got involved in the deal and tried to speak sense to the Clinton staff. And MAYBE --- this deal about tweeting his undie bulges to a 15 yr old was to "neutralize" him for intervening.

Makes sense because now top DNC members are dissing him like crazy. Everyone for themselves. If I'm RIGHT -- this could be big. And at a MINIMUM --- Hillary's courtesy clearances and security briefing should be PULLED by Monday...

We could start a pool or something -- but it adds up..
MSNBC is talking about how Humadein was forced to make hard copy docs, strip the security headers and repost to the Clinton server.
I remember hearing about this back when the investigation had gotten started. If it were true, wouldn't the CIA and NSA and whoever else was sending classified information have caught that when each and every email was painstakingly sent to them to see if it was classified at the time?

NSA is not law enforcement. But I'm quite certain that there is a group of analysts there that have been giggling about this crazy scam for years. Because everytime the Clinton crew went overseas, they "HACKED" all of those devices and unprotected communications. That's their job. Like when Humadein left those classified docs in the back seat of car overseas accidentally. They HAVE the general picture of what went on. And perhaps Comey went to them to understand what ELSE was gonna WikiLeak out before the election.

As for your specific example, I'll wager that the Huma quote about taking home classified docs was to make paper copies for her tech challenged senior citizen. Because Hillary didn't want to wade thru PAGES of classified docs on her blackberry. Probably did NOT go over the server if the documents were long. Just excerpts. And the docs would be on the desk in her SECURE State office when she got back.

Sad when the top State Dept staff doesn't use or don't have the kind of resources that I do in my home office.
Can't IMAGINE what the deal was with that. Or why the BOSS of the Dept State didn't "fix it"...

Please explain that part TO ME !!!! :cool:
Lots of hand-wringing and despair. Just saw Joe Biden go off on Anthony Weiner. That's a clue. Another clue is that MSNBC is talking about how Humadein was forced to make hard copy docs, strip the security headers and repost to the Clinton server. I THINK I've figured this out. I'll bet that ---

The FBI is reviewing a series of conversations between the Weiner and his Humadein. With Huma complaining about being forced to mishandle these docs by the Sec State. Probably a lot of details about the process and how unsafe she felt doing this for her arrogant boss.

Probably also explains their marriage break-up and MAYBE even how his tweet fetishes got public in the first place. Perhaps Weiner got involved in the deal and tried to speak sense to the Clinton staff. And MAYBE --- this deal about tweeting his undie bulges to a 15 yr old was to "neutralize" him for intervening.

Makes sense because now top DNC members are dissing him like crazy. Everyone for themselves. If I'm RIGHT -- this could be big. And at a MINIMUM --- Hillary's courtesy clearances and security briefing should be PULLED by Monday...

We could start a pool or something -- but it adds up..
MSNBC is talking about how Humadein was forced to make hard copy docs, strip the security headers and repost to the Clinton server.
I remember hearing about this back when the investigation had gotten started. If it were true, wouldn't the CIA and NSA and whoever else was sending classified information have caught that when each and every email was painstakingly sent to them to see if it was classified at the time?

NSA is not law enforcement. But I'm quite certain that there is a group of analysts there that have been giggling about this crazy scam for years. Because everytime the Clinton crew went overseas, they "HACKED" all of those devices and unprotected communications. That's their job. Like when Humadein left those classified docs in the back seat of car overseas accidentally. They HAVE the general picture of what went on. And perhaps Comey went to them to understand what ELSE was gonna WikiLeak out before the election.

As for your specific example, I'll wager that the Huma quote about taking home classified docs was to make paper copies for her tech challenged senior citizen. Because Hillary didn't want to wade thru PAGES of classified docs on her blackberry. Probably did NOT go over the server if the documents were long. Just excerpts. And the docs would be on the desk in her SECURE State office when she got back.

Sad when the top State Dept staff doesn't use or don't have the kind of resources that I do in my home office.
Can't IMAGINE what the deal was with that. Or why the BOSS of the Dept State didn't "fix it"...

