I cannot stand idly by any longer

The negros do what they always do prey on the weak.

Nope, thats not what black people always do, you are just an ignorant racist spreading hateful bs.
Watch the videos..

What fn video? There is no video that shows that black people are always preying on the weak.

You have to live on the whites-only-moon to not know that.
18 pages later and you didn't watch the videos?

The videos do not show that black people are always preying on the weak. Just because some blacks did bad stuff does not mean all blacks are like that.

Stop saying idiotic bs.
Gee, Anton...every time some White Power idiot does something stupid you liberals immediately declare that all conservatives are "bad" but whenever your Antifa and Black Lives Matter idiots get caught on video assaulting people you're equally quick to attack anyone who points that out.

I'm not "you liberals" I'm just me. You want to complain about me broadbrushing? Fine, quote me and complain.
So you saying your an individual?

Welcome to America!

96474394-constitution-of-america-we-the-people-with-bald-eagle-and-american-flag- (1).jpg
The negros do what they always do prey on the weak.

Nope, thats not what black people always do, you are just an ignorant racist spreading hateful bs.
Watch the videos..

What fn video? There is no video that shows that black people are always preying on the weak.

You have to live on the whites-only-moon to not know that.
18 pages later and you didn't watch the videos?

The videos do not show that black people are always preying on the weak. Just because some blacks did bad stuff does not mean all blacks are like that.

Stop saying idiotic bs.
Gee, Anton...every time some White Power idiot does something stupid you liberals immediately declare that all conservatives are "bad" but whenever your Antifa and Black Lives Matter idiots get caught on video assaulting people you're equally quick to attack anyone who points that out.

I'm not "you liberals" I'm just me. You want to complain about me broadbrushing? Fine, quote me and complain.
So you paint others with a broad brush...then get huffy and declare that you're "just me"...when that's pointed out? What is with you liberals these days, Anton?
The negros do what they always do prey on the weak.

Nope, thats not what black people always do, you are just an ignorant racist spreading hateful bs.
Watch the videos..

What fn video? There is no video that shows that black people are always preying on the weak.

You have to live on the whites-only-moon to not know that.
18 pages later and you didn't watch the videos?

The videos do not show that black people are always preying on the weak. Just because some blacks did bad stuff does not mean all blacks are like that.

Stop saying idiotic bs.
Gee, Anton...every time some White Power idiot does something stupid you liberals immediately declare that all conservatives are "bad" but whenever your Antifa and Black Lives Matter idiots get caught on video assaulting people you're equally quick to attack anyone who points that out.

I'm not "you liberals" I'm just me. You want to complain about me broadbrushing? Fine, quote me and complain.
So you paint others with a broad brush...then get huffy and declare that you're "just me"...when that's pointed out? What is with you liberals these days, Anton?

Zero self-awareness.

And who did I broadbrush? You still didn't quote me broadbrushing.
But why are you standing up for obvious lies?

Because I have seen no concrete evidence disproving them, nor have I seen any concrete effort on your side or any side to disprove them, other thatn "he won, deal with it."

If you have a counter-argument that proves to me this election was carried out faithfully, with the best interests of our democracy in mind, I would love to hear it.
So lies don’t have to be proven, others have to disprove them?
I was glued to Twitter last night. Why? Not because of some cat videos or hilarious fails, no, but because of all the violence I saw in DC last night. I saw almost every video that was posted, whether of couples and parents with children or of minorities and the elderly being attacked by Joe Biden's supporters. All innocent people who came to protest a seemingly stolen election. I watched as nobody on the left condemned this behavior. I watched as law enforcement did literally nothing to stop the violence, instead, Muriel Bowser let our nation's capital become a hellhole.

So I came to one conclusion:

Trump should not cede this country over to people who stand by and allow this kind of violence to continue against innocent people with different viewpoints. If that sentiment scares you, sorry. This may amount to calling for a coup, but I know of no other peaceful way to solve America's issues (if you have any peaceful ways to bridge our seemingly hopeless divide, I'm all ears). The time for being nice and diplomatic has passed. If people like me, who believe what we believe, are going to be engaged in this kind of violent manner, then we should respond in kind. Words have failed. Actions have consequences. These are the sort of things that drive good men to do bad things.

