I cried tonight watching this doc on the 1950's

because white people never learn

Must be why we stay in school longer.

This country, this beautiful confused brilliant country has gone through hell and back so many many many times and yet, we've always managed to keep afloat and not destroy from within. The 1950's gave us our highways, our new schools, the first trip to outspace, tv, civil wrongs made right with intergration and it gave us rock and roll. I cried watching so many black people suffer at the hands of white southerners, I cried watching w people marvel at Elvis, I cried seeing cars zoom down freshly created highways, all those tears I cried wasn't for the past, its over and done with, but for a future my grandchildren will have to endure because once again, white people, always white people will make their lives difficult because white people never learn.

America, we are a proud and glorious people, but for some sad sick sad sad reason, southern whites refuse to learn from its past and embrace a future that could possibly turn their miserable racist lives into something wonderful, if only they would let go and let God and all these brilliant generations show them the way. The south should have been let go centuries ago, these people simple are too ignorant for words and nothing can penetrate the brain of a southern fool, nothing.

Well you seem like a straight bigot.

Congrats I guess

I'm not a bigot, although I dispise whites, lets just say right winged whites, feel better, moron
Few white right wing folks I know are bigots, tigerred59. They quietly do services for minority persons who feel left behind, for their improvements sans any request for payback nor accolades. They take meals on wheels to minorities as well as whites. They stitch up senior bibs, wheelchair handy holders for pencils, paper, magazines, and whatever the senior decides to put in, again, with no racial discrimination. They donate layettes to aids babies whose families are usually poor due to medical costs, and to fatherless newborns, regardless of color as well as Pampers, t-shirts, warm sweaters, spring, summer, autumn, and winter wear, baby formula, and anything needed at the pro-life care centers for unwed or struggling single-parent. Many whites do kindly things on a constant basis and still get themselves character-assassinated by never-good-enough-for-us cranks who believe in hate and spew it in broad-brush critiques online like this one. In fact, some of the right-winged whites work their butts off to improve the lives of the poor, regardless of colors with care and prayers to God that no person will snatch their gift away before a poor person receives a priceless heirloom made to be given to those who need them the most and cannot afford the luxury of warm clothing and blankets in bitter cold weather, or changes of clothing their children need in all weather due to the messiness of childhood.

You need to shrink your broad brush lest you discourage these civic-minded souls from doing works their Bibles say is necessary to support widows, orphans, and particularly, the fatherless child, of which this society has produced many due to the chicanery of men to commit to family values quite present in the wake of WWII, still valued by the people you hate on online out of a selfish desire for broad-brush punishment of people who do not deserve your animus.

I know at least 50 of them in my community.
This country, this beautiful confused brilliant country has gone through hell and back so many many many times and yet, we've always managed to keep afloat and not destroy from within. The 1950's gave us our highways, our new schools, the first trip to outspace, tv, civil wrongs made right with intergration and it gave us rock and roll. I cried watching so many black people suffer at the hands of white southerners, I cried watching w people marvel at Elvis, I cried seeing cars zoom down freshly created highways, all those tears I cried wasn't for the past, its over and done with, but for a future my grandchildren will have to endure because once again, white people, always white people will make their lives difficult because white people never learn.

America, we are a proud and glorious people, but for some sad sick sad sad reason, southern whites refuse to learn from its past and embrace a future that could possibly turn their miserable racist lives into something wonderful, if only they would let go and let God and all these brilliant generations show them the way. The south should have been let go centuries ago, these people simple are too ignorant for words and nothing can penetrate the brain of a southern fool, nothing.

Well you seem like a straight bigot.

