I defy any Democrat to watch the movie about Chauvin and claim he is guilty!!!!

Of course, I do not know whether he is innocent or guilty.

BUT I do know that if a court ever ordered him to be freed, this nation would have a second Civil War.
I wish I was surprised to read that comment. But blacks in America get more and more violent as they break laws expecting to claim they can't breathe will work to get the cops to stop arresting them.
Can the public protest to the point he gets a fair trial? I know a few cops are not very good. But this takes the cake. They put into prison 4 cops. And lied to do it.
What did they lie about? The problem was that Chauvin's argument is that he was just following his training was trumped by the powerful video of Floyd begging for his life for 9 minutes.

You did not watch the video. And the crime of Floyd was he actually passed a forgery $20 piece of money and that is no petty matter. Forgery or passing such bills is a major crime.
Do us all a favor. Post your diatribes against Trump all day long. But create your own thread.

You and I have probably both unknowingly passed fake $20.00 bills. The police response was over the top for an unarmed man accused of a non-violent crime.

You did not watch the video. Chauvin used a highly trained police tactic. He followed to the letter his training. Floyd did not die due to acts by Chauvin. Floyds autopsy showed he died from overdose of drugs. It is proven in the film. Floyd also was trying to be saved by the police and the EM took too long to show up. From 8 blocks away they took 20 minutes to get that far.
To excuse Chauvin on the basis of training makes about as much sense as excusing Nazis as "only following orders". Chauvin should have seen that what he was doing was harming Floyd, and he kept doing it anyway.
Of course.
Why would you think Chauvin would get a fair trial in Milwaukee where demonstrators were out there every day demanding a guilty verdict and threatening jurors? Why was the trial allowed to proceed in that district?
Thanks for watching the film. But they did show Chauvin kneeling on his shoulder neck area, precisely as he had been trained to do. His knee is not what took Floyds life. Floyd had health issues. Did you forget the times Floyd was arrested as he popped deadly drugs into his mouth? Floyd had a plan. And in the end his heart killed him as well as the deadly drugs he took. The autopsy report proved there was no injury to the place where Chauvin had his knee.

Your argument could apply to a nurse in a hospice who smothers her patients with a pillow. "Well, they were unhealthy and were going to die, anyway!"

Not one juror has come forward to say, "you know, in retrospect, I thought he died from the drugs, but I was scared of the mob outside."

George Floyd was not a model citizen. Nothing he did deserved being killed over.
Where is the honest Democrat? This is no challenge. It is a call for honesty.

Watch the film "The Fall of Minneapolis" and you will see it is factual. There is no BS. It is very very true. If any cop is in your family, you may see him or her in prison as a result of George Floyd.

Dare you watch the film? IT is a documentary. Not a bugs bunny movie.

The parties that belong in prison is the Chief of Police of the city, the Mayor of the City and the Governor of Minnesota.

Democrats accept facts and the truth, not rightwing lies.
Why would you think Chauvin would get a fair trial in Milwaukee where demonstrators were out there every day demanding a guilty verdict and threatening jurors? Why was the trial allowed to proceed in that district?
He totally couldn't have gotten a fair trial in Milwaukee.

Fortunately, his trial was in Minneapolis.
Okay, the cop approaches the car with gun drawn and screaming expletives at him.

He's begging the cop not to shoot him.
The cop was not cursing. But yes the cop, who by the way is not in prison, was arresting Floyd for a major crime involving passing forged currency.Floyd had this down pat. He clearly had done the same thing in his past. He pulled the I can't breathe trick knowing other blacks had used the same tactic. I was once involved in speeding on a city street and had tried to cleverly park my car and duck down. The cop saw my car and showed up at my window with his gun aimed at me. But I never tried to claim I can't breathe. Also as the cop was driv8ing me to jail, he stopped his patrol car and wanted me to see victims of violent car wrecks. We got to chatting and I told him I was in college. Anyway over the span of under 30 minutes he changed his mind, drove me back to my car and gave me his home phone number and wanted a favor that was getting for him a volt ohm meter at no cost to him.
At first when he tossed me up against his police car, I figured I was going to jail for the only time for sure. But as it turned out, we became friends for a few years.
If he knelt on the neck of a man for 8 minutes, they would deserve to go to prison for assault. If the person died, they should go to prison for murder.

