I cried tonight watching this doc on the 1950's

You need to watch a documentary on present-day Chicago.

I agree, it's amazing how all the guns and drugs get into that city when neither one is manufactured there.

Even more amazing is how the places they are manufactured don't seem to have those problems.

Because they don't pass them out there, they take the shit somewhere else to wreck havoc.

They're legally available for purchase there, whereas they are NOT in the areas about which you complain. Ergo, they are easier to obtain, yet there are fewer problems.

Now, as to your complaint that they "pass them out" to "wreck (sic) havoc", who are "they"? Surely you are talking about criminals who are not going to obey a mere law making what they are doing that is already illegal more so?
This country, this beautiful confused brilliant country has gone through hell and back so many many many times and yet, we've always managed to keep afloat and not destroy from within. The 1950's gave us our highways, our new schools, the first trip to outspace, tv, civil wrongs made right with intergration and it gave us rock and roll. I cried watching so many black people suffer at the hands of white southerners, I cried watching w people marvel at Elvis, I cried seeing cars zoom down freshly created highways, all those tears I cried wasn't for the past, its over and done with, but for a future my grandchildren will have to endure because once again, white people, always white people will make their lives difficult because white people never learn.

America, we are a proud and glorious people, but for some sad sick sad sad reason, southern whites refuse to learn from its past and embrace a future that could possibly turn their miserable racist lives into something wonderful, if only they would let go and let God and all these brilliant generations show them the way. The south should have been let go centuries ago, these people simple are too ignorant for words and nothing can penetrate the brain of a southern fool, nothing.
You’re a babbling idiot. Southern whites are no more racist than blacks are nationwide.

Of course, a raging racist would think minorities fighting for equal rights is being rscist.

Fuck off
How can anybody love a race of people, ie white people that constantly raise hell on the planet with so much blessings from mankind? Negro's got a reason to act up, what the hell is yall's?
Why do “ negro’s” have a reason to act up? Got all the free $$$ for housing, food, education, phone, medical care. They are allowed to whine, and cry about everything in our society wether it’s a march in the street or in the media. I don’t get it?
I guess they just don't know their "place" right racist fuck?
...and now it's pure Republican and the racism is alive and well.l
Pure Republican, that makes you ignorant. The ignorant are the bigots which are the racists. Last time I checked the Clinton library and the clinton foundation is in Arkansas. Hillary Clinton lived in Arkansas so long she developed a southern accent and became a member of the KKK.

Clinton, that is the Democrat presidential nominee that ran against Trump just a little more than 2 years ago.

I love this picture of democrat presidential candidate Hillary kissing that old democrat senator that was a rising star in the KKK. So much so he was the Grand Dragon Poohbah of the KKK.
...and now it's pure Republican and the racism is alive and well.l
Pure Republican, that makes you ignorant. The ignorant are the bigots which are the racists. Last time I checked the Clinton library and the clinton foundation is in Arkansas. Hillary Clinton lived in Arkansas so long she developed a southern accent and became a member of the KKK.

Clinton, that is the Democrat presidential nominee that ran against Trump just a little more than 2 years ago.

I love this picture of democrat presidential candidate Hillary kissing that old democrat senator that was a rising star in the KKK. So much so he was the Grand Dragon Poohbah of the KKK. View attachment 276386
Funny how by the time he died, Byrd had shed all visages of racism

Sadly, our President has not
you ever wondered why africa is stuck in the stone age???

its because they spend their lives killing each other,,,

you might want to check yourself before saying others are worse
Nothing to do with the 19th century European colonization of the African continent? You kidder.
well considering the only semi-peaceful places in africa are those places colonized,,,the rest of it is a savage nightmare
The entire continent was colonized by western European powers.

Colonisation of Africa - Wikipedia

sorry wiki isnt a good source,,,

and most of it has very few to no white people in it
If you have an issue with that source, refute it with better sources

Thank you. I thought everyone already knew the entire continent of Africa was colonized by white western Europeans. It's not disputed, or hidden. Just well known fact.
This country, this beautiful confused brilliant country has gone through hell and back so many many many times and yet, we've always managed to keep afloat and not destroy from within. The 1950's gave us our highways, our new schools, the first trip to outspace, tv, civil wrongs made right with intergration and it gave us rock and roll. I cried watching so many black people suffer at the hands of white southerners, I cried watching w people marvel at Elvis, I cried seeing cars zoom down freshly created highways, all those tears I cried wasn't for the past, its over and done with, but for a future my grandchildren will have to endure because once again, white people, always white people will make their lives difficult because white people never learn.

