i can see this turning ugly

As I read the OP, my friend was sitting here. He's gay. He immediately said "she's teaching hate." I looked at him and said, "You know my beliefs, am I teaching hate?"

He answered "No." and changed his mind. Your own beliefs are your own and just because you think something is wrong or a sin, doesn't mean you hate those who are like that, or that you can't counsel them. Now, if she was one of those Baptists protesting at soldiers funerals, I'd say "flunk her", but she's not.

if you counsel them that they that can turn back to being straight than you are going against your professions code of conduct in this instance

Supposing that you just counsel them? Most counselors don't make judgments, they get you to talk and make your own judgments. Remember their tools? "How do you feel about that?" "How does that make you feel?" "What do you think you should do about that?" etc. no judgments, just talk.

many, especially those with strong beliefs on the topic, push an agenda. also there are, as reported in the link I posted, a number of patients who come in and say 'I am gay fix me' or 'I think I am gay what should i do about it?'
if you counsel them that they that can turn back to being straight than you are going against your professions code of conduct in this instance

Supposing that you just counsel them? Most counselors don't make judgments, they get you to talk and make your own judgments. Remember their tools? "How do you feel about that?" "How does that make you feel?" "What do you think you should do about that?" etc. no judgments, just talk.

Progressives can't imagine anyone foregoing the opportunity to coerce people into prescribed boxes.

That's why they want to now dictate who gets a degree based upon their political and religious views, instead of their scholarly ability and work.

except you are completely off base
I'm still waiting for anyone to prove that it's okay to deny a degree based upon somebody's political and religious beliefs.

So please tell me how I'm off base.
I'm still waiting for anyone to prove that it's okay to deny a degree based upon somebody's political and religious beliefs.

So please tell me how I'm off base.

political and religious affiliation had nothing to do with it. its that the women had beliefs directly against the code of ethics and guidelines set by the organization she wished to be approved and accredited by
I'm still waiting for anyone to prove that it's okay to deny a degree based upon somebody's political and religious beliefs.

So please tell me how I'm off base.

political and religious affiliation had nothing to do with it. its that the women had beliefs directly against the code of ethics and guidelines set by the organization she wished to be approved and accredited by
Which comes first?
The degree, or the accreditation?
It is about political and religious belief. Continue to lie to yourself, by all means. But spare the rest of us.
It is about political and religious belief. Continue to lie to yourself, by all means. But spare the rest of us.

its about reduction. why was she denied:

because she was a christian? -> no
because of her political belief? -> no
because she holds views not in line with her professional org? -> yes

now lets work backwards:

can Christians be part of this organization? -> yes
can people with her political views be part? -> yes
can people with her views on homosexuals-> no

so a christian with her political views and not her views on homosexuals can get in just fine and can graduate just fine. so how do you deduct that this is anti-christian discrimination?
"Julea Ward had reached the end of the Master's program at Eastern Michigan University, which calls for students to take actual counseling cases. She was confronted with the task of counseling a homosexual concerning a same-gender relationship. Ward asked to opt out of the case, based on her religious beliefs, and then found herself before a panel of educators.

"The school said, 'Well, you have to.' And Julea said, 'Well, that would violate my fundamental religious beliefs to do that' -- and they said, 'Sorry, you're dismissed from our program,'" accounts Alliance Defense Fund (ADF) attorney Jeremy Tedesco. "And so the real fundamental question here is, can Christians maintain adherence to their core beliefs and still get a degree from a public school?"

Grad student takes stand for faith, denied degree (OneNewsNow.com)
She can not get a dergee in couseling if she refuses the science associated with the degree.

She should never be allowed to counsel someone if she is going to spout her religion instead of the science backed facts.

It also says she has other problems meeting the criteria to be a grad.

First, what science is she not accepting? Second, there are plenty of lesbians, bisexuals, and gays who agree with her completely. Should they be required to go to counselors who think that their belief in religion is an aberration? Third, if the problem is with her academic performance why is the school even speaking about her personal beliefs? You wouldn't believe a school that thought a student couldn't graduate because she believed in evolution would be justified, even if they claimed that there were other problems.
And what of the GLBT students this woman may someday encounter? Where's our compassion for them? If she is unable to deal with people with dignity, respect and knowledge, she cannot be a public school counselor.

I don't see the problem.

If she has problems dealing with them then that should be dealt with. No one has provided any evidence that she has that type of problem though.
"Julea Ward had reached the end of the Master's program at Eastern Michigan University, which calls for students to take actual counseling cases. She was confronted with the task of counseling a homosexual concerning a same-gender relationship. Ward asked to opt out of the case, based on her religious beliefs, and then found herself before a panel of educators.

