I cried tonight watching this doc on the 1950's

How can anybody love a race of people, ie white people that constantly raise hell on the planet with so much blessings from mankind? Negro's got a reason to act up, what the hell is yall's?
Why do “ negro’s” have a reason to act up? Got all the free $$$ for housing, food, education, phone, medical care. They are allowed to whine, and cry about everything in our society wether it’s a march in the street or in the media. I don’t get it?
Mr. Bush, I think your attitude about 'negro's ' free stuff is a little off. 'Negros' were the last to get hired and paid less. so their choices about the dole were limited. I am reminded of how European Jews were not allowed to own farms or businesses and forced to live in ghettos where the gates were closed at night and they better not get caught outside the gates after dark. The only employment left to them was moneylending..so they got a reputation of being greedy that was forced on them. I also recall reading about the 1927 Mississippi flood where levee workers were provided meager meals and it is reported that the 'Negro' crews were not allowed to have canned peaches because it was a food above their station in life and it would 'spoil' them to get a taste of white folks food.

After generations of living on a meager dole, many "Negros' got used to it, sure. Lord Byron, I think it was, wrote about a man forced to become a bootblack and then was put down because of his occupation. The resentment built over the generations wont go away overnight. We on all sides need an attitude adjustment and understanding. We are all reaping what our fathers sowed.
You need to check Bush has not been a President for over ten years. Update the paste section of your computer.
mr stubbs, I was referring to Mr. Bush's post #10, not to the Bush admin of 1992.
This country, this beautiful confused brilliant country has gone through hell and back so many many many times and yet, we've always managed to keep afloat and not destroy from within. The 1950's gave us our highways, our new schools, the first trip to outspace, tv, civil wrongs made right with intergration and it gave us rock and roll. I cried watching so many black people suffer at the hands of white southerners, I cried watching w people marvel at Elvis, I cried seeing cars zoom down freshly created highways, all those tears I cried wasn't for the past, its over and done with, but for a future my grandchildren will have to endure because once again, white people, always white people will make their lives difficult because white people never learn.

America, we are a proud and glorious people, but for some sad sick sad sad reason, southern whites refuse to learn from its past and embrace a future that could possibly turn their miserable racist lives into something wonderful, if only they would let go and let God and all these brilliant generations show them the way. The south should have been let go centuries ago, these people simple are too ignorant for words and nothing can penetrate the brain of a southern fool, nothing.
Billy Graham, from the South, tore down every Segregation barrier at his rallies.

I knew the man (white) who used to own Booker T Washington’s birthplace. In the 50’s he had 4 black gals working around his house. They subleased from a guy down the road as their place to live. They were told their sublease was going to be doubled and would then be forced to be homeless. So my friend bought the house, kicked out the guy who was subleasing it, and let the ladies live there rent free.
So I guess that proves Jim Crow did not flourish in the south
This country, this beautiful confused brilliant country has gone through hell and back so many many many times and yet, we've always managed to keep afloat and not destroy from within. The 1950's gave us our highways, our new schools, the first trip to outspace, tv, civil wrongs made right with intergration and it gave us rock and roll. I cried watching so many black people suffer at the hands of white southerners, I cried watching w people marvel at Elvis, I cried seeing cars zoom down freshly created highways, all those tears I cried wasn't for the past, its over and done with, but for a future my grandchildren will have to endure because once again, white people, always white people will make their lives difficult because white people never learn.

America, we are a proud and glorious people, but for some sad sick sad sad reason, southern whites refuse to learn from its past and embrace a future that could possibly turn their miserable racist lives into something wonderful, if only they would let go and let God and all these brilliant generations show them the way. The south should have been let go centuries ago, these people simple are too ignorant for words and nothing can penetrate the brain of a southern fool, nothing.
Billy Graham, from the South, tore down every Segregation barrier at his rallies.

I knew the man (white) who used to own Booker T Washington’s birthplace. In the 50’s he had 4 black gals working around his house. They subleased from a guy down the road as their place to live. They were told their sublease was going to be doubled and would then be forced to be homeless. So my friend bought the house, kicked out the guy who was subleasing it, and let the ladies live there rent free.
So I guess that proves Jim Crow did not flourish in the south
Democrats have been damaging America for almost 200 years.
This country, this beautiful confused brilliant country has gone through hell and back so many many many times and yet, we've always managed to keep afloat and not destroy from within. The 1950's gave us our highways, our new schools, the first trip to outspace, tv, civil wrongs made right with intergration and it gave us rock and roll. I cried watching so many black people suffer at the hands of white southerners, I cried watching w people marvel at Elvis, I cried seeing cars zoom down freshly created highways, all those tears I cried wasn't for the past, its over and done with, but for a future my grandchildren will have to endure because once again, white people, always white people will make their lives difficult because white people never learn.

