I don't know about conspiracy, but amazing in an apt description


Platinum Member
Oct 25, 2019
A massive fire broke out this morning in a 25 story Los Angeles apartment building. This was a windswept fire that burned very hot for a long time, and it took firefighters 1 hour and 19 minutes to extinguish the flames after much damage.

The fire started on the 6th floor and spread quickly. This same building had been on fire in 2013 as well, with a fire that stared on the 11th floor. This building was built in 1961, and was not built to codes that are mandatory today. This was not a heavy steel supported building, one that is rated for very hot fires.

What an amazing story, as the Twin Towers on 9/11 came down due to fire, and totally collapsed in their own footprint in seconds, after fires that had lasted 1 hour and 42 minutes, and 57 minutes respectively. These were two of the best built, and most extensively fireproofed buildings in the world, but they came down immediately while this apartment building in L.A. has been on fire twice, and is in perfect shape except for the damage isolated to the fire.

Will wonders never cease? This defies logic, engineering, and science, as old apartment buildings stand strong while modern fireproof buildings burn and collapse in a few seconds due to fire.

This is truly amazing!
A massive fire broke out this morning in a 25 story Los Angeles apartment building. This was a windswept fire that burned very hot for a long time, and it took firefighters 1 hour and 19 minutes to extinguish the flames after much damage.

The fire started on the 6th floor and spread quickly. This same building had been on fire in 2013 as well, with a fire that stared on the 11th floor. This building was built in 1961, and was not built to codes that are mandatory today. This was not a heavy steel supported building, one that is rated for very hot fires.

What an amazing story, as the Twin Towers on 9/11 came down due to fire, and totally collapsed in their own footprint in seconds, after fires that had lasted 1 hour and 42 minutes, and 57 minutes respectively. These were two of the best built, and most extensively fireproofed buildings in the world, but they came down immediately while this apartment building in L.A. has been on fire twice, and is in perfect shape except for the damage isolated to the fire.

Will wonders never cease? This defies logic, engineering, and science, as old apartment buildings stand strong while modern fireproof buildings burn and collapse in a few seconds due to fire.

This is truly amazing!
One might take into account the fact that the plane that hit was loaded with a combustible material. It burned hotter then a normal material fire. The plane also damaged some structure. Add onto that they fact that most structures require proper support to maintain structural integrity. Once one floor collapses additional weight is transferred to the floor below. That floor and the floors below it are not designed to handle the increased load and especially in a few quick seconds.

Put conspiracy theories are so much better then basic physics and engineering.
Lets ignore that a 757 didn't slam into the building causing massive damage.
A massive fire broke out this morning in a 25 story Los Angeles apartment building. This was a windswept fire that burned very hot for a long time, and it took firefighters 1 hour and 19 minutes to extinguish the flames after much damage.

The fire started on the 6th floor and spread quickly. This same building had been on fire in 2013 as well, with a fire that stared on the 11th floor. This building was built in 1961, and was not built to codes that are mandatory today. This was not a heavy steel supported building, one that is rated for very hot fires.

What an amazing story, as the Twin Towers on 9/11 came down due to fire, and totally collapsed in their own footprint in seconds, after fires that had lasted 1 hour and 42 minutes, and 57 minutes respectively. These were two of the best built, and most extensively fireproofed buildings in the world, but they came down immediately while this apartment building in L.A. has been on fire twice, and is in perfect shape except for the damage isolated to the fire.

Will wonders never cease? This defies logic, engineering, and science, as old apartment buildings stand strong while modern fireproof buildings burn and collapse in a few seconds due to fire.

This is truly amazing!


Who knew....

Iran building collapse kills at least 30 firefighters
Put conspiracy theories are so much better then basic physics and engineering.
Actually, the word would be "than"- the basics are easily learned by research. The jet fuel burned away or was thrown out the break in the structure- it's ignition temperature is not its burn temperature- it's burn temperature lowered as, you guessed it, burned off as it was consumed. - the "heat" generated by the fuel ignition/burning fires was not sustained as the source (jet fuel) burned away in short order. The heat required to change the steel structure (molecular composition of HIGH quality steel) was not sustained. Never mind that bldg 7 wasn't hit by a plane.

The comparison of the fire in LA and the fires in the twin towers was explained- the difference in building codes AND the building in LA sustained TWO fires and remained standing with construction nowhere equal to the twin towers.

Yes, by all means ignore the science and physics - especially that of free fall- "then" you *might* comprehend that the 911 commission report was as bogus as the Warren commission report- and keep believing, under any circumstance the people in our gov't are saints and would never act in complicity to achieve a wet dream by concocting a "theory" disregarding science and physics.

Educate yourself 9/11 Facts: The World Trade Center and The 9/11 Attacks | 911Truth.Org and this link especially Technical Articles
Or, continue to accept the lies from known liars.
Put conspiracy theories are so much better then basic physics and engineering.
Actually, the word would be "than"- the basics are easily learned by research. The jet fuel burned away or was thrown out the break in the structure- it's ignition temperature is not its burn temperature- it's burn temperature lowered as, you guessed it, burned off as it was consumed. - the "heat" generated by the fuel ignition/burning fires was not sustained as the source (jet fuel) burned away in short order. The heat required to change the steel structure (molecular composition of HIGH quality steel) was not sustained. Never mind that bldg 7 wasn't hit by a plane.

