I Blame It On This Generation

Well, I simply dont watch TV, so I cannot comment on it's content. As for the present up and coming generation, I attend university classes with them, and am impressed with their knowledge and talents. Of course, if one hangs out with dummies, that is what one sees in the world, more dummies.

Perhaps a whole bunch of people on these boards should spend less time bellyaching and more time actually doing something that would advance their intelligence.
The older generations dumping on the younger generations. Shocking!

There is plenty of good tv out there, you just have to look for it.

Breaking Bad.
American Horror Story.
The Americans.

To name just a few, off the top of my head.

But they are the exceptions, not the rule.

And again, the rule is that today's liberal tv programs seem to be bent on fostering division within America—class warfare, if you will—as opposed to the social cohesion that yesteryear's liberal tv programs fostered.

You can't deny what we're saying with regard to the metamorphosis of the term "liberal" in direct proportion to the salient network television programming of today.
The older generations dumping on the younger generations. Shocking!

There is plenty of good tv out there, you just have to look for it.
comedy is comedy, and so it's typically timeless. that's why it's still possible to watch shows like seinfeld or the andy griffith show and find them entertaining.

however, the shows of today, in general, have tighter stories, better production, and better acting than anything that came before it
The older generations dumping on the younger generations. Shocking!

There is plenty of good tv out there, you just have to look for it.
comedy is comedy, and so it's typically timeless. that's why it's still possible to watch shows like seinfeld or the andy griffith show and find them entertaining.

however, the shows of today, in general, have tighter stories, better production, and better acting than anything that came before it

Some would even claim this is a Golden Age of Television. I am not sure I would go that far but their is plenty of very jazz to watch. There is also plenty of crap. It's like panning for gold.
The liberal shows of 30 to 40 years ago were by sharp contrast more structured to foster social cohesion — not division.

The days of TV showing programs about American history are over. Davy Crockett, Little House on the Prairie, Here Come the Brides, all draw on white history in America. A network tried to run a 1960s based show named VEGAS starring Dennis Quaid and Michael Chiklis and it was all about white 1960s America, so it had zero appeal to Hispanic and black audiences and never did well and got cancelled.

We have a long, colorful history that could be mined for dramatic content but it's now off limits because the past is, quite literally, a foreign nation to the America of today.

Thanks liberals. Something else that's turned to shit because of you guys.

Good lord! That is about the most ignorant post I have seen. Most of the TV shows that people like you call history were pure bunk. No relationship to real history at all. I used to love the Westerns where the heroine gets out of the stagecoach in Yuma in a spotless white dress after riding a 100 miles across the desert in it. And the 1894 Winchesters being used in what was supposed to be th 1870's. As for 'White History', America never had such. Blacks, Native Americans, Jews, and Asians were part of our history from the git-go.
Well, I simply dont watch TV, so I cannot comment on it's content. As for the present up and coming generation, I attend university classes with them, and am impressed with their knowledge and talents. Of course, if one hangs out with dummies, that is what one sees in the world, more dummies.

Perhaps a whole bunch of people on these boards should spend less time bellyaching and more time actually doing something that would advance their intelligence.

Good writers get together to toss about ideas, political philosophies.

Obviously, you don't understand that.

And it's also very obvious to me why you don't. :badgrin:
The older generations dumping on the younger generations. Shocking!

There is plenty of good tv out there, you just have to look for it.
comedy is comedy, and so it's typically timeless. that's why it's still possible to watch shows like seinfeld or the andy griffith show and find them entertaining.

however, the shows of today, in general, have tighter stories, better production, and better acting than anything that came before it

Some would even claim this is a Golden Age of Television. I am not sure I would go that far but their is plenty of very jazz to watch. There is also plenty of crap. It's like panning for gold.
oh yeah plenty of crap. reality tv, is mostly garbage, but then it's not the powerhouse it used to be.

the difference i think has been the introduction of the dvr and dvd. now shows are able to tell stories that stretch over an entire season and not worry about losing their audience because they missed an episode. that's just better storytelling than pretending that what happened this week doesn't matter next week.
Just a minute...Gene Roddenberry was looked upon as a pioneer is casting diversity.
I cannot think of another prime time show in the late 60's that included minority actors in lead roles.
Norman Lear was responsible for minority actors getting lead roles with the introduction of the Jefferson family to the Bunkers in All in the Family.
I don't that has to do with anything other than a concept that its time had arrived.
Today's tv does suck., Every show seems to have in it, a subject matter that deals with social issues and of course laced with political correctness and anti conservative rhetoric. I rarely watch network tv anymore.
Most of my viewing is sports and educational tv.