Congrats I guess

I'm not a bigot, although I dispise whites, lets just say right winged whites, feel better, moron
Few white right wing folks I know are bigots, tigerred59. They quietly do services for minority persons who feel left behind, for their improvements sans any request for payback nor accolades. They take meals on wheels to minorities as well as whites. They stitch up senior bibs, wheelchair handy holders for pencils, paper, magazines, and whatever the senior decides to put in, again, with no racial discrimination. They donate layettes to aids babies whose families are usually poor due to medical costs, and to fatherless newborns, regardless of color as well as Pampers, t-shirts, warm sweaters, spring, summer, autumn, and winter wear, baby formula, and anything needed at the pro-life care centers for unwed or struggling single-parent. Many whites do kindly things on a constant basis and still get themselves character-assassinated by never-good-enough-for-us cranks who believe in hate and spew it in broad-brush critiques online like this one. In fact, some of the right-winged whites work their butts off to improve the lives of the poor, regardless of colors with care and prayers to God that no person will snatch their gift away before a poor person receives a priceless heirloom made to be given to those who need them the most and cannot afford the luxury of warm clothing and blankets in bitter cold weather, or changes of clothing their children need in all weather due to the messiness of childhood.

You need to shrink your broad brush lest you discourage these civic-minded souls from doing works their Bibles say is necessary to support widows, orphans, and particularly, the fatherless child, of which this society has produced many due to the chicanery of men to commit to family values quite present in the wake of WWII, still valued by the people you hate on online out of a selfish desire for broad-brush punishment of people who do not deserve your animus.

I know at least 50 of them in my community.

Not a chance.
Him and MarcATL are both hard core white haters.
How can anybody love a race of people, ie white people that constantly raise hell on the planet with so much blessings from mankind? Negro's got a reason to act up, what the hell is yall's?

Well my soul is not sick.

Like yours.

"I am not a bigot but I despise white people" You are the Poster child for Racism idiot. Despising another color of people is exactly what a racist /bigot is. A black man who thinks whitey is the cause of his problems. Black folks around the world African continent in Particular can't stop killing each other over land, religion, natural resources and just for fun it seems. You must live in Chicago lots of white folks shooting and killing black folks there. Spend some time with your baby mommas and teach your kids to go to school and get a job instead of gang banging is a good place to start. Blacks are their own worst enemy.
This country, this beautiful confused brilliant country has gone through hell and back so many many many times and yet, we've always managed to keep afloat and not destroy from within. The 1950's gave us our highways, our new schools, the first trip to outspace, tv, civil wrongs made right with intergration and it gave us rock and roll. I cried watching so many black people suffer at the hands of white southerners, I cried watching w people marvel at Elvis, I cried seeing cars zoom down freshly created highways, all those tears I cried wasn't for the past, its over and done with, but for a future my grandchildren will have to endure because once again, white people, always white people will make their lives difficult because white people never learn.

America, we are a proud and glorious people, but for some sad sick sad sad reason, southern whites refuse to learn from its past and embrace a future that could possibly turn their miserable racist lives into something wonderful, if only they would let go and let God and all these brilliant generations show them the way. The south should have been let go centuries ago, these people simple are too ignorant for words and nothing can penetrate the brain of a southern fool, nothing.
Southerners are some of the happiest, most friendly people in America. You're just having a sad because people don't like you.
How can anybody love a race of people, ie white people that constantly raise hell on the planet with so much blessings from mankind? Negro's got a reason to act up, what the hell is yall's?
We are the culturally dominant race on the planet. So... We can get away with it.
You need to watch a documentary on present-day Chicago.
Thats why I cried, so much sacrifice we've made only to revert back to slavery. Oh and kiss my ass bitch

Yeah so much sacrifice. embracing gang life style, drug dealing to your own people, poverty caused the white man not forcing you go to school and get a HS education, runaway teen pregnancy, Single mothers living on Welfare instead of the support of the sperm donor. And it's all whiteys fault. Thank you for the insight!:anj_stfu: idiot
Would I trade the bland conformity of the fifties for the mental instability of the age of transgenderism, Antifa and the coming
of AI?
Hell yeah...who wouldn't?
There's no excuse for "acting up", and there's no excuse for hating someone, especially a fellow American, for what race they are.

Also your presumptions about the South are wholly incorrect, especially in my state.

We've been getting along for 100s of years here.