Please explain that part TO ME !!!! :cool:
Apologies if I missed it, but did you explain how the CIA and whoever else sent them classified docs didn't recognize them as missing their classification when they were sent to them for identification?
Lots of hand-wringing and despair. Just saw Joe Biden go off on Anthony Weiner. That's a clue. Another clue is that MSNBC is talking about how Humadein was forced to make hard copy docs, strip the security headers and repost to the Clinton server. I THINK I've figured this out. I'll bet that ---

The FBI is reviewing a series of conversations between the Weiner and his Humadein. With Huma complaining about being forced to mishandle these docs by the Sec State. Probably a lot of details about the process and how unsafe she felt doing this for her arrogant boss.

Probably also explains their marriage break-up and MAYBE even how his tweet fetishes got public in the first place. Perhaps Weiner got involved in the deal and tried to speak sense to the Clinton staff. And MAYBE --- this deal about tweeting his undie bulges to a 15 yr old was to "neutralize" him for intervening.

Makes sense because now top DNC members are dissing him like crazy. Everyone for themselves. If I'm RIGHT -- this could be big. And at a MINIMUM --- Hillary's courtesy clearances and security briefing should be PULLED by Monday...

We could start a pool or something -- but it adds up..
MSNBC is talking about how Humadein was forced to make hard copy docs, strip the security headers and repost to the Clinton server.
I remember hearing about this back when the investigation had gotten started. If it were true, wouldn't the CIA and NSA and whoever else was sending classified information have caught that when each and every email was painstakingly sent to them to see if it was classified at the time?

NSA is not law enforcement. But I'm quite certain that there is a group of analysts there that have been giggling about this crazy scam for years. Because everytime the Clinton crew went overseas, they HACKED all of those devices and unprotected communications. That's their job. Like when Humadein left those classified docs in the back seat of car overseas accidentally. They HAVE the general picture of what went on. And perhaps Comey went to them to understand what ELSE was gonna WikiLeak out before the election.

As for your specific example, I'll wager that the Huma quote about taking home classified docs was to make paper copies for her tech challenged senior citizen. Because Hillary didn't want to wade thru PAGES of classified docs on her blackberry. Probably did NOT go over the server if the documents were long. Just excerpts. And the docs would be on the desk in her SECURE State office when she got back.

Sad when the top State Dept staff doesn't use or don't have the kind of resources that I do in my home office.
Can't IMAGINE what the deal was with that. Or why the BOSS of the Dept State didn't "fix it"...

Please explain that part TO ME !!!! :cool:

it's appalling at the lack of security for all their devices and lack of understanding using devices that were not secure could lead to major security issue and hacking...

Now with that written what is more disturbing is the possibility that Anthony Weiner might have been using one of those devices to lure underage girls into sexting and then later Huma using the same device to send and read emails on.

And they never thought they could possibly be hacked!?!
Lots of hand-wringing and despair. Just saw Joe Biden go off on Anthony Weiner. That's a clue. Another clue is that MSNBC is talking about how Humadein was forced to make hard copy docs, strip the security headers and repost to the Clinton server. I THINK I've figured this out. I'll bet that ---

The FBI is reviewing a series of conversations between the Weiner and his Humadein. With Huma complaining about being forced to mishandle these docs by the Sec State. Probably a lot of details about the process and how unsafe she felt doing this for her arrogant boss.

Probably also explains their marriage break-up and MAYBE even how his tweet fetishes got public in the first place. Perhaps Weiner got involved in the deal and tried to speak sense to the Clinton staff. And MAYBE --- this deal about tweeting his undie bulges to a 15 yr old was to "neutralize" him for intervening.

Makes sense because now top DNC members are dissing him like crazy. Everyone for themselves. If I'm RIGHT -- this could be big. And at a MINIMUM --- Hillary's courtesy clearances and security briefing should be PULLED by Monday...

We could start a pool or something -- but it adds up..
MSNBC is talking about how Humadein was forced to make hard copy docs, strip the security headers and repost to the Clinton server.
I remember hearing about this back when the investigation had gotten started. If it were true, wouldn't the CIA and NSA and whoever else was sending classified information have caught that when each and every email was painstakingly sent to them to see if it was classified at the time?

NSA is not law enforcement. But I'm quite certain that there is a group of analysts there that have been giggling about this crazy scam for years. Because everytime the Clinton crew went overseas, they "HACKED" all of those devices and unprotected communications. That's their job. Like when Humadein left those classified docs in the back seat of car overseas accidentally. They HAVE the general picture of what went on. And perhaps Comey went to them to understand what ELSE was gonna WikiLeak out before the election.