I was an extremist ten years ago. A hard right-wing extremist. I strove to get away from the vile hatred that extremism brought, I wanted to be tolerant and understanding, yes, I have tried my damndest to remain neutral and dispassionate wherever possible. But I cannot stand idly by any longer. I cannot watch as people who hold one particular point of view are attacked and mercilessly destroyed for doing exactly that. No matter how vehemently I try to stand back and turn the other cheek, the words "fight back" and "resist" come to the surface. Those acts of violence posted on Twitter I mentioned earlier? They make my blood boil.

I don't want to be your enemy. But if you insist on treating me as one, I will be the worst enemy you can possibly imagine. I come from an era where respect is earned, not given. Don't mistake my reticence for weakness. It is for your protection. I don't care about your feelings or emotions, I have enough trouble dealing with mine. I am not incapable of exercising empathy, but I am also capable of being colder than the vacuum of space. Do not try me. Do not give me an excuse to be.

I am happy to be your friend. But I will not be disrespected or maligned. My ideas and opinions are my own. I have a right to believe what I believe. But know this: my empathy for you will stop the moment you attempt to deprive me of those things, or if you try to dehumanize me for having them. My faith in humanity at this point is gone. Gone. Don't give me another reason to justify that sentiment.

My perception has changed. I will not acknowledge Biden as our president, not because I think he stole the election, but because he will allow the same behavior we saw last night in Washington DC to spread throughout this country, while he eschews empty calls for "unity" and "healing." His condemnations of the violence will ultimately be hollow and empty.

I am not fooled. I will defy this trend. I will stand up for what I believe in.
This fails as a hasty generalization fallacy.

Subjective, anecdotal accounts of individuals’ actions are devoid of merit; the acts of a tiny minority of persons are not ‘representative’ of the whole.

And neither Biden nor the Democrats are ‘responsible’ for the acts of that tiny minority of private citizens.

The thread premise is ridiculous sophistry – as idiotic as it is wrong.

And you just simply fail. Always.

It is amusing however to see the so called "tolerant" left exposing themselves as the fascist brownshirts we all know them to be.

Yes, Templar, I fear the war is being forced upon us. I will do my best to protect my family, we are pretty far in the boondocks so it is easier than most, but I will not care one bit the fate of any of these marxist pieces of shit.
I was glued to Twitter last night. Why? Not because of some cat videos or hilarious fails, no, but because of all the violence I saw in DC last night. I saw almost every video that was posted, whether of couples and parents with children or of minorities and the elderly being attacked by Joe Biden's supporters. All innocent people who came to protest a seemingly stolen election. I watched as nobody on the left condemned this behavior. I watched as law enforcement did literally nothing to stop the violence, instead, Muriel Bowser let our nation's capital become a hellhole.

So I came to one conclusion:

Trump should not cede this country over to people who stand by and allow this kind of violence to continue against innocent people with different viewpoints. If that sentiment scares you, sorry. This may amount to calling for a coup, but I know of no other peaceful way to solve America's issues (if you have any peaceful ways to bridge our seemingly hopeless divide, I'm all ears). The time for being nice and diplomatic has passed. If people like me, who believe what we believe, are going to be engaged in this kind of violent manner, then we should respond in kind. Words have failed. Actions have consequences. These are the sort of things that drive good men to do bad things.

I was an extremist ten years ago. A hard right-wing extremist. I strove to get away from the vile hatred that extremism brought, I wanted to be tolerant and understanding, yes, I have tried my damndest to remain neutral and dispassionate wherever possible. But I cannot stand idly by any longer. I cannot watch as people who hold one particular point of view are attacked and mercilessly destroyed for doing exactly that. No matter how vehemently I try to stand back and turn the other cheek, the words "fight back" and "resist" come to the surface. Those acts of violence posted on Twitter I mentioned earlier? They make my blood boil.