If a runaway slave made it south of St. Johns river, they were treated as free men and welcomed. There were black crackers. I'm proud of the black people from my state.
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This country, this beautiful confused brilliant country has gone through hell and back so many many many times and yet, we've always managed to keep afloat and not destroy from within. The 1950's gave us our highways, our new schools, the first trip to outspace, tv, civil wrongs made right with intergration and it gave us rock and roll. I cried watching so many black people suffer at the hands of white southerners, I cried watching w people marvel at Elvis, I cried seeing cars zoom down freshly created highways, all those tears I cried wasn't for the past, its over and done with, but for a future my grandchildren will have to endure because once again, white people, always white people will make their lives difficult because white people never learn.

America, we are a proud and glorious people, but for some sad sick sad sad reason, southern whites refuse to learn from its past and embrace a future that could possibly turn their miserable racist lives into something wonderful, if only they would let go and let God and all these brilliant generations show them the way. The south should have been let go centuries ago, these people simple are too ignorant for words and nothing can penetrate the brain of a southern fool, nothing.

Well you seem like a straight bigot.

Congrats I guess

I'm not a bigot, although I dispise whites, lets just say right winged whites, feel better, moron

so youre a racist,,,
How can anybody love a race of people, ie white people that constantly raise hell on the planet with so much blessings from mankind? Negro's got a reason to act up, what the hell is yall's?

you ever wondered why africa is stuck in the stone age???

its because they spend their lives killing each other,,,

you might want to check yourself before saying others are worse
This country, this beautiful confused brilliant country has gone through hell and back so many many many times and yet, we've always managed to keep afloat and not destroy from within. The 1950's gave us our highways, our new schools, the first trip to outspace, tv, civil wrongs made right with intergration and it gave us rock and roll. I cried watching so many black people suffer at the hands of white southerners, I cried watching w people marvel at Elvis, I cried seeing cars zoom down freshly created highways, all those tears I cried wasn't for the past, its over and done with, but for a future my grandchildren will have to endure because once again, white people, always white people will make their lives difficult because white people never learn.

America, we are a proud and glorious people, but for some sad sick sad sad reason, southern whites refuse to learn from its past and embrace a future that could possibly turn their miserable racist lives into something wonderful, if only they would let go and let God and all these brilliant generations show them the way. The south should have been let go centuries ago, these people simple are too ignorant for words and nothing can penetrate the brain of a southern fool, nothing.

Well you seem like a straight bigot.

Congrats I guess

I'm not a bigot, although I dispise whites, lets just say right winged whites, feel better, moron

I get it ! You despise right wing whites! Not the Leftist whites who promise you free shit and handouts ie: Welfare/ADC/ food stamps/ free housing instead of requiring you to take responsibility for your cultural failures. Your baby mommas must have been turned down for welfare reinstatement!
This country, this beautiful confused brilliant country has gone through hell and back so many many many times and yet, we've always managed to keep afloat and not destroy from within. The 1950's gave us our highways, our new schools, the first trip to outspace, tv, civil wrongs made right with intergration and it gave us rock and roll. I cried watching so many black people suffer at the hands of white southerners, I cried watching w people marvel at Elvis, I cried seeing cars zoom down freshly created highways, all those tears I cried wasn't for the past, its over and done with, but for a future my grandchildren will have to endure because once again, white people, always white people will make their lives difficult because white people never learn.

America, we are a proud and glorious people, but for some sad sick sad sad reason, southern whites refuse to learn from its past and embrace a future that could possibly turn their miserable racist lives into something wonderful, if only they would let go and let God and all these brilliant generations show them the way. The south should have been let go centuries ago, these people simple are too ignorant for words and nothing can penetrate the brain of a southern fool, nothing.

Stop whining and go back to Africa if it’s so horrible here for you.

But we all know you are full of shit, and would rather benefit from white privileged society than live in an African shit hole.
Blacks have and always will be the only negative thing about our country...we could have found more superior people to bring here instead of the blax....
This country, this beautiful confused brilliant country has gone through hell and back so many many many times and yet, we've always managed to keep afloat and not destroy from within. The 1950's gave us our highways, our new schools, the first trip to outspace, tv, civil wrongs made right with intergration and it gave us rock and roll. I cried watching so many black people suffer at the hands of white southerners, I cried watching w people marvel at Elvis, I cried seeing cars zoom down freshly created highways, all those tears I cried wasn't for the past, its over and done with, but for a future my grandchildren will have to endure because once again, white people, always white people will make their lives difficult because white people never learn.

