I Blame It On This Generation


Gold Member
Apr 6, 2014
TV is now pure shit. I blame it on this generation and people who have stopped watching TV altogether. The people who stopped watching TV have contributed to the decline in the quality of TV. If people do not watch good TV then they won't make good TV. Thanks to these two groups of people we will never see a show like this again.

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You can thank liberals and multiculturlism. The population of the US when Star Trek was made was mostly white, literate and acculturated to the same standard. Now we have a very heavy Hispanic culture taking root and they prefer dumbed down tele-novellas and trashy crap.

When the IQ of a nation falls and the culture gets polluted, then you're going to see a degradation in what offered on TV.
You can thank liberals and multiculturlism. The population of the US when Star Trek was made was mostly white, literate and acculturated to the same standard. Now we have a very heavy Hispanic culture taking root and they prefer dumbed down tele-novellas and trashy crap.

When the IQ of a nation falls and the culture gets polluted, then you're going to see a degradation in what offered on TV.

In view of the graphic and everything that show stood for, that's pretty stupid.
If Game of Thrones can make fantasy mainstream Perhaps a well written space opera with a huge budget can appeal to a diverse audience.
You can thank liberals and multiculturlism. The population of the US when Star Trek was made was mostly white, literate and acculturated to the same standard. Now we have a very heavy Hispanic culture taking root and they prefer dumbed down tele-novellas and trashy crap.

When the IQ of a nation falls and the culture gets polluted, then you're going to see a degradation in what offered on TV.

I agree, yeah.

Still, you hafta concede that you can't deny the surreptitious role the liberal good-government ideology played in some of the greatest tv shows ever made, like:

  1. Little House on the Prarie;
  2. The Twilight Zone;
  3. CHiPs (prominent disco music notwithstanding);
  4. Bonanza;
  5. The Jeffersons;

... and a lot more shows whose heydays came just before the Reagan years in Washington.

Some great tv shows in the 80s, too. But the liberal twitch in the modus operandis of some of the shows of that decade and the ones since wasn't anywhere near as apparent as it was in the 60s and 70s.

Liberals actually used to know how to make some good tv shows.

Now the shows they make just come across as way too preachy for my tastes. :thup:
You can thank liberals and multiculturlism. The population of the US when Star Trek was made was mostly white, literate and acculturated to the same standard. Now we have a very heavy Hispanic culture taking root and they prefer dumbed down tele-novellas and trashy crap.

When the IQ of a nation falls and the culture gets polluted, then you're going to see a degradation in what offered on TV.

Producers want viewers, so they give the people what they want. If trash sells, they keep making it. Of course, the trash was offered before it was demanded and people with low IQs got hooked. Liberals have long bashed the wholesome family shows. They must be thrilled at the shit being served up as entertainment these days.

I am appalled by the number of people hooked on those stupid reality shows. I can't stand more than a couple minutes of any of them. When a celebrity is dysfunctional, they give them their own show.

There must be a shortage of talented writers these days.
You can thank liberals and multiculturlism. The population of the US when Star Trek was made was mostly white, literate and acculturated to the same standard. Now we have a very heavy Hispanic culture taking root and they prefer dumbed down tele-novellas and trashy crap.

When the IQ of a nation falls and the culture gets polluted, then you're going to see a degradation in what offered on TV.

Producers want viewers, so they give the people what they want. If trash sells, they keep making it. Of course, the trash was offered before it was demanded and people with low IQs got hooked. Liberals have long bashed the wholesome family shows. They must be thrilled at the shit being served up as entertainment these days.

I am appalled by the number of people hooked on those stupid reality shows. I can't stand more than a couple minutes of any of them. When a celebrity is dysfunctional, they give them their own show.

There must be a shortage of talented writers these days.

The higher quality shows go to cable. Whites flock to cable. Network TV writes for the lowest common denominator and that audience is disproportionately black and Hispanic. . Check this old NYT article which hints at what is going on:

Last year ''Seinfeld,'' the top-rated television show in white households, ranked 50th in African-American homes, according to Nielsen Media Research, while the comedy ''Between Brothers,'' No. 1 in black households, ranked 112th among whites.

Similarly, according to Nielsen, in the first two months of the current prime-time season, ''The Steve Harvey Show,'' a comedy, ranked No. 1 in black households, but 118th in white households, while ''Friends,'' the No. 1 comedy and No. 2 show overall in white households, ranked just 91st for blacks.​
You can thank liberals and multiculturlism. The population of the US when Star Trek was made was mostly white, literate and acculturated to the same standard. Now we have a very heavy Hispanic culture taking root and they prefer dumbed down tele-novellas and trashy crap.

