I Don't Consider Myself A Trump Supporter Anymore

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I realize something brother. So let’s keep in mind here remember there’s a lot of Democrats and Republicans that accept millions of dollars to go on speaking tours after office. Some of them even do multi million dollar book deals. They even have speaking fees apparently some of these guys have been paid money by charities to speak at events.

You know I can think of John Bohener who claims to be a conservative Christian I remember him railing against marijuana use and drug use…. get this after his time in office he got paid millions of dollars to start shilling for some marijuana company. I lost a huge amount of respect for him when he did that. Has Donald Trump done something like that? As in flip-flop on a major issue for money ? I suppose the comparison would be if Mr. Trump all of a sudden came out against abortion right now or if he all of a sudden came out against building the wall or something of that nature you know what I mean.

The point is whether or not we agree with The change of position … some politicians flip-flop and do so in a major way…. and I don’t think Mr. Trump has done this yet.

Is Mr. Trump raising money for himself or is he trying to raise money for his campaign with regards to the trading cards? Either way even if he’s trying to raise money for himself that reminds me of all the Democrats and Republicans politicians who have these multi million dollar book deals along with appearance fees at charity events.
No, it wasn't.

Actually, it was Trump's reaction to the Covid Virus that caused the economy to crash as hard as it did, and most of the inflation you whine about is part of the problem he created.
Yes the gas prices were much lower. The home interest rates were lower. This is a brutal situation for young Americans who are looking at $700-$1200 more per month on their mortgage. They can’t afford it man. All the meanwhile rich Republicans rich Democrats live in mansions in the working man in this country is getting The short end of the stick.

My friend who was against Donald Trump lost his job during the Biden presidency.

We have high inflation. You know it’s easy for retired people it’s easy for rich people to just say oh there’s no problem going on it’s a worldwide issue. That’s just not gonna cut it that’s not leader ship that’s not how this country acted in the 1940s.

I am a Democrat you look at my avatar I am a true real Democrat man. And only a real Democrat will recognize that the economy was better under Trump than it is now. And Joe Biden can fix that. I would believe in President Biden but he hast to reject the far left racists who are bad for our economy and our country

Please understand you are talking with an ally I’m on your side. I am a proud Italian Irish American. And if you don’t stand with me in support of rebuilding the statues of Christopher Columbus That the far left criminals destroyed why are we talking with each other? Let’s get on the same category I mean if you claim to be about racial equality then we’re on the same page but do you believe in racial equality?. All the far left ever does is lie about Donald Trump and Republicans being racist…. it is their claim to fame ….it has done nothing but hurt the country

We have lost masculinity among men and women in this country. Just can’t go on anymore man. We need change in America
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I realize something brother. So let’s keep in mind here remember there’s a lot of Democrats and Republicans that accept millions of dollars to go on speaking tours after office. Some of them even do multi million dollar book deals. They even have speaking fees apparently some of these guys have been paid money by charities to speak at events.

You know I can think of John Bohener who claims to be a conservative Christian I remember him railing against marijuana use and drug use…. get this after his time in office he got paid millions of dollars to start shilling for some marijuana company. I lost a huge amount of respect for him when he did that. Has Donald Trump done something like that? As in flip-flop on a major issue for money ? I suppose the comparison would be if Mr. Trump all of a sudden came out against abortion right now or if he all of a sudden came out against building the wall or something of that nature you know what I mean.

The point is whether or not we agree with The change of position … some politicians flip-flop and do so in a major way…. and I don’t think Mr. Trump has done this yet.

Is Mr. Trump raising money for himself or is he trying to raise money for his campaign with regards to the trading cards? Either way even if he’s trying to raise money for himself that reminds me of all the Democrats and Republicans politicians who have these multi million dollar book deals along with appearance fees at charity events.
yeh, that last thing.. This is why I cannot u/stand people staying in the D party and continuing to support it.. while I CAN understand those who are totally fed up with both parties. That is a totally understandable position to have and I have it myself.

I really liked your post because it is very important to make such points as

Trump did not flip flop.. didn't change his stance on any issue (that I know of).. He's not a RINO and that is what will get him re-elected.. (one of the main things anyhow)
lol ... the fact that you would still vote for him means you are still as poorly educated as you were on day one.
I dislike Trump and have never even voted republican before.
But the ridiculous attacks on Trump, like 2 fake impeachments, the fake insurrection hearings, the fake search warrant for Mar-a-lago, etc., and now we all owe Trump for letting these evil things be done to him.
I hate to have to vote for him, but I certainly can't vote for anyone guilty of doing these crimes to Trump.
The only person I could vote for instead would be someone who took no part in the crimes, like maybe Tulsi Gabbard.
Trump is pure as the driven snow, he's only been unfairly attacked from the beginning. He didn't do anything to deserve all this unfair treatment and attacks on his good name and nature.

The solution is to punish those who broke the law against Trump. Yeah, that's the ticket.
Yes the gas prices were much lower. The home interest rates were lower. This is a brutal situation for young Americans who are looking at $700-$1200 more per month on their mortgage. They can’t afford it man. All the meanwhile rich Republicans rich Democrats live in mansions in the working man in this country is getting The short end of the stick.

Except those interest rates should have gone up a long time ago, that's the thing. Trump kept them too low for too long.

As for gas prices... they are lower now than they were in 2021.

My friend who was against Donald Trump lost his job during the Biden presidency.

Really? I know a bunch of people who lost their jobs when Trump was president, including myself. And that WAS because of Trump's policies. Unemployment is 3.7%, your friend should have no trouble finding another job.

I am a Democrat you look at my avatar I am a true real Democrat man. And only a real Democrat will recognize that the economy was better under Trump than it is now. And Joe Biden can fix that. I would believe in President Biden but he hast to reject the far left racists who are bad for our economy and our country
Oh, yeah, you put a picture of FDR in your post, and that give you credibility? Not really. You are a typical ball of white grievance politics.

Please understand you are talking with an ally I’m on your side. I am a proud Italian Irish American. And if you don’t stand with me in support of rebuilding the statues of Christopher Columbus That the far left criminals destroyed why are we talking with each other? Let’s get on the same category I mean if you claim to be about racial equality then we’re on the same page but do you believe in racial equality?. All the far left ever does is lie about Donald Trump and Republicans being racist…. it is their claim to fame ….it has done nothing but hurt the country

Donald Trump is a racist.
The Republicans have embraced racism and white grievance politics since Tricky Dick.
Columbus does not deserve a statue.
That might be true, but he didn't say that anywhere in his announcement. If he had, instead of making it look like "everybody loves me I'm so famous that everyone will want to buy my cards" then I would have understood.

Maybe you are simply dense.
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