The comparison of the fire in LA and the fires in the twin towers was explained- the difference in building codes AND the building in LA sustained TWO fires and remained standing with construction nowhere equal to the twin towers.

Yes, by all means ignore the science and physics - especially that of free fall- "then" you *might* comprehend that the 911 commission report was as bogus as the Warren commission report- and keep believing, under any circumstance the people in our gov't are saints and would never act in complicity to achieve a wet dream by concocting a "theory" disregarding science and physics.

Educate yourself 9/11 Facts: The World Trade Center and The 9/11 Attacks | 911Truth.Org and this link especially Technical Articles
Or, continue to accept the lies from known liars.
Yeah yeah those stupid engineers never figured in the fact that someone would land a jet in the side o f the building. Taking out supporting structure. Increasing the load placed on the remaining members. Not only from the weight of the floors above it but from the weight of the plane.
Heat tends to make metal more malleable. It does not have to get hot enough to change its composition.
Yeah yeah those stupid engineers never figured in the fact that someone would land a jet in the side o f the building. Taking out supporting structure. Increasing the load placed on the remaining members. Not only from the weight of the floors above it but from the weight of the plane.
Heat tends to make metal more malleable. It does not have to get hot enough to change its composition.

Your last two sentences show your ignorance- pretty typical of those who pretend they're smart.
Stupid posters refuse to educate themselves and prefer the easy way of trusting known liars who have NO credibility in anything other than lying- tough decision- oh, BTW, I have some formal training in failure analysis and the key to that analysis is to learn the history of the event and study ALL the evidence prior to rendering a conclusion- relying on hard evidence, not "theory" like the gov't puts out- another oh BTW, I saw a clip a few years ago about an open town hall type meeting with the NIST spokes critter who allowed that yes, their "pancaking THEORY" was incorrect- so- there is that, add in the known liar quotient and voila! THEORY based on either complete ignorance or out right lies- I suggest a combination of those a not just a little arrogance as they know their ignorant acolytes will fight tooth and nail to defend both.
They used Martian tech to bring the towers down...

Evidence? You just said older smaller buildings don't burn as fast so it had to be the highly advanced Martian tech. Are you not familiar with Martian technology?

A massive fire broke out this morning in a 25 story Los Angeles apartment building. This was a windswept fire that burned very hot for a long time, and it took firefighters 1 hour and 19 minutes to extinguish the flames after much damage.

The fire started on the 6th floor and spread quickly. This same building had been on fire in 2013 as well, with a fire that stared on the 11th floor. This building was built in 1961, and was not built to codes that are mandatory today. This was not a heavy steel supported building, one that is rated for very hot fires.

What an amazing story, as the Twin Towers on 9/11 came down due to fire, and totally collapsed in their own footprint in seconds, after fires that had lasted 1 hour and 42 minutes, and 57 minutes respectively. These were two of the best built, and most extensively fireproofed buildings in the world, but they came down immediately while this apartment building in L.A. has been on fire twice, and is in perfect shape except for the damage isolated to the fire.

Will wonders never cease? This defies logic, engineering, and science, as old apartment buildings stand strong while modern fireproof buildings burn and collapse in a few seconds due to fire.

This is truly amazing!


Who knew....

Iran building collapse kills at least 30 firefighters
Apples and submarines.....Iran has shitty building standards.

Every time they have an earthquake, a lot of the people that get killed are from their shabbily built brick and mud huts crashng in on them.
Yeah yeah those stupid engineers never figured in the fact that someone would land a jet in the side o f the building. Taking out supporting structure. Increasing the load placed on the remaining members. Not only from the weight of the floors above it but from the weight of the plane.
Heat tends to make metal more malleable. It does not have to get hot enough to change its composition.

Your last two sentences show your ignorance- pretty typical of those who pretend they're smart.
Stupid posters refuse to educate themselves and prefer the easy way of trusting known liars who have NO credibility in anything other than lying- tough decision- oh, BTW, I have some formal training in failure analysis and the key to that analysis is to learn the history of the event and study ALL the evidence prior to rendering a conclusion- relying on hard evidence, not "theory" like the gov't puts out- another oh BTW, I saw a clip a few years ago about an open town hall type meeting with the NIST spokes critter who allowed that yes, their "pancaking THEORY" was incorrect- so- there is that, add in the known liar quotient and voila! THEORY based on either complete ignorance or out right lies- I suggest a combination of those a not just a little arrogance as they know their ignorant acolytes will fight tooth and nail to defend both.
You have to be kidding. I ran a forge for profit for a few years. You don't actually need to even heat metal to bend it. Apply enough force and you can snap most metals.
But conspiracy theories never seem to take reality into consideration.
Are you planning on post a grassy knoll conspiracy theroy next?
Yeah yeah those stupid engineers never figured in the fact that someone would land a jet in the side o f the building. Taking out supporting structure. Increasing the load placed on the remaining members. Not only from the weight of the floors above it but from the weight of the plane.
Heat tends to make metal more malleable. It does not have to get hot enough to change its composition.