I don't want to be your enemy. But if you insist on treating me as one, I will be the worst enemy you can possibly imagine. I come from an era where respect is earned, not given. Don't mistake my reticence for weakness. It is for your protection. I don't care about your feelings or emotions, I have enough trouble dealing with mine. I am not incapable of exercising empathy, but I am also capable of being colder than the vacuum of space. Do not try me. Do not give me an excuse to be.

I am happy to be your friend. But I will not be disrespected or maligned. My ideas and opinions are my own. I have a right to believe what I believe. But know this: my empathy for you will stop the moment you attempt to deprive me of those things, or if you try to dehumanize me for having them. My faith in humanity at this point is gone. Gone. Don't give me another reason to justify that sentiment.

My perception has changed. I will not acknowledge Biden as our president, not because I think he stole the election, but because he will allow the same behavior we saw last night in Washington DC to spread throughout this country, while he eschews empty calls for "unity" and "healing." His condemnations of the violence will ultimately be hollow and empty.

I am not fooled. I will defy this trend. I will stand up for what I believe in.
That’s great to stand up for what you believe in. But why are you standing up for obvious lies? We all know the election was not stolen. We knew Trump was going to make those claims before the election even started. They aren’t even doing a good job at making a convincing case.

You say you used to be a right wing extremist... you definitely still are.

BTW. Those who were Out counter protesting the Trumpsters should go sit their asses down. Biden won. Let the losers make a fuss over their façade of a stolen election. We know it’s not going to go anywhere. No need for violence or to inflame things further.
...Trump should not cede this country...
It is not his to cede.

It belongs to The People.

The People have spoken.

Your boy is out.

Tell him to go home on January 20, 2021, at 12:00 pm EST, or the Secret Service and the US Marshals Office will remove him involuntarily.

The United States is a nation of laws.

Obey the law,

The next step is civil war. Do you really think they are willing to bring this nation to the brink?
77 million people disagree with YOU....

you lose

Hmm. How many of them are alive? How many of them voted twice? How many of them were procedurally generated within the innards of a machine?

Are you willing to bank that every vote for Biden is legitimate?

Yeah, I don't think so.
You forgot to ask ... how many of those committing fraud are Republicans?

I was glued to Twitter last night. Why? Not because of some cat videos or hilarious fails, no, but because of all the violence I saw in DC last night. I saw almost every video that was posted, whether of couples and parents with children or of minorities and the elderly being attacked by Joe Biden's supporters. All innocent people who came to protest a seemingly stolen election. I watched as nobody on the left condemned this behavior. I watched as law enforcement did literally nothing to stop the violence, instead, Muriel Bowser let our nation's capital become a hellhole.

So I came to one conclusion:

Trump should not cede this country over to people who stand by and allow this kind of violence to continue against innocent people with different viewpoints. If that sentiment scares you, sorry. This may amount to calling for a coup, but I know of no other peaceful way to solve America's issues (if you have any peaceful ways to bridge our seemingly hopeless divide, I'm all ears). The time for being nice and diplomatic has passed. If people like me, who believe what we believe, are going to be engaged in this kind of violent manner, then we should respond in kind. Words have failed. Actions have consequences. These are the sort of things that drive good men to do bad things.

I was an extremist ten years ago. A hard right-wing extremist. I strove to get away from the vile hatred that extremism brought, I wanted to be tolerant and understanding, yes, I have tried my damndest to remain neutral and dispassionate wherever possible. But I cannot stand idly by any longer. I cannot watch as people who hold one particular point of view are attacked and mercilessly destroyed for doing exactly that. No matter how vehemently I try to stand back and turn the other cheek, the words "fight back" and "resist" come to the surface. Those acts of violence posted on Twitter I mentioned earlier? They make my blood boil.

I don't want to be your enemy. But if you insist on treating me as one, I will be the worst enemy you can possibly imagine. I come from an era where respect is earned, not given. Don't mistake my reticence for weakness. It is for your protection. I don't care about your feelings or emotions, I have enough trouble dealing with mine. I am not incapable of exercising empathy, but I am also capable of being colder than the vacuum of space. Do not try me. Do not give me an excuse to be.

