I Don't Consider Myself A Trump Supporter Anymore

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Like I said, I might start a thread on it. It's not just one thing....it's actually a lot of different things, that some people have put together. But I did see a video on one of the things that it's based on... I don't know if I'll be able to find it again, but I'll look for it and post it here if I do.
Fair enough. I wasn’t attacking you by the way. But the notion still seems silly.
I still love his policies but his ego does concern me and I don't think it'll win him the election. Again, I'd still vote for him if necessary being if there weren't going to be any other good Republican candidates, but DeSantis has the same policies and is not an asshole like Trump.

In another thread you said "if I have to"

So what is the truth?
I dislike Trump and have never even voted republican before.
But the ridiculous attacks on Trump, like 2 fake impeachments, the fake insurrection hearings, the fake search warrant for Mar-a-lago, etc., and now we all owe Trump for letting these evil things be done to him.
I hate to have to vote for him, but I certainly can't vote for anyone guilty of doing these crimes to Trump.
The only person I could vote for instead would be someone who took no part in the crimes, like maybe Tulsi Gabbard.
Nope. REAL conservatives are conservative by nature, not assholes or tolerant of assholes by nature.
Oh say it isn’t so! The ole, “Will the real conservative please stand up, and, it can only be the person who holds the same conservative perspectives as I do!” side topic. Your post appears to run along that line, and you already know the result, it plays out to work against individuals who support conservative values.

Now, you label yourself as a conservative White as least in previous posts, but like many voters support both left and right ideologies, right? If so, that puts you in middle somewhere maybe a “conservative lite”, although some would argue more of a liberal lite;) So, my question is how do you determine “real conservatives” when you yourself are a conservative lite, or possibly liberal lite with conservative tendencies? Lol You see how cyclical this argument remains and goes nowhere? I usually avoid that “real conservatives do this or think this only” conversation as it gets nobody anywhere fast, except of course for the oppositional party- they love when a poster writes things that create more divisions within the party.

For the record, I am not a “full conservative” either, but on many issues support conservatism fully. Looking closer, however, as different “conservative lites” we rarely agree….so there’s that in the mix as well- numerous viewpoints all over the place found within a gargantuan moderate section.
This'll probably sound crazy, but there's a theory out there (based on some eerie and truly uncanny stuff) that Trump is going to be the last US president. I was thinking about starting a thread on it, and I still might. But my point is, IF this wacky theory is true, then he very well may be the next president. But of course if true that would also mean the end of our republic. 😯

(before anyone bashes me, i'm not saying i believe that theory... just reporting it) 😝

The "republic" has been gone a long time now.
Certainly by Vietnam it was gone.
But it likely was long gone before that even, like Manifest Destiny, the Monroe Doctrine, 2 evil invasions of Mexico, the incredibly evil Spanish American War, WWI where we supported the Allies starting a war, etc.
Again, no offense or anything to any of my fellow conservatives but why does everybody seem to think that DeSantis won't be able to handle himself as president when he's crushing the competition as Florida's governor?

The US is like FL only multiplies by about 100.
FL is controlled by the expatriate Cubans, a retirement refuge for the wealthy elite, and full of southern democrats, so has always been very conservative.
TDS only goes to a certain point. I'm afraid that Trump really thinks and believes he's worshipped just by the way he acts. DeSantis might believe that God elected him, but he's not all that far off and he doesn't act in exactly the same way that Trump does.
Do you know anything about the Reedy Creek deal? Your new boy DeSanto sure blew smoke up everyone's ass with that deal.
Fair enough. I wasn’t attacking you by the way. But the notion still seems silly.

Ok, here's one of the things it's based on. A book called 'The Last President' by Ingersoll Lockwood, written in 1896. Like I said, this is just one of the things that people based the theory on, there's also a lot of weird stuff in tv, movies, etc, going back many years. (Again, just reporting here!) :lol:

And here's a short video that someone did about that book.

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