"I don't care!" if trump is a criminal!

I don't believe a thing he says. We're talking sleaze of Clintonian proportions.

so, you are stating that he has direct evidence of Trump colluding with the Russians. That is a startling admission from you.
I don't believe a thing he says. We're talking sleaze of Clintonian proportions.

I know I got it. So, when he said he had NO direct evidence, he was lying according to you.
I don't believe a thing he says. We're talking sleaze of Clintonian proportions.

yes we have been over that.

repeating it over and over again does not change that you have now stated that you think Trump was colluding with the Russians.
I don't believe a thing he says. We're talking sleaze of Clintonian proportions.
Pathetic is your continual ass licking of Putin's hairy anus. The entire hearing is in violation of The Committee's own rules, so it should not even be held.

And Cohen is lying his ass off. Anyone with a brain and a little education in body language and tone inflection can tell that.

But the most telling thing is that he rehearsed with Schiff and Cummings.

Only Liars have to rehearse their stories, just like that piece of shit Ford had to rehearse hers with a lie detector expert when she accused Kavanaugh of something he was not even present for.
You jump to Putin?! Haha talk about off subject!! I stopped reading your shit as soon as I saw that. Pathetic
If your head wasn’t stuck so far up your ass you might know by now that I don’t think trump is a Russian spy nor do I think the collusion thing is going to amount to much. It’s all the lying that’s going to get him

So do you take it up the ass like Stormy Daniels, who apparently this is the only way she can get off, or are you more like Michael Cohen who cries like the little lying bitch he is when he gets prison raped?

You have thrown yourself in with The Den of Vipers who claim Our President is a Russian Actor, a Puppet of Putin's, and you have made statements to that effect. So now, when it's not looking so good, and when The Russian Hoax is starting to peter out.....you want to save face?

Oh interesting please show when I’ve ever claimed he was a Russian actor. I’ll save you some time. It doesn’t exist. You are straight up lying but what’s new

Show me posts from 2016 where you defended President Trump's Innocence!
To be fair, cohen was lying for trump.
This time he isnt.
To be fair, Cohen was lying for money and now he is lying in the hope of getting a reduced sentence and cashing in on a book deal.

He has already been sentenced, nothing he says today can reduce that.

Why must you sheep do nothing but parrot talking points?
Don't be stupid. A deal can be made for early release.

not based on his testimony before congress
To be fair, cohen was lying for trump.
This time he isnt.
To be fair, Cohen was lying for money and now he is lying in the hope of getting a reduced sentence and cashing in on a book deal.

He has already been sentenced, nothing he says today can reduce that.

Why must you sheep do nothing but parrot talking points?
Don't be stupid. A deal can be made for early release.

not based on his testimony before congress
Of course it can. This is all about politics and uf Cohen pleases his new masters, Mueller and the Democratic Party, he hopes they will use their influence with Democratic prosecutors and judges to get him out of prison sooner. Making a good show here in Congress will up his value to the prosecutors in southern New York State who are readying up their own anti Trump circus. What we are watching today is no more than Democrats campaigning against Trump at taxpayer expense, and no honest person would mistake Cohen's unsubstantiated accusations for truth.
To be fair, cohen was lying for trump.
This time he isnt.
To be fair, Cohen was lying for money and now he is lying in the hope of getting a reduced sentence and cashing in on a book deal.

He has already been sentenced, nothing he says today can reduce that.

Why must you sheep do nothing but parrot talking points?
Don't be stupid. A deal can be made for early release.

not based on his testimony before congress
Of course it can. This is all about politics and uf Cohen pleases his new masters, Mueller and the Democratic Party, he hopes they will use their influence with Democratic prosecutors and judges to get him out of prison sooner. Making a good show here in Congress will up his value to the prosecutors in southern New York State who are readying up their own anti Trump circus. What we are watching today is no more than Democrats campaigning against Trump at taxpayer expense, and no honest person would mistake Cohen's unsubstantiated accusations for truth.

You jump to Putin?! Haha talk about off subject!! I stopped reading your shit as soon as I saw that. Pathetic
If your head wasn’t stuck so far up your ass you might know by now that I don’t think trump is a Russian spy nor do I think the collusion thing is going to amount to much. It’s all the lying that’s going to get him

So do you take it up the ass like Stormy Daniels, who apparently this is the only way she can get off, or are you more like Michael Cohen who cries like the little lying bitch he is when he gets prison raped?

You have thrown yourself in with The Den of Vipers who claim Our President is a Russian Actor, a Puppet of Putin's, and you have made statements to that effect. So now, when it's not looking so good, and when The Russian Hoax is starting to peter out.....you want to save face?

Oh interesting please show when I’ve ever claimed he was a Russian actor. I’ll save you some time. It doesn’t exist. You are straight up lying but what’s new

Show me posts from 2016 where you defended President Trump's Innocence!
Why would I need to do that? I don’t presume to know what he did or didn’t do. I judge what I see and hear. That’s the difference between myself and hacks like yourself. I just don’t enjoy being a blind puppet
Cohen is trying to rebuild his image and secure a job with a rich dem when he is let out of prison...that and he wants to punish Trump for not putting him in the administration.....if you can't see that you must be a dem Trump hater.....
To be fair, Cohen was lying for money and now he is lying in the hope of getting a reduced sentence and cashing in on a book deal.

He has already been sentenced, nothing he says today can reduce that.

Why must you sheep do nothing but parrot talking points?
Don't be stupid. A deal can be made for early release.

not based on his testimony before congress
Of course it can. This is all about politics and uf Cohen pleases his new masters, Mueller and the Democratic Party, he hopes they will use their influence with Democratic prosecutors and judges to get him out of prison sooner. Making a good show here in Congress will up his value to the prosecutors in southern New York State who are readying up their own anti Trump circus. What we are watching today is no more than Democrats campaigning against Trump at taxpayer expense, and no honest person would mistake Cohen's unsubstantiated accusations for truth.

You're right, here we go again with the Democrats generating huge amounts of unsubstantiated accusations against the President and ignoring the important business of government. To a rational mind, nothing that is said in these hearings is as important as what is going on in Vietnam today, and a rational person might wonder why Cohen's testimony was delayed and delayed until the day Trump met with Kim to talk about nuclear weapons.

The fact that the Democrats are devoting all their energies as well as taxpayer money into investigating who Trump may have had sex with before he was President instead of attending to the important business of government tells you all you need to know about the Democratic Party.

Pot, Meet Kettle.

Until All Americans Are EQUALLY Outraged At ALL The Politicians Doing The Exact Same Thing, We Will Remain Divided And Continue To Argue Amongst Ourselves Over Whose Politicians Are The Least Criminal, Allowing Them To Continue To Get Away With What They Have Been And Continue To Get Away With...And We Will Deserve It Because We Ignorantly Allowed Them To Get Away With It!
If cohen is such a slimy pos, why did peaches hire him?
I thought he only picked the best people?

Yep, no one here has the balls to address this question. If Cohen is an untrustworthy liar/criminal/cheat, its stands to reason that the pig that hired him must be an even more untrustworthy liar/criminal/cheat. 'NOOOOO!! because reasons', bleats Cult45.
How about his testimony about Trump being racist?:11_2_1043:

It has absolutely nothing to do with anything, but it sure puts this investigation of things into perspective doesn't it?

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