I am happy to be your friend. But I will not be disrespected or maligned. My ideas and opinions are my own. I have a right to believe what I believe. But know this: my empathy for you will stop the moment you attempt to deprive me of those things, or if you try to dehumanize me for having them. My faith in humanity at this point is gone. Gone. Don't give me another reason to justify that sentiment.

My perception has changed. I will not acknowledge Biden as our president, not because I think he stole the election, but because he will allow the same behavior we saw last night in Washington DC to spread throughout this country, while he eschews empty calls for "unity" and "healing." His condemnations of the violence will ultimately be hollow and empty.

I am not fooled. I will defy this trend. I will stand up for what I believe in.
Just a thought here TK...is it possible you are being manipulated by the folks you follow in Twitter? I read several articles on this...no real violence some minor clashes, fault on both sides but overall the DC police were stellar.

There is no possibility of that. Unless what my eyes tell me are untruths.
I don't care for Twitter. It's one-sided. You will see what those you follow choose to show you.

What DON'T they show you?

Twitter is one-sided. No argument.

But in favor of my worldviews? Never. You need not look any further than what they did to the New York Post.

These videos aren't 20-second clips, they are at least 60-90 seconds long, in an attempt to catch the whole incident take place.
Do they show you the other incidents?

Do you even know which incidents you are referring to when you ask me that question, Coyote? In this demand for context, are you desiring context or are you attempting to run from the truth?
DESIRING CONTEXT. what are you afraid of? that your truth might not be?

Tell you what, show me the full unedited versions of the videos I posted earlier in this thread, and then maybe I will allow myself to be lectured about "context", by people who routinely desire none. By people who demand the truth be whatever it is they want it to be. The only thing I can gather from this is fear. Large, copious amounts of it.

Be my guest, attempt to effectively dispute the videos I posted. I will wait patiently.
I was glued to Twitter last night. Why? Not because of some cat videos or hilarious fails, no, but because of all the violence I saw in DC last night. I saw almost every video that was posted, whether of couples and parents with children or of minorities and the elderly being attacked by Joe Biden's supporters. All innocent people who came to protest a seemingly stolen election. I watched as nobody on the left condemned this behavior. I watched as law enforcement did literally nothing to stop the violence, instead, Muriel Bowser let our nation's capital become a hellhole.

So I came to one conclusion:

Trump should not cede this country over to people who stand by and allow this kind of violence to continue against innocent people with different viewpoints. If that sentiment scares you, sorry. This may amount to calling for a coup, but I know of no other peaceful way to solve America's issues (if you have any peaceful ways to bridge our seemingly hopeless divide, I'm all ears). The time for being nice and diplomatic has passed. If people like me, who believe what we believe, are going to be engaged in this kind of violent manner, then we should respond in kind. Words have failed. Actions have consequences. These are the sort of things that drive good men to do bad things.

I was an extremist ten years ago. A hard right-wing extremist. I strove to get away from the vile hatred that extremism brought, I wanted to be tolerant and understanding, yes, I have tried my damndest to remain neutral and dispassionate wherever possible. But I cannot stand idly by any longer. I cannot watch as people who hold one particular point of view are attacked and mercilessly destroyed for doing exactly that. No matter how vehemently I try to stand back and turn the other cheek, the words "fight back" and "resist" come to the surface. Those acts of violence posted on Twitter I mentioned earlier? They make my blood boil.

I don't want to be your enemy. But if you insist on treating me as one, I will be the worst enemy you can possibly imagine. I come from an era where respect is earned, not given. Don't mistake my reticence for weakness. It is for your protection. I don't care about your feelings or emotions, I have enough trouble dealing with mine. I am not incapable of exercising empathy, but I am also capable of being colder than the vacuum of space. Do not try me. Do not give me an excuse to be.

I am happy to be your friend. But I will not be disrespected or maligned. My ideas and opinions are my own. I have a right to believe what I believe. But know this: my empathy for you will stop the moment you attempt to deprive me of those things, or if you try to dehumanize me for having them. My faith in humanity at this point is gone. Gone. Don't give me another reason to justify that sentiment.