Your last two sentences show your ignorance- pretty typical of those who pretend they're smart.
Stupid posters refuse to educate themselves and prefer the easy way of trusting known liars who have NO credibility in anything other than lying- tough decision- oh, BTW, I have some formal training in failure analysis and the key to that analysis is to learn the history of the event and study ALL the evidence prior to rendering a conclusion- relying on hard evidence, not "theory" like the gov't puts out- another oh BTW, I saw a clip a few years ago about an open town hall type meeting with the NIST spokes critter who allowed that yes, their "pancaking THEORY" was incorrect- so- there is that, add in the known liar quotient and voila! THEORY based on either complete ignorance or out right lies- I suggest a combination of those a not just a little arrogance as they know their ignorant acolytes will fight tooth and nail to defend both.
You have to be kidding. I ran a forge for profit for a few years. You don't actually need to even heat metal to bend it. Apply enough force and you can snap most metals.
But conspiracy theories never seem to take reality into consideration.
Are you planning on post a grassy knoll conspiracy theroy next?

Max, he doesn't even understand advanced Martian tech that was used on 9/11. He is very uninformed.
He is very uninformed.
And you're a stupid troll- splain it Lucy- I can explain what I know- you can't. All the trolling in the world will only gain you points for trolling- educating yourself will advance your knowledge and perhaps give you insight into your "theory" so you can splain it- but I'll not wait- I don't have that much time-
He is very uninformed.
And you're a stupid troll- splain it Lucy- I can explain what I know- you can't. All the trolling in the world will only gain you points for trolling- educating yourself will advance your knowledge and perhaps give you insight into your "theory" so you can splain it- but I'll not wait- I don't have that much time-
I even posted a picture. Martian Tech is incredibly complex and was used to bring down the towers by Israel masquerading as Islamists. How do you think Israel survives while surrounded by enemies? Martian tech. You’re so uneducated.
Yeah yeah those stupid engineers never figured in the fact that someone would land a jet in the side o f the building. Taking out supporting structure. Increasing the load placed on the remaining members. Not only from the weight of the floors above it but from the weight of the plane.
Heat tends to make metal more malleable. It does not have to get hot enough to change its composition.

Your last two sentences show your ignorance- pretty typical of those who pretend they're smart.
Stupid posters refuse to educate themselves and prefer the easy way of trusting known liars who have NO credibility in anything other than lying- tough decision- oh, BTW, I have some formal training in failure analysis and the key to that analysis is to learn the history of the event and study ALL the evidence prior to rendering a conclusion- relying on hard evidence, not "theory" like the gov't puts out- another oh BTW, I saw a clip a few years ago about an open town hall type meeting with the NIST spokes critter who allowed that yes, their "pancaking THEORY" was incorrect- so- there is that, add in the known liar quotient and voila! THEORY based on either complete ignorance or out right lies- I suggest a combination of those a not just a little arrogance as they know their ignorant acolytes will fight tooth and nail to defend both.
You have to be kidding. I ran a forge for profit for a few years. You don't actually need to even heat metal to bend it. Apply enough force and you can snap most metals.
But conspiracy theories never seem to take reality into consideration.
Are you planning on post a grassy knoll conspiracy theroy next?

Max, he doesn't even understand advanced Martian tech that was used on 9/11. He is very uninformed.
He can't seem to fiqure out that the engineers that designed the towers built it to be integrated and not withstand part of the structure being wiped out and having an almost 400,000 lbs airplane added to that damaged structure. He would be better off blaming the collapse on intelligent penguins.
You have to be kidding.
No, I'm not- you don't know science and you have no clue about physics- you know about forging metal.Period.
I have some knowledge of the science involved and some knowledge of the physics involved- I worked with both.
NO building can free fall as depicted- NO fire by jet fuel will change that. Sustained heat will- achieved temperature is not sustained heat- there is a difference- a forge "sustains" it's heat because of constant fueling-

I'll also take the word of people who earn their living designing structural requirements over a forge operator or a known lying entity- do yourself a favor

Take your pick which article you want to debunk- let's see you "forge" ahead in life and not be blinded by lies- it takes guts not ignorance to learn.

60 Structural Engineers Cite Evidence for Controlled Demolition

Debunking the Real 9/11 Myths: Why Popular Mechanics Can't Face Up to Reality

Free Fall and Building 7 on 9/11

Lack of Deceleration of North Tower’s Upper Section Proves Use of Explosives

Here's one you should excel at
Extremely high temperatures during the World Trade Center destruction

118 Witnesses to Explosions in the FDNY Oral Histories

Another to allow you to show your knowledge prowess

A Response from the ‘Lay Critics’ Regarding ‘Mechanics-Based Mathematical Studies Proving Spontaneity of Post-Impact WTC Towers Collapse’

Pick one, any one and show us just how smart you are- "than" come back and lets discuss it- idiot, you don't even know the difference between then and than- good lord.

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