i can see this turning ugly

Its not about her religion, its about the refusal to accept the facts.

She needs to know just like you can not get a degree in Anthropology if you insist the world was made in 7 days , you can not have a couseling degree if you are going to insist being gay is a crime. Its against the sceince of the field.

There is nothing in anthropology that has anything to do with how the world came into existence. In fact, there is a whole branch of archeology dedicated to investigating the historical facts of the Bible, and a lot of those people might just believe the creation story in Genesis.

Blu and Trhuth are fucking fascists. I made the mistake of actually giving Blu credit but he doesn't care about facts. All he cares about is promoting the nazi agenda.

what facts? I showed you multiple times and just did again where the aca and their code of ethics disagree with her thoughts. I also have stated that I do not agree with punishing students who pass the courses even though they disagree with the material. I think she should get her degree and then ask her point blank how she will handle gays if given a license and if she says how she believes then do not license here. I also do not believe in punishing someone before they do something wrong (aka before she mishandles a gay patient)

I also think there is way more to this story as the school is silent due to pending lawsuit
the beliefs about gays etc by hardcore christian simply does not fit with what many more moderates believe and more importantly whats accepted by professional counseling organizations. they can either chagne their beliefs about gays or they can find another profession


And prove it.

I keep asking for you to back up the crap you're posting. You have yet to do it.

are you serious? how many times do I have to post it?


that doesn't prove anything, nitwit.
Prove that a condition of receiving your degree is that you treat homosexuals.
Prove that it is a condition of receiving your degree that you embrace the (proven) wrong theory that homosexuality isn't a choice.
Prove that it is a condition of receiving your degree that you embrace the (proven) wrong theory that homosexuality isn't a choice.

how hard is it for you to figure out?

1) the ACA said that trying to revert homosexuals back to being striaght is wrong
2) the ACA said that homosexuality is *not* a choice
3) the school adopts the same ethics and guidelines as the ACA
4) part of getting a degree from said school is agreeing with their ethics which is the same as the ACAs
5) girl in question doesn't agree with ACA ethics


she does not get her degree from the school

if you dont agree with the above than re-read my link in the post I quoted as well as the semi-rebuttal from the school explaining their alliance with ACAs guidelines

my point of view:

she should get the degree unconditionally and her licensing should be based on her questions regarding her future treatments of homosexuals that come to her
but its not brainwashing, its part of their guidelines as their beliefs about gays, etc don't align with her christian beliefs (although not all chritsians believe as her either)... I do agree with you that she should have left the school. I know that at least 1 christian school must have a counseling program and could also help her get a job at a christian based counseling place after graduation. that way should could have performed her eventual career without violating the guidelines of her degree and accreditation

You are misunderstanding the issues here.

The school is not trying to hold her to professional standards, as no professional group requires that someone believe something that has no basis in science. LGBT activists have always claimed that there is no choice in sexual preferences, and have been repeatedly forced to modify their position as evidence mounted that their arguments lack a basis in reality. They first argued that sexual preference is based on genetics, which was decisively disproved. Now they argue that it is deterministic and part of a state of being, which is an outright philosophical point of view.

If they want to hold her to some sort of scientific standard that is one thing, but all they want is for her to adapt their philosophical worldview, which is another way of saying their religion.

Blu is one of those who has never accepted that the hardwire theory was disproved.
Whether or not the "hardwired" issue is fact, there are many other factors that determine that one's homosexuality is NOT a choice. You can choose to engage in sexual behavior but that's about as far as choice goes.
for the 10th time now:

Student sues ASU over anti-homosexual beliefs | NBC Augusta 26 | news, weather, sports, community, entertainment, shopping for Augusta, Georgia | Local News

The university says the problem lies between the school's curriculum and the student's beliefs.

The American Counseling Association code of ethics requires counselors to empathize with homosexuals.

According to the affidavit, her professors said she needed to be able to identify with the gay community to get her counseling degree.

how many more sources do you need?
You are misunderstanding the issues here.

The school is not trying to hold her to professional standards, as no professional group requires that someone believe something that has no basis in science. LGBT activists have always claimed that there is no choice in sexual preferences, and have been repeatedly forced to modify their position as evidence mounted that their arguments lack a basis in reality. They first argued that sexual preference is based on genetics, which was decisively disproved. Now they argue that it is deterministic and part of a state of being, which is an outright philosophical point of view.

If they want to hold her to some sort of scientific standard that is one thing, but all they want is for her to adapt their philosophical worldview, which is another way of saying their religion.

Blu is one of those who has never accepted that the hardwire theory was disproved.
Whether or not the "hardwired" issue is fact, there are many other factors that determine that one's homosexuality is NOT a choice. You can choose to engage in sexual behavior but that's about as far as choice goes.

however, there's no proof.

There's no proof that God exists, and there's absolutely no proof that homosexuality is anything but choice. You can believe it if you like, but you cannot penalize people for not believing as you do. Especially when those beliefs are grounded in religion.
There's plenty of proof that homosexuality isn't a choice. You don't need to be a four-eyes mad scientist with 50 doctoral degrees to prove that it isn't a choice, either.