As for your specific example, I'll wager that the Huma quote about taking home classified docs was to make paper copies for her tech challenged senior citizen. Because Hillary didn't want to wade thru PAGES of classified docs on her blackberry. Probably did NOT go over the server if the documents were long. Just excerpts. And the docs would be on the desk in her SECURE State office when she got back.

Sad when the top State Dept staff doesn't use or don't have the kind of resources that I do in my home office.
Can't IMAGINE what the deal was with that. Or why the BOSS of the Dept State didn't "fix it"...

Please explain that part TO ME !!!! :cool:
Apologies if I missed it, but did you explain how the CIA and whoever else sent them classified docs didn't recognize them as missing their classification when they were sent to them for identification?

OK.. that's slightly different. But a GOOD question. That most Americans don't appreciate. Classified info LIVES in people's head. Less so "on paper" or e-paper. And it's perfectly LEGIT to have classified conversations in the proper venues and channels following the proper protocols WITHOUT "marking a document". In fact, most of what State handles is more akin to "gossip" than it is to the plans for a nuclear submarine. So conversations probably DOMINATE the scene. And at the highest levels of classification the 10 or 50 people involved --- KNOW (or are supposed to know) what is classified and who is cleared BY EYEBALL.. That's how these folks go on the Sunday News shows and aren't spilling classified beans all over the place. Because IN THEIR HEADS -- they know where the boundaries and partners are when they speak and read.
Lots of hand-wringing and despair. Just saw Joe Biden go off on Anthony Weiner. That's a clue. Another clue is that MSNBC is talking about how Humadein was forced to make hard copy docs, strip the security headers and repost to the Clinton server. I THINK I've figured this out. I'll bet that ---

The FBI is reviewing a series of conversations between the Weiner and his Humadein. With Huma complaining about being forced to mishandle these docs by the Sec State. Probably a lot of details about the process and how unsafe she felt doing this for her arrogant boss.

Probably also explains their marriage break-up and MAYBE even how his tweet fetishes got public in the first place. Perhaps Weiner got involved in the deal and tried to speak sense to the Clinton staff. And MAYBE --- this deal about tweeting his undie bulges to a 15 yr old was to "neutralize" him for intervening.

Makes sense because now top DNC members are dissing him like crazy. Everyone for themselves. If I'm RIGHT -- this could be big. And at a MINIMUM --- Hillary's courtesy clearances and security briefing should be PULLED by Monday...

We could start a pool or something -- but it adds up..
MSNBC is talking about how Humadein was forced to make hard copy docs, strip the security headers and repost to the Clinton server.
I remember hearing about this back when the investigation had gotten started. If it were true, wouldn't the CIA and NSA and whoever else was sending classified information have caught that when each and every email was painstakingly sent to them to see if it was classified at the time?

NSA is not law enforcement. But I'm quite certain that there is a group of analysts there that have been giggling about this crazy scam for years. Because everytime the Clinton crew went overseas, they "HACKED" all of those devices and unprotected communications. That's their job. Like when Humadein left those classified docs in the back seat of car overseas accidentally. They HAVE the general picture of what went on. And perhaps Comey went to them to understand what ELSE was gonna WikiLeak out before the election.

As for your specific example, I'll wager that the Huma quote about taking home classified docs was to make paper copies for her tech challenged senior citizen. Because Hillary didn't want to wade thru PAGES of classified docs on her blackberry. Probably did NOT go over the server if the documents were long. Just excerpts. And the docs would be on the desk in her SECURE State office when she got back.

Sad when the top State Dept staff doesn't use or don't have the kind of resources that I do in my home office.
Can't IMAGINE what the deal was with that. Or why the BOSS of the Dept State didn't "fix it"...

Please explain that part TO ME !!!! :cool:
Apologies if I missed it, but did you explain how the CIA and whoever else sent them classified docs didn't recognize them as missing their classification when they were sent to them for identification?