My perception has changed. I will not acknowledge Biden as our president, not because I think he stole the election, but because he will allow the same behavior we saw last night in Washington DC to spread throughout this country, while he eschews empty calls for "unity" and "healing." His condemnations of the violence will ultimately be hollow and empty.

I am not fooled. I will defy this trend. I will stand up for what I believe in.
That’s great to stand up for what you believe in. But why are you standing up for obvious lies? We all know the election was not stolen. We knew Trump was going to make those claims before the election even started. They aren’t even doing a good job at making a convincing case.

You say you used to be a right wing extremist... you definitely still are.

BTW. Those who were Out counter protesting the Trumpsters should go sit their asses down. Biden won. Let the losers make a fuss over their façade of a stolen election. We know it’s not going to go anywhere. No need for violence or to inflame things further.
...Trump should not cede this country...
It is not his to cede.

It belongs to The People.

The People have spoken.

Your boy is out.

Tell him to go home on January 20, 2021, at 12:00 pm EST, or the Secret Service and the US Marshals Office will remove him involuntarily.

The United States is a nation of laws.

Obey the law,

The next step is civil war. Do you really think they are willing to bring this nation to the brink?
77 million people disagree with YOU....

you lose

Hmm. How many of them are alive? How many of them voted twice? How many of them were procedurally generated within the innards of a machine?

Are you willing to bank that every vote for Biden is legitimate?

Yeah, I don't think so.
You forgot to ask ... how many of those committing fraud are Republicans?

Wait, I thought, according to people like you there was no voter fraud, but now suddenly there is?

What exactly am I missing here?
Last edited:
I don't want to be your enemy. But if you insist on treating me as one, I will be the worst enemy you can possibly imagine. I come from an era where respect is earned, not given. Don't mistake my reticence for weakness. It is for your protection. I don't care about your feelings or emotions, I have enough trouble dealing with mine. I am not incapable of exercising empathy, but I am also capable of being colder than the vacuum of space. Do not try me. Do not give me an excuse to be.

Okay, Twinkie, when you get your fat ass off the couch and put down the video game controller, we'll be really scared, we promise.

Let's get real here. A bunch of racists went to a city that was predominately black and acted like a bunch of racist tools and got their asses kicked.

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
hen I hope we never meet in person. That is all I can say to you.

You're going to sit on him?

If that's all you have to say, I am heartened. Because people like you only hurl half baked insults... from behind a computer. I'll fight from the shadows if I must. I will fight the digital fight.

He levelled up!!!
It all started with GW Bush. Remember how the dude was ROASTED by the left, unable to even commission an effective war to win a decisive victory? Soldiers under attack had to phone in for permission to return fire? Every method of extracting info from our enemies was blocked?

Naw, what I remember was Bush lied to us about weapons in Iraq, told us that it would be a cakewalk and that the Iraqis would be throwing flowers at our troops when we "liberated' them.

That's how I remember it.

If this all this violence I see becomes the norm? Hell yes, I will advocate for a coup. Because people like you are doing nothing to stop it. People who share your viewpoints hold positions of power, and they have already proven that they would sacrifice the safety and wellbeing of their citizens to appease a mob mentality.

Or you can try the incredibly sensible thing of not being a bunch of racists in a black neighborhood.

That works, too.
It all started with GW Bush. Remember how the dude was ROASTED by the left, unable to even commission an effective war to win a decisive victory? Soldiers under attack had to phone in for permission to return fire? Every method of extracting info from our enemies was blocked?

Naw, what I remember was Bush lied to us about weapons in Iraq, told us that it would be a cakewalk and that the Iraqis would be throwing flowers at our troops when we "liberated' them.

That's how I remember it.

View attachment 416951
Uhm meth head joe they found them in Iraq, US soldiers died from them.
If you have a counter-argument that proves to me this election was carried out faithfully, with the best interests of our democracy in mind, I would love to hear it.

Biden won by 5.54 million votes and got the most votes of any candidate in American History.

That's how I know this election was carried out faithfully.

It appears Trump got more votes then Obama, explain that one?
Uhm meth head joe they found them in Iraq, US soldiers died from them.