Roddenberry was doing mostly novelty casting. Lear actually had good characters with the Jeffersons. Terrific for Lear and America benefited from a funny show.

Why they did is different from what goes on now. Every show and commercial must be racially balanced. There's always a token black best friend. Most insulting of all to the intelligence of the audience is the complete inversion of reality - super genius black physicists, heads of surgery, police chiefs, etc considering the abysmal academic and job performance of the black community. Plus this from a study on racial representation on television done by USC:

Black males were more likely than those from any other group to be shown in a committed relationship, at 68 percent. Asian males were the least likely, at 29 percent.
Outright lies are insulting to the intelligence of the audience. People don't like watching propaganda.
The older generations dumping on the younger generations. Shocking!

There is plenty of good tv out there, you just have to look for it.

Breaking Bad.
American Horror Story.
The Americans.

To name just a few, off the top of my head.

But they are the exceptions, not the rule.

And again, the rule is that today's liberal tv programs seem to be bent on fostering division within America—class warfare, if you will—as opposed to the social cohesion that yesteryear's liberal tv programs fostered.

You can't deny what we're saying with regard to the metamorphosis of the term "liberal" in direct proportion to the salient network television programming of today.

All of those programs are great.

Game of Thrones
Parks and Rec
Downton Abby
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
True Detective

We haven't even touched Netflix and animated programs. I am curious to know what programs you feel are fostering class division.
Good lord! That is about the most ignorant post I have seen.

You should read the tripe you inflict on us.

Most of the TV shows that people like you call history were pure bunk.

I didn't hold them up as examples of quality, I referenced them as examples of using American history as basis for a show. See the difference?
The older generations dumping on the younger generations. Shocking!

There is plenty of good tv out there, you just have to look for it.

the sharter limits said:
Breaking Bad.
American Horror Story.
The Americans.

To name just a few, off the top of my head.

But they are the exceptions, not the rule.

And again, the rule is that today's liberal tv programs seem to be bent on fostering division within America—class warfare, if you will—as opposed to the social cohesion that yesteryear's liberal tv programs fostered.

You can't deny what we're saying with regard to the metamorphosis of the term "liberal" in direct proportion to the salient network television programming of today.

mdk said:
All of those programs are great.

Game of Thrones
Parks and Rec
Downton Abby
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
True Detective

We haven't even touched Netflix and animated programs. I am curious to know what programs you feel are fostering class division.

Why do you suppose that Breaking Bad and Weeds (and now, Orange Is the New Black) were so popular, hmmf?

Is it because they were revolutionary ideas for tv shows, or is it because most Americans could somehow identify with the subject matter of those shows? Because we could relate to some of the shows' principal and most integral characters?

Witness how the prison-industrial complex and the ever-increasing disparity between the super-rich and the poor has changed America — for the worse.

We are not "all in the family" anymore: for whatever reasons, we are divided.

I, too, like some of the animated shows.

But are you honestly going to contend that say, Family Guy or Squidbillies has the same appeal to Bible Belt conservatives that it does to upper-crusty, snotty-nosed East Coast liberals???

Even yesteryear's more subversive tv shows like The Twilight Zone, Star Trek and The Outer Limits weren't blatantly poking fun of certain classes of Americans merely because of those Americans' differences in sociophilosophical and religious belief structures: they were challenging all Americans to think for themselves while examining those long-held belief structures.

That's what I'm talking about when I say the most popular shows of today aren't fostering social cohesion: they are instead catalysts of division.
Not all of the reality shows are bad. Mountain Monsters is phenomenal. Rednecks with guns go hunting monsters in the night. Some others:

Finding Bigfoot: 3 morons who are way into bigfoot and 1skeptical biologist...who just happens to be a lesbian....walk around in the dark looking for bigfoot. Excellent.

