I Don't Think Many Of You Know What "Confronted" Means

No, presumption of innocence means that The Judge charges the jury AFTER THE TRIAL before jury proceedings that the defendant is PRESUMED INNOCENT and the prosecution must prove the defendant guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.

Shut the fuck up! If you're not going to address anything I've said, don't quote me or even bother saying anything. I never said anything about what the judge is supposed to tell the jury, or when. I said that presumption of innocence means that the accused has to be granted a trial before he can be punished. The problem is that you seem to want it to mean that there must first be a trial before someone can be arrested and charged with a crime.

That's rich coming from someone who is babbling on, using SAT words, and not knowing what the fuck they actually mean. Listen, we're not talking about a trial over whether someone broke your window and interrupted you while watching "Kick My Balls." We're talking about real deal, grown up stuff, mkay?

The presumption of innocence is tied with the due process clause. The due process clause is a fundamental tenet of the criminal law and is contained in Florida statutes.

Who has said anything about denying due process? Stop tearing down the straw man, Dorothy, he didn't do anything to you. Nobody said that Zimmerman should be thrown in prison on a whim and that should be the end of it. The issue that people have is that the police are not interested in arresting and charging Zimmerman for his crime. He should be arrested, charged, tried, and convicted. But your entire position seems to be that charging him would be a violation of due process, which is an absurdity because it would be ADMINISTERING DUE PROCESS.

How many criminal cases have you investigated and gone to trial?
Where did you get your POST training and studied criminal procedure?
Where did you take criminal justice at the university?
Where did I state anywhere I had a problem charging this guy with anything?

If you would educate yourself on the law the police have no duty to arrest anyone if THE LAW AND STATUTES of their state do not warrant them to do so.

I stated clearly that I do not like Florida law and it stinks but that is THE LAW.

I have worked similar cases here where the law was bad and know the process. I have investigated over 200 murder cases and many were self defense under the law.

That's enough.

You're full o' shit!!

How do you manage to spin so much bullshit....while you (also) suggest the girlfriend (who was ON THE PHONE WITH HIM) is being taken-advantage-of, by those who insist she get legal-representation??!!!!!


Yeah.....you're some young-punk BULLSHITTER, alright.

You can't "confront" someone if you're actively trying to get away from them.

When and if they catch up with you after pursuing you, you aren't "confronting" them when you stand your ground.

What we have here is a case of standing your ground, and a criminal then gunning down the lawful citizen who was rightfully standing their ground.

Zimmerman is toast...TOAST I said!

In this case the White man appears to be in the wrong. However, you're a Black Supremacist you are always going to Whitey as wrong.

Based on all the evidence and the "coon" comment, it's beginning to look likely that this 17 year old kid was guilty of a heinous crime.

He was guilty of first degree being black.
Who's making money on this? Well, I hear that the Reverend Sharpton is on his way to Florida. I can tell you right now that Big Al doesn't do this crap for free. So if you're asking me who is making money on this, I'd say that Reverand Al is one of them. The man is a race pimp. Tawana Browley was such a great cause!

We have a child who is dead and a man who may have maliciously shot him. I'd say that we have enough chaos without the race pimps and the other trash that seem to float to the surface. The wheels of justice can move very slowly, but they do turn.
Yeah.....I've heard that.......​

"Through the constant attention it received, Till's case became emblematic of the disparity of justice for blacks in the South."

Emmett Till
Zimmerman is toast...TOAST I said!

This is why black countries are such sh!tholes, they have no concept of justice.

Justice was done with a gun. And, now we roaches (sharpton, jackson, etc.) who are trying to damage civilization to punish the just outcome.

The black attacked Zimmerman, not the other way around.

Are you kidding??? I don't believe that Gerorge Zimmerman was attacked for one minute by, "the black". For your information, he has a name. It is Trayvon Martin. Zimmerman outweighs Martin by 100 pounds, for God's sake. Oh yeah, Martin really messed him up!!! Get real.

And you have the nerve to say that justice was done with a gun?? That's pitiful.
Pay attention ditz...a lot of your fellow righties have been using the word "confront" in regards to the victim being the one who confronted the killer then ended up being shot to death.

Pay, a damn, tention.

Why should I pay attention to people who have no valid opinions? All any of us know is what we have heard through the media. Anyone with an IQ into double digits knows that the media rarely get their facts right.... and they do not know ALL the facts. Until we have ALL the facts, none of us has a valid opinion. This is more about whipping up racial tension than any real interest in justice. I find that disgusting.
Save your BS anti-media propaganda for someone who's stupid enough to buy it. :rolleyes:

Why should I pay attention to people who have no valid opinions? All any of us know is what we have heard through the media. Anyone with an IQ into double digits knows that the media rarely get their facts right.... and they do not know ALL the facts. Until we have ALL the facts, none of us has a valid opinion. This is more about whipping up racial tension than any real interest in justice. I find that disgusting.
Save your BS anti-media propaganda for someone who's stupid enough to buy it. :rolleyes:

What have you offered other than your opinion based on media reports?
Were you there?
You may believe Al Sharpton and his version or the police version but I do not believe either version.
You, I, Al Sharpton and the police WERE NOT THERE AND ARE NOT WITNESSES.
Why else would Sharpton go there except to whip up racial tension.
I believe you agree as I know you as a reasonable man.

You are either being obtuse or you are an absolute idiot. I hope you figure it out.
Zimmerman is toast...TOAST I said!

This is why black countries are such sh!tholes, they have no concept of justice.

Justice was done with a gun. And, now we roaches (sharpton, jackson, etc.) who are trying to damage civilization to punish the just outcome.

The black attacked Zimmerman, not the other way around.

