I Don't Consider Myself A Trump Supporter Anymore

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Be carefulā€¦.you ā€˜conservativesā€™ are really starting to sound like leftistsā€¦.donā€™t drink the piss.
A Leftist says:
ā€Trump says mean things and he is all about Trump.ā€

A REAL conservative says:
ā€I donā€™t give two fucks about what Trump says or his egoā€¦heā€™s a kick-ass President who gets the right shit done for the right Americans.ā€
Nope. REAL conservatives are conservative by nature, not assholes or tolerant of assholes by nature.
So saying Trump is an arrogant asshole is TDS? If I was obsessing over it in every single thread on here it would be TDS, that's just simply stating the facts. I never said he was a bad president though.
ā€œOrange Man Bad, literally Hitler, insurrection, Russian collusion blah blah blahā€ = TDS

ā€œTrump is an immature asshole and a bullyā€ = undeniable to anyone with eyes

I mean, granted, better him than Hillary or Joe Biden, but if he could behave himself like a mature adult once in a while, even while being the damn Presidentā€¦ he would still be President.
So saying Trump is an arrogant asshole is TDS? If I was obsessing over it in every single thread on here it would be TDS, that's just simply stating the facts. I never said he was a bad president though.

Not worshiping Trump is TDS. Anything short of pure all out worship will bring attacks from the likes of Skye
No president did thatā€¦the Democrat Party did that from 2016-2020ā€¦.and after fours of complete nutbag-fuckery a good President would question election integrity as would all good Americans.
No President? OK, I never thought Trump was much of a President either. He just never grew into it, or maybe just too small to begin with.
Don't get me wrong, I'd vote for him if I absolutely had to, but this whole entire trading card thing pushed me over the edge and DeSantis is still is my top pick for the next president of the United States as he always has been, it's just that I'm really starting to despise Trump's ego. Humility is a really important factor to have for me.

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Well...never too late for sanity to intervene. Trump has always been about money and his ego. Any combination of the two is his forte~
Yeah, they're looking for excuses to jump ship.

After selling their soul to this con man.
And there it is, as I've been saying for awhile now, even if you want to get away from trump, the left won't let you.

The left has been decrying Trump for years saying he so bad and ridiculing people for supporting him, and now that people are starting to move away, the left will ridicule you for moving away.

You can't with these people.
I used to spend a lot of time debunking psychics. I see the exact same desire to bleev in Trump's Tru Bleevers that I saw in the bleevers in psychics. It is exactly the same.

I used to joke that a psychic could be sitting there hacking up a lung with a cigarette dangling from her mouth, and a threadbare shawl, and six inch curled fingernails, and the tru bleevers would see an angel with a halo. No matter how many thousands of misses the psychic makes, the tru bleevers only remember the one or two hits.

The Tru Bleevers always see Trump as a ripped superhero, no matter what he does.

The desire to believe is an incredibly powerful force when wielded by hucksters. There is no limit of riches one can acquire from the deluded.

Trump is pushing the envelope with this trading card gag.
Yeah, I'd still much rather have Trump than Biden,.. but I am SO sick of Trump being all about Trump more than being about America.
We could bring back the doormat, George Bush. Trump is Trump but remember it took a Trump to whoop the ass of the Democrats and their lying biased news media. Mr. Nice Guy can't beat the Democrats. Those rats have dragged politics into the gutter and it takes a gutter street fighter who fights just as dirty to defeat them.

The Dem cabal will chew Desantis up and spit him out half digested.
And there it is, as I've been saying for awhile now, even if you want to get away from trump, the left won't let you.
The left has been decrying Trump for years saying he so bad and ridiculing people for supporting him, and now that people are starting to move away, the left will ridicule you for moving away.
You can't with these people.
Not after the way you people have behaved for the last seven years. You should be ashamed and apologetic, but I don't think you folks have that in you.
what next?

will you be praising Kamala Harris? :cuckoo:

Why would I do that when I never even praised Biden? I half agree with what BluesLegend is saying but I couldn't give it a full like since I believe that DeSantis can handle anything thrown his way. Especially when it comes to the illegals.
I didnā€™t like Trumpā€™s far right policies, but that is to be expected, right?

What I found unforgivable:
  • His disdain and disrespect for our institutions and his office.
  • His willingness to abuse his power for personal gain regardless of who it hurt, specifically: attempting to extort the Ukrainian president for personal political gain and his open attack on poll workers Ruby Free an and Shay Moss.
  • His willingness to destroy our centuries old democratic system of government in order to stay in power, refusal to acknowledge a peaceful transfer of power and going so far as to build a mob and encourage them to ā€œstop the stealā€ by attacking the Capitol.

I know there are those saying ā€œbut but but Obamaā€¦Bidenā€¦ā€ but there is no comparison.

Now, the Republicanā€™s are probably breathing a sigh of reliefā€¦as Trump looks less and less electable they are suddenly discovering a missing backbone. Really? The only ones with a backbone were those who spoke up knowing it meant the end of their careers. Whether Rhinoā€™d, primaries or retired. The rest hung onto Trump well beyond his expiration date, despite the increasing evidence of his unfitness. They sold their souls for power.
Why would I do that when I never even praised Biden? I half agree with what BluesLegend is saying but I couldn't give it a full like since I believe that DeSantis can handle anything thrown his way. Especially when it comes to the illegals.

The way you are going on and on with this TDS makes me think otherwise...also.....to start a thread like this in my opinion is stupid.

But hey, that's me.
Why would I do that when I never even praised Biden? I half agree with what BluesLegend is saying but I couldn't give it a full like since I believe that DeSantis can handle anything thrown his way. Especially when it comes to the illegals.
You underestimate the Democrats treachery. What they did to Trump told us they will just make shit up if they can't find any dirt on him and unlike Trump, Desantis doesn't have billions of dollars to defend himself. One of the Dem's tactics is to BANKRUPT you with legal bills trying to defend yourself.
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