All it requires is plain old common sense. WOULD you choose attractions that are not accepted as social standard? Even if more people are becoming at least sympathetic to gays, they still uphold that heterosexuality is the standard norm.

I know I would NOT "choose" something that you have to work hard for to be accepted.
She can not get a dergee in couseling if she refuses the science associated with the degree.

She should never be allowed to counsel someone if she is going to spout her religion instead of the science backed facts.

It also says she has other problems meeting the criteria to be a grad.

I was unaware that someones opinion is not considered science.

Science sure has fallen since I was in school.
She can not get a dergee in couseling if she refuses the science associated with the degree.

She should never be allowed to counsel someone if she is going to spout her religion instead of the science backed facts.

It also says she has other problems meeting the criteria to be a grad.

I was unaware that someones opinion is not considered science.

Science sure has fallen since I was in school.
There's also a little thing called fact-gathering, testing, experimentation, results, and acceptance or rejection of what was studied.
How can she be a counselor and a religious zealot at the same time?
She cannot so out she needs to go! just imho

Keeton's views "depart from what 'the psychological research about GLBTQ (gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, and queer/questioning) populations asserts' that that 'sexual orientation is not a lifestyle or choice, but a state of being,'" faculty members said.

The Remediation Plan required that Keeton attend workshops on diversity sensitivity training toward working with GLBTQ populations, work to increase exposure and interaction with gay populations by attending such events as the Gay Pride Parade in Augusta, and read more on the topic to improve counseling effectiveness with GLBTQ populations.

Failure to complete all elements of the remediation plan will result in dismissal from the Counselor Education Program, according to the plan.

Sounds very fair to me for someone going into her line of work should be sensitive and knowledgeable in such matters.

Keeton told faculty members, "I can’t alter my biblical beliefs, and I will not affirm the morality of those behaviors in a counseling situation."

Perhaps she needs to go into a religious program and become a nun instead, or at least someone in her church of hypocrisy and ignorance?
If you're trying to get a job as a counselor, you need to fit the American Counseling Association Code of Ethics, which prohibits discrimination against LGBT people. If you choose the bible over the ACA's Code of Ethics, you can't be a counselor.

I don't think that she should be prevented from getting a degree, but it's pretty clear she wouldn't be able to work as a counselor.

So you are saying th at the ACCA Code of Ethics is will prevent people from working as a counselor because of their religious beliefs?

And you think that's alright?
How can she be a counselor and a religious zealot at the same time? She cannot so out she needs to go! just imho


Perhaps she needs to go into a religious program and become a nun instead, or at least someone in her church of hypocrisy and ignorance?

this has been a fairly civil and engaging thread so far. I would appreciate if you would knock this crap like this out.

It's not religious beliefs. It's not even thinking homosexuality is wrong.

It's when you APPLY IT TO YOUR JOB is when it becomes debatable.
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I think perhaps she should become a counselor for the people of whatever church she is a member of; those who hold her same views, opinions, attitudes towards those who are different, especially the GLT etc...
PS, I'm working on my Human SErvices Management degree...my best friend has a degree in psychology.

I have yet to see any fucking agreement where we are required to state we'll believe a certain way, and put aside our Christian beliefs.

And someone needs to smack whomever thinks Christians should be excluded from schools and degree programs based upon their religion need to admit they're fucking Nazi sympathizers, bigots, and deserve to have the shit knocked out of them. Regularly.

you need to stop with the victim card, no one is excluding christians

Nope not at all. they just have to stop being Christians. Or become Christians in name only.

Nope. Nothing wrong with that...
If you're trying to get a job as a counselor, you need to fit the American Counseling Association Code of Ethics, which prohibits discrimination against LGBT people. If you choose the bible over the ACA's Code of Ethics, you can't be a counselor.

I don't think that she should be prevented from getting a degree, but it's pretty clear she wouldn't be able to work as a counselor.

So you are saying th at the ACCA Code of Ethics is will prevent people from working as a counselor because of their religious beliefs?

And you think that's alright?

yes. private organizations ethics don't not have to fit all religions beliefs. what would these ethics look like if they had to fit the belief system of hardcore muslims, mormons, satinists, etc? the organization, based on research, has concluded things that don't agree with hardcore christians views on gays, and as such, hardcore christians will be at odds with the group and will either have to give into them during office hours or not be a part of the group.
No Young-Earther will ever be allowed to graduate from an accredited Evolutionary Biology program, as it should be.

Getting a degree requires a political and religious litmus test now? I thought all it required was someone meeting the academic requirements imposed by the school. If that young earhter manages to pass all the academic requirements and meet the other requirements of the degree program than they should get the degree.

Sure, but it would be a waste of time, work, and studying to work towards something that would contradict your beliefs, wouldn't it?
Ga. School Forces Christian Student to Alter Beliefs to Graduate | Christianpost.com

I don't really know how all of this works, so i think I will stay out of it for now

she should NOT be forced to alter her beliefs

nor should she be forced to FAKE/LIE to the school about "altering" her beliefs.

she should be refused accreditation.

she has the right to belief whatever ignorant nonsense her parents and her earlier mind control masters has indoctrinated her with....

but she should NOT be allowed to be a counselor to other people...

other than as a RELIGIOUS counselor....

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