OK.. that's slightly different. But a GOOD question. That most Americans don't appreciate. Classified info LIVES in people's head. Less so "on paper" or e-paper. And it's perfectly LEGIT to have classified conversations in the proper venues and channels following the proper protocols WITHOUT "marking a document". In fact, most of what State handles is more akin to "gossip" than it is to the plans for a nuclear submarine. So conversations probably DOMINATE the scene. And at the highest levels of classification the 10 or 50 people involved --- KNOW (or are supposed to know) what is classified and who is cleared BY EYEBALL.. That's how these folks go on the Sunday News shows and aren't spilling classified beans all over the place. Because IN THEIR HEADS -- they know where the boundaries and partners are when they speak and read.
That makes sense, but why, then, was Comey's July report on the investigation so heavy on listing the documents "Marked" this or that and the few that were "Improperly Marked" as the support for his findings? You don't have to answer that. I just think what is being investigated is misleading, if the true findings are based on content and not the formal classification of the emails.
In the end, I think (1) what she did was stupid and inadvisable but not technically illegal at the time and (2) after investigating with a fine tooth comb, no damage was found to be done, so it is time to move on.
And that's all I got to say.
Lots of hand-wringing and despair. Just saw Joe Biden go off on Anthony Weiner. That's a clue. Another clue is that MSNBC is talking about how Humadein was forced to make hard copy docs, strip the security headers and repost to the Clinton server. I THINK I've figured this out. I'll bet that ---

The FBI is reviewing a series of conversations between the Weiner and his Humadein. With Huma complaining about being forced to mishandle these docs by the Sec State. Probably a lot of details about the process and how unsafe she felt doing this for her arrogant boss.

Probably also explains their marriage break-up and MAYBE even how his tweet fetishes got public in the first place. Perhaps Weiner got involved in the deal and tried to speak sense to the Clinton staff. And MAYBE --- this deal about tweeting his undie bulges to a 15 yr old was to "neutralize" him for intervening.

Makes sense because now top DNC members are dissing him like crazy. Everyone for themselves. If I'm RIGHT -- this could be big. And at a MINIMUM --- Hillary's courtesy clearances and security briefing should be PULLED by Monday...

We could start a pool or something -- but it adds up..
MSNBC is talking about how Humadein was forced to make hard copy docs, strip the security headers and repost to the Clinton server.
I remember hearing about this back when the investigation had gotten started. If it were true, wouldn't the CIA and NSA and whoever else was sending classified information have caught that when each and every email was painstakingly sent to them to see if it was classified at the time?

NSA is not law enforcement. But I'm quite certain that there is a group of analysts there that have been giggling about this crazy scam for years. Because everytime the Clinton crew went overseas, they "HACKED" all of those devices and unprotected communications. That's their job. Like when Humadein left those classified docs in the back seat of car overseas accidentally. They HAVE the general picture of what went on. And perhaps Comey went to them to understand what ELSE was gonna WikiLeak out before the election.

As for your specific example, I'll wager that the Huma quote about taking home classified docs was to make paper copies for her tech challenged senior citizen. Because Hillary didn't want to wade thru PAGES of classified docs on her blackberry. Probably did NOT go over the server if the documents were long. Just excerpts. And the docs would be on the desk in her SECURE State office when she got back.

Sad when the top State Dept staff doesn't use or don't have the kind of resources that I do in my home office.
Can't IMAGINE what the deal was with that. Or why the BOSS of the Dept State didn't "fix it"...

Please explain that part TO ME !!!! :cool:
Apologies if I missed it, but did you explain how the CIA and whoever else sent them classified docs didn't recognize them as missing their classification when they were sent to them for identification?

OK.. that's slightly different. But a GOOD question. That most Americans don't appreciate. Classified info LIVES in people's head. Less so "on paper" or e-paper. And it's perfectly LEGIT to have classified conversations in the proper venues and channels following the proper protocols WITHOUT "marking a document". In fact, most of what State handles is more akin to "gossip" than it is to the plans for a nuclear submarine. So conversations probably DOMINATE the scene. And at the highest levels of classification the 10 or 50 people involved --- KNOW (or are supposed to know) what is classified and who is cleared BY EYEBALL.. That's how these folks go on the Sunday News shows and aren't spilling classified beans all over the place. Because IN THEIR HEADS -- they know where the boundaries and partners are when they speak and read.
That makes sense, but why, then, was Comey's July report on the investigation so heavy on listing the documents "Marked" this or that and the few that were "Improperly Marked" as the support for his findings? You don't have to answer that. I just think what is being investigated is misleading, if the true findings are based on content and not the formal classification of the emails.
In the end, I think (1) what she did was stupid and inadvisable but not technically illegal at the time and (2) after investigating with a fine tooth comb, no damage was found to be done, so it is time to move on.
And that's all I got to say.