"The school said, 'Well, you have to.' And Julea said, 'Well, that would violate my fundamental religious beliefs to do that' -- and they said, 'Sorry, you're dismissed from our program,'" accounts Alliance Defense Fund (ADF) attorney Jeremy Tedesco. "And so the real fundamental question here is, can Christians maintain adherence to their core beliefs and still get a degree from a public school?"

Grad student takes stand for faith, denied degree (OneNewsNow.com)

the beliefs about gays etc by hardcore christian simply does not fit with what many more moderates believe and more importantly whats accepted by professional counseling organizations. they can either chagne their beliefs about gays or they can find another profession
Splatter, you don't know what the hell you're talking about.

You cannot prevent someone from getting a degree BASED ON THEIR RELIGION. There are lots of fucking counselors who are Christians.

And ps. There is no science involved in that degree.

Its not about her religion, its about the refusal to accept the facts.

She needs to know just like you can not get a degree in Anthropology if you insist the world was made in 7 days , you can not have a couseling degree if you are going to insist being gay is a crime. Its against the sceince of the field.

There is nothing in anthropology that has anything to do with how the world came into existence. In fact, there is a whole branch of archeology dedicated to investigating the historical facts of the Bible, and a lot of those people might just believe the creation story in Genesis.
"Julea Ward had reached the end of the Master's program at Eastern Michigan University, which calls for students to take actual counseling cases. She was confronted with the task of counseling a homosexual concerning a same-gender relationship. Ward asked to opt out of the case, based on her religious beliefs, and then found herself before a panel of educators.

"The school said, 'Well, you have to.' And Julea said, 'Well, that would violate my fundamental religious beliefs to do that' -- and they said, 'Sorry, you're dismissed from our program,'" accounts Alliance Defense Fund (ADF) attorney Jeremy Tedesco. "And so the real fundamental question here is, can Christians maintain adherence to their core beliefs and still get a degree from a public school?"

Grad student takes stand for faith, denied degree (OneNewsNow.com)

the beliefs about gays etc by hardcore christian simply does not fit with what many more moderates believe and more importantly whats accepted by professional counseling organizations. they can either chagne their beliefs about gays or they can find another profession


And prove it.

I keep asking for you to back up the crap you're posting. You have yet to do it.
Splatter, you don't know what the hell you're talking about.

You cannot prevent someone from getting a degree BASED ON THEIR RELIGION. There are lots of fucking counselors who are Christians.

And ps. There is no science involved in that degree.

Its not about her religion, its about the refusal to accept the facts.

She needs to know just like you can not get a degree in Anthropology if you insist the world was made in 7 days , you can not have a couseling degree if you are going to insist being gay is a crime. Its against the sceince of the field.

There is nothing in anthropology that has anything to do with how the world came into existence. In fact, there is a whole branch of archeology dedicated to investigating the historical facts of the Bible, and a lot of those people might just believe the creation story in Genesis.

Blu and Trhuth are fucking fascists. I made the mistake of actually giving Blu credit but he doesn't care about facts. All he cares about is promoting the nazi agenda.
she can not get a dergee in couseling if she refuses the science associated with the degree.

She should never be allowed to counsel someone if she is going to spout her religion instead of the science backed facts.

It also says she has other problems meeting the criteria to be a grad.

some times it's best if stupid people just shut the hell up.
What kind of crap is this?

According to the filed complaint, "She has stated that she believes sexual behavior is the result of accountable personal choice rather than an inevitability deriving from deterministic forces. She also has affirmed binary male-female gender, with one or the other being fixed in each person at their creation, and not a social construct or individual choice subject to alteration by the person so created. Further, she has expressed her view that homosexuality is a 'lifestyle,' not a 'state of being.'"

In May, Keeton was notified that she would be asked to participate in a remediation plan. Mary Jane Anderson-Wiley, an associate professor who also oversees student education and discipline, explained that the faculty wanted to see Keeton's writing skills improve and that they are concerned with some of her beliefs and views pertaining to GLBT (Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender) issues.

Several faculty members later met with the student and told her that they considered her to be failing to conform to certain professional standards. In a written Remediation Plan, the faculty said her speech on GLBT matters violated the codes of ethics that counselors and those in training are required to adhere to.
In other words, they are insisting on brainwashing her.

