I Don't Consider Myself A Trump Supporter Anymore

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Apparently you're not the only one OP....

Same thing we've been telling you about him for years.

A day late and a dollar short, but it's happening.

Republicans are getting sick and tired of that selfish and arrogant bastard.
Yeah it's just you because I have freedom of speech too so I have the right to use it even if I'm verbally attacking another conservative. Slade3200 already knows that I always keep it a hundred percent authentic.
Tough to get honesty and objectivity here. So much fake news being spread and so many pushing it to progress their agenda. Happens on both sides. I can predict what Skye is going to say before he even says it. Can't say the same about you wifey... thats a good thing.

*No she's not my wife
enough enough no mo :rolleyes:

Then leave the topic or put me on ignore.

Tough to get honesty and objectivity here. So much fake news being spread and so many pushing it to progress their agenda. Happens on both sides. I can predict what Skye is going to say before he even says it. Can't say the same about you wifey... thats a good thing.

*No she's not my wife

I'm pretty sure it's a woman but anyways, I just speak my mind. I have my own independent opinions and feelings since I'm a big girl and I don't need to always follow the other Trumpers like a sheep. I think he was a good president,... Bad ego. End of story.
Not after the way you people have behaved for the last seven years. You should be ashamed and apologetic, but I don't think you folks have that in you.
Apologetic of what??? The left spreading lies about the right? YOU all should be ashamed of all the lies and hate YOU have spread over the years.

Look, as I've predicted..it doesn't matter what people on the right do, you lefties are going to just pivot to whatever attack you can fabricate next, it will go around and round...just like desantis...soon, you'll be saying he's "just another trump", just like musk, he opens his platform back to everyone and now he's suddenly a white nationalist and right winger....

You people spent so many years talking how bad trump is and now that people want to realign, you want to keep dragging them down? I'd think you all would be happy that people are trying to get away from trump...but...nope, also as I predicted, you don't like the idea of people leaving trump, you want people to stick with trump so you can keep weilding that weapon.....you LOVE being able to use it to beat people up...
Don't get me wrong, I'd vote for him if I absolutely had to, but this whole entire trading card thing pushed me over the edge and DeSantis is still is my top pick for the next president of the United States as he always has been, it's just that I'm really starting to despise Trump's ego. Humility is a really important factor to have for me.

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Ok, we are all going to gang up on you. Soon. You will know the wrath of the super hero card army! Your pantaloons will automatically shrink when you see our evil thing. Reap the whirlwind of global warnings! Yeeeeah ho! Wagons go!
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Why can't Trump have cards?

The NaziKarens have posters, dolls, pillows, and all sorts of shit!!!!




Fuck.........they even have THEIR OWN trading cards!!
Don't get me wrong, I'd vote for him if I absolutely had to, but this whole entire trading card thing pushed me over the edge and DeSantis is still is my top pick for the next president of the United States as he always has been, it's just that I'm really starting to despise Trump's ego. Humility is a really important factor to have for me.

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You're wrong totally wrong DeSantis is not as pro gun as you might believe.two events that he attended became gun free zones. One he even violated Florida's anti gun law.
Apologetic of what??? The left spreading lies about the right? YOU all should be ashamed of all the lies and hate YOU have spread over the years.

Look, as I've predicted..it doesn't matter what people on the right do, you lefties are going to just pivot to whatever attack you can fabricate next, it will go around and round...just like desantis...soon, you'll be saying he's "just another trump", just like musk, he opens his platform back to everyone and now he's suddenly a white nationalist and right winger....

You people spent so many years talking how bad trump is and now that people want to realign, you want to keep dragging them down? I'd think you all would be happy that people are trying to get away from trump...but...nope, also as I predicted, you don't like the idea of people leaving trump, you want people to stick with trump so you can keep weilding that weapon.....you LOVE being able to use it to beat people up...
What Republicans have to do is ditch the Murdoch crap and the Internet conspiracy nuts and rejoin reality. Unfortunately desantis still parrots the baloney
Trading cards.

This is the guy you voted for. This is the guy you people worship.
I don't know about the rest of "you people" but I never "worshipped" Trump. I simply recognize when people like Trump are effective and evidently people like you are affected. Trump while being a braggart, egotist, etc. all those negative characteristics, was EFFECTIVE and not AFFECTED by what people "felt" or had emotions about. Plus Trump was totally different than almost all Presidents except for 2 others. He was also when people understand the influence of the biased MSM on their emotions truly the most politically incorrect...which to me meant his accomplishments were for the people...not votes!
One of his several accomplishments which Biden destroyed the first few days of Biden's presidency was this and the FACTS from the government prove it.
Trump was ONLY President U.S. energy production in 2019 was higher than U.S. energy consumption for the first time in 62 years.
Thus, the U.S. attained the long-held goal of “energy independence”
The United States Was Energy Independent in 2019 for the First Time Since 1957 The fact the USA produced MORE energy than we consumed is a reality that hadn't happened for 62 years.
And these are just a few. So while I don't "worship" Trump, I totally respect his EFFECTIVENESS in spite of the AFFECTIVENESS on people like you of the biased MSM as these attached articles show. As well as what these 3 network news groups did to AFFECT your perceptions...In addition to the attached description of the below donations.
The three broadcast networks,ABC,CBS,NBC donated $400 million in free advertising by providing in 3 months or 32.7 hours of coverage, by TV standards an eternity of news time.
The new study analyzed all coverage of the two contenders on ABC, CBS and NBC evening newscasts from July 29 through October 20. "Over the summer, the broadcast networks have continued to pound Donald Trump and his team with the most hostile coverage of a president in TV news history —92% negative, vs. just 8% positive from July 29 through October 20
Now how I came to $400 million donations...
The average TV advertising cost to run a 30-second commercial on a national network is $104,700 times 3,924 commercials-[32.7 hours equals 3,924 commercials running 30 seconds ] or over $410 million in NEWS time taken to make negative news about President Trump. So with 32.7 hours of 92% negative news, that equates to donating to Biden over $410 million in advertising.
Again... people looked to ABC,CBS,NBC as providing NEWS and so when they presented 92% negative news what are most people like you evidently believe about Trump? All the negative news.
For example do you really believe what the MSM presented when they reported Trump watched prostitutes pee on the bed Obama slept while in Russia? But the biased MSM and probably you still believe it.
Oh by the way, do you think a person with a hands washing fetish would then sleep in a pee-filled bed?
He (Trump) is a self-described germaphobe who is known to glare at aides who sneeze in his vicinity or try to shake hands with him after coughing. Before becoming president, he once wrote the practice of shaking hands was “barbaric,” though it’s one political tradition even he’s been unable to banish.
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