The initial FBI report needed to identify the actually classified content of what was found and list the particulars. Even HE said what I just told you -- that communications don't REQUIRE markings. Assuming they are done over the PROPER channels. That LAST part helps you understand what she did that was wrong. There are DOZENS of different types of secured and tested and approved comm channels at a place like Dept State. Folks with "special" clearances rely on using these BECAUSE you have a reasonable expectation that only people entitled to that particular program and classification can BE on that comm channel.

When you hire some "consultant" to give you a convenient "BYPASS" to using the APPROVED channels where that information is ASSUMED to be compromised --- you've broken the law just by that act. No classified information really required to travel over it. IF it is your primary and sole means to communicate with your employees. It WAS not just "technically illegal" but it was stupid and dangerous and TRULY illegal.

I'll give you an example. I'm attending a classified conference and I have classified paper docs in a briefcase. If that briefcase EVER leaves the touch of my hand -- I have "mishandled classified information". And I would be required to report it -- and the information probably WOULD be assumed to be "compromised". Even if I leave it with a desk clerk while I use the bathroom. Or leave it under my seat on an airplane.

That's how serious the protocols are. It's like "chain of evidence" in legal investigations. If the material LEAVES the realm of controlled possession, it is ASSUMED to be compromised.
Last edited:
Lots of hand-wringing and despair. Just saw Joe Biden go off on Anthony Weiner. That's a clue. Another clue is that MSNBC is talking about how Humadein was forced to make hard copy docs, strip the security headers and repost to the Clinton server. I THINK I've figured this out. I'll bet that ---

The FBI is reviewing a series of conversations between the Weiner and his Humadein. With Huma complaining about being forced to mishandle these docs by the Sec State. Probably a lot of details about the process and how unsafe she felt doing this for her arrogant boss.

Probably also explains their marriage break-up and MAYBE even how his tweet fetishes got public in the first place. Perhaps Weiner got involved in the deal and tried to speak sense to the Clinton staff. And MAYBE --- this deal about tweeting his undie bulges to a 15 yr old was to "neutralize" him for intervening.

Makes sense because now top DNC members are dissing him like crazy. Everyone for themselves. If I'm RIGHT -- this could be big. And at a MINIMUM --- Hillary's courtesy clearances and security briefing should be PULLED by Monday...

We could start a pool or something -- but it adds up..

Too bad for her that BleachBit can't erase a Weiner.
The emails don't need to contain classified information to be damaging. Huma could have shared concerns with her husband about the selling of the state department. Those might be secrets. They aren't state secrets.

That would be a separate investigation. Comey wouldn't have tied that to the previous investigation.

A little update is needed.....

For those who think they had no warrant

1)They already had a warrant. (Wiener surrendered the computer and gave consent, they still obtained a warrant to search it)

2)They used that warrant to look into the emails and found Department of State and classified data. They had to read some of them to determine what it was they had.

3) Once they determined they had data which Wiener should not be having access too, they refereed the information back to the espionage wing of the FBI.

4) Once the espionage team got the data they did a meta data search and found the addresses of both Clinton and Obama. They then requested a warrant to do a more thorough search and once they obtained the warrant they did a sub data search finding over 650,000 emails.

5) They now have a warrant for all emails with attachments and content and are processing them to retrieve them.

Once they are retrieved they will be individually looked at and evaluated as to their classification. They also found digital image files of top secret documents with and without their document markings.

This thing is a huge bomb that just went off...

To add insult to injury, Huma violated her sworn oath statement to the FBI. This being found due to an investigation. which was unrelated. makes all of what is found usable in a new prosecution rendering all of the immunity deals null and void.

Its going to take months to sift through the mess.. And no one will be immune to prosecution... I'll bet there are some seriously worried folks in the Clinton Camp about now...
What are you guys going to do when this turns out to more ado about nothing?

