I Don't Consider Myself A Trump Supporter Anymore

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And there it is, as I've been saying for awhile now, even if you want to get away from trump, the left won't let you.

The left has been decrying Trump for years saying he so bad and ridiculing people for supporting him, and now that people are starting to move away, the left will ridicule you for moving away.

You can't with these people.
Cause they just wanna ridicule you no matter what for being conservative. They’ve been doing it for decades, and they’ll continue doing it, no matter who is the candidate. Simple as that.
Actually, they aren't.

He's doing a damn good job.

Such a good job that even lefties and progressives like myself have to admit he is.

Of course he can't make everyone happy all the time, but he was by leaps and bounds the best choice at this time.
Ignorance but ignorant people will support a racist like Jo biden
We could bring back the doormat, George Bush. Trump is Trump but remember it took a Trump to whoop the ass of the Democrats and their lying biased news media. Mr. Nice Guy can't beat the Democrats. Those rats have dragged politics into the gutter and it takes a gutter street fighter who fights just as dirty to defeat them.

The Dem cabal will chew Desantis up and spit him out half digested.
That’s exactly why they’ve so viciously attacked trump in every way possible.
If trump became the nominee I'd vote for him in a heartbeat.

If desantis became the nominee I'd vote for him in a heartbeat with a giant smile on my face.

Trump is a tard sometimes with what he says, but I can't argue with his stats. He was a great president. But I know desantis will be a even better president.
What Republicans have to do is ditch the Murdoch crap and the Internet conspiracy nuts and rejoin reality. Unfortunately desantis still parrots the baloney
Yeah, let’s listen to the lefties about what conservatives should do… :laughing0301:
So racism in a candidate is thee deal-breaker for you?
Sure is. Anyone who authored legislation that created systemic racism. Or pushed for bussing to keep his children out of racial jungles or said he worked with great segregationists. You ain't black if you don't support me to a black man doesn't deserve to be president
Don't get me wrong, I'd vote for him if I absolutely had to, but this whole entire trading card thing pushed me over the edge and DeSantis is still is my top pick for the next president of the United States as he always has been, it's just that I'm really starting to despise Trump's ego. Humility is a really important factor to have for me.

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unfortunately, I more/less agree.

I mean, he didn't pull any of this stuff when president.. probably knew it would look bad.. So why now? Why AFTER announcing?

kinda strange, i have to say..

That said, it looks like SCOTUS is the "superman" the US needs to get voting straightened out..

Trump Defense Syndrome
Trump Displacement Syndrome
Trump Disillusionment Syndrome
Trump Disgraced Syndrome
Trump Dumbfounded Syndrome
Trump Disgust Syndrome
Trump Dupped-me Syndrome

Which one?
Bitch stop it TDS means but one thing and was created the day you leftists went full retard deranged.
Ok, we are all going to gang up on you. Soon. You will know the wrath of the super hero card army! Your pantaloons will automatically shrink when you see our evil thing. Reap the whirlwind of global warnings! Yeeeeah ho! Wagons go!

Oh Mikey, Mikey, Mikey. 😆

No? you stop following me? but you sent a something saying you were!

If I did that was a long time ago bitch!

Why can't Trump have cards?

The NaziKarens have posters, dolls, pillows, and all sorts of shit!!!!


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Fuck.........they even have THEIR OWN trading cards!!

It's not the fact he has cards, it's how he made it out to be such a big deal that I have issues with.

He's doing a damn good job.

Excuse me?
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