I can still hate Republicans

I'm afraid we're gonna have to be realistic, and that means pragmatism.

Nobody will suggest that you have to like president trump, or like having to deal with him. But if we walk away and fail to step up, he'll get a free hand. Is that what we want? WE the people elected this clown stick. WE the people now have to do the very best we can to make the best effort we can to prevent a full dismantling of all our liberal progress.

Look, I don't even like saying his name. Even when he was a reality TV host I didn't like the douche bag. But back then I could change channels and nobody got hurt. That's not the case now. And we somehow have to find a way to accept this reality.

Hopefully the recounts will change all that, but the odds are very long against it and we can't pin that much hope on it.

WE the people elected von clownstick, we the people have to live and work with it for at least the next 4 years.
Thanks to leslie

You make that whine like you aren't exposed as the biggest douchebag in the universe just by whining it.

Your *liberal process* is communism and criminality, which is by definition anti American. Yes, we're dismantling it. Move to cuba, please.
I'm afraid we're gonna have to be realistic, and that means pragmatism.

Nobody will suggest that you have to like president trump, or like having to deal with him. But if we walk away and fail to step up, he'll get a free hand. Is that what we want? WE the people elected this clown stick. WE the people now have to do the very best we can to make the best effort we can to prevent a full dismantling of all our liberal progress.

Look, I don't even like saying his name. Even when he was a reality TV host I didn't like the douche bag. But back then I could change channels and nobody got hurt. That's not the case now. And we somehow have to find a way to accept this reality.

Hopefully the recounts will change all that, but the odds are very long against it and we can't pin that much hope on it.

WE the people elected von clownstick, we the people have to live and work with it for at least the next 4 years.
Thanks to leslie
In all fairness, I fucking hate you a lot more than you hate me.

Trust that.

So, live, die or grow a flower in your crack. I really don't give a shit. I just hope I get an opportunity to piss on your grave.
I doubt it theow,,,,,I wouldn't piss on you if you were on fire You're all a bunch of AH's

You aren't telling us anything we don't already know. We know your type for being absurd, arrogant, and worthless pissants who don't give a shit for anyone or anything other than their own immediate comfort and ideology.

Fuck off, loser. You lost and if I had my way, all you little pigs would be in prison or in front of firing squads. Count your blessings and stop fucking boo hooing, it's pathetic.
Well, gee, good for you.

Here's your "I haven't learned a fucking thing from this" trophy:

Yeah me and 64? Million who voted against the chump and you nitwits??

Well it's good news that all 64 million are so stupid as to have their heads up their asses with this strict "us vs. them" mentality that is fucking up the country and led to the dem's defeat in this election.

and here I thought it was only a few outlier loons like you.
Look stupid Your ah republicans fought tooth and nail against our duly elected president for 8 years and before that had it in for Bill Clinton too You are all devisive lowlife scum as is your congress that did nothing for the last 8 years besides play switch

Sure and douchebag wrote all kinds of EO's which Trump will rescind.

Since the Reps have Congress I doubt Trump will have much trouble getting shit done.
He's going to need 60 more than a few times Where's he getting them from ?? Not only his own people including your leaders despised him but dems do to How many fillibusters did your repubs pull off on Obama ???Your FN game has to make gov't shitty and then blame dems for it We're on to you suckers

Eddie still hasn't figured out his side lost
I'm afraid we're gonna have to be realistic, and that means pragmatism.

Nobody will suggest that you have to like president trump, or like having to deal with him. But if we walk away and fail to step up, he'll get a free hand. Is that what we want? WE the people elected this clown stick. WE the people now have to do the very best we can to make the best effort we can to prevent a full dismantling of all our liberal progress.

Look, I don't even like saying his name. Even when he was a reality TV host I didn't like the douche bag. But back then I could change channels and nobody got hurt. That's not the case now. And we somehow have to find a way to accept this reality.

Hopefully the recounts will change all that, but the odds are very long against it and we can't pin that much hope on it.

WE the people elected von clownstick, we the people have to live and work with it for at least the next 4 years.
Thanks to leslie
In all fairness, I fucking hate you a lot more than you hate me.

Trust that.

So, live, die or grow a flower in your crack. I really don't give a shit. I just hope I get an opportunity to piss on your grave.
I doubt it theow,,,,,I wouldn't piss on you if you were on fire You're all a bunch of AH's

You aren't telling us anything we don't already know. We know your type for being absurd, arrogant, and worthless pissants who don't give a shit for anyone or anything other than their own immediate comfort and ideology.