When the IQ of a nation falls and the culture gets polluted, then you're going to see a degradation in what offered on TV.

clementine said:
Producers want viewers, so they give the people what they want. If trash sells, they keep making it. Of course, the trash was offered before it was demanded and people with low IQs got hooked. Liberals have long bashed the wholesome family shows. They must be thrilled at the shit being served up as entertainment these days.

Would you call Little House on the Prarie a "wholesome family show"???

Liberals made that show, in case you didn't know.

clementine said:
I am appalled by the number of people hooked on those stupid reality shows. I can't stand more than a couple minutes of any of them. When a celebrity is dysfunctional, they give them their own show.

There must be a shortage of talented writers these days.

That I can certainly agree with, 100%. :thup:

But I think what we're seeing between the prevalent shows of today in contrast to those of 30 to 40 years ago is a study in the metamorphosis of the term "liberal".

The word didn't mean the same thing 40 years ago that it does today.
Liberals have long bashed the wholesome family shows. They must be thrilled at the shit being served up as entertainment these days.

Liberals wanted a multicultural society so when they complain about the crap they see on TV I love rubbing their noses in what they've done. They did this. "How do you like your multiculturalism now? Did you think Mexican peasants were going to bring cultural enrichment to you?"
Would you call Little House on the Prarie a "wholesome family show"???

Liberals made that show, in case you didn't know.

They didn't make that show for themselves, they made it for an American audience. When liberals have a choice look at what happens - they wouldn't finance The Passion of the Christ and so Mel Gibson financed it himself and it was a huge hit with the audience. So what does Hollywood do when faced with a slap in the face about the size of the religious audience? Why they make Noah, that's what they do and they make it a parable about climate change.

The nation has changed.
the sharter limits said:
Would you call Little House on the Prarie a "wholesome family show"???

Liberals made that show, in case you didn't know.

rikurzhen said:
They didn't make that show for themselves, they made it for an American audience.

Which just echoes what I've been saying: that the differences between the tv shows of 30 to 40 years ago and those of today underscores the metamorphosis in the very term "liberal".

rikurzhen said:
When liberals have a choice look at what happens - they wouldn't finance The Passion of the Christ and so Mel Gibson financed it himself and it was a huge hit with the audience. So what does Hollywood do when faced with a slap in the face about the size of the religious audience? Why they make Noah, that's what they do and they make it a parable about climate change.

That's because the clueless doofs running Hollywood today are narcissists who are more interested in denigrating everyone in American society who doesn't look like them—in particular, the ever-changing face of the poor—than they are in making quality television.

They play only for applause amongst themselves, essentially. And it's tearing the country apart.

The liberal shows of 30 to 40 years ago were by sharp contrast more structured to foster social cohesion — not division.

rikurzhen said:
The nation has changed.

Yup. :thup:
You can thank liberals and multiculturlism. The population of the US when Star Trek was made was mostly white, literate and acculturated to the same standard. Now we have a very heavy Hispanic culture taking root and they prefer dumbed down tele-novellas and trashy crap.

When the IQ of a nation falls and the culture gets polluted, then you're going to see a degradation in what offered on TV.
Just a minute...Gene Roddenberry was looked upon as a pioneer is casting diversity.
I cannot think of another prime time show in the late 60's that included minority actors in lead roles.
Norman Lear was responsible for minority actors getting lead roles with the introduction of the Jefferson family to the Bunkers in All in the Family.
I don't that has to do with anything other than a concept that its time had arrived.
Today's tv does suck., Every show seems to have in it, a subject matter that deals with social issues and of course laced with political correctness and anti conservative rhetoric. I rarely watch network tv anymore.
Most of my viewing is sports and educational tv.
I get blaming the later generations. But why blame people who quit watching TV without defining the parameters of this group? Did they stop watching because TV sucks? Or did they stop because didn't have time due to family, work, etc... Or did they stop because their values changed and they placed more emphasis on do other leisure activities like golf, reading, or whatever?

It seems odd to blame this group. If all smart people quit watching TV, then it makes sense that smart shows would disappear. But I do not think that is your premise. I guess you are saying some smart people are still in the group that watches TV today, but that group is in the minority. Thus, your interests are no longer catered to?
The liberal shows of 30 to 40 years ago were by sharp contrast more structured to foster social cohesion — not division.

The days of TV showing programs about American history are over. Davy Crockett, Little House on the Prairie, Here Come the Brides, all draw on white history in America. A network tried to run a 1960s based show named VEGAS starring Dennis Quaid and Michael Chiklis and it was all about white 1960s America, so it had zero appeal to Hispanic and black audiences and never did well and got cancelled.

We have a long, colorful history that could be mined for dramatic content but it's now off limits because the past is, quite literally, a foreign nation to the America of today.

Thanks liberals. Something else that's turned to shit because of you guys.
The older generations dumping on the younger generations. Shocking!

There is plenty of good tv out there, you just have to look for it.

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