America, we are a proud and glorious people, but for some sad sick sad sad reason, southern whites refuse to learn from its past and embrace a future that could possibly turn their miserable racist lives into something wonderful, if only they would let go and let God and all these brilliant generations show them the way. The south should have been let go centuries ago, these people simple are too ignorant for words and nothing can penetrate the brain of a southern fool, nothing.
You’re a babbling idiot. Southern whites are no more racist than blacks are nationwide.
Southern whites kill more innocent people than Muslims, negro's and Latino's combined, do the math
This country, this beautiful confused brilliant country has gone through hell and back so many many many times and yet, we've always managed to keep afloat and not destroy from within. The 1950's gave us our highways, our new schools, the first trip to outspace, tv, civil wrongs made right with intergration and it gave us rock and roll. I cried watching so many black people suffer at the hands of white southerners, I cried watching w people marvel at Elvis, I cried seeing cars zoom down freshly created highways, all those tears I cried wasn't for the past, its over and done with, but for a future my grandchildren will have to endure because once again, white people, always white people will make their lives difficult because white people never learn.

America, we are a proud and glorious people, but for some sad sick sad sad reason, southern whites refuse to learn from its past and embrace a future that could possibly turn their miserable racist lives into something wonderful, if only they would let go and let God and all these brilliant generations show them the way. The south should have been let go centuries ago, these people simple are too ignorant for words and nothing can penetrate the brain of a southern fool, nothing.
You’re a babbling idiot. Southern whites are no more racist than blacks are nationwide.
Southern whites kill more innocent people than Muslims, negro's and Latino's combined, do the math

^^^Unadulterated BS
This country, this beautiful confused brilliant country has gone through hell and back so many many many times and yet, we've always managed to keep afloat and not destroy from within. The 1950's gave us our highways, our new schools, the first trip to outspace, tv, civil wrongs made right with intergration and it gave us rock and roll. I cried watching so many black people suffer at the hands of white southerners, I cried watching w people marvel at Elvis, I cried seeing cars zoom down freshly created highways, all those tears I cried wasn't for the past, its over and done with, but for a future my grandchildren will have to endure because once again, white people, always white people will make their lives difficult because white people never learn.

America, we are a proud and glorious people, but for some sad sick sad sad reason, southern whites refuse to learn from its past and embrace a future that could possibly turn their miserable racist lives into something wonderful, if only they would let go and let God and all these brilliant generations show them the way. The south should have been let go centuries ago, these people simple are too ignorant for words and nothing can penetrate the brain of a southern fool, nothing.

Stop whining and go back to Africa if it’s so horrible here for you.

But we all know you are full of shit, and would rather benefit from white privileged society than live in an African shit hole.

This country, this beautiful confused brilliant country has gone through hell and back so many many many times and yet, we've always managed to keep afloat and not destroy from within. The 1950's gave us our highways, our new schools, the first trip to outspace, tv, civil wrongs made right with intergration and it gave us rock and roll. I cried watching so many black people suffer at the hands of white southerners, I cried watching w people marvel at Elvis, I cried seeing cars zoom down freshly created highways, all those tears I cried wasn't for the past, its over and done with, but for a future my grandchildren will have to endure because once again, white people, always white people will make their lives difficult because white people never learn.

America, we are a proud and glorious people, but for some sad sick sad sad reason, southern whites refuse to learn from its past and embrace a future that could possibly turn their miserable racist lives into something wonderful, if only they would let go and let God and all these brilliant generations show them the way. The south should have been let go centuries ago, these people simple are too ignorant for words and nothing can penetrate the brain of a southern fool, nothing.

Well you seem like a straight bigot.

Congrats I guess
What in the post is bigoted?

Do you support Jim Crow America?

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