Fuck off, loser. You lost and if I had my way, all you little pigs would be in prison or in front of firing squads. Count your blessings and stop fucking boo hooing, it's pathetic.
You say stop boo hooing??? like you scumbag party did for 8 years under obama ??? You have alzheimers ?? Lots Of Jewish folks have it
I'm afraid we're gonna have to be realistic, and that means pragmatism.

Nobody will suggest that you have to like president trump, or like having to deal with him. But if we walk away and fail to step up, he'll get a free hand. Is that what we want? WE the people elected this clown stick. WE the people now have to do the very best we can to make the best effort we can to prevent a full dismantling of all our liberal progress.

Look, I don't even like saying his name. Even when he was a reality TV host I didn't like the douche bag. But back then I could change channels and nobody got hurt. That's not the case now. And we somehow have to find a way to accept this reality.

Hopefully the recounts will change all that, but the odds are very long against it and we can't pin that much hope on it.

WE the people elected von clownstick, we the people have to live and work with it for at least the next 4 years.
Thanks to leslie
Feel free to move to Cuba
I'm afraid we're gonna have to be realistic, and that means pragmatism.

Nobody will suggest that you have to like president trump, or like having to deal with him. But if we walk away and fail to step up, he'll get a free hand. Is that what we want? WE the people elected this clown stick. WE the people now have to do the very best we can to make the best effort we can to prevent a full dismantling of all our liberal progress.

Look, I don't even like saying his name. Even when he was a reality TV host I didn't like the douche bag. But back then I could change channels and nobody got hurt. That's not the case now. And we somehow have to find a way to accept this reality.

Hopefully the recounts will change all that, but the odds are very long against it and we can't pin that much hope on it.

WE the people elected von clownstick, we the people have to live and work with it for at least the next 4 years.
Thanks to leslie
In all fairness, I fucking hate you a lot more than you hate me.

Trust that.

So, live, die or grow a flower in your crack. I really don't give a shit. I just hope I get an opportunity to piss on your grave.
I doubt it theow,,,,,I wouldn't piss on you if you were on fire You're all a bunch of AH's

You aren't telling us anything we don't already know. We know your type for being absurd, arrogant, and worthless pissants who don't give a shit for anyone or anything other than their own immediate comfort and ideology.

Fuck off, loser. You lost and if I had my way, all you little pigs would be in prison or in front of firing squads. Count your blessings and stop fucking boo hooing, it's pathetic.
You say stop boo hooing??? like you scumbag party did for 8 years under obama ??? You have alzheimers ?? Lots Of Jewish folks have it

Ah. Not only are you pathetic, you're mentally ill as well. That's okay, one of the ways we're making America Great Again is to build new asylums, and pack them to the gills with losers like you.
I'm afraid we're gonna have to be realistic, and that means pragmatism.

Nobody will suggest that you have to like president trump, or like having to deal with him. But if we walk away and fail to step up, he'll get a free hand. Is that what we want? WE the people elected this clown stick. WE the people now have to do the very best we can to make the best effort we can to prevent a full dismantling of all our liberal progress.

Look, I don't even like saying his name. Even when he was a reality TV host I didn't like the douche bag. But back then I could change channels and nobody got hurt. That's not the case now. And we somehow have to find a way to accept this reality.

Hopefully the recounts will change all that, but the odds are very long against it and we can't pin that much hope on it.

WE the people elected von clownstick, we the people have to live and work with it for at least the next 4 years.
Thanks to leslie
In all fairness, I fucking hate you a lot more than you hate me.

Trust that.

So, live, die or grow a flower in your crack. I really don't give a shit. I just hope I get an opportunity to piss on your grave.
I doubt it theow,,,,,I wouldn't piss on you if you were on fire You're all a bunch of AH's

You aren't telling us anything we don't already know. We know your type for being absurd, arrogant, and worthless pissants who don't give a shit for anyone or anything other than their own immediate comfort and ideology.

Fuck off, loser. You lost and if I had my way, all you little pigs would be in prison or in front of firing squads. Count your blessings and stop fucking boo hooing, it's pathetic.
You say stop boo hooing??? like you scumbag party did for 8 years under obama ??? You have alzheimers ?? Lots Of Jewish folks have it

Oh lookie here, a Jew hater to boot!
Yeah me and 64? Million who voted against the chump and you nitwits??

Well it's good news that all 64 million are so stupid as to have their heads up their asses with this strict "us vs. them" mentality that is fucking up the country and led to the dem's defeat in this election.

and here I thought it was only a few outlier loons like you.
Look stupid Your ah republicans fought tooth and nail against our duly elected president for 8 years and before that had it in for Bill Clinton too You are all devisive lowlife scum as is your congress that did nothing for the last 8 years besides play switch

Sure and douchebag wrote all kinds of EO's which Trump will rescind.

