I Don't Consider Myself A Trump Supporter Anymore

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sure you did LOL:auiqs.jpg:

this is such a fun thread.....
No. I did ask. I could even quote it.

No need to ride FJB for being disappointed with Trump. Lots of folks are.

And no need to ride buttercup, either. She shared something silly. But I did ask for something approximating a link.
Tough to get honesty and objectivity here. So much fake news being spread and so many pushing it to progress their agenda. Happens on both sides. I can predict what Skye is going to say before he even says it. Can't say the same about you wifey... thats a good thing.

*No she's not my wife
About a keyboards length of a straw?
FIGGURE IT OUT! Don't make me go off!

Off where? Sorry, I'm just being a smartass now lol :p

No need to ride FJB for being disappointed with Trump. Lots of folks are.

Thanks as you would think by some of these responses that I turned Democrat. If Democrats can still be Democrats but dislike Biden, then why can't I still be conservative and dislike Trump? Or like him WAY less than I like DeSantis that is.
I think the disappointment is fabricated by the democrats and put out by the media.

Second that.

And the sheeple (from the Left and some from the Right like this thread shows) eat it all up.
Don't get me wrong, I'd vote for him if I absolutely had to, but this whole entire trading card thing pushed me over the edge and DeSantis is still is my top pick for the next president of the United States as he always has been, it's just that I'm really starting to despise Trump's ego. Humility is a really important factor to have for me.

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I have said all along that Trump has a huge achilles heel.That's
his total lack of Humility.The guy suffers from no degree of
Humility, which is sad.I also said someone w/o a shred of Humility
which is an important virtue can never acheive Heaven.
Plus Trump has an inflated ego the size of 50 Coney Islands.
Outside of that he's a remarkably busy as a bee human comparable
to an Energizer Bunny.
And the sheeple (from the Left and some from the Right like this thread shows) eat it all up.

How am I a sheep when I'm actually thinking for myself and not following your Trump worshipping cult? Again, not saying that I hate him, but I don't like him either.
I dislike Trump and have never even voted republican before.
Maybe you should.
But the ridiculous attacks on Trump, like 2 fake impeachments, the fake insurrection hearings, the fake search warrant for Mar-a-lago, etc., and now we all owe Trump for letting these evil things be done to him.
You definitely should. Those are some magaturd povs you possess. Perfect fit. Hand in glove.
I hate to have to vote for him, but I certainly can't vote for anyone guilty of doing these crimes to Trump.
Concern trolling will always be fake and a lazy position to take.
The only person I could vote for instead would be someone who took no part in the crimes, like maybe Tulsi Gabbard.
No fucking thanks. Just because you think she's pretty means fuck all to others more interested in candidate quality. A flavor of the month ar best.
I’m sure that there is an element of truth in that.
Huge element. Sometimes people forget
how strong of an impact domestic media sources play into molding our opinions. It happens even when good effort is made to avoid MSM like the plague. If a restaurant or doc’s office has a tv it’s on CNN or MSNBC, a family member catches wind of something it’s superficially discussed, scanning social media threads you cannot avoid political opinions (often inaccurate factually), an acquaintance reads daily headlines and shares these “shock and awe” stories, usually politically biased and enflamed reporting. It’s all about amping up the reader emotionally. Leftist owned domestic media- to the tune of 97% or more of all US outlets. Huge “element”.
Off where? Sorry, I'm just being a smartass now lol :p

Thanks as you would think by some of these responses that I turned Democrat. If Democrats can still be Democrats but dislike Biden, then why can't I still be conservative and dislike Trump? Or like him WAY less than I like DeSantis that is.
Because of simple one-sidedness.Democrats do not play fair
and it seems to embolden them.Like poker players who cheat.
Most Westerns have scenes where the Bad guys usually cheat
at cards and that sets the tone for a Good Guys vs. Bad Guys
storyline.Same basic theory behind Democrats vs. Republicans.
It's like expecting the bad Guys to ride off into the sunset at
the conclusion of a Western.Won't happen.At least not when Movies
were legit.
Huge element. Sometimes people forget
how strong of an impact domestic media sources play into molding our opinions. It happens even when good effort is made to avoid MSM like the plague. If a restaurant or doc’s office has a tv it’s on CNN or MSNBC, a family member catches wind of something it’s superficially discussed, scanning social media threads you cannot avoid political opinions (often inaccurate factually), an acquaintance reads daily headlines and shares these “shock and awe” stories, usually politically biased and enflamed reporting. It’s all about amping up the reader emotionally. Leftist owned domestic media- to the tune of 97% or more of all US outlets. Huge “element”.
And every media outlet in the world except your tiny Murdock garbage contingent, brainwashed functional moron. Only the GOP base denies election security vaccine goodness global warming et cetera et cetera et cetera.
Huge element. Sometimes people forget
how strong of an impact domestic media sources play into molding our opinions. It happens even when good effort is made to avoid MSM like the plague. If a restaurant or doc’s office has a tv it’s on CNN or MSNBC, a family member catches wind of something it’s superficially discussed, scanning social media threads you cannot avoid political opinions (often inaccurate factually), an acquaintance reads daily headlines and shares these “shock and awe” stories, usually politically biased and enflamed reporting. It’s all about amping up the reader emotionally. Leftist owned domestic media- to the tune of 97% or more of all US outlets. Huge “element”.
I don’t completely agree. i do accept that the other side goes out of its way to try to slime Trump. And their handmaiden dishonest apparatchik media certainly scurries to help at all times. But, i qualified my agreement because there are other reasons (some quite legit in my estimation) to be disenchanted with Trump.

Two recent examples with very different levels of impact:

1. Teasing a pending “major announcement” only to reveal some irrelevant digital trading cards depicting himself as a superhero. I grant you, it’s not the end of the world. But it’s still cringey.

2. Prior to that, he did announce that because it is unacceptable to steal an election, he supported the negation of laws and rules and, significantly, even the Constitution itself. That’s a lot worse than cringey. A whole lot worse. And it advocates something conservatives might be well expected to roundly condemn.
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