I Can't Imagine a God...

Being gay, or actually having gay relationships and sex isn't going to send you to hell any more than breaking any of the other hundreds of commandments will. Get in more serious theological trouble breaking the Sabbath, dissing the Holy Spirit, etc. than who you have sex with.

Just as sinful to have premarital sex as it is to be having gay sex. Both are death penalty offenses.

But having sex without being married isn't is kind of a gays only option right now.

If that's the problem that you want them married first then let em get married. Lol

I think pre marital sex was a sin because they had a problem with too many baby mamma drama. We should try that again because its a problem again. Parents teach your children well..

Why do gays have to be married? So they don't get aids.

Married people don't get AIDS? Huh. News to me. Thought it was spread through body fluids, not the absence of religious rites or legal documents?

If all you do is fuck one guy and no other guy ever fucks him can he or you still get aids?
Being gay, or actually having gay relationships and sex isn't going to send you to hell any more than breaking any of the other hundreds of commandments will. Get in more serious theological trouble breaking the Sabbath, dissing the Holy Spirit, etc. than who you have sex with.

Just as sinful to have premarital sex as it is to be having gay sex. Both are death penalty offenses.

But having sex without being married isn't is kind of a gays only option right now.

If that's the problem that you want them married first then let em get married. Lol

I think pre marital sex was a sin because they had a problem with too many baby mamma drama. We should try that again because its a problem again. Parents teach your children well..

Why do gays have to be married? So they don't get aids.

Married people don't get AIDS? Huh. News to me. Thought it was spread through body fluids, not the absence of religious rites or legal documents?

No what I mean is people get diseases when they sleep around. So religion's rule about waiting for marriage would make sense. Otherwise fuck away right?

Hawaiins prior to the arrival of European sailors (Captain Cook for example,) "slept around" and had no STIs whatsoever.
Being gay, or actually having gay relationships and sex isn't going to send you to hell any more than breaking any of the other hundreds of commandments will. Get in more serious theological trouble breaking the Sabbath, dissing the Holy Spirit, etc. than who you have sex with.

Just as sinful to have premarital sex as it is to be having gay sex. Both are death penalty offenses.

But having sex without being married isn't is kind of a gays only option right now.

If that's the problem that you want them married first then let em get married. Lol

I think pre marital sex was a sin because they had a problem with too many baby mamma drama. We should try that again because its a problem again. Parents teach your children well..

Why do gays have to be married? So they don't get aids.

Married people don't get AIDS? Huh. News to me. Thought it was spread through body fluids, not the absence of religious rites or legal documents?

If all you do is fuck one guy and no other guy ever fucks him can he or you still get aids?

Can't get HIV unless one of you has it already. If both participants are perfectly healthy and uninfected, neither of you can get something. Would have to live long enough for harmless things to mutate and become diseases like. But for all intents and purposes, no, you wont get anything.
Why God?

Why a God?

Monkey history is a predictable showcase of Monkey on Monkey injustice and survival-of-the-most-fit inspired violence, often delving in to the realms of cruelty and genocide, with desperate Monkeys all along the Timeline muttering something to the effect of "God will get you for this!"

Evolution hurts. But it works...

The concepts of God and an after life of justice give hope to the hopeless on a dog-eat-dog world so that Evolution can continue to push life to reach for the stars that spawned it.

Religion is a tool of Evolution.

And God? :eusa_eh:

:beer: Possibilities!
Plausibilities!! :beer:
Why God?

Why a God?

Monkey history is a predictable showcase of Monkey on Monkey injustice and survival-of-the-most-fit inspired violence, often delving in to the realms of cruelty and genocide, with desperate Monkeys all along the Timeline muttering something to the effect of "God will get you for this!"

Evolution hurts. But it works...

The concepts of God and an after life of justice give hope to the hopeless on a dog-eat-dog world so that Evolution can continue to push life to reach for the stars that spawned it.

Religion is a tool of Evolution.

And God? :eusa_eh:

:beer: Possibilities!
Plausibilities!! :beer:

Don't be badmouthing monkies like they're all equally bad. Bonobo chimpanzees don't fight among themselves or other chimpanzees and are vegetarians. :)

Hi sealybobo Look at AVG-JOE's quote:
Before deciding..... ask yourself, "Is anyone really going to care in 100 years?

