"I don't care!" if trump is a criminal!

I have no reason to believe Lynne Patton without some sort of evidence.
I have no reason to believe Cohen. All I saw was a haggard and embittered man facing years in prison for being a sleazebag. He's not a Clinton and can't get away with it.

I would never ask you to believe him. So, you think he was lying when he said he has NO has direct evidence that Mr. Trump colluded with Russia?
I don't believe a thing he says. We're talking sleaze of Clintonian proportions.
I have no reason to believe Lynne Patton without some sort of evidence.
I have no reason to believe Cohen. All I saw was a haggard and embittered man facing years in prison for being a sleazebag. He's not a Clinton and can't get away with it.

I would never ask you to believe him. So, you think he was lying when he said he has NO has direct evidence that Mr. Trump colluded with Russia?
I don't believe a thing he says. We're talking sleaze of Clintonian proportions.

So, then you think that he does have direct evidence of Trump colluding with the Russians, since he said he did not and he has to be lying.
A lot of people think El Chapo did a lot of good for Mexico; doesn’t mean he doesn’t belong behind bars. Republicans falling on their knees for him doesn’t excuse Trump’s crimes.
/----/ "Trump’s crimes."
Trump's crime was defeating Hillary when it was her turn.
View attachment 247999
I was thinking more all the frauds, treasons, money launderibrgs, etc. But I suppose you have a right to be a lame little bitch.

How come your little puppy Mueller fails to find anything to charge Trump with this, after nearly TWO years of looking?

The very existence of this hearings farce is indicative that Mueller never found anything to indict Trump with.

When are you Trump haters ever going to realize how foolish this extended partisan bullcrap is?
I stand with cohen!
Cohen/ivanka 2020
Since Cohen was a Democrat his whole life and actually voted for Clinton in her campaign against Obama it'd be more accurate to say

Clinton\Cohen 2020

Question is, can you have Hillary Clinton and Cohen run for President and VP when both of them are in prison by this time next year?
I have been tuning in to this on and off, and I have to say, Michael Cohen has told more lies than Stormy Daniels has had dicks in her ass.

And that's an insult to Stormy Daniel's gaping anus.

Cohen has already been caught in several lies today.

One of them was marking N\A on contacts with Foreign Actors when he applied for a security clearance during the campaign, and then under oath in Congress, he claims he has contacts with Foreign Actors during that same time.

That's another Felony he just committed.

Soon he'll be competing with Stormy Daniels in the ass stretching competition, so I guess it really doesn't matter how much he lies.
I have no reason to believe Lynne Patton without some sort of evidence.
I have no reason to believe Cohen. All I saw was a haggard and embittered man facing years in prison for being a sleazebag. He's not a Clinton and can't get away with it.

I would never ask you to believe him. So, you think he was lying when he said he has NO has direct evidence that Mr. Trump colluded with Russia?
I don't believe a thing he says. We're talking sleaze of Clintonian proportions.

So, then you think that he does have direct evidence of Trump colluding with the Russians, since he said he did not and he has to be lying.
I don't believe a thing he says. We're talking sleaze of Clintonian proportions.
I have no reason to believe Lynne Patton without some sort of evidence.
I have no reason to believe Cohen. All I saw was a haggard and embittered man facing years in prison for being a sleazebag. He's not a Clinton and can't get away with it.

I would never ask you to believe him. So, you think he was lying when he said he has NO has direct evidence that Mr. Trump colluded with Russia?
I don't believe a thing he says. We're talking sleaze of Clintonian proportions.

So, then you think that he does have direct evidence of Trump colluding with the Russians, since he said he did not and he has to be lying.
I don't believe a thing he says. We're talking sleaze of Clintonian proportions.

so, you are stating that he has direct evidence of Trump colluding with the Russians. That is a startling admission from you.
This hearing is crazy!!!! Reps are embarrassing themselves with the broken record smear tactics. Dems might as well be wiping his ass for him. Can’t believe some of the things that are being said though. Like watching a reality TV show. The real housewives of DC.

