I can respect Mike Pence.

The traitors were the cowardly Republicans that decided not to hold the Democrat filth accountable for stealing the election. Not only the officials that you mentioned but also the Courts. For instance that pussy Roberts saying he would not give the states standing because he didn't want the damn Negros rioting again.

The Democrat filth got away with the stealing the election with the scam of unverified mail in and harvested balloted counted by Democrats in swing districts. The Republican leadership could have stopped it but instead threw Trump under the bus rather than make waves. Cowardly.

It is bad enough when the bad guys do something despicable like the Democrats did but it is even worse when the supposedly good guys let them get away with it.
You're preaching to the fuckin Bishop.

The only significant issue I have with your post is that it wasn't a mob of Leroy's rioting. Indeed there are plenty of videos with black ghetto rats looting TV's and shit, but most of the unrest, destruction, vandalism, arson, and violence was committed by bed wetting gringo pieces of shit who dye their hair with koolaid. For the most part, the jigs didn't even give a fuck. They knew George Kirby was a piece of shit drug addict, and didn't want to undermine the progress the black community has made collectively be getting involved in asinine criminal activity.

I work with and served with a lot of great black people. They're actually being victimized by the left even more because the handful that do loot businesses and get videoed doing it are exploited by leftist media apparatchiks that want to promote the idea that most blacks (if not all) are feral primates. The reality is that most of the destruction and organized criminal endeavors were committed by white college aged ANTIFA turds. The left does not want black people portrayed as anything but a victim class for the most part, but they do make efforts to promote hatred of blacks at a subconscious level.

It's a nefarious agenda to divide and eventual start a civil conflict that the leftist elite believe they will win.

The more "libertarian" elite can only rely on those of us who can find all of our guns at the bottom of the ponds we lost them in when our boats capsized during a duck hunt.

I disagree with a lot of his ideas but not all of them. But more importantly, when it came time to do his constitutional duty, he did it. He stood up for our country and how our system works and what we stand for. Pence has balls 10 times bigger than Trumps.
Here here...
So much so that they continue to poll very highly with him like 98%, donate to his reelection and drive across country to attend his rallies!

Democrats are so much smarter, hiding their love of Joe by not going to any of his functions nor even tuning into one of his speeches. :smoke:

That is REAL popularity!
Many Americans have more important things to do and don't particularly care about rallies.
Many Americans have more important things to do and don't particularly care about rallies.

They did for every other democrat president except Little Joey Biden, America's worst most popular president ever whom no one even tunes into to hear his addresses. :21:
Sorry bout that,

1. Where did the 81 million votes come from?
2. Thin air?
3. When it finally comes out where they came from you libtards will STFU!
4. Maybe for three seconds.
5. Then like an insane fuck you will blame Trump.


I disagree with a lot of his ideas but not all of them. But more importantly, when it came time to do his constitutional duty, he did it. He stood up for our country and how our system works and what we stand for. Pence has balls 10 times bigger than Trumps.
He invariably gains respect when compared to his successor.
Where did the 81 million votes come from?
Thin air?
Here you go, good poster 'Warsnow".

This guy tells us.....after he told his boss, DTrump, first, where all those votes for the other guy came from.
Back in December of 2020.
And, importantly.....why: DTrump was thought to be untrustworthy. DTrump was thought to be incompetent.

That is NOT my call.
That is the call of the guy who DTrump and his campaign relied upon for years to tell them which way the wind was blowing........their own paid-for pollster, Tony Fabrizio.

And Fabrizio found out where the votes came from.....and he told DTrump, and DTrump's enablers.
And they still went ahead with the Stop-the-Steal grift.
Shouldn't that have been a signal to all?
Sorry bout that,

1. Millions upon millions of votes were fraudulent in the 2020 election, and one day we will be brave enough to take a look, till then we remain in fear, biting our nails, in dark closets.
2. So many votes will shake out as fraudulent the Supreme Court, will close forever.
3. There is a lot riding on this, and the SC can vanish because of it.

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. Millions upon millions of votes were fraudulent in the 2020 election, and one day we will be brave enough to take a look, till then we remain in fear, biting our nails, in dark closets.

Fortunately, good poster Warsnow, we will have for humor and entertainment in that dark closet......the $9,000,000 Court Jesters.......the Cyber Ninjas.

They too, know where those 81,000,000 votes came from.
Though, they may have a different "81,000,000"?

But they ain't talkin' to Tony Fabrizio.

It's an 'office politics' hissyfit.
You know how disruptive that merde' can be.

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