So why are you targeting Christians for teaching that "forgiveness means no accountability (which ISN'T true
and NOT how forgiveness works, as professional counselors can verify in how they work with people's psychology)

ANYONE can go around teaching "not to care what happens to others", what about people who believe what only matters is today and all will be forgotten in 100 years. Or sociopaths who only look at immediate gains that benefit them and don't consider the effects or emotions of others. Can't that also be ABUSED to do things and not care how it hurts other people.

btw sealybobo when I compare how you think and respond, you are probably more like me than even other Christians
who don't understand psychology. I think you are working by reason, and can understand this where others don't get it.
I can cite the studies on forgiveness that explain how it works, with human psychology, so you can see that what you
fear about forgiveness being abused is not true and NOT how it works in real life, in real cases of people resolving issues.
1. And religion gets people to do things they normally wouldn't do if it werent for belief in the writings from these ancient men.

Think about it.
2. Slave owners in 1800 thought that they were going to heaven
3. and today christians tell gay people that theyre flawed and will burn in hell for all of eternity.

1 and 2. You can equally blame the govt laws on property that made people obey property laws on slavery, where it was theft of property to free slaves, and even courts ruled in favor of enforcing property laws of the state.

Why are you just blaming Christianity for this and not mentioning that state laws enforced slavery?
Because you are biased about ragging on religion, and not equally against ALL factors that went into slavery.

2. You are mixing two different laws. Forgiveness and heaven is about the spiritual level.
When people commit human rights violations and damages on the level of natural laws,
then restitution is still owed. Debts do not magically go away, that's not how the human conscience works.
We can learn and agree to forgive on a spiritual level, but that doesn't erase the corrections due on the physical level.

sealybobo why do you think there is still so many problems with poverty and lack of knowledge of property ownership
and business/govt management among blacks? Because of the "carried down EFFECTS" of slavery that IMPACTS future generations. THIS DAMAGE does not Magically go away. The African and Native Americans still carry wounds from past genocides and the debts of being owed restitution for the robbery of their heritage and land (also Freedmen's Town where land was taken from Black families, churches and community to rob them of their ability to develop an equal foundation).

The sins of the past repeat in the future if these are not resolved.

But where people forgive and agree to SHARE this responsibility on a spiritual level, then corrections can be made to heal the wounds of the past and resolve past debts. So that is where Christian faith comes in that this can be done through Forgiveness and healing. AND thus corrections AND restitution that follows from healing those wounds so problems can be resolved openly not denied and hidden. Counselors in recovery therapy can tell you that forgiveness and letting go are about healing the wounds, and not about overlooking the wrongs that are still wrong and still need to be addressed in society.

Forgiving rape does not make the rape go away or make it okay, it means the victim can let go and heal and not carry the shame and fear that came from the actions of the rapist. If you do not understand this, you are missing how therapy works.

3. as for #3 sealybobo again you conveniently leave out
a. the Christians who are gay and have counseled people to forgive and accept they were spiritually born that way because God has reasons for them to serve in this life as gay

again, if you leave out the gay Christians you are making a lopsided argument because you want to bash Christians
what about the gays who don't teach Christianity that way,
Are you going to DISCRIMINATE against gays for being Christian and condemn them for teaching it wrong?

b. even the straight Christians who do not believe that homosexuality is natural or God's ideal will
and who PRAY and help people HEAL of these conditions wherever it is possible,
take the path of FORGIVENESS to bring healing and DON'T CONDEMN ANYONE TO HELL

Are you going to DISCRIMINATE against Christians who successfully heal homosexuality?
Why? when this way works, why would you leave that out?

Unless you have a selfish agenda to try to rag on Christians.

This is biased twice as much:
you are only counting Christians as valid who condemn gays to hell
but you"conveniently" leave out two other groups of Christians
a. gay Christians who understand some conditions are naturally born and made by God
b. straight Christians who do not agree with homosexuality but don't condemn it but
work through forgiveness therapy to heal the person of any conditions in their spiritual past that may cause this

sealybobo why are you limiting your arguments and interpretations of Christianity
to the one group that you agree is wrong, and leaving out two groups that would teach it differently
and have shown that their way of forgiveness works to heal people and bring peace as taught in the Bible.

why would you do that?
I can't imagine a God so small that He could be contained in The Torah, The New Testament AND The Koran as the last Word on God, let alone any one of the three as a stand alone.

I must be a Monkey ahead of my Time.

I think God is very, very ,very, very big. I think of God as a formless ocean of consciousness in which we are drops. God breathed himself out as a life force which is the cause of creation and all life. We are God within God and God has never written any book other than the book of life. Life and the universe is Gods story.
Tell you what... The God of Abraham will own my ass through faith in Jesus Christ the minute I tune in to CNN and see A pillar of fire blocking a gay wedding.