According to sources in the FBI, these "new" emails are not actually connected to Hillary at all.

Doesn't require Hillary name on ANY of them. These "weiners" were newlyweds. and the BIG weiner probably found out that his bride COULD go to Fed pen for what she was doing. Would RUIN his weiner pasttimes and hobbies of sexting his parts. Not to mention his trajectory towards DNC stardom in Congress.

All that is required is a laying out of the facts regarding what Humadein was ASKED to actually do for this scumbucket lazy Sec State. And having her WARNED by hubby that it was illegal and she should stop. Then the "innocence by stupidity" that Comey invoked would look silly. Wouldn't it?

For EXTRA CREDIT, might be the Sec State herself telling the Weiner to lay down. :eusa_dance: And quit messing with her chief fluffer assistant. :lmao:
The emails don't need to contain classified information to be damaging. Huma could have shared concerns with her husband about the selling of the state department. Those might be secrets. They aren't state secrets.

That would be a separate investigation. Comey wouldn't have tied that to the previous investigation.

A little update is needed.....

For those who think they had no warrant

1)They already had a warrant. (Wiener surrendered the computer and gave consent, they still obtained a warrant to search it)

2)They used that warrant to look into the emails and found Department of State and classified data. They had to read some of them to determine what it was they had.

3) Once they determined they had data which Wiener should not be having access too, they refereed the information back to the espionage wing of the FBI.

4) Once the espionage team got the data they did a meta data search and found the addresses of both Clinton and Obama. They then requested a warrant to do a more thorough search and once they obtained the warrant they did a sub data search finding over 650,000 emails.

5) They now have a warrant for all emails with attachments and content and are processing them to retrieve them.

Once they are retrieved they will be individually looked at and evaluated as to their classification. They also found digital image files of top secret documents with and without their document markings.

This thing is a huge bomb that just went off...

To add insult to injury, Huma violated her sworn oath statement to the FBI. This being found due to an investigation. which was unrelated. makes all of what is found usable in a new prosecution rendering all of the immunity deals null and void.

Its going to take months to sift through the mess.. And no on is immune to prosecution... Ill bet there are some seriously worried folks in the Clinton Camp about now...

Still need an additional warrant to CONTINUE to search the evidence if the evidence was taken for ANOTHER unrelated crime. You can peek to tell a judge WHY you want to proceed with evidence gathering. But you bung up the evidence if it's not obtained under a warrant for THAT "new" crime.
The emails don't need to contain classified information to be damaging. Huma could have shared concerns with her husband about the selling of the state department. Those might be secrets. They aren't state secrets.

That would be a separate investigation. Comey wouldn't have tied that to the previous investigation.

A little update is needed.....

For those who think they had no warrant

1)They already had a warrant. (Wiener surrendered the computer and gave consent, they still obtained a warrant to search it)

2)They used that warrant to look into the emails and found Department of State and classified data. They had to read some of them to determine what it was they had.

3) Once they determined they had data which Wiener should not be having access too, they refereed the information back to the espionage wing of the FBI.

4) Once the espionage team got the data they did a meta data search and found the addresses of both Clinton and Obama. They then requested a warrant to do a more thorough search and once they obtained the warrant they did a sub data search finding over 650,000 emails.

5) They now have a warrant for all emails with attachments and content and are processing them to retrieve them.

Once they are retrieved they will be individually looked at and evaluated as to their classification. They also found digital image files of top secret documents with and without their document markings.

This thing is a huge bomb that just went off...

To add insult to injury, Huma violated her sworn oath statement to the FBI. This being found due to an investigation. which was unrelated. makes all of what is found usable in a new prosecution rendering all of the immunity deals null and void.

Its going to take months to sift through the mess.. And no on is immune to prosecution... Ill bet there are some seriously worried folks in the Clinton Camp about now...

Still need an additional warrant to CONTINUE to search the evidence if the evidence was taken for ANOTHER unrelated crime. You can peek to tell a judge WHY you want to proceed with evidence gathering. But you bung up the evidence if it's not obtained under a warrant for THAT "new" crime.

I understand this.

As I pointed out, they have since obtained two more warrants to query and then retrieve the data.
The emails don't need to contain classified information to be damaging. Huma could have shared concerns with her husband about the selling of the state department. Those might be secrets. They aren't state secrets.