BTW. You don’t have to believe Cohen, he is trying to bring documents to the table to back up his claims. Those of you not interested in the TRUTH are pathetic
Pathetic is your continual ass licking of Putin's hairy anus. The entire hearing is in violation of The Committee's own rules, so it should not even be held.

And Cohen is lying his ass off. Anyone with a brain and a little education in body language and tone inflection can tell that.

But the most telling thing is that he rehearsed with Schiff and Cummings.

Only Liars have to rehearse their stories, just like that piece of shit Ford had to rehearse hers with a lie detector expert when she accused Kavanaugh of something he was not even present for.
You jump to Putin?! Haha talk about off subject!! I stopped reading your shit as soon as I saw that. Pathetic
If your head wasn’t stuck so far up your ass you might know by now that I don’t think trump is a Russian spy nor do I think the collusion thing is going to amount to much. It’s all the lying that’s going to get him
I have no reason to believe Cohen. All I saw was a haggard and embittered man facing years in prison for being a sleazebag. He's not a Clinton and can't get away with it.

I would never ask you to believe him. So, you think he was lying when he said he has NO has direct evidence that Mr. Trump colluded with Russia?
I don't believe a thing he says. We're talking sleaze of Clintonian proportions.

So, then you think that he does have direct evidence of Trump colluding with the Russians, since he said he did not and he has to be lying.
I don't believe a thing he says. We're talking sleaze of Clintonian proportions.

so, you are stating that he has direct evidence of Trump colluding with the Russians. That is a startling admission from you.
I don't believe a thing he says. We're talking sleaze of Clintonian proportions.
I would never ask you to believe him. So, you think he was lying when he said he has NO has direct evidence that Mr. Trump colluded with Russia?
I don't believe a thing he says. We're talking sleaze of Clintonian proportions.

So, then you think that he does have direct evidence of Trump colluding with the Russians, since he said he did not and he has to be lying.
I don't believe a thing he says. We're talking sleaze of Clintonian proportions.

so, you are stating that he has direct evidence of Trump colluding with the Russians. That is a startling admission from you.
I don't believe a thing he says. We're talking sleaze of Clintonian proportions.

I know I got it. So, when he said he had NO direct evidence, he was lying according to you.
This hearing is crazy!!!! Reps are embarrassing themselves with the broken record smear tactics. Dems might as well be wiping his ass for him. Can’t believe some of the things that are being said though. Like watching a reality TV show. The real housewives of DC.

BTW. You don’t have to believe Cohen, he is trying to bring documents to the table to back up his claims. Those of you not interested in the TRUTH are pathetic
Pathetic is your continual ass licking of Putin's hairy anus. The entire hearing is in violation of The Committee's own rules, so it should not even be held.

And Cohen is lying his ass off. Anyone with a brain and a little education in body language and tone inflection can tell that.

But the most telling thing is that he rehearsed with Schiff and Cummings.

Only Liars have to rehearse their stories, just like that piece of shit Ford had to rehearse hers with a lie detector expert when she accused Kavanaugh of something he was not even present for.
You jump to Putin?! Haha talk about off subject!! I stopped reading your shit as soon as I saw that. Pathetic
If your head wasn’t stuck so far up your ass you might know by now that I don’t think trump is a Russian spy nor do I think the collusion thing is going to amount to much. It’s all the lying that’s going to get him

So do you take it up the ass like Stormy Daniels, who apparently this is the only way she can get off, or are you more like Michael Cohen who cries like the little lying bitch he is when he gets prison raped?

You have thrown yourself in with The Den of Vipers who claim Our President is a Russian Actor, a Puppet of Putin's, and you have made statements to that effect. So now, when it's not looking so good, and when The Russian Hoax is starting to peter out.....you want to save face? Save face by saying.....I never really believed that stuff.

Show me posts you wrote in 2016 defending The President's Innocence!