Close AVG-JOE But why this particular preset condition, set by YOU, on what the God of Abraham should do as proof?
why not choose one of these
1. the fact that Obama changed his mind on gay marriage (and even Dick Cheney spoke out in favor of gay marriage
based on Constitutional freedoms from infringement by govt) and the courts have found that BANS were unconstitutional.

2. the numerous testimonies of people healed of unwanted homosexual attractions by forgiveness and healing
(or also the people who have made peace with God about being homosexual or transgender, through forgiveness and healing)

Wouldn't these testify to the FOCUS on forgiveness as the message of God in the Bible.

If you don't even believe in a tyrannical punitive God,
why would you keep setting the standards of proof on that mindset?
God defines sins.

The only thing left then is to define God, eh?

If your God is The God of Abraham, as defined in The Torah, The New Testament and/or The Qur'an, He is a God limited by those stories because it's the miracles described in those stories that justify His existence and enforce His Divine right to command worship.

The age of the miraculous coming to an end before the invention of the camera as part of some 'Godly Plan' is just too fucking convenient, in my humble opinion.


???? AVG-JOE I see you trying to limit God to what you see here,
in order to set up a straw man and say this God is contradictory.

You are right, by the way you set it up to be conflicting. Sure.

So quit setting it up that way.

And please quit blaming other people for setting it up that way
if you are the one doing it. nobody is forcing you to interpret God in
a limited or conflicting way, unless you are TRYING to cling to a contradiction to prove your point. Many people I know have no trouble reconciling views of God, even using the Bible,
but if it doesn't work for you then don't use it that way.

If I agree with your point will you stop and try a different way?
I agree that if YOU keep limiting God to this way, which is not universal,
that can't be the whole of God. Of course it can't especially where God represents the infinite.

So let's drop this way if we agree it is too limiting and God must be greater.

What about God as LIFE or God as NATURE. do you agree that definition of God would be closer to representing forces of life on a universal level?

Emily, it's not God that I find limited or limiting... it's the widespread and stubborn adherence to one or more of the ancient stories as 'sacred', and therefore the last word on God that I find limiting. History has a place in the evolution of humanity, but forward and head-long into The Future is the direction that Monkeys are compelled up The Timeline.

In my humble opinion, if God is, She's way bigger than all of the ancient stories, let alone any one or two of them.

God is neither limited nor limiting, but the widespread worship of ancient books has us hamstrung as a species evolving on the edge of true, survival-of-the-species, Sentience.
Thanks AVG-JOE
Bigger does not have to mean "mutually exclusive"

I'm just curious why I can believe in the Bigger God, but don't reject all the other means of expressing aspects and relations with the one God, but can even include the Biblical God.

the Bahai also do not reject anyone's view of God but see all these in harmony and complementary to each other,
all necessary for the understanding of the whole.

the Buddhists do not reject anyone's view or path of God but see all people with a path and purpose for a reason and to discover and understand those reasons.

Why Joe do you have such a need to REJECT certain teachings of God when so many others have reconciled and made peace to INCLUDE all these other ways?

isn't it ironic that what you REJECT is the fact these groups get cliquish limited and exclusive,
but yet when you REJECT them you commit the same error you criticize them for!

How do you expect to criticize others for rejection if you do the same to them.

And when you appreciate the Bigger God like I do, it turns out that all the
groups that teach a broader way DON'T REJECT the God in the Bible but include that as part of the truth.

Wouldn't that be more consistent with the Bigger God to INCLUDE all ways
instead of REJECT and leave out some ways?

Especially if you are against limited teachings of God that reject others, why would you reject the same way?
I can't imagine a god who, if it actually existed, would be the only such god that exists. Once we open the door to a proper god-being's existence, aren't we saying there's more than 1?

That the Jewish Tanach makes mention of other gods doesn't help.
Dear Delta4Embassy Why this insistence that there cannot be both going on?
For example, there are natural laws, inherently existent, that govern all humanity inclusively.
We are all human beings, the product of a mother and father that affects our psychology.

But there are city laws, state laws, county and federal laws.
Then there is the Constitution that is the law of the land and none of these other laws are supposed
to violate that higher law defending rights of individuals and defining the agreed duties of govt.

So why can't there be multiple laws all under the
WRITTEN law that governs all the states as well.