Uh, no, expired mustard gas someone buried in 1991 because they didn't know how to dispose of them was not what we went to war over.

It appears Trump got more votes then Obama, explain that one?

Larger population 12 years later... more people involved in voting.

Okay, to put it in perspective, after a big spike in 2004, voter participation largely remained flat for the next three elections. This time, both sides realized what was at stake and voter participation increased. Probably by about 13%.
I was glued to Twitter last night. Why? Not because of some cat videos or hilarious fails, no, but because of all the violence I saw in DC last night. I saw almost every video that was posted, whether of couples and parents with children or of minorities and the elderly being attacked by Joe Biden's supporters. All innocent people who came to protest a seemingly stolen election. I watched as nobody on the left condemned this behavior. I watched as law enforcement did literally nothing to stop the violence, instead, Muriel Bowser let our nation's capital become a hellhole.

So I came to one conclusion:

Trump should not cede this country over to people who stand by and allow this kind of violence to continue against innocent people with different viewpoints. If that sentiment scares you, sorry. This may amount to calling for a coup, but I know of no other peaceful way to solve America's issues (if you have any peaceful ways to bridge our seemingly hopeless divide, I'm all ears). The time for being nice and diplomatic has passed. If people like me, who believe what we believe, are going to be engaged in this kind of violent manner, then we should respond in kind. Words have failed. Actions have consequences. These are the sort of things that drive good men to do bad things.

I was an extremist ten years ago. A hard right-wing extremist. I strove to get away from the vile hatred that extremism brought, I wanted to be tolerant and understanding, yes, I have tried my damndest to remain neutral and dispassionate wherever possible. But I cannot stand idly by any longer. I cannot watch as people who hold one particular point of view are attacked and mercilessly destroyed for doing exactly that. No matter how vehemently I try to stand back and turn the other cheek, the words "fight back" and "resist" come to the surface. Those acts of violence posted on Twitter I mentioned earlier? They make my blood boil.

I don't want to be your enemy. But if you insist on treating me as one, I will be the worst enemy you can possibly imagine. I come from an era where respect is earned, not given. Don't mistake my reticence for weakness. It is for your protection. I don't care about your feelings or emotions, I have enough trouble dealing with mine. I am not incapable of exercising empathy, but I am also capable of being colder than the vacuum of space. Do not try me. Do not give me an excuse to be.

I am happy to be your friend. But I will not be disrespected or maligned. My ideas and opinions are my own. I have a right to believe what I believe. But know this: my empathy for you will stop the moment you attempt to deprive me of those things, or if you try to dehumanize me for having them. My faith in humanity at this point is gone. Gone. Don't give me another reason to justify that sentiment.

My perception has changed. I will not acknowledge Biden as our president, not because I think he stole the election, but because he will allow the same behavior we saw last night in Washington DC to spread throughout this country, while he eschews empty calls for "unity" and "healing." His condemnations of the violence will ultimately be hollow and empty.

I am not fooled. I will defy this trend. I will stand up for what I believe in.
That’s great to stand up for what you believe in. But why are you standing up for obvious lies? We all know the election was not stolen. We knew Trump was going to make those claims before the election even started. They aren’t even doing a good job at making a convincing case.

You say you used to be a right wing extremist... you definitely still are.

BTW. Those who were Out counter protesting the Trumpsters should go sit their asses down. Biden won. Let the losers make a fuss over their façade of a stolen election. We know it’s not going to go anywhere. No need for violence or to inflame things further.
...Trump should not cede this country...
It is not his to cede.

It belongs to The People.

The People have spoken.

Your boy is out.

Tell him to go home on January 20, 2021, at 12:00 pm EST, or the Secret Service and the US Marshals Office will remove him involuntarily.

The United States is a nation of laws.

Obey the law,

The next step is civil war. Do you really think they are willing to bring this nation to the brink?
77 million people disagree with YOU....

you lose

Hmm. How many of them are alive? How many of them voted twice? How many of them were procedurally generated within the innards of a machine?

Are you willing to bank that every vote for Biden is legitimate?