America, we are a proud and glorious people, but for some sad sick sad sad reason, southern whites refuse to learn from its past and embrace a future that could possibly turn their miserable racist lives into something wonderful, if only they would let go and let God and all these brilliant generations show them the way. The south should have been let go centuries ago, these people simple are too ignorant for words and nothing can penetrate the brain of a southern fool, nothing.

Let me guess, you don't live in the south.
Does anyone actually live in the south on purpose?

Millions do, and laugh at everyone else. Let me guess, you have no idea what the South is really like, do you? I'm guessing you latched onto a stereotype put out by someone else who also has no idea what it's like, but who reinforced your own biased beliefs. Sad, really.

Oh I know plenty about the South. I have immediate family in Florida and a longtime best friend in Georgia. Spent a lot of time in both places over the years.

I was born and raised in Oklahoma City. I have close family still living in Oklahoma (City & panhandle farming country). Also relatives in the Palestine, TX area and more immediate family smack dab in the middle of the Arkansas Ozarks.

I have been around Southerners and Okies and cowboys and farmers and red necks and poor white folks my whole life and still spend far more time in that part of the country than I'd like to.

You could not pay me enough money to live in the South or Oklahoma or Texas on purpose. People can't get along with each other in those places and they are FAR too worried about what happens with other people's pee pee parts. I go with more of a live and let live lifestyle, lol.

But I'm happy for your kind to stay in the South where you are happy.
This country, this beautiful confused brilliant country has gone through hell and back so many many many times and yet, we've always managed to keep afloat and not destroy from within. The 1950's gave us our highways, our new schools, the first trip to outspace, tv, civil wrongs made right with intergration and it gave us rock and roll. I cried watching so many black people suffer at the hands of white southerners, I cried watching w people marvel at Elvis, I cried seeing cars zoom down freshly created highways, all those tears I cried wasn't for the past, its over and done with, but for a future my grandchildren will have to endure because once again, white people, always white people will make their lives difficult because white people never learn.

America, we are a proud and glorious people, but for some sad sick sad sad reason, southern whites refuse to learn from its past and embrace a future that could possibly turn their miserable racist lives into something wonderful, if only they would let go and let God and all these brilliant generations show them the way. The south should have been let go centuries ago, these people simple are too ignorant for words and nothing can penetrate the brain of a southern fool, nothing.
Didn't hear a solution offered there-remember southern whites don't have a problem, you do. My first suggestion is don't go down south-I won't go to South Chicago or East LA. And remember, racism is a belief system like any religion or political alignment. I will offer comfort with a favorite refrain from your people-"We ain't what we should be, we ain't what we could be, we ain't what we gonna be, but thank God, we ain't what we was!
You need to watch a documentary on present-day Chicago.
Thats why I cried, so much sacrifice we've made only to revert back to slavery. Oh and kiss my ass bitch
Blacks capture Blacks & Sell them as Slaves even to this day!
Whites freed Blacks from Slavery!
You should be thanking us Whites!
Stop focusing on the few bad whites & fix your own racism!
As Usual Whites Still Risking their Lives Today to Stop Black on Black Slavery!

Hate to tell you this it changed.
The democrats have not changed, still the party of hate.

Could be, but the republican party is the party of racist, hell just look at the POTUS.

Trump isn't racist. That's just a lie perpetuated by the DNC. :dunno:
And the courts when he tried to keep minorities out of his properties. Or when he called African countries Shitholes.
...and now it's pure Republican and the racism is alive and well.l
Pure Republican, that makes you ignorant. The ignorant are the bigots which are the racists. Last time I checked the Clinton library and the clinton foundation is in Arkansas. Hillary Clinton lived in Arkansas so long she developed a southern accent and became a member of the KKK.

Clinton, that is the Democrat presidential nominee that ran against Trump just a little more than 2 years ago.

I love this picture of democrat presidential candidate Hillary kissing that old democrat senator that was a rising star in the KKK. So much so he was the Grand Dragon Poohbah of the KKK. View attachment 276386

Byrd was never Grand Dragon of the KKK. He joined as a young man & left w & denounced them later in life.
Hate to tell you this it changed.
The democrats have not changed, still the party of hate.

Could be, but the republican party is the party of racist, hell just look at the POTUS.

Trump isn't racist. That's just a lie perpetuated by the DNC. :dunno:
And the courts when he tried to keep minorities out of his properties. Or when he called African countries Shitholes.
Africa is behind because of capitalist libertarian values. They don't properly fund the system in much of Africa, they don't fund education, so the future isn't there for jobs. They don't fund police, so crime is worse. They don't fund a welfare state, so people go hungry, and even die.
Nothing to do with the 19th century European colonization of the African continent? You kidder.
well considering the only semi-peaceful places in africa are those places colonized,,,the rest of it is a savage nightmare
The entire continent was colonized by western European powers.