Naked and Afraid: hot naked chicks... Trying to keep from being bitten by snakes. Perfect.

Gold Mining Shows - Bering Sea Gold and Gold Rush: totally maladjusted people with STRONG streaks of anger making stupid decisions and going broke as a result. Plus, there are plenty of fist fights. Exquisite.

Hardcore Pawn: black dudes trying to pawn Xbox and other stupid shit, then get over the top pissed when they are not paid what they think they should get. Lots of racial violence. Immaculate Television.

Sons of Guns: worth a mention because it was entertains when on; now off the air because the star has very illicit urges and is currently sitting in lockup.

Swamp People: who doesn't love this show? Genetically scrambled swamp rats packing heat and fucking with alligators. Excelsior.

Monsters in America: bigfoot, lizard man, little yard gnome creatures, and they are all out for blood. Hear accounts from witnesses whose family trees are as straight as a flag pole. Tre Bon.

When Ghosts Attack: the title says it all on this one. Muy Bueno.

Deadliest Catch: Misfits sailing and fishing for crab in hellish storms. This is probably the best of the lot. There are fist fights, yelling fights, underhanded deals, people fall off boats, boats sink, and a couple main players are drug addicts. Phenomenal.

You just have to watch a few episodes of each before you are hooked. These are, in my opinion, some of the finest shows on television.
You can thank liberals and multiculturlism. The population of the US when Star Trek was made was mostly white, literate and acculturated to the same standard. Now we have a very heavy Hispanic culture taking root and they prefer dumbed down tele-novellas and trashy crap.

When the IQ of a nation falls and the culture gets polluted, then you're going to see a degradation in what offered on TV.

clementine said:
Producers want viewers, so they give the people what they want. If trash sells, they keep making it. Of course, the trash was offered before it was demanded and people with low IQs got hooked. Liberals have long bashed the wholesome family shows. They must be thrilled at the shit being served up as entertainment these days.

Would you call Little House on the Prarie a "wholesome family show"???

Liberals made that show, in case you didn't know.

clementine said:
I am appalled by the number of people hooked on those stupid reality shows. I can't stand more than a couple minutes of any of them. When a celebrity is dysfunctional, they give them their own show.

There must be a shortage of talented writers these days.

That I can certainly agree with, 100%. :thup:

But I think what we're seeing between the prevalent shows of today in contrast to those of 30 to 40 years ago is a study in the metamorphosis of the term "liberal".

The word didn't mean the same thing 40 years ago that it does today.

We used to have family values and people used to work for a living and hated handouts. That has changed drastically.

Remember when Dan Quayle talked about the importance of a father and he was pretty much tarred and feathered. Of course, Clinton later ran on family values and it was okay then. Even Obama has talked about the importance of a father and no one on the left chastises him for insulting single parents.

It goes back and forth. I think most people deep down want decency in their lives. I mentioned Maddona recently and her hypocrisy in protecting her own children from the filth put out in movies and music, yet she made her fortune feeding young people her own brand of filth. So, she believes that children, her children, should stick to more wholesome things, but didn't care about others.

It's a matter of Hollywood wanting to make money and doing anything to make that happen. They might have morals when it comes to their own families, but they have no scruples when it comes to the public.
This generation is addicted to playing private little video games that they know they can win if they try all options and fail enough.

Random walks of the parameter space of life is a sub optimal search method, but it might look attractive from Mom's basement.
This generation is addicted to playing private little video games that they know they can win if they try all options and fail enough.

Random walks of the parameter space of life is a sub optimal search method, but it might look attractive from Mom's basement.

OK, there are many out there like that. Just as in my generation there were many into hot cars and alcohol. But, as stated before, I see many in my classes at the university that are as ambitious and dedicated as any in any previous generation.
This generation is addicted to playing private little video games that they know they can win if they try all options and fail enough.

Random walks of the parameter space of life is a sub optimal search method, but it might look attractive from Mom's basement.

OK, there are many out there like that. Just as in my generation there were many into hot cars and alcohol. But, as stated before, I see many in my classes at the university that are as ambitious and dedicated as any in any previous generation.

Sorry, ya whiffed on that one.

The people of that generation actually "did" things, and bore the consequences of their actions.

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