I Don't Consider Myself A Trump Supporter Anymore

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And law enforcement gets more useless daily
I would not become a cop today if I was a young man or woman.
Perhaps if I was desperate and living in the Free State of Florida where cops are appreciated.

No way in Hell if I lived in one of the big Yankee cities run by Democrats where cops are third class citizens and the criminals get more respect.
Not really. I am not fond of crime period. Where it happens is irrelevant. However I do see your point. The rich liberals who are allowing crime to increase should have a chance to be a target of it.

Oddly the only thing I have ever had stolen was an old push gas powered lawnmower and I was living in a bad section of Tampa.

Some fool tried to break into my house one night. I was at work but my daughter was at home with a black Lab. She was woke up by the burglar alarm and when she entered the kitchen a man was forcing the sliding glass door open and was halfway in.

She had a .45 caliber S&W revolver in her hand and when she pointed it at the intruder he wisely decided to run. The black Lab was useless as she was terrified by the alarm and in hiding.

The cops arrived quickly when she called but never caught the guy. He also never tried to break into my house again.

From experience I know that a gun always looks larger than it actually is when it is pointed at you. To the intruder the .45 hole in the end if the revolver’s barrel must have looked absolutely enormous.

ROTFLMFAO, no doubt it did!
Had a gun pulled on me 1 time and I swear it looked like it was brought out on wheels!
Don't get me wrong, I'd vote for him if I absolutely had to, but this whole entire trading card thing pushed me over the edge and DeSantis is still is my top pick for the next president of the United States as he always has been, it's just that I'm really starting to despise Trump's ego. Humility is a really important factor to have for me.

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Let’s take a look at what LSM doesn’t want the public’s focus with respect to Trump:

Let’s take a look at what LSM doesn’t want the public’s focus with respect to Trump:

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What does the political left enjoy most? Ignoring the full picture so they can call the shots as in telling you what is way more important: Trump’s Christmas wares for profit- although these items will have great value after 25 years, even more in 50. The leftist press would have us believe that Trump is the only president who has ever done this kind of stuff. Wrong of course. The above goals are what is more important, way more.
They accuse Trump with no real evidence. They let Biden off the hook in the face of mountains of evidence.

Very true.

Trump: now that I have your attention....lol​

BREAKING — Trump Announces Plans to Protect Free Speech and Calls for a “Digital Bill of Rights” ~ Dec. 15, 2022​

Trump touches on censorship, child exploitation, government intel agencies infiltration of Big Tech.

This is what the people want. They want transparent and assertive leadership so they have confidence that some level of action will be taken to correct the perversion of our society.



See? If he made that announcement first before the whole entire trading cards thing and without him acting all high and mighty about it then I wouldn't have had any issues with him at all in the first place.

you may not support trump anymore but you will always be considered a dumbass traitor.....to your country...deal with it

So? If that's what I get for simply just sharing an opinion then so be it.

We already have a Bill of Rights.

Yeah, but it isn't being protected at the moment though.

70% of the population got that vaccine, and we are better than fine.

I really hate admitting it but you're actually right.

I have nothing against Desantis. He's doing a great job in Florida.

A Desantis/Trump ticket would be incredible.

Yeah, and then maybe DeSantis could keep an eye on Trump so he's not as big of a loose cannon anymore.

It should be Trump/DeSantis because T has more experience dealing with the thugs in deep state

And law enforcement gets more useless daily

Also true, but the police can't ever get defunded either.

Trading cards really don't have much to do with who I choose to vote for.

At the end of the day me neither I just think that it was an incredibly bad move on Trump's part.

Jimmy Carter was a governor who made a lousy President.

DeSantis isn't Carter though.
Who was crying election fraud and rigged election in 2015, before the election?
Oh yea, that was trump.
It was all part of his game plan, just like Kari Lake is trying to use right NOW.
Fuck the cheating lying (R).
Trump wasn't running in 2015 moron. It was democrats whining about the election and wanting to over turn it.
Trump wasn't running in 2015 moron. It was democrats whining about the election and wanting to over turn it.
Trump was screaming rigged election and fraud way before he rode that escalator

He was preparing to lose and setting up the fraud talk and stolen election talk so he could use it when he actually lost.
But he WON and trump always doubles down so he kept riding that horse even though he won.
Trump was screaming rigged election and fraud way before he rode that escalator

He was preparing to lose and setting up the fraud talk and stolen election talk so he could use it when he actually lost.
But he WON and trump always doubles down so he kept riding that horse even though he won.
Check that unhinged TDS simp
No one knew that night just how deep TDS reacted on the weak mind now we know.
Since Biden was in the Senate for decades, he has more foreign policy knowledge in his pinky than Trump has in his entire fat body.
Like all people, there are some things I like about everyone and things I don't like about everyone. I already said I voted for Trump in 2020 in an attempt to stop socialism because some of the things you mentioned. If it is Trump against socialism in 2024 then I probably vote for him again. I'm hoping someone else will be the nominee. Trading cards really don't have much to do with who I choose to vote for.
What “socialism” are you fighting?
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