Colonisation of Africa - Wikipedia

sorry wiki isnt a good source,,,

and most of it has very few to no white people in it
If you have an issue with that source, refute it with better sources

Thank you. I thought everyone already knew the entire continent of Africa was colonized by white western Europeans. It's not disputed, or hidden. Just well known fact.
Now you are catching on

Now, what is preventing Greenland from being exploited if they give up their sovereignty?.
This country, this beautiful confused brilliant country has gone through hell and back so many many many times and yet, we've always managed to keep afloat and not destroy from within. The 1950's gave us our highways, our new schools, the first trip to outspace, tv, civil wrongs made right with intergration and it gave us rock and roll. I cried watching so many black people suffer at the hands of white southerners, I cried watching w people marvel at Elvis, I cried seeing cars zoom down freshly created highways, all those tears I cried wasn't for the past, its over and done with, but for a future my grandchildren will have to endure because once again, white people, always white people will make their lives difficult because white people never learn.

America, we are a proud and glorious people, but for some sad sick sad sad reason, southern whites refuse to learn from its past and embrace a future that could possibly turn their miserable racist lives into something wonderful, if only they would let go and let God and all these brilliant generations show them the way. The south should have been let go centuries ago, these people simple are too ignorant for words and nothing can penetrate the brain of a southern fool, nothing.

Let me guess, you don't live in the south.
Does anyone actually live in the south on purpose?

Millions do, and laugh at everyone else. Let me guess, you have no idea what the South is really like, do you? I'm guessing you latched onto a stereotype put out by someone else who also has no idea what it's like, but who reinforced your own biased beliefs. Sad, really.

Oh I know plenty about the South. I have immediate family in Florida and a longtime best friend in Georgia. Spent a lot of time in both places over the years.

I was born and raised in Oklahoma City. I have close family still living in Oklahoma (City & panhandle farming country). Also relatives in the Palestine, TX area and more immediate family smack dab in the middle of the Arkansas Ozarks.

I have been around Southerners and Okies and cowboys and farmers and red necks and poor white folks my whole life and still spend far more time in that part of the country than I'd like to.

You could not pay me enough money to live in the South or Oklahoma or Texas on purpose. People can't get along with each other in those places and they are FAR too worried about what happens with other people's pee pee parts. I go with more of a live and let live lifestyle, lol.

But I'm happy for your kind to stay in the South where you are happy.

Sounds like you guys couldn't get along with anyone. I live in the Capital of the Confederacy and we all get along fine. Of course there are always a few igmos from the north around we have to help understand that rush hour means you might have to slow down a little because we know how to drive and honking your horn just makes you look stupid.
...and now it's pure Republican and the racism is alive and well.l
Pure Republican, that makes you ignorant. The ignorant are the bigots which are the racists. Last time I checked the Clinton library and the clinton foundation is in Arkansas. Hillary Clinton lived in Arkansas so long she developed a southern accent and became a member of the KKK.

Clinton, that is the Democrat presidential nominee that ran against Trump just a little more than 2 years ago.

I love this picture of democrat presidential candidate Hillary kissing that old democrat senator that was a rising star in the KKK. So much so he was the Grand Dragon Poohbah of the KKK. View attachment 276386
Funny how by the time he died, Byrd had shed all visages of racism

Sadly, our President has not
says you, and we all know who you are
Hate to tell you this it changed.
The democrats have not changed, still the party of hate.

Could be, but the republican party is the party of racist, hell just look at the POTUS.

Trump isn't racist. That's just a lie perpetuated by the DNC. :dunno:
And the courts when he tried to keep minorities out of his properties. Or when he called African countries Shitholes.
The African countries are shitholes. And who does not keep trespassers off their property?
Hate to tell you this it changed.
The democrats have not changed, still the party of hate.

Could be, but the republican party is the party of racist, hell just look at the POTUS.

Trump isn't racist. That's just a lie perpetuated by the DNC. :dunno:
And the courts when he tried to keep minorities out of his properties. Or when he called African countries Shitholes.
Africa is behind because of capitalist libertarian values. They don't properly fund the system in much of Africa, they don't fund education, so the future isn't there for jobs. They don't fund police, so crime is worse. They don't fund a welfare state, so people go hungry, and even die.
Fund? They don't do a damn thing except rob, rape, pillage, and cut innocent women's breasts off after raping them 9 ways to Sunday.
STFU you ignorant piece of shit. You don't know a damn thing and 2/3 of your posts are out-and-out lies. There has to be earned money to fund things. Africans don't earn money, they scam it or pillage it.

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