I cannot afford a Lawyer thereby can't be with my Son

I cannot afford a Lawyer thereby can't be with my Son.

American Society practices Discrimination against the Poor.
American Society practices a similiar Discrimination
against those of us (VETS) that served this Country.

So based on a marriage that went bad
because I married a Whore
and the whore took advantage of me
and the fact that society feels sorry for women.

This great Dad does not get to be with my good son.
Even thou this great father supported two step kids
for a period of almost 10 years.

I pay $1000/month in Child Support
and some of that money I know she used on those other two kids.

So it's sad but I could not find one lawyer in a State of C0wards (DE)
that would take my case on for $50/hour.
Lawyers earn between $100 and $500 an Hour.
One lawyer I had earned about $100 hour and he sucked.
Another lawyer I had earned about $270 hour and he sucked.

I was just joking because none of those lawyers
actually earned any money.
I had to pay them that much.

In my lifetime I'm trying to see that my son gets my house - paid off.
I currently got a 15 year loan and paid one month.
So now I'm down to 14 years and 11 months.
I'm also trying to give him my current car
a 2008 Dodge Avenger when he is 17 which is in 4 years.
That will be paid off in 3 years.

Any money I give to a Lawyer
is money that I cannot give to him.
So Lawyers can eat shit and ....

So I hope you C0wards are proud of your country.
I'm proud of my country
but the people suck big time.

Baltimore Bob

AnnapolisGeorge, why don't you go to law school and become a lawyer, so that you would be able to charge people the hourly rates which you quote.

Then you would likely have enough money to afford a lawyer.
find yourself a nice muslim girl......and settle down....lifes too short

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZSXTo5hjVbc]YouTube - Beautiful women with hijab[/ame]
Quote: did I miss anything?

Yes the fact that I'm a Person of Courage and your the C0ward.
Your the reason why 58,000 plus Americans died in Nam.
Well not you you just got the C0ward gene from your Mom & Dad.

Baltimore Bob
Quote: did I miss anything?

Yes the fact that I'm a Person of Courage and your the C0ward.
Your the reason why 58,000 plus Americans died in Nam.
Well not you you just got the C0ward gene from your Mom & Dad.

Baltimore Bob

To paraphrase Patton: "What did you do in the great Vietnam war?"
Quote: To paraphrase Patton: "What did you do in the great Vietnam war?"

I was forced when they brought back SLAVERY in the 1960's.
No difference in salvery that was supposed to end about 1865.

Baltimore Bob
Excellent work, X! I thought playing it backwards only workd with Black Sabbath...

this discovery is 0a great leap in the understanding of douchbaggery and lying trolls such as Bob
Quote: To paraphrase Patton: "What did you do in the great Vietnam war?"

I was forced when they brought back SLAVERY in the 1960's.
No difference in salvery that was supposed to end about 1865.

Baltimore Bob

You were forced to do what? Go to Vietnam and DO what?
Family Courts are about Society acting queer
and felling sorry for Kids
(except when they try to kill the Kid in Vietnam)
and feel sorry for women.

My solution never marry and never have Kids
and you'll have no Family Court issue.
If I never got married
I would have never needed a DirtBag Lawyer.

Lawyers are for CRIMINALS or Criminal behavior.

Baltimore Bob
Quote: To paraphrase Patton: "What did you do in the great Vietnam war?"

I was forced when they brought back SLAVERY in the 1960's.
No difference in salvery that was supposed to end about 1865.

Baltimore Bob

You were forced to do what? Go to Vietnam and DO what?
blow his CO?

"He packed his ass with broken glass and circumcised the skipper"

"And every night at half past eight, he played the skipper's organ"

:lol: :lol: :lol:

From a longer song about the exploits of Baltimore Bob the Sailor
Last edited:
QUOTE: You were forced to do what? Go to Vietnam and DO what?

Does it matter.

If you pick up a gal. Kidnapp her
and you just Talk to Her
You'll still face kidnapping charges.

Rape is Rape.
Forcing someone to do something against their will.

Society cannot allow this to happen.
A C0ward society thou would allow it to happen.

Baltimore Bob
QUOTE: You were forced to do what? Go to Vietnam and DO what?

Does it matter.

If you pick up a gal. Kidnapp her
and you just Talk to Her
You'll still face kidnapping charges.

Rape is Rape.
Forcing someone to do something against their will.

Society cannot allow this to happen.
A C0ward society thou would allow it to happen.

Baltimore Bob

Yes it matters. It matters deeply to me. Now, what were you forced to do in Vietnam?
Quote: Yes it matters.
It matters deeply to me. Now, what were you forced to do in Vietnam?

Be there for No Valid Reason
other then America didn't Care.
Americans putting my life in danger
because they didn't care.

Baltimore Bob
Quote: To paraphrase Patton: "What did you do in the great Vietnam war?"

I was forced when they brought back SLAVERY in the 1960's.
No difference in salvery that was supposed to end about 1865.

Baltimore Bob

I think you're confusing the meaning of the word 'enlisted'. You made a choice to join the Navy because you were scared to fight on the ground. That isn't forced. Take some responsibility for your decisions.

You also decided to get married. Your choice. So it didn't turn out how you wanted, that's life. Learn from your mistakes and stop wallowing in self-pity.

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