If I were her, I would transfer out of that school immediately and continue my lawsuit.


but its not brainwashing, its part of their guidelines as their beliefs about gays, etc don't align with her christian beliefs (although not all chritsians believe as her either)... I do agree with you that she should have left the school. I know that at least 1 christian school must have a counseling program and could also help her get a job at a christian based counseling place after graduation. that way should could have performed her eventual career without violating the guidelines of her degree and accreditation

You are misunderstanding the issues here.

The school is not trying to hold her to professional standards, as no professional group requires that someone believe something that has no basis in science. LGBT activists have always claimed that there is no choice in sexual preferences, and have been repeatedly forced to modify their position as evidence mounted that their arguments lack a basis in reality. They first argued that sexual preference is based on genetics, which was decisively disproved. Now they argue that it is deterministic and part of a state of being, which is an outright philosophical point of view.

If they want to hold her to some sort of scientific standard that is one thing, but all they want is for her to adapt their philosophical worldview, which is another way of saying their religion.
It is about political and religious belief. Continue to lie to yourself, by all means. But spare the rest of us.

its about reduction. why was she denied:

because she was a christian? -> no
because of her political belief? -> no
because she holds views not in line with her professional org? -> yes

now lets work backwards:

can Christians be part of this organization? -> yes
can people with her political views be part? -> yes
can people with her views on homosexuals-> no

so a christian with her political views and not her views on homosexuals can get in just fine and can graduate just fine. so how do you deduct that this is anti-christian discrimination?

Because she said she didn't want to treat the person based on her religious beliefs.
Because the assholes who denied her said it was about her Christianity.

Fucking moron.
What kind of crap is this?

In other words, they are insisting on brainwashing her.

If I were her, I would transfer out of that school immediately and continue my lawsuit.


but its not brainwashing, its part of their guidelines as their beliefs about gays, etc don't align with her christian beliefs (although not all chritsians believe as her either)... I do agree with you that she should have left the school. I know that at least 1 christian school must have a counseling program and could also help her get a job at a christian based counseling place after graduation. that way should could have performed her eventual career without violating the guidelines of her degree and accreditation

You are misunderstanding the issues here.

The school is not trying to hold her to professional standards, as no professional group requires that someone believe something that has no basis in science. LGBT activists have always claimed that there is no choice in sexual preferences, and have been repeatedly forced to modify their position as evidence mounted that their arguments lack a basis in reality. They first argued that sexual preference is based on genetics, which was decisively disproved. Now they argue that it is deterministic and part of a state of being, which is an outright philosophical point of view.

If they want to hold her to some sort of scientific standard that is one thing, but all they want is for her to adapt their philosophical worldview, which is another way of saying their religion.

Blu is one of those who has never accepted that the hardwire theory was disproved.
but its not brainwashing, its part of their guidelines as their beliefs about gays, etc don't align with her christian beliefs (although not all chritsians believe as her either)... I do agree with you that she should have left the school. I know that at least 1 christian school must have a counseling program and could also help her get a job at a christian based counseling place after graduation. that way should could have performed her eventual career without violating the guidelines of her degree and accreditation

You are misunderstanding the issues here.

The school is not trying to hold her to professional standards, as no professional group requires that someone believe something that has no basis in science. LGBT activists have always claimed that there is no choice in sexual preferences, and have been repeatedly forced to modify their position as evidence mounted that their arguments lack a basis in reality. They first argued that sexual preference is based on genetics, which was decisively disproved. Now they argue that it is deterministic and part of a state of being, which is an outright philosophical point of view.

If they want to hold her to some sort of scientific standard that is one thing, but all they want is for her to adapt their philosophical worldview, which is another way of saying their religion.

Blu is one of those who has never accepted that the hardwire theory was disproved.

Explain how it was "disproven".
"Julea Ward had reached the end of the Master's program at Eastern Michigan University, which calls for students to take actual counseling cases. She was confronted with the task of counseling a homosexual concerning a same-gender relationship. Ward asked to opt out of the case, based on her religious beliefs, and then found herself before a panel of educators.

"The school said, 'Well, you have to.' And Julea said, 'Well, that would violate my fundamental religious beliefs to do that' -- and they said, 'Sorry, you're dismissed from our program,'" accounts Alliance Defense Fund (ADF) attorney Jeremy Tedesco. "And so the real fundamental question here is, can Christians maintain adherence to their core beliefs and still get a degree from a public school?"

Grad student takes stand for faith, denied degree (OneNewsNow.com)

the beliefs about gays etc by hardcore christian simply does not fit with what many more moderates believe and more importantly whats accepted by professional counseling organizations. they can either chagne their beliefs about gays or they can find another profession


And prove it.

I keep asking for you to back up the crap you're posting. You have yet to do it.

are you serious? how many times do I have to post it?


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