A lot of people think El Chapo did a lot of good for Mexico; doesn’t mean he doesn’t belong behind bars. Republicans falling on their knees for him doesn’t excuse Trump’s crimes.
/----/ "Trump’s crimes."
Trump's crime was defeating Hillary when it was her turn.
View attachment 247999
I was thinking more all the frauds, treasons, money launderibrgs, etc. But I suppose you have a right to be a lame little bitch.

How come your little puppy Mueller fails to find anything to charge Trump with this, after nearly TWO years of looking?

The very existence of this hearings farce is indicative that Mueller never found anything to indict Trump with.

When are you Trump haters ever going to realize how foolish this extended partisan bullcrap is?
In the years of investigating, Trump’s army of lawyers have stalled and blocked to the point of him having answered just 2 questions from Mueller, and that happened just a couple months ago. Trump also had the entirety of the Federal Government refusing it’s role of oversight and accountibility until just last month. Even so, multiple of Trump’s top confidants have been exposed as felons, and Mueller’s not done yet. The House is finally resuming it’s duty and investigating the allegations of fraud and treason against your dotard.
I don't believe a thing he says. We're talking sleaze of Clintonian proportions.

So, then you think that he does have direct evidence of Trump colluding with the Russians, since he said he did not and he has to be lying.
I don't believe a thing he says. We're talking sleaze of Clintonian proportions.

so, you are stating that he has direct evidence of Trump colluding with the Russians. That is a startling admission from you.
I don't believe a thing he says. We're talking sleaze of Clintonian proportions.

I know I got it. So, when he said he had NO direct evidence, he was lying according to you.
I don't believe a thing he says. We're talking sleaze of Clintonian proportions.
This hearing is crazy!!!! Reps are embarrassing themselves with the broken record smear tactics. Dems might as well be wiping his ass for him. Can’t believe some of the things that are being said though. Like watching a reality TV show. The real housewives of DC.

BTW. You don’t have to believe Cohen, he is trying to bring documents to the table to back up his claims. Those of you not interested in the TRUTH are pathetic
Pathetic is your continual ass licking of Putin's hairy anus. The entire hearing is in violation of The Committee's own rules, so it should not even be held.

And Cohen is lying his ass off. Anyone with a brain and a little education in body language and tone inflection can tell that.

But the most telling thing is that he rehearsed with Schiff and Cummings.

Only Liars have to rehearse their stories, just like that piece of shit Ford had to rehearse hers with a lie detector expert when she accused Kavanaugh of something he was not even present for.
You jump to Putin?! Haha talk about off subject!! I stopped reading your shit as soon as I saw that. Pathetic
If your head wasn’t stuck so far up your ass you might know by now that I don’t think trump is a Russian spy nor do I think the collusion thing is going to amount to much. It’s all the lying that’s going to get him

So do you take it up the ass like Stormy Daniels, who apparently this is the only way she can get off, or are you more like Michael Cohen who cries like the little lying bitch he is when he gets prison raped?

You have thrown yourself in with The Den of Vipers who claim Our President is a Russian Actor, a Puppet of Putin's, and you have made statements to that effect. So now, when it's not looking so good, and when The Russian Hoax is starting to peter out.....you want to save face?

Oh interesting please show when I’ve ever claimed he was a Russian actor. I’ll save you some time. It doesn’t exist. You are straight up lying but what’s new
So, then you think that he does have direct evidence of Trump colluding with the Russians, since he said he did not and he has to be lying.
I don't believe a thing he says. We're talking sleaze of Clintonian proportions.

so, you are stating that he has direct evidence of Trump colluding with the Russians. That is a startling admission from you.
I don't believe a thing he says. We're talking sleaze of Clintonian proportions.

I know I got it. So, when he said he had NO direct evidence, he was lying according to you.
I don't believe a thing he says. We're talking sleaze of Clintonian proportions.

yes we have been over that.

repeating it over and over again does not change that you have now stated that you think Trump was colluding with the Russians.

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