Are you kidding??? I don't believe that Gerorge Zimmerman was attacked for one minute by, "the black". For your information, he has a name. It is Trayvon Martin. Zimmerman outweighs Martin by 100 pounds, for God's sake. Oh yeah, Martin really messed him up!!! Get real.

And you have the nerve to say that justice was done with a gun?? That's pitiful.

Ariux is a racist piece of trash who hates Black people, he is basically on the side of the shooter no matter what, he just doesn't have the balls to come out and say it.
Based on all the evidence and the "coon" comment, it's beginning to look likely that this 17 year old kid was guilty of a heinous crime.

He was guilty of first degree being black.[/QUOTE]

To quite a few people on this board, yes, he was.

"When 28-year-old George Zimmerman was discovered by Sanford, Florida police standing over the body of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin, they accepted Zimmerman's claim that he killed in self-defense as a neighborhood watch captain. Now, through a statement released by the National Sheriffs' Association (NSA) -- the parent organization of USAonWatch-Neighborhood Watch -- it has been revealed that Zimmerman was not a member of any group recognized by the organization. Zimmerman violated the central tenants of Neighborhood Watch by following Martin, confronting him, carrying a concealed weapon -- and certainly by killing.

"In no program that I have ever heard of does someone patrol with a gun in their pocket," Carmen Caldwell, the Executive Director of Citizens' Crime Watch of Miami-Dade, told theGrio. "Every city and municipality has their own policies. Here in Miami-Dade we train people only to be the eyes and ears of their communities. Not to follow and most definitely not to carry a weapon."

So basically what you are telling us is you are a racist piece of trash and you support the shooter no matter what, ok got it.

I support the shooter because he was attacked.

If you want to see a racist piece of trash, check a mirror. It should be a good clue when you're on the same side of the fence with Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, while accusing Zimmerman (hispanic), the police (who may be black), etc. of racism.

Justice served with a gun is why every law-abiding citizen should own a gun.

You are so full of shit it is coming out of your ears, you support the shooter because you are a racist faggot piece of trash who hates Black people, at least have the balls to admit it.
Who's making money out of this and how?


All the civil rights activist who collect "donations" in the name of the victim. The ones who desperately need things like this to be about race so they dont have to go out and get a job. Ill give you credit for not going right to race in your thread here, ill even agree this dude committed murder, but there are others here and out there who want it to be about race. A whit guy shooting a black kid.
What is so wrong with saying it's about race and racism...when it's about race and racism?

Did you hear the tape of him calling him an effing coon, and of him saying "they always get away?"

Did you hear that?

One of my teachers told me once that there are 2 types of people in this world. Those that get it and those that do not get it. This site has a lot of people that don't get it. Talking to a wall would be more productive than talking to them.
Anybody heard anything about how far away the kid was when he was shot? Or whether it was in the back or front? I heard the shooter say on a call to 911 that the kid was moving away from him; he was told in so many words not to pursue but did anyway, so if a confrontation or fight broke out it seems the shooter initiated it. I'm not big on jumping to conclusions, and would like to know more details, but it doesn't sound like self defense to me.

The confrontation took place sometime after the police told Zimmerman not to follow the black.
Aw, gee......a Donald Trump fan!!

Why should I pay attention to people who have no valid opinions? All any of us know is what we have heard through the media. Anyone with an IQ into double digits knows that the media rarely get their facts right.... and they do not know ALL the facts. Until we have ALL the facts, none of us has a valid opinion. This is more about whipping up racial tension than any real interest in justice. I find that disgusting.
Save your BS anti-media propaganda for someone who's stupid enough to buy it. :rolleyes:

My, my, Marc... you are very emotional about this. I am not 'anti-media', I am pro accurate, unbiased journalism.

You don't even live here, fool. Are they covering this story in great depth in England?? Oh wait, I forgot. You never watch the news or read a paper. They all lie. You get your news by magic. How could I forget that.
EXACTLY, as this young man that was killed ALSO should receive fairness.
Even more so as he is dead.
Watch the system work and watch an arrest if this kid was unarmed and not doing anything such as attacking the shooter. There has to be physical attack on the shooter for a self defense defense to work on most juries. "In fear of my life" is the standard in Florida and most states but that does not hold any water here because the shooter was armed and the victim was apparently not.
Amazing that folks here go by media reports to base their judgment on guilt or innocence at this stage.
To date NO ONE knows the evidence. Just because someone is dead is no evidence of murder. This could be self defense or it could 1st degree murder.

It's true that we don't know. And that is why so many are upset. The police were willing to drop the matter without an investigation. The death of an unarmed person by an armed person should be investigated. More so if the unarmed person was a minor.

And that is one issue that I would like to see addressed. I'd like to hear from the police about what investigation was undertaken and what the results of that were... from the police themselves, not from the media.

And how would you hear what the police have to say if not thru the media??
Save your BS anti-media propaganda for someone who's stupid enough to buy it. :rolleyes:

My, my, Marc... you are very emotional about this. I am not 'anti-media', I am pro accurate, unbiased journalism.

You don't even live here, fool. Are they covering this story in great depth in England?? Oh wait, I forgot. You never watch the news or read a paper. They all lie. You get your news by magic. How could I forget that.

I've never claimed that I 'don't watch the news', idiot. I said I don't watch many talking head shows.... the pundits.... commentators... until very recently I didn't even have access to Fox News, yet alone actually watch it. I do watch a variety of intelligent, well presented, news organisations, including the BBC, Sky News, and some EU stations. I also do read newspapers... usually from both perspectives... that gives me balance - both sides of the same story.

The difference between us, perhaps, is that I do not take everything I read at face value. I question what I read.... I don't assume the media are presenting the whole truth and nothing but the truth. I find that generally to be the case... they have their own agenda... and I don't like other people's agendas.

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