And acknowledge even the Constitution doesn't cover all the natural laws
but summarizes key points and principles such as free exercise of religion,
free speech press right to petition, right of assembly security due process, equal protection of the laws.

You can still have local city and state laws that people follow
and this does not negate the higher Constitutional laws
or the universal natural laws for all humanity.

So why can't multiple gods/authorities work in similar ways?
As long as nobody takes those gods/authorities and put them ABOVE the
global higher authority, then these can still co-exist and govern their respective realms.
same with religions under different tribal leaders and authorities;
this is similar to state authorities that can be sovereign and yet still under one US govt law.
Tell you what... The God of Abraham will own my ass through faith in Jesus Christ the minute I tune in to CNN and see A pillar of fire blocking a gay wedding.

Close AVG-JOE But why this particular preset condition, set by YOU, on what the God of Abraham should do as proof?
why not choose one of these
1. the fact that Obama changed his mind on gay marriage (and even Dick Cheney spoke out in favor of gay marriage
based on Constitutional freedoms from infringement by govt) and the courts have found that BANS were unconstitutional.

2. the numerous testimonies of people healed of unwanted homosexual attractions by forgiveness and healing
(or also the people who have made peace with God about being homosexual or transgender, through forgiveness and healing)

Wouldn't these testify to the FOCUS on forgiveness as the message of God in the Bible.

If you don't even believe in a tyrannical punitive God,
why would you keep setting the standards of proof on that mindset?

If a modern miracle validates God, that's all well and good - it's still far from validating The God of Abraham as defined in the ancient stories unless it points directly to some "sacred" scripture within those stories when it happens.

I'm not the one trying to limit God to The Torah, The New Testament and/or The Qur'an.
1. If a modern miracle validates God, that's all well and good - it's still far from validating The God of Abraham as defined in the ancient stories unless it points directly to some "sacred" scripture within those stories when it happens.

2. I'm not the one trying to limit God to The Torah, The New Testament and/or The Qur'an.

2. YES YOU ARE. YOU KEEP USING YOUR interpretation to do this!
I believe it is the same God and I DON'T set up the conditions as you do.
so that means YOU are doing that, since i don't do that and I have no problems believing it is the same God.
those are YOUR conditions on faith in YOUR mind, because I don't have those.
so YES, this is coming from YOU. YOU are agreeing to require those but I don't and I still see it is the same God.

I guess this is like saying I believe your wife is not having an affair.
And you are saying until you see proof she is not having an affair, you still suspect and question that she is.
And you are setting conditions that she may not be able to meet to prove it to you,
such as you following her around her workplace back and forth from work to see she isn't screwing the boss.
But then you argue she could still be doing that on days you aren't there, so she can never prove it unless
you are around her and her boss 24 hours a day all the time. And if that isn't possible, then it will
never be Proven to you by YOUR conditions YOU set in order to prove it to YOU.

But then I say I don't need to see all that proof to know she isn't having an affair with the boss or anyone else.

There are plenty of people who agree with your wife that nothing false is going on.

So that is just you who is setting these conditions of proof. that's your problem
and you can't keep blaming it on other people if you don't trust their judgment,
and don't believe they are telling the truth. That "question in your mind' is coming from you.

1. As for #1 just because we can prove spiritual healing, for example, doesn't mean
you will automatically know it is from the same God. It tends to be that way, however,
that once spiritual healing removes whatever fear or conflict you have in your mind preventing you from seeing it is the same, then yes by default you recognize it is all one God regardless if someone uses the Bible or Buddhism or what.

I think you are going about this backwards AVG-JOE
the more you SET conditions of proof
this contradicts the very God you seek to prove

and only when you agree to let go of these preset conditions and forgive these differences,
then your mind can see it is the same God for all these different representations even if
they are conflicting.

the more you cling to your set proof of conditions you block your own progress toward
seeing how it is the same God

Buddha only got to full realization after letting go
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Being gay, or actually having gay relationships and sex isn't going to send you to hell any more than breaking any of the other hundreds of commandments will. Get in more serious theological trouble breaking the Sabbath, dissing the Holy Spirit, etc. than who you have sex with.

Just as sinful to have premarital sex as it is to be having gay sex. Both are death penalty offenses.

But having sex without being married isn't is kind of a gays only option right now.

If that's the problem that you want them married first then let em get married. Lol

I think pre marital sex was a sin because they had a problem with too many baby mamma drama. We should try that again because its a problem again. Parents teach your children well..

Why do gays have to be married? So they don't get aids.

