I can't stand LIARS...especially when they lie about STUPID STUFF.


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Proving once again that ALL politicians think Americans are stupid and that they care more about their image, Jeb Bush just lied...about something completely stupid that no one cares a rats arse about:

"Team Jeb slashes campaign payroll by 40%, claims it’s being done from … a position of “strength”
- LINK: Team Jeb slashes campaign payroll by 40%, claims it’s being done from … a position of “strength” « Hot Air

It's been all over the news...Jeb's getting his ass kicked by Trump, Carson, and Fiorina, his money is drying up, he paid his finance manager over $1 million so far - which means he sucks with managing his own money (imagine how he would be with OURS), and he had an 'emergency meeting' back in Texas this weekend with the family to figure out how he can raise more money to bail out his chances of being a 'Dynasty' candidate. EVERYONE KNOWS HIS CAMPAIGN IS ABOUT BROKE.

So WHY come out and lie to the American people about how you're NOT broke and are just 'reorganizing', 'strengthening', etc....?! Haven't these dumbmasses figured out Americans are tired of the LYING, and if you do it before you ever get into office we sure as hell know you're going to do it when you get in. After Bill Clinton and Barak Obama, we're tired of that sh!t!

And it's one thing to lie about BIG stuff, but this little stuff? I heard one Senator say something profound this weekend that Hillary and Jeb need to take to heart:

Americans can take the 'hard truth'...like with Benghazi - Americans know it was a dangerous area, knew it was a terrorist attack, and could take the news that it was a terrorist attack. What Americans CAN'T take, though, is being lied to by our leaders - like being told the B$ lie about it being a protest over a video!

The 'video' lie was told to protect Hillary's future political ambitions and to protect Obama's up-coming re-election bid, especially after he had declared the war on terror to be over and Al Qaeda to be on the run. Newsflash, Obama - no one believed that crap to begin with, so worrying about what people thought of you after the 9/11/12 attacks was the LEAST of Americans' concerns. You're human, can't control what terrorists do...no biggie....until you and Hillary LIED!

And Jeb...STFU! We don't care that you are about out of money - everyone knows, so stop lying about it. Position of 'strength'? You're almost flat broke....and if you are willing to lie to people about your own finances now, like I said, everyone knows you are willing to lie about much bigger things....and we're tired of that crap.

I don't care who the candidate turns out to be, on either side, but I / America am/is done with liars and being lied to.

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