I Don't Consider Myself A Trump Supporter Anymore

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he supported the negation of laws and rules and, significantly, even the Constitution itself. That’s a lot worse than cringey. A whole lot worse. And it advocates something conservatives might be well expected to roundly condemn.

I don't remember him saying that, but every other thing you mentioned was on point.
Btw EvilCat Breath is still a major Trump supporter and even they (I think it's a she) were really upset by this move made by Trump and thought that it was a REALLY bad one.
We could bring back the doormat, George Bush. Trump is Trump but remember it took a Trump to whoop the ass of the Democrats and their lying biased news media. Mr. Nice Guy can't beat the Democrats. Those rats have dragged politics into the gutter and it takes a gutter street fighter who fights just as dirty to defeat them.

The Dem cabal will chew Desantis up and spit him out half digested.
You know what will beat the Democrats?

Better ideas.

And following through with promises. You know...like "we will repeal and replace Obamacare".

But most important is better ideas.

The GOP has NO ideas. They are the party of NO.

We have a lot of problems facing our country and the GOP has no solutions for any of them.

People will line up around the block to vote for better ideas. But if you give them one side's ideas and NOTHING from the other side, they will vote for the one idea out there eventually1, even if the GOP is screaming it's a bad idea.

Which is why I asked and asked and asked for YEARS where the GOP's replacement for Obamacare was. And then I asked for YEARS where Trump's Obamacare replacement was.

It was all a hoax. The GOP has NO idea how to solve our problems. They either deny the problem even exists or attack the Dems' solutions. That's their entire political inventory.

And that is how the Dems make incremental advancements.
Back in the day the judgement of a successful political administration was limited to two words, "peace and prosperity". We had that under Trump but we lost both concepts under Biden. For some reason (alleged) republicans have determined that a big ego trumps (pardon the pun) a successful administration. WTF?
Not after the way you people have behaved for the last seven years. You should be ashamed and apologetic, but I don't think you folks have that in you.
As someone said, people will easily forgive you for being wrong, but they will never forgive you for being right.
Oh say it isn’t so! The ole, “Will the real conservative please stand up, and, it can only be the person who holds the same conservative perspectives as I do!” side topic. Your post appears to run along that line, and you already know the result, it plays out to work against individuals who support conservative values.

Now, you label yourself as a conservative White as least in previous posts, but like many voters support both left and right ideologies, right? If so, that puts you in middle somewhere maybe a “conservative lite”, although some would argue more of a liberal lite;) So, my question is how do you determine “real conservatives” when you yourself are a conservative lite, or possibly liberal lite with conservative tendencies? Lol You see how cyclical this argument remains and goes nowhere? I usually avoid that “real conservatives do this or think this only” conversation as it gets nobody anywhere fast, except of course for the oppositional party- they love when a poster writes things that create more divisions within the party.

For the record, I am not a “full conservative” either, but on many issues support conservatism fully. Looking closer, however, as different “conservative lites” we rarely agree….so there’s that in the mix as well- numerous viewpoints all over the place found within a gargantuan moderate section.
No. It does not, play out against actual conservatives, supporting conservative values, speech and actions carried out day to day in the way they live, treat others, conduct their lives, raise their families or the important parts of life and business and enterprise in the modern world or any other time. Assholes masquerading as conservatives or others, have always been with us.

I am fairly conservative, but I just do not go to extremes. Conservatism is a philosophy, but like any philosophy carried to extreme, is abhorrent to the senses, counter product or destructive in it's supposed application in the long run, by those and indeed to those (including other conservatives) upon which they inflict their strident views and efforts, attempting to reconstruct their visions of supposedly more conservative times.

Good to see, you mix reality and good common sense with your conservatism. It probably serves you well.
this video nails it as to why Trump has fallen
I'll tell you the real reason Trump has fallen.

He selected the most craven, despicable, and corrupt people to work for him. He had the most scandalized Administration in American history.

So many people were jailed or otherwise destroyed after working for him, that no sane person would dare work for him going forward.

No one of any talent wants to work for him and be dragged into the gutter by Crooked Donald.

The Naked Emperor is toxic. Everything he touches dies.
Like I said, yes Republicans control the money now.
You can go ahead and answer the question this time. Don't be afraid.

Are you happy with how your red wave turned out? I know I am. Are you?

You guys always seem to have a really difficult time answering direct questions.
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