Married people don't get AIDS? Huh. News to me. Thought it was spread through body fluids, not the absence of religious rites or legal documents?

If all you do is fuck one guy and no other guy ever fucks him can he or you still get aids?

Can't get HIV unless one of you has it already. If both participants are perfectly healthy and uninfected, neither of you can get something. Would have to live long enough for harmless things to mutate and become diseases like. But for all intents and purposes, no, you wont get anything.
Then that would be the reason they should wait for marriage. Then it wouldn't be a sin same for heteros who have sex before marriage. In the future it won't be a sin for gays to have sex long as they are married.

Religion will change with the society or go extinct.
Being gay, or actually having gay relationships and sex isn't going to send you to hell any more than breaking any of the other hundreds of commandments will. Get in more serious theological trouble breaking the Sabbath, dissing the Holy Spirit, etc. than who you have sex with.

Just as sinful to have premarital sex as it is to be having gay sex. Both are death penalty offenses.

But having sex without being married isn't is kind of a gays only option right now.

If that's the problem that you want them married first then let em get married. Lol

I think pre marital sex was a sin because they had a problem with too many baby mamma drama. We should try that again because its a problem again. Parents teach your children well..

Why do gays have to be married? So they don't get aids.

Married people don't get AIDS? Huh. News to me. Thought it was spread through body fluids, not the absence of religious rites or legal documents?

If all you do is fuck one guy and no other guy ever fucks him can he or you still get aids?

Can't get HIV unless one of you has it already. If both participants are perfectly healthy and uninfected, neither of you can get something. Would have to live long enough for harmless things to mutate and become diseases like. But for all intents and purposes, no, you wont get anything.
Then that would be the reason they should wait for marriage. Then it wouldn't be a sin same for heteros who have sex before marriage. In the future it won't be a sin for gays to have sex long as they are married.

Religion will change with the society or go extinct.

1. Hi sealybobo to you, maybe you see it as religions changing
2. for those who always saw the laws as teaching consistently,
these are FULFILLED because that's what the truth ALWAYS meant

3. for example if the laws on adultery mean for people to respect their spiritual partnerships,
then that is what makes sex right or wrong, if it is abusing and not respecting the relationship.
So if you are meant to be partners, that is within a committed relationship.
If you are supposed to be platonic and not marital/romantic, then sexual relations are outside the limits or bounds of that
relationship. For example, if some girl falls for a teacher, and this teacher knows that they are not meant to be husband
and wife, then that is wrong because first they are not each other's partners, and then in addition the other laws follow
about not having sex with students and not having sex with minors, etc. so the spirit of the laws is still as taught in the Bible.

the laws on adultery still apply, those will not change, but our interpretation and understanding will be more consistent.
“[Worshipping God] is like fellating someone who intermittently stubs fags out on your head for no good reason. And we all know how unsatisfying that can be.”

- Charlie Brooker.
“[Worshipping God] is like fellating someone who intermittently stubs fags out on your head for no good reason. And we all know how unsatisfying that can be.”

- Charlie Brooker.

God means Nature, Life, Wisdom Truth, Love of Creation, Laws of the Universe

you can still love science though nuclear technology has been abused to commit genocide, burning skin off people screaming.

you can still love nature though tsunami's have struck and wipe out whole populations without adequate warning

you can still love life though life can bring us the greatest joys and the greatest sorrows and horrors.

you can still love humanity though the greatest tragedies have been committed by humanity against humanity.

it's about forgiveness and grace so we can see the good in life and celebrate that despite the hardships that life brings also
as for modern miracles to prove there is a God
I thought of you when I saw this article under the header "Do you believe in miracles?"
Biggest upsets in sports history - Sports Events

This may make some people believe. For others, the Berlin Wall coming down,
or the ruling that Hobby Lobby cannot be forced by federal law to provide abortifacient drugs.

I ran into a whole group of atheists where their litmus test
was regrowing a human limb. They weren't interested in spiritual
healing of criminal illness, or resolving all conflicts between
religious or political groups as I proposed for world peace as proof
we can form a consensus on God. They insisted that if a human
limb could not be made to grow back, this proves there is no God.

THAT is something I find hard to believe. That someone
would equate proof of God with this. I asked to see the logic
mapped out on how they reached this conclusion. Wild.
:eusa_think: Huh. Since sharable proof remains elusive, I reckon everybody has their own evidence tests for God.

Everyone gets to make up their own minds within the privacy of their own hearts. Monkeys can ask for no greater freedom, eh?

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