Zone1 I deliberately chose to be born white.

I read the philosophy of say Kant or Hegel, but all whites are evil thing liberals spout...because generalizing all groups is evil. Ok.
I didn't choose my race and my ancestors, or my ancestry any more than the rest of you. Racism has become a racket grift. I don't owe you, you don't owe me. End of story.
I didn't choose my race and my ancestors, or my ancestry any more than the rest of you. Racism has become a racket grift. I don't owe you, you don't owe me. End of story.

If good men continue doing nothing, they may end up paying eternally forward and in ways yet unimagined.
Freedom and dignity aren't won by the vapor of lip service....but by the unflinching determination of good men who are not afraid of duty and sacrifice.

You may not choose your race, but you most certainly choose your destiny based on your actions....or lack thereof.
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If good men continue doing nothing, they may end up paying eternally forward and in ways yet unimagined.
Freedom and dignity aren't won by the vapor of lip service....but by the unflinching determination of good men who are not afraid of duty and sacrifice.
Totally: I reject being blamed for something I never did.
If you can blame racism on a few whites, why can't we blame the crimes huge upsurge on blacks murdering each other?
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Good choice. The other races and cultures all rely on WASP science and culture for global advancement, at the same time they're working to destroy it and themselves in fits of jealousy and racism.
Rwanda, black on black genocide a huge thing,. Excuse me? African Muslims still own slaves, and where the biggest slavers of all time? Excuse me? How is that NOT a thing?
Rwanda, black on black genocide a huge thing,. Excuse me? African Muslims still own slaves, and where the biggest slavers of all time? Excuse me? How is that NOT a thing?
So, is the Russian invasion of Ukraine White on White crime? Like the Rwanda genocide? Or is it different when it involves White people? :confused-84:
Good choice. The other races and cultures all rely on WASP science and culture for global advancement, at the same time they're working to destroy it and themselves in fits of jealousy and racism.
They also rely on Jewish advancements, particularly in medicine. We have a disproportionate number of Jewish Nobel prize winners.
They also rely on Jewish advancements, particularly in medicine. We have a disproportionate number of Jewish Nobel prize winners.

We have a significant number of Jewish racists posting all kinds of stuff here. They invent that under WASP cultural liberalism. If we were a Jewish country they wouldn't be as productive, they would still be raping goats in Poland or Russia.
We have a significant number of Jewish racists posting all kinds of stuff here. They invent that under WASP cultural liberalism. If we were a Jewish country they wouldn't be as productive, they would still be raping goats in Poland or Russia.
I put that there because I know your opinion of Jews. Thanks for reminding everyone what an antisemite you are.
So, is the Russian invasion of Ukraine White on White crime? Like the Rwanda genocide? Or is it different when it involves White people? :confused-84:
Putin does indeed want more SLavs in his empire, which is currently threatened with being overwhelmed by borwn Muslim cultures.
I put that there because I know your opinion of Jews. Thanks for reminding everyone what an antisemite you are.

You put that there because you're a racist idiot. No other reason. You like to misrepresent opinions that don't fit your idiot narratives, is all.

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