America, we are a proud and glorious people, but for some sad sick sad sad reason, southern whites refuse to learn from its past and embrace a future that could possibly turn their miserable racist lives into something wonderful, if only they would let go and let God and all these brilliant generations show them the way. The south should have been let go centuries ago, these people simple are too ignorant for words and nothing can penetrate the brain of a southern fool, nothing.

Let me guess, you don't live in the south.
Does anyone actually live in the south on purpose?
How can anybody love a race of people, ie white people that constantly raise hell on the planet with so much blessings from mankind? Negro's got a reason to act up, what the hell is yall's?

you ever wondered why africa is stuck in the stone age???

its because they spend their lives killing each other,,,

you might want to check yourself before saying others are worse
Nothing to do with the 19th century European colonization of the African continent? You kidder.
How can anybody love a race of people, ie white people that constantly raise hell on the planet with so much blessings from mankind? Negro's got a reason to act up, what the hell is yall's?

you ever wondered why africa is stuck in the stone age???

its because they spend their lives killing each other,,,

you might want to check yourself before saying others are worse
Nothing to do with the 19th century European colonization of the African continent? You kidder.
well considering the only semi-peaceful places in africa are those places colonized,,,the rest of it is a savage nightmare
How can anybody love a race of people, ie white people that constantly raise hell on the planet with so much blessings from mankind? Negro's got a reason to act up, what the hell is yall's?

you ever wondered why africa is stuck in the stone age???

its because they spend their lives killing each other,,,

you might want to check yourself before saying others are worse
Nothing to do with the 19th century European colonization of the African continent? You kidder.
well considering the only semi-peaceful places in africa are those places colonized,,,the rest of it is a savage nightmare
The entire continent was colonized by western European powers.

Colonisation of Africa - Wikipedia
This country, this beautiful confused brilliant country has gone through hell and back so many many many times and yet, we've always managed to keep afloat and not destroy from within. The 1950's gave us our highways, our new schools, the first trip to outspace, tv, civil wrongs made right with intergration and it gave us rock and roll. I cried watching so many black people suffer at the hands of white southerners, I cried watching w people marvel at Elvis, I cried seeing cars zoom down freshly created highways, all those tears I cried wasn't for the past, its over and done with, but for a future my grandchildren will have to endure because once again, white people, always white people will make their lives difficult because white people never learn.

America, we are a proud and glorious people, but for some sad sick sad sad reason, southern whites refuse to learn from its past and embrace a future that could possibly turn their miserable racist lives into something wonderful, if only they would let go and let God and all these brilliant generations show them the way. The south should have been let go centuries ago, these people simple are too ignorant for words and nothing can penetrate the brain of a southern fool, nothing.

Well you seem like a straight bigot.

Congrats I guess

I'm not a bigot, although I dispise whites, lets just say right winged whites, feel better, moron
if you aint a bigot then you are a racist...your threads here back that up....
How can anybody love a race of people, ie white people that constantly raise hell on the planet with so much blessings from mankind? Negro's got a reason to act up, what the hell is yall's?

you ever wondered why africa is stuck in the stone age???

its because they spend their lives killing each other,,,

you might want to check yourself before saying others are worse
Nothing to do with the 19th century European colonization of the African continent? You kidder.
well considering the only semi-peaceful places in africa are those places colonized,,,the rest of it is a savage nightmare
The entire continent was colonized by western European powers.

Colonisation of Africa - Wikipedia

sorry wiki isnt a good source,,,

and most of it has very few to no white people in it
This country, this beautiful confused brilliant country has gone through hell and back so many many many times and yet, we've always managed to keep afloat and not destroy from within. The 1950's gave us our highways, our new schools, the first trip to outspace, tv, civil wrongs made right with intergration and it gave us rock and roll. I cried watching so many black people suffer at the hands of white southerners, I cried watching w people marvel at Elvis, I cried seeing cars zoom down freshly created highways, all those tears I cried wasn't for the past, its over and done with, but for a future my grandchildren will have to endure because once again, white people, always white people will make their lives difficult because white people never learn.