Yeah, I don't think so.
You forgot to ask ... how many of those committing fraud are Republicans?

Wait, I thought, according to people like you there was no voter fraud, but now suddenly there is?

What exactly am I missing here?
A brain.

People like me have said there's no evidence of fraud that Trump has claimed. Which is why he's losing almost every case he's taken to court.

I gave you a case where someone was arrested. And also unlike Trump's unfounded claims, not enough to change the outcome of the election.
Uhm meth head joe they found them in Iraq, US soldiers died from them.

Uh, no, expired mustard gas someone buried in 1991 because they didn't know how to dispose of them was not what we went to war over.

It appears Trump got more votes then Obama, explain that one?

Larger population 12 years later... more people involved in voting.

Okay, to put it in perspective, after a big spike in 2004, voter participation largely remained flat for the next three elections. This time, both sides realized what was at stake and voter participation increased. Probably by about 13%.

Paper ballots sent out like popcorn?
I was glued to Twitter last night. Why? Not because of some cat videos or hilarious fails, no, but because of all the violence I saw in DC last night. I saw almost every video that was posted, whether of couples and parents with children or of minorities and the elderly being attacked by Joe Biden's supporters. All innocent people who came to protest a seemingly stolen election. I watched as nobody on the left condemned this behavior. I watched as law enforcement did literally nothing to stop the violence, instead, Muriel Bowser let our nation's capital become a hellhole.

So I came to one conclusion:

Trump should not cede this country over to people who stand by and allow this kind of violence to continue against innocent people with different viewpoints. If that sentiment scares you, sorry. This may amount to calling for a coup, but I know of no other peaceful way to solve America's issues (if you have any peaceful ways to bridge our seemingly hopeless divide, I'm all ears). The time for being nice and diplomatic has passed. If people like me, who believe what we believe, are going to be engaged in this kind of violent manner, then we should respond in kind. Words have failed. Actions have consequences. These are the sort of things that drive good men to do bad things.

I was an extremist ten years ago. A hard right-wing extremist. I strove to get away from the vile hatred that extremism brought, I wanted to be tolerant and understanding, yes, I have tried my damndest to remain neutral and dispassionate wherever possible. But I cannot stand idly by any longer. I cannot watch as people who hold one particular point of view are attacked and mercilessly destroyed for doing exactly that. No matter how vehemently I try to stand back and turn the other cheek, the words "fight back" and "resist" come to the surface. Those acts of violence posted on Twitter I mentioned earlier? They make my blood boil.

I don't want to be your enemy. But if you insist on treating me as one, I will be the worst enemy you can possibly imagine. I come from an era where respect is earned, not given. Don't mistake my reticence for weakness. It is for your protection. I don't care about your feelings or emotions, I have enough trouble dealing with mine. I am not incapable of exercising empathy, but I am also capable of being colder than the vacuum of space. Do not try me. Do not give me an excuse to be.

I am happy to be your friend. But I will not be disrespected or maligned. My ideas and opinions are my own. I have a right to believe what I believe. But know this: my empathy for you will stop the moment you attempt to deprive me of those things, or if you try to dehumanize me for having them. My faith in humanity at this point is gone. Gone. Don't give me another reason to justify that sentiment.

My perception has changed. I will not acknowledge Biden as our president, not because I think he stole the election, but because he will allow the same behavior we saw last night in Washington DC to spread throughout this country, while he eschews empty calls for "unity" and "healing." His condemnations of the violence will ultimately be hollow and empty.

I am not fooled. I will defy this trend. I will stand up for what I believe in.
That’s great to stand up for what you believe in. But why are you standing up for obvious lies? We all know the election was not stolen. We knew Trump was going to make those claims before the election even started. They aren’t even doing a good job at making a convincing case.

You say you used to be a right wing extremist... you definitely still are.

BTW. Those who were Out counter protesting the Trumpsters should go sit their asses down. Biden won. Let the losers make a fuss over their façade of a stolen election. We know it’s not going to go anywhere. No need for violence or to inflame things further.
...Trump should not cede this country...
It is not his to cede.

It belongs to The People.

The People have spoken.

