I Do Not Want You To Solve This During An Election Year

Lankford , on the Senate floor , said that a popular media host (Hannity?) threatened to destroy him if he tried to bring a border bill to a voter James Lankford Says 'Popular Commentator' Threatened To 'Destroy' Him Over Immigration Bill

Republicans don’t want this solved. Ever. It’s how they rile up the base and get donations
It is true that the Republicans (now) do not want the Democrats to put their band-aid on the border this year.


Because the Democrats have intentionally and with malice aforethought CAUSED the present Illegal Alien Invasion.

Because the Democrats have had three (3) years to recognize their mistake and to reverse themselves and they haven't.

Because the Democrats (a) caused it and (b) refused to fix it earlier they (c) cannot be trusted to even try to fix it NOW.

Any proposals they forward now will be half-a$$ed and will be applied half-heartedly and will ultimately do no actual good.

Any proposals the Democrats forward now smack more of election-year window-dressing than doing what is now needed.

We have suffered with this increased flow of Illegal Aliens for thirty-seven months now since Sleep Old Uncle Joe took over.

We can suffer for another eleven months until Old Joe's successor takes control and begins to REALLY fix the problem.

No point in hamstringing the Next Guy with bull$hit legislation that doesn't even BEGIN to fix the REAL problem.

Meanwhile, Governor Abbot of Texas should continue do shove Illegal Aliens down the throats of Blue Sanctuary Cities.

A truly brilliant tactic to make those idiots feel the pain up-close-and-personal, and to influence their vulnerable voter base.

To the devil with the present Senate bipartisan border control bill... let it rot... rightfully so.
I don’t know what she said. I don’t bother with videos

But in response, the problem was less and there were more pressing matters at the time .
I’m glad you admit that illegal immigration was far less at the end of Trump’s first term than 3 years into Biden’s.
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Ask Lankford. This was a bill he helped craft.

Probably because one thousand is such a low number that the border would always be shut down
What does shut down mean? What are the specifics? How is it shut down? How many would cross over illegally while the border was "shut down"?
Those studies are mistaken

Having a less educated population that relies more heavily on government handouts does not make America better
You meant having a less educated population that relies completely on false RW media narratives. :rolleyes:
What does shut down mean? What are the specifics? How is it shut down? How many would cross over illegally while the border was "shut down"?
No more applicants for asylum would be accepted until the number trying drops 4000. No asylum claims honored at remote points

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