I Don't Consider Myself A Trump Supporter Anymore

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Oh Mikey, Mikey, Mikey. 😆

If I did that was a long time ago bitch!

It's not the fact he has cards, it's how he made it out to be such a big deal that I have issues with.

Excuse me?
mark is just an idiot racist liar.
Energy prices were down, inflation was low and the Trump administration kept illegals from flooding the Country but you didn't like his ego? How is Biden's ego?

Biden doesn't even have one at all and don't act like I ever said that Trump was a bad president.
I like Trump. He's not afraid of the D.C. rich, political elite. He's not afraid to say what he wants about them and poke fun at the bloviating swamp creatures.

Yeah but neither is DeSantis.

I hesitate to call Slade a LibTard.
I think he enjoys the discussion.

He's a good guy believe it or not just not very many people give him enough of a chance. We both like having discussions and debates like adults more than having petty childish arguments.
Why’s that?

Right? I'm glad you asked him that. In my view, when it comes to leadership, humility is essential. Why, because pride is blinding and can prevent one from doing the right thing. Not to get off topic, but humility is an important character trait in general (for everyone, not just leaders), and the opposite of it is at the root of just about every evil.
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Yeah but neither is DeSantis.

He's a good guy believe it or not just not very many people give him enough of a chance. We both like having discussions and debates like adults more than having petty childish arguments.
DeSantis is being supported by the Political Elite and Wall Street at the moment.
It could be because they don't want DeSantis berating them or it could be because of something more sinister.
I admit I don't know.
I don't "act". I submit arguments. Maybe my ego is also a problem for "former" Trump supporters.

1. I'm just on the fence with Trump now taking the lesser of two evils over Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.

2. Your ego is your own problem,..but that's not going to earn you a lot of respect and or friendships in life.
Right? I'm glad you asked him that. In my view, when it comes to leadership, humility is essential. Why, because pride is blinding and can prevent one from doing the right thing. Not to get off topic, but humility is an important character trait in general (for everyone, not just leaders), and the opposite of it is at the root of just about evil.
Well said, I completely agree. I guess some people see humility as a weakness. I couldn’t disagree more
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