I Don't Consider Myself A Trump Supporter Anymore

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Yeah, I'd still much rather have Trump than Biden,.. but I am SO sick of Trump being all about Trump more than being about America.
His bruised ego caused the disgrace that was / is JAN. 6th. Even Benedict Arnold is not remembered by a single date. That's an infamous achievement.
Just understand that Trump has to be eliminated from the running before DeSantis is going to take the plunge.

If DeSantis tries to compete with Trump, all his preparatory work will be destroyed and be for naught.

Who actually doubts it? Certainly not DeSantis!

And how does it make DeSantis's cheerleaders feel, knowing that their man is acting like a coward?
Not an inspiring way to come out of the gate.
Um...have you seen this? The man appointed himself The Chosen One.

Tried to look up the sponsor. Looks like a Canadian-based Christian group with about 10 million viewers in Canada and the U.S. The dialogue was quite faulty and contained many falsehoods. Biased beyond belief. I do not understand why religious groups / organizations are embracing so many lies these days; can they actually be that desperate ? GOD help them.
Mortgages and car payments are only two items in your budget. But, you eat every day, buy gas every week and clothes every month or so. Your utilities fluctuate according to use. GEEZE

Okay, my mortgage is $1200.
Don't have a current car payment, but the last one I had was 350 a month.
My grocery bill is 100 a week, and that's gone up because I'm eating less fast food and getting a healthier diet.

Now, if you bought a big fuel guzzling SUV, and you are putting $100.00 into your tank every week, that's your own damned fault, isn't it?
I'm going to try to explain it to you very slowly..
Most expenses are fixed.
If you have a mortgage and a car payment, those things are fixed parts of your budget. They don't increase when inflation does.
Consumer prices only effect a small part of your budget.
So if you have 7% inflation, and got a 4% raise, you didn't take a huge hit to your pocketbook. You probably came out a little ahead because food, for instance, is only 6% of a family's budget.
/—-/ Another example of you don’t have a clue. Several grocery items have gotten more expensive this year. But nothing comes close to the rise in egg prices -- which jumped 49%, according to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Another example of you don’t have a clue. Several grocery items have gotten more expensive this year. But nothing comes close to the rise in egg prices -- which jumped 49%, according to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
And how is that Biden's fault, exactly? Eggs are expensive right now because bird flu has infected farms in California, causing a mass die-off of the birds. Not sure how this is Biden's fault, but you could slip on the ice and blame Biden for it.

How many eggs to you eat a week? I maybe eat two.
And how is that Biden's fault, exactly? Eggs are expensive right now because bird flu has infected farms in California, causing a mass die-off of the birds. Not sure how this is Biden's fault, but you could slip on the ice and blame Biden for it.

How many eggs to you eat a week? I maybe eat two.
/—-/ Just piling on about the US exporting inflation. And democrats blamed Trump for things he couldn’t control.
/——/ Low inflation before the shutdown.
As was the case in the growing economy in the last 2 years of the Obama administration. trump jumped in at the right time and benefited from it. Not satisfied with safe, responsible and normal-paced growth of the economy, he dangerously further tweaked the gov. which has lead ( along with the pandemic ) to the current situatbion.
/—-/ Just piling on about the US exporting inflation. And democrats blamed Trump for things he couldn’t control.
Not just Democrats and Independents. https://morning consult.com>roughly-half-of-trump-voters-would-at-least-partially-for-a-recession Aug.,21,2017. It simply carried over through the pandemic. Plus Center for Economic and Policy Research>high-gas-prices-are-donald-trump's-fauly. Aug. 14, 2022. Plus. https://my magazine.com>12/2/2021>Tom Cotton admits trp, not Biden, caused Inflation . Like I said he set US on this dangerous path.
Not just Democrats and Independents. https://morning consult.com>roughly-half-of-trump-voters-would-at-least-partially-for-a-recession Aug.,21,2017. It simply carried over through the pandemic. Plus Center for Economic and Policy Research>high-gas-prices-are-donald-trump's-fauly. Aug. 14, 2022. Plus. https://my magazine.com>12/2/2021>Tom Cotton admits trp, not Biden, caused Inflation . Like I said he set US on this dangerous path.
/---/ As democRATs taught us, everything bad that happens on the president's watch is his fault. So, Dementia Joe created 9% inflation.
/---/ As democRATs taught us, everything bad that happens on the president's watch is his fault. So, Dementia Joe created 9% inflation.
Only trump believed he could control Everything ! Presidents are only human and have human limitations. trump was more limited than most.
Only trump believed he could control Everything ! Presidents are only human and have human limitations. trump was more limited than most.
/----/ True, and this is all Trump was able to accomplish in 4 years thanks to the nonstop attacks from the left.
/----/ True, and this is all Trump was able to accomplish in 4 years thanks to the nonstop attacks from the left.
Don't need to read it, I already know all the damage trump did to this country. You and others like you are a testament to that sad fact.
His bruised ego caused the disgrace that was / is JAN. 6th. Even Benedict Arnold is not remembered by a single date. That's an infamous achievement.
Nobody sane and without a severe case of TDS gives two-shits about the mostly peaceful protest on jan 6.
That day is a lib thing just like the other 1,459 days of Trumps amazing presidency.
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