Since the Reps have Congress I doubt Trump will have much trouble getting shit done.
He's going to need 60 more than a few times Where's he getting them from ?? Not only his own people including your leaders despised him but dems do to How many fillibusters did your repubs pull off on Obama ???Your FN game has to make gov't shitty and then blame dems for it We're on to you suckers

Eddie still hasn't figured out his side lost
We lost and by putting this chump piece of trash in office America lost too BTW I hear pussy grabbing is legal now So watch out
Well it's good news that all 64 million are so stupid as to have their heads up their asses with this strict "us vs. them" mentality that is fucking up the country and led to the dem's defeat in this election.

and here I thought it was only a few outlier loons like you.
Look stupid Your ah republicans fought tooth and nail against our duly elected president for 8 years and before that had it in for Bill Clinton too You are all devisive lowlife scum as is your congress that did nothing for the last 8 years besides play switch

Sure and douchebag wrote all kinds of EO's which Trump will rescind.

Since the Reps have Congress I doubt Trump will have much trouble getting shit done.
He's going to need 60 more than a few times Where's he getting them from ?? Not only his own people including your leaders despised him but dems do to How many fillibusters did your repubs pull off on Obama ???Your FN game has to make gov't shitty and then blame dems for it We're on to you suckers

Eddie still hasn't figured out his side lost
We lost and by putting this chump piece of trash in office America lost too BTW I hear pussy grabbing is legal now So watch out

Grow up ya freaking retard, you and all the other butthurt babies on here. It's getting waaaaaay old
I'm afraid we're gonna have to be realistic, and that means pragmatism.

Nobody will suggest that you have to like president trump, or like having to deal with him. But if we walk away and fail to step up, he'll get a free hand. Is that what we want? WE the people elected this clown stick. WE the people now have to do the very best we can to make the best effort we can to prevent a full dismantling of all our liberal progress.

Look, I don't even like saying his name. Even when he was a reality TV host I didn't like the douche bag. But back then I could change channels and nobody got hurt. That's not the case now. And we somehow have to find a way to accept this reality.

Hopefully the recounts will change all that, but the odds are very long against it and we can't pin that much hope on it.

WE the people elected von clownstick, we the people have to live and work with it for at least the next 4 years.
Thanks to leslie
In all fairness, I fucking hate you a lot more than you hate me.

Trust that.

So, live, die or grow a flower in your crack. I really don't give a shit. I just hope I get an opportunity to piss on your grave.
I doubt it theow,,,,,I wouldn't piss on you if you were on fire You're all a bunch of AH's

You aren't telling us anything we don't already know. We know your type for being absurd, arrogant, and worthless pissants who don't give a shit for anyone or anything other than their own immediate comfort and ideology.

Fuck off, loser. You lost and if I had my way, all you little pigs would be in prison or in front of firing squads. Count your blessings and stop fucking boo hooing, it's pathetic.
You say stop boo hooing??? like you scumbag party did for 8 years under obama ??? You have alzheimers ?? Lots Of Jewish folks have it

Oh lookie here, a Jew hater to boot!
soggy Moron I am Jewish
Well, gee, good for you.

Here's your "I haven't learned a fucking thing from this" trophy:

Yeah me and 64? Million who voted against the chump and you nitwits??

Well it's good news that all 64 million are so stupid as to have their heads up their asses with this strict "us vs. them" mentality that is fucking up the country and led to the dem's defeat in this election.

and here I thought it was only a few outlier loons like you.
Look stupid Your ah republicans fought tooth and nail against our duly elected president for 8 years and before that had it in for Bill Clinton too You are all devisive lowlife scum as is your congress that did nothing for the last 8 years besides play switch
And Claudette you can join fueri

Better him than your dumbass.
Well, gee, good for you.

Here's your "I haven't learned a fucking thing from this" trophy:

Yeah me and 64? Million who voted against the chump and you nitwits??

Well it's good news that all 64 million are so stupid as to have their heads up their asses with this strict "us vs. them" mentality that is fucking up the country and led to the dem's defeat in this election.

and here I thought it was only a few outlier loons like you.
Look stupid Your ah republicans fought tooth and nail against our duly elected president for 8 years and before that had it in for Bill Clinton too You are all devisive lowlife scum as is your congress that did nothing for the last 8 years besides play switch

listen up shit-for-brains, I was not talking about fucking politicians, I was talking about individuals, as were you when you referenced vote totals.

So, nice little deflection, which is also typical of a dysfunctional loon.

morons like you that think they 'know some shit', but are really nothing but cannon fodder for divisive politicians are a huge portion of the problem as they continue to perpetuate the divisions through what they view as some righteous rectitude but is in fact nothing more than the lazy man's approach to politics. Simply broad brushing the other side in order to feel that you're in some way better, smarter, more informed isn't showing any knowledge of jack shit except your own rage.

grow up.
I'm afraid we're gonna have to be realistic, and that means pragmatism.