America, we are a proud and glorious people, but for some sad sick sad sad reason, southern whites refuse to learn from its past and embrace a future that could possibly turn their miserable racist lives into something wonderful, if only they would let go and let God and all these brilliant generations show them the way. The south should have been let go centuries ago, these people simple are too ignorant for words and nothing can penetrate the brain of a southern fool, nothing.
You’re a babbling idiot. Southern whites are no more racist than blacks are nationwide.
Southern whites kill more innocent people than Muslims, negro's and Latino's combined, do the math
lets see you back that one up....
David duke endorses trump as do most other hate groups. Times have changed since the 1940's and 50's which is why Blacks vote overwhelmingly democrat today.
White Supremacists, Extremists Celebrate President Trump’s Latest Racist Tweets
Right, when all you got is David Duke, that shows your complete ignorance of racism and the democrat party. Ignorance, sadly is a part of bigotry as well as stereotyping. You are well on your way to proving my point that democrats are the party of hate and racism.
This country, this beautiful confused brilliant country has gone through hell and back so many many many times and yet, we've always managed to keep afloat and not destroy from within. The 1950's gave us our highways, our new schools, the first trip to outspace, tv, civil wrongs made right with intergration and it gave us rock and roll. I cried watching so many black people suffer at the hands of white southerners, I cried watching w people marvel at Elvis, I cried seeing cars zoom down freshly created highways, all those tears I cried wasn't for the past, its over and done with, but for a future my grandchildren will have to endure because once again, white people, always white people will make their lives difficult because white people never learn.

America, we are a proud and glorious people, but for some sad sick sad sad reason, southern whites refuse to learn from its past and embrace a future that could possibly turn their miserable racist lives into something wonderful, if only they would let go and let God and all these brilliant generations show them the way. The south should have been let go centuries ago, these people simple are too ignorant for words and nothing can penetrate the brain of a southern fool, nothing.
Billy Graham, from the South, tore down every Segregation barrier at his rallies.

I knew the man (white) who used to own Booker T Washington’s birthplace. In the 50’s he had 4 black gals working around his house. They subleased from a guy down the road as their place to live. They were told their sublease was going to be doubled and would then be forced to be homeless. So my friend bought the house, kicked out the guy who was subleasing it, and let the ladies live there rent free.
So I guess that proves Jim Crow did not flourish in the south
Democrats have been damaging America for almost 200 years.

Actually, is is about southern racist culture
The same culture that now votes Republican
How can anybody love a race of people, ie white people that constantly raise hell on the planet with so much blessings from mankind? Negro's got a reason to act up, what the hell is yall's?

you ever wondered why africa is stuck in the stone age???

its because they spend their lives killing each other,,,

you might want to check yourself before saying others are worse
Nothing to do with the 19th century European colonization of the African continent? You kidder.
well considering the only semi-peaceful places in africa are those places colonized,,,the rest of it is a savage nightmare
The entire continent was colonized by western European powers.

Colonisation of Africa - Wikipedia

sorry wiki isnt a good source,,,

and most of it has very few to no white people in it
If you have an issue with that source, refute it with better sources
Blacks have and always will be the only negative thing about our country...we could have found more superior people to bring here instead of the blax....
Hey, Biff, you make sure you let them white women of yours hear about this negative black shit, cause from what I see...nobody swings off of black meat quicker than...uh, yo superior prized white lice mops, and I mean nobody. There can be no other reason on this planet for you white fucks to be hating on negros other than sheer unabashed JEALOUSY OF BLACK MEN. That why you enacted separation laws, that's why you tortured and hung em every time they looked at these pale bitches and its the number one reason TODAY, YOU SINGLE SEXLESS FUCK HATE US TODAY.
Looks like Triggered59 is pretty mad and jealous at them prized white lice mops, cuz ain't none of them boyz casting an eye her way. :auiqs.jpg:

This country, this beautiful confused brilliant country has gone through hell and back so many many many times and yet, we've always managed to keep afloat and not destroy from within. The 1950's gave us our highways, our new schools, the first trip to outspace, tv, civil wrongs made right with intergration and it gave us rock and roll. I cried watching so many black people suffer at the hands of white southerners, I cried watching w people marvel at Elvis, I cried seeing cars zoom down freshly created highways, all those tears I cried wasn't for the past, its over and done with, but for a future my grandchildren will have to endure because once again, white people, always white people will make their lives difficult because white people never learn.

America, we are a proud and glorious people, but for some sad sick sad sad reason, southern whites refuse to learn from its past and embrace a future that could possibly turn their miserable racist lives into something wonderful, if only they would let go and let God and all these brilliant generations show them the way. The south should have been let go centuries ago, these people simple are too ignorant for words and nothing can penetrate the brain of a southern fool, nothing.

Let me guess, you don't live in the south.
Does anyone actually live in the south on purpose?

Millions do, and laugh at everyone else. Let me guess, you have no idea what the South is really like, do you? I'm guessing you latched onto a stereotype put out by someone else who also has no idea what it's like, but who reinforced your own biased beliefs. Sad, really.

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