Your boy is out.

Tell him to go home on January 20, 2021, at 12:00 pm EST, or the Secret Service and the US Marshals Office will remove him involuntarily.

The United States is a nation of laws.

Obey the law,

The next step is civil war. Do you really think they are willing to bring this nation to the brink?
77 million people disagree with YOU....

you lose

Hmm. How many of them are alive? How many of them voted twice? How many of them were procedurally generated within the innards of a machine?

Are you willing to bank that every vote for Biden is legitimate?

Yeah, I don't think so.
You forgot to ask ... how many of those committing fraud are Republicans?

Wait, I thought, according to people like you there was no voter fraud, but now suddenly there is?

What exactly am I missing here?
A brain.

People like me have said there's no evidence of fraud that Trump has claimed. Which is why he's losing almost every case he's taken to court.

I gave you a case where someone was arrested. And also unlike Trump's unfounded claims, not enough to change the outcome of the election.
Again , Trump it appears got more votes then Obama, where did all these people come from?
I was glued to Twitter last night. Why? Not because of some cat videos or hilarious fails, no, but because of all the violence I saw in DC last night. I saw almost every video that was posted, whether of couples and parents with children or of minorities and the elderly being attacked by Joe Biden's supporters. All innocent people who came to protest a seemingly stolen election. I watched as nobody on the left condemned this behavior. I watched as law enforcement did literally nothing to stop the violence, instead, Muriel Bowser let our nation's capital become a hellhole.

So I came to one conclusion:

Trump should not cede this country over to people who stand by and allow this kind of violence to continue against innocent people with different viewpoints. If that sentiment scares you, sorry. This may amount to calling for a coup, but I know of no other peaceful way to solve America's issues (if you have any peaceful ways to bridge our seemingly hopeless divide, I'm all ears). The time for being nice and diplomatic has passed. If people like me, who believe what we believe, are going to be engaged in this kind of violent manner, then we should respond in kind. Words have failed. Actions have consequences. These are the sort of things that drive good men to do bad things.

I was an extremist ten years ago. A hard right-wing extremist. I strove to get away from the vile hatred that extremism brought, I wanted to be tolerant and understanding, yes, I have tried my damndest to remain neutral and dispassionate wherever possible. But I cannot stand idly by any longer. I cannot watch as people who hold one particular point of view are attacked and mercilessly destroyed for doing exactly that. No matter how vehemently I try to stand back and turn the other cheek, the words "fight back" and "resist" come to the surface. Those acts of violence posted on Twitter I mentioned earlier? They make my blood boil.

I don't want to be your enemy. But if you insist on treating me as one, I will be the worst enemy you can possibly imagine. I come from an era where respect is earned, not given. Don't mistake my reticence for weakness. It is for your protection. I don't care about your feelings or emotions, I have enough trouble dealing with mine. I am not incapable of exercising empathy, but I am also capable of being colder than the vacuum of space. Do not try me. Do not give me an excuse to be.

I am happy to be your friend. But I will not be disrespected or maligned. My ideas and opinions are my own. I have a right to believe what I believe. But know this: my empathy for you will stop the moment you attempt to deprive me of those things, or if you try to dehumanize me for having them. My faith in humanity at this point is gone. Gone. Don't give me another reason to justify that sentiment.

My perception has changed. I will not acknowledge Biden as our president, not because I think he stole the election, but because he will allow the same behavior we saw last night in Washington DC to spread throughout this country, while he eschews empty calls for "unity" and "healing." His condemnations of the violence will ultimately be hollow and empty.

I am not fooled. I will defy this trend. I will stand up for what I believe in.
The street scene is the show they want you to focus upon. What you need to realize is what you are seeing on the streets takes $$$$$ to get this type of social unrest started, then it takes even more $$$$$ to keep it going. It's the BRAINS with the $$$$$/political clout THAT ARE BEHIND THE SCENES & out of sight that you & WE as a society need to zero & then take them out. The bimbo rank & file street activists most likely are too ignorant to even know they are being used as non paid actors in the show. I will include a link below of ONE of the supporting industries funding this show.


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