I Don't Consider Myself A Trump Supporter Anymore

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That might be true, but he didn't say that anywhere in his announcement. If he had, instead of making it look like "everybody loves me I'm so famous that everyone will want to buy my cards" then I would have understood.
you know by now how Trump is. Even O'Reilly said this about him, that he is imprecise in his words. i have heard that a lot of very bright people are like that.. they grasp the big picture and how best to do (whatever) but leave the annoying (for them) details to others.. It's just who he is

Again, I ask

Was this trading card issue worse than

leaving Americans in a foreign hostile country to die?
opening up the borders for God knows whom to come in and commit God knows what crime

and I could go on and on. Yes, you said you'd rather have T than potatohead.. But I just don't think the trading card thing is as bad as it looks.. and it did look bad for me also at first..

He didn't take a paycheck as president.. Then you could litanize all the things he did for this country. In light of that, the TCs are a big nothing burger

Don't let the crazy, baby killing dimrats win again
Selling trading cards was nowhere near as bad as this....
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Instead, he could have made a more presidential post like...
"HUUUUUGE Congratulations to the great Governor Ron Desantis of Florida. As he has shown how our Conservative agenda brings freedom and prosperity to ALL Americans in Florida, we will do the same all across our country and restore Greatness to our nation."

Great point and as I said before,... The trading cards themselves weren't the issue, it's how he presented them that pissed me off.

you know by now how Trump is. Even O'Reilly said this about him, that he is imprecise in his words. i have heard that a lot of very bright people are like that.. they grasp the big picture and how best to do (whatever) but leave the annoying (for them) details to others.. It's just who he is

Again, I ask

Was this trading card issue worse than

leaving Americans in a foreign hostile country to die?
opening up the borders for God knows whom to come in and commit God knows what crime

and I could go on and on. Yes, you said you'd rather have T than potatohead.. But I just don't think the trading card thing is as bad as it looks.. and it did look bad for me also at first..

He didn't take a paycheck as president.. Then you could litanize all the things he did for this country. In light of that, the TCs are a big nothing burger

Don't let the crazy, baby killing dimrats win again

No you're right, but I do believe that I made a fair point and once again so does Mr. Tatum.

Since Biden was in the Senate for decades, he has more foreign policy knowledge in his pinky than Trump has in his entire fat body.
Ad Obama said dont under estimate Jo he'll fuck it up. Is that why Benghazi happened the death of a US ambassador?
No he wasn't screaming simp
Was trump screaming fraud before the election results of 2016?

Indeed he was
Well before the 2016 election
Screenshot 2022-12-16 at 1.22.41 PM.png
Screenshot 2022-12-16 at 1.23.57 PM.png

And you will still DENY, even with a tweet from trump.
I did not like the trading card idea either. But I always go back to the fact that our economy was much better under Mr. Trump.

No, it wasn't.

If it wasn’t for how the governments of the world reacted to the coronavirus …..I think President Trump would still be in office and the inflation issue would not be here.

Actually, it was Trump's reaction to the Covid Virus that caused the economy to crash as hard as it did, and most of the inflation you whine about is part of the problem he created.
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