I Don't Consider Myself A Trump Supporter Anymore

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Awesome, you can do what you did in 1995 and 2011... when you shut down the government and people didn't get their checks.

That will do a lot to endear you to the public.
We can stop Biden's spending and if you loons don't like it. You can shut government down again.
But you do want him to be able to know how to pronounce the countries he's dealing with, and where they are on the map.
LMAO the people that rated this post positive voted for biden.
Hacks have ZERO awareness :lol:
This ^^^^^ spin is STILL an EPIC failure.

And it's hilarious you actually believe this ^^^^ and you still can't PROVE FRAUD.

I remember trump crying FRAUD and RIGGED election before the 2016 results.
Then he won, and started blaming Hillary.
Dodge boy try not to redirect so fast and hard because it was democrats who first called into question the election results
But you do want him to be able to know how to pronounce the countries he's dealing with, and where they are on the map.
Biden has a real bad time on pronouncing the ATF and it's agents you expect him to pronounce the name of a country correctly?
Don't get me wrong, I'd vote for him if I absolutely had to, but this whole entire trading card thing pushed me over the edge and DeSantis is still is my top pick for the next president of the United States as he always has been, it's just that I'm really starting to despise Trump's ego. Humility is a really important factor to have for me.

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I'm not exactly sure what being a Trump supporter actually means. I didn't vote for him in the primaries or the general in 2016, voted for him to be against socialism in 2020, didn't plan on voting for him in 2024, but will defend him from the left's nonsense and constant abuse of power to get Trump. But, there are many things I don't like about Trump and the trading card thing adds to the list.
you may not support trump anymore but you will always be considered a dumbass traitor.....to your country...deal with it
They are not leaving Trump because what he has done.

They have finally figured out that he is a looser... Move to DeSantis until the people find out that he is a prick too...

These guys have never won and they never won because they keep on voting for people who say everything in the world is Democrats fault and do nothing themselves..
GOP have no healthcare plan, no infrastructure plan, they deny Climate Change as a plan, are anti Education, pro lobbyists...
I have said all along that Trump has a huge achilles heel.That's
his total lack of Humility.The guy suffers from no degree of
Humility, which is sad.I also said someone w/o a shred of Humility
which is an important virtue can never acheive Heaven.
Plus Trump has an inflated ego the size of 50 Coney Islands.
Outside of that he's a remarkably busy as a bee human comparable
to an Energizer Bunny.
I think what you say is true, and it’s definitely a big character flaw. But, you can’t say that trump isn’t genuine, he’s 100% what you see (or hear) is what you get, no surprises.

However, I also believe that anyone running for that office has to have a huge ego, Obama’s ego and lack of humility is on par with trump, he just hides that fact well, or at least tries to, it escapes from time to time, usually when anger is involved. To me, they’re more dangerous, they’re trying to hide what they truly are. I give trump credit for being who he is without apologies.
They are not leaving Trump because what he has done.

They have finally figured out that he is a looser... Move to DeSantis until the people find out that he is a prick too...

These guys have never won and they never won because they keep on voting for people who say everything in the world is Democrats fault and do nothing themselves..
First of all.. what is a "looser"???? Never heard that word.
Secondly... tell me what you base most of your information on regarding what you wrote:
GOP have no healthcare plan, no infrastructure plan, they deny Climate Change as a plan, are anti Education, pro lobbyists...
So where did you get the proof for the above statements?
I imagine it came from the below sources.
The three broadcast networks,ABC,CBS,NBC donated $400 million in free advertising by providing in 3 months or 32.7 hours of coverage, by TV standards an eternity of news time.
The new study analyzed all coverage of the two contenders on ABC, CBS and NBC evening newscasts from July 29 through October 20. "Over the summer, the broadcast networks have continued to pound Donald Trump and his team with the most hostile coverage of a president in TV news history —92% negative, vs. just 8% positive from July 29 through October 20
Now how I came to $400 million donations...
The average TV advertising cost to run a 30-second commercial on a national network is $104,700 times 3,924 commercials-[32.7 hours equals 3,924 commercials running 30 seconds ] or over $410 million in NEWS time taken to make negative news about President Trump. So with 32.7 hours of 92% negative news, that equates to donating to Biden over $410 million in advertising.
Again... people looked to ABC,CBS,NBC as providing NEWS and so when they presented 92% negative news what are most people like you evidently believe about Trump? All the negative news.
Plus why would you trust any source that did the following???
Truly intelligent people see the influence of the below....
First of all.. what is a "looser"???? Never heard that word.
Secondly... tell me what you base most of your information on regarding what you wrote:
GOP have no healthcare plan, no infrastructure plan, they deny Climate Change as a plan, are anti Education, pro lobbyists...
So where did you get the proof for the above statements?
I imagine it came from the below sources.
The three broadcast networks,ABC,CBS,NBC donated $400 million in free advertising by providing in 3 months or 32.7 hours of coverage, by TV standards an eternity of news time.
The new study analyzed all coverage of the two contenders on ABC, CBS and NBC evening newscasts from July 29 through October 20. "Over the summer, the broadcast networks have continued to pound Donald Trump and his team with the most hostile coverage of a president in TV news history —92% negative, vs. just 8% positive from July 29 through October 20
Now how I came to $400 million donations...
The average TV advertising cost to run a 30-second commercial on a national network is $104,700 times 3,924 commercials-[32.7 hours equals 3,924 commercials running 30 seconds ] or over $410 million in NEWS time taken to make negative news about President Trump. So with 32.7 hours of 92% negative news, that equates to donating to Biden over $410 million in advertising.
Again... people looked to ABC,CBS,NBC as providing NEWS and so when they presented 92% negative news what are most people like you evidently believe about Trump? All the negative news.
Plus why would you trust any source that did the following???
Truly intelligent people see the influence of the below....
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StrollingBones.... What did you consider "FAKE" news? Did you following the sources I provided as I most often provide substantiation for any comments I make. For example.. Journalists shower Hillary Clinton with campaign cash
Dodge boy try not to redirect so fast and hard because it was democrats who first called into question the election results
Who was crying election fraud and rigged election in 2015, before the election?
Oh yea, that was trump.
It was all part of his game plan, just like Kari Lake is trying to use right NOW.
Fuck the cheating lying (R).
They accuse Trump with no real evidence. They let Biden off the hook in the face of mountains of evidence.
True. In recent years I have noticed high level Democrats and their family members seem to be above the rule of law that is strictly enforced on conservatives.

Also recently even lower level Democrats seem to be above the rule of law. Take the Black Lives Matter and Antifa rioters as an example. Compare how they were treated with how the January 6th rioters are being treated. Plus look at how shoplifting is no longer a crime in the big blue cities and we even have mobs of shoplifters playing smash and grab games in expensive and exclusive establishments.

I wonder if the Democrats are not purposefully trying to ruin our nation so it will turn from cuddly capitalism to Marxist socialism.
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