Come to think of it...thats exactly what happened to conservative hero Derrick Chauvain.

More babble from the Queen of the black-mouthed OXYEN. In the MINN Police training manual that was an approved tactic (taught and encouraged) to control massive animals.

**Officers were only authorized to use the restraint if they were properly trained in the tactic, which involved applying pressure with an arm or a leg to one side of the neck, without restricting the airway.
Do you believe that everyone deserves a fair trial when accused of a crime?

The FAIR Judicial system ended around 2009 under Commee Obiden 1.0. It has been a steady slide into todays' full-blown Police state implemented by those in power after the 2020 Coup succeeded.
More babble from the Queen of the black-mouthed OXYEN. In the MINN Police training manual that was an approved tactic (taught and encouraged) to control massive animals.

**Officers were only authorized to use the restraint if they were properly trained in the tactic, which involved applying pressure with an arm or a leg to one side of the neck, without restricting the airway.
These people will rue the day they get arrested and try to use the trick Floyd tried to use.
The FAIR Judicial system ended around 2009 under Commee Obiden 1.0. It has been a steady slide into todays' full-blown Police state implemented by those in power after the 2020 Coup succeeded.
These same people attack the cop now in prison yet when the cops in DC pulled a full scale assault on innocent men and women, including killing women, they approve it as if the cops are wonderful people.
And the crime of Floyd was he actually passed a forgery $20 piece of money and that is no petty matter.

Also daytime drunk and high behind the wheel of an SUV. How do you get let out of TX prison after 5 yrs and you can immediately run to another state? Probably on parole violations too.
He totally couldn't have gotten a fair trial in Milwaukee.

Fortunately, his trial was in Minneapolis.
There is no way the trial would happen in Milwaukee. It had to take place in the state of the jurisdiction. They could have moved it to a different city in Minnesota which would make sense to me.
Also daytime drunk and high behind the wheel of an SUV. How do you get let out of TX prison after 5 yrs and you can immediately run to another state? Probably on parole violations too.
Who wonders how a petty criminal can be driving a Mercedes Benz?
The FAIR Judicial system ended around 2009 under Commee Obiden 1.0. It has been a steady slide into todays' full-blown Police state implemented by those in power after the 2020 Coup succeeded.
Currently thanks to the Floyd matter, cops all over America are pulling the plug. They do not want to be sent to prison when doing a job they are trained to do and doing it by the book. Cities all over America see a rapid rise in crime.
Okay.. Watched it.

Chauvin is still guilty.
Pause to think more. Experts in law enforcement, medical professionals all say the trial produced the wrong results. An innocent former cop is in prison. For correctly applying the law in Minnesota.
The cop was not cursing. But yes the cop, who by the way is not in prison, was arresting Floyd for a major crime involving passing forged currency.

Did you watch the film. The initial officer (Kueng) was using the F-bomb several times while pointing a gun at Floyd, for what again, was a non-violent offense. And yes, he did go to jail for his part in the murder.

I was once involved in speeding on a city street and had tried to cleverly park my car and duck down. The cop saw my car and showed up at my window with his gun aimed at me. But I never tried to claim I can't breathe. Also as the cop was driv8ing me to jail, he stopped his patrol car and wanted me to see victims of violent car wrecks. We got to chatting and I told him I was in college. Anyway over the span of under 30 minutes he changed his mind, drove me back to my car and gave me his home phone number and wanted a favor that was getting for him a volt ohm meter at no cost to him.

I think you are making a point about white privilege. I doubt the cop would have been so friendly if you were black.

Nobody forces conservatives to take these weird positions to where they speak up for murderous cops, legendary con artists, and people who are, in short, assholes. They do it on their own. When they get bad press for supporting murderous cops, legendary con artists and assholes, they scream that the press is being unfair.

It's a viscous cycle.
I speak often over the law breaking cops that were doing things like murdering Ashli Babbitt and firing at the crowd to get them to rush to the Capitol. They entrapped many protestors yet the same Democrats who attack Chauvin refuse to attack the cops at the Capitol who killed a human being on purpose. Chauvin did not intend that Floyd die.

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