That would be a separate investigation. Comey wouldn't have tied that to the previous investigation.

A little update is needed.....

For those who think they had no warrant

1)They already had a warrant. (Wiener surrendered the computer and gave consent, they still obtained a warrant to search it)

2)They used that warrant to look into the emails and found Department of State and classified data. They had to read some of them to determine what it was they had.

3) Once they determined they had data which Wiener should not be having access too, they refereed the information back to the espionage wing of the FBI.

4) Once the espionage team got the data they did a meta data search and found the addresses of both Clinton and Obama. They then requested a warrant to do a more thorough search and once they obtained the warrant they did a sub data search finding over 650,000 emails.

5) They now have a warrant for all emails with attachments and content and are processing them to retrieve them.

Once they are retrieved they will be individually looked at and evaluated as to their classification. They also found digital image files of top secret documents with and without their document markings.

This thing is a huge bomb that just went off...

To add insult to injury, Huma violated her sworn oath statement to the FBI. This being found due to an investigation. which was unrelated. makes all of what is found usable in a new prosecution rendering all of the immunity deals null and void.

Its going to take months to sift through the mess.. And no on is immune to prosecution... Ill bet there are some seriously worried folks in the Clinton Camp about now...

Still need an additional warrant to CONTINUE to search the evidence if the evidence was taken for ANOTHER unrelated crime. You can peek to tell a judge WHY you want to proceed with evidence gathering. But you bung up the evidence if it's not obtained under a warrant for THAT "new" crime.

I understand this.

As I pointed out, they have since obtained two more warrants to query and then retrieve the data.

You KNOW -- Comey's boss is gonna do something stupid. Like remove him personally from the case or fire him. Fireworks show Tues/Wednes. Weiner press conference? He's totally a hero if I'm right. Maybe HE rolls on the Clintons next week. Stay tuned.
The emails don't need to contain classified information to be damaging. Huma could have shared concerns with her husband about the selling of the state department. Those might be secrets. They aren't state secrets.

That would be a separate investigation. Comey wouldn't have tied that to the previous investigation.

A little update is needed.....

For those who think they had no warrant

1)They already had a warrant. (Wiener surrendered the computer and gave consent, they still obtained a warrant to search it)

2)They used that warrant to look into the emails and found Department of State and classified data. They had to read some of them to determine what it was they had.

3) Once they determined they had data which Wiener should not be having access too, they refereed the information back to the espionage wing of the FBI.

4) Once the espionage team got the data they did a meta data search and found the addresses of both Clinton and Obama. They then requested a warrant to do a more thorough search and once they obtained the warrant they did a sub data search finding over 650,000 emails.

5) They now have a warrant for all emails with attachments and content and are processing them to retrieve them.

Once they are retrieved they will be individually looked at and evaluated as to their classification. They also found digital image files of top secret documents with and without their document markings.

This thing is a huge bomb that just went off...

To add insult to injury, Huma violated her sworn oath statement to the FBI. This being found due to an investigation. which was unrelated. makes all of what is found usable in a new prosecution rendering all of the immunity deals null and void.

Its going to take months to sift through the mess.. And no on is immune to prosecution... Ill bet there are some seriously worried folks in the Clinton Camp about now...

Still need an additional warrant to CONTINUE to search the evidence if the evidence was taken for ANOTHER unrelated crime. You can peek to tell a judge WHY you want to proceed with evidence gathering. But you bung up the evidence if it's not obtained under a warrant for THAT "new" crime.

I understand this.

As I pointed out, they have since obtained two more warrants to query and then retrieve the data.

You KNOW -- Comey's boss is gonna do something stupid. Like remove him personally from the case or fire him. Fireworks show Tues/Wednes. Weiner press conference? He's totally a hero if I'm right. Maybe HE rolls on the Clintons next week. Stay tuned.

Sadly I think you may be right...

Huma is the one under massive pressure.. She LIED to the FBI, concealed this data from them and is looking at serious jail time. If there is going to be any rolling over, Its going to be her..
Not Weiner's fault.
Not Huma's fault.
Not Comey's fault.

Hillary is to blame for Hillary's troubles...

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