Nobody will suggest that you have to like president trump, or like having to deal with him. But if we walk away and fail to step up, he'll get a free hand. Is that what we want? WE the people elected this clown stick. WE the people now have to do the very best we can to make the best effort we can to prevent a full dismantling of all our liberal progress.

Look, I don't even like saying his name. Even when he was a reality TV host I didn't like the douche bag. But back then I could change channels and nobody got hurt. That's not the case now. And we somehow have to find a way to accept this reality.

Hopefully the recounts will change all that, but the odds are very long against it and we can't pin that much hope on it.

WE the people elected von clownstick, we the people have to live and work with it for at least the next 4 years.
Thanks to leslie
In all fairness, I fucking hate you a lot more than you hate me.

Trust that.

So, live, die or grow a flower in your crack. I really don't give a shit. I just hope I get an opportunity to piss on your grave.
I doubt it theow,,,,,I wouldn't piss on you if you were on fire You're all a bunch of AH's
Oh yeah? The only reason I would piss on you if you were on fire, is so I could light you on fire again.

So, take that you stupid ignorant dick for brains.
Look stupid Your ah republicans fought tooth and nail against our duly elected president for 8 years and before that had it in for Bill Clinton too You are all devisive lowlife scum as is your congress that did nothing for the last 8 years besides play switch

Sure and douchebag wrote all kinds of EO's which Trump will rescind.

Since the Reps have Congress I doubt Trump will have much trouble getting shit done.
He's going to need 60 more than a few times Where's he getting them from ?? Not only his own people including your leaders despised him but dems do to How many fillibusters did your repubs pull off on Obama ???Your FN game has to make gov't shitty and then blame dems for it We're on to you suckers

Eddie still hasn't figured out his side lost
We lost and by putting this chump piece of trash in office America lost too BTW I hear pussy grabbing is legal now So watch out

Grow up ya freaking retard, you and all the other butthurt babies on here. It's getting waaaaaay old
See his tax return?? The fn crook won't show it and all those repubs who posted here are too moronic to know why
Yeah me and 64? Million who voted against the chump and you nitwits??

Well it's good news that all 64 million are so stupid as to have their heads up their asses with this strict "us vs. them" mentality that is fucking up the country and led to the dem's defeat in this election.

and here I thought it was only a few outlier loons like you.
Look stupid Your ah republicans fought tooth and nail against our duly elected president for 8 years and before that had it in for Bill Clinton too You are all devisive lowlife scum as is your congress that did nothing for the last 8 years besides play switch

Sure and douchebag wrote all kinds of EO's which Trump will rescind.

Since the Reps have Congress I doubt Trump will have much trouble getting shit done.
He's going to need 60 more than a few times Where's he getting them from ?? Not only his own people including your leaders despised him but dems do to How many fillibusters did your repubs pull off on Obama ???Your FN game has to make gov't shitty and then blame dems for it We're on to you suckers

Eddie still hasn't figured out his side lost

He's hoping that recount will turn it all around. LMAO
Sure and douchebag wrote all kinds of EO's which Trump will rescind.

Since the Reps have Congress I doubt Trump will have much trouble getting shit done.
He's going to need 60 more than a few times Where's he getting them from ?? Not only his own people including your leaders despised him but dems do to How many fillibusters did your repubs pull off on Obama ???Your FN game has to make gov't shitty and then blame dems for it We're on to you suckers

Eddie still hasn't figured out his side lost
We lost and by putting this chump piece of trash in office America lost too BTW I hear pussy grabbing is legal now So watch out

Grow up ya freaking retard, you and all the other butthurt babies on here. It's getting waaaaaay old
See his tax return?? The fn crook won't show it and all those repubs who posted here are too moronic to know why

Sure and douchebag wrote all kinds of EO's which Trump will rescind.

Since the Reps have Congress I doubt Trump will have much trouble getting shit done.
He's going to need 60 more than a few times Where's he getting them from ?? Not only his own people including your leaders despised him but dems do to How many fillibusters did your repubs pull off on Obama ???Your FN game has to make gov't shitty and then blame dems for it We're on to you suckers

Eddie still hasn't figured out his side lost
We lost and by putting this chump piece of trash in office America lost too BTW I hear pussy grabbing is legal now So watch out

Grow up ya freaking retard, you and all the other butthurt babies on here. It's getting waaaaaay old
See his tax return?? The fn crook won't show it and all those repubs who posted here are too moronic to know why

I'm pretty sure Trump has paid more in taxes than you have or ever will pay.


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