I do not like executive orders

But I like the content of today's order on healthcare.

I do not like EO's he said
I do not like them on a bus
I do not like them on a truss
I do not like them written in red
I do not like them on a bed

I do not like EO's at all
But I hate Obamacare most of all.

You forgot the last part:

I do not like EO's at all
But I hate Obamacare most of all
...so out the door my principles go.

Considering all he technically did was override previous EO's (I Believe) its actually a wash.
It's not how our system is supposed to work - but both houses are basically useless.
Same with Obama, the only way a President can move anything forward without months and months or even years of party bickering, watering down or tacking on $10 billion in pork projects is executive orders.

There's an alternative to both congressional statutes and EOs. Do nothing. The feds should have never gotten into health insurance. The constitution says they are not allowed to anyway. THINK
The constitution says we must have the shittiest, most expensive, most inefficient health"care" system on the planet amongst advanced post industrial nations?
Exactly why we need to get government out of healthcare as much as possible.

Every time government increases its reach into healthcare, things get worse. And for some reason beyond all fathoming, liberals then scream for MOAR government!
Sure, concentrated corporate wealth and power should run it.
Works pretty well for all other forms of insurance.

Car insurance has been going down while the cost of cars has been rising.

How's that heavy government interference in the health insurance market working out for you?
The govt didn't get involved in US health"care", they allowed corporations to sit at the table and take their cuts. But look, what would you expect from a Heritage Foundation plan?

And auto insurance? Mandated ain't it. And what do they really do for you besides extract permiums? Very damn little. You have THE shittiest, most expensive, most inefficient health"care" system on the planet amongst advance post industrial nations, so that corporations can increase their "share" of extracted and redistributed societal wealth. Your own pharma companies charge you more than Canadians for example. We all want corprations between us and our doctors don't we, we're all fweedumby like that.

The beauty of the "govt don't work" perceptual reality is that you get elected to fuck up a govt of/by the people and then go, oh look, this doesn't work, let's let the "job creator" class do this. We need elites to govern us and tell us what is right.

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