I Don't Think Many Of You Know What "Confronted" Means

I think it's worth pointing out that the picture we keep seeing of Trayvon is him when he was 12 years old. When he died he was 17 years old, 6'-3" tall, and weighed 140 pounds. They should start showing a more recent photo of him, because this one of him as child is distorting who he actually was. He was big enough to get Zimmerman on the ground, get on top of him, break his nose, and smash his head into the pavement.

When the first call was made by Zimmerman, the time was 7:00 pm. In Orlando the sun had set at 6:23 (37 minutes earler) and civil dusk had come at 6:50. Civil dusk is a state of light such that you can still see outlines but not details.

I say that last about the light because Juan Williams on FNC repeatedly says that a white kid carrying skittles and a can of ice tea would not be shot, and that explains why this was a racist act. With the light available it might have easily been possible to see that the person did not have a white face, but what he was carrying (including a cellphone) would not have been easily discerned.

he was told not to follow. so it almost doesn't matter what was in the kid's hand.

you know jeb was the person who signed the bill into law, right?

don't you think he knows what the legislative intent was?

or does that not jive with what passes for reality in rightwingnutworld?

Actually you would need to ask the Legislature not the Governor what the intent was. But then as a Lawyer you would know that, RIGHT?

I suppose I could go find the bill jacket and look for the legislative intent, but both the sponsor of the bill and the governor who signed it into law said the bill does not apply to someone who hunts another person down.

but if you had two IQ points to rub together, you'd know that, wouldn't you?

or you could just shut your yap and look at the statute

Statutes & Constitution :View Statutes : Online Sunshine

so he was "hunting him down"? :rolleyes:....iz dat der sum of dat layer touk?
yes, well I wonder why this received so little attention, where are HiJackson and Sharkskin?

Shooting death of 6–year-old girl punctuates lethal Chicago weekend
'She didn't deserve this,' mother says; 49 people are shot citywide, 10 fatally

March 20, 2012
Diana Aguilar was distraught with grief Monday as she sat in the purple-and-pink bedroom of her 6-year-old daughter, gripping photos of her "baby."

Two days earlier, on a sunny afternoon more like a June day, Aliyah Shell was sitting between her mother's legs on the family's Little Village front porch as Aguilar untangled her hair. The family had a friend's birthday party to attend.

Suddenly, shots rang out from a pickup truck. Aguilar said she knocked her 2-year-old daughter on her back and hugged Aliyah tightly. But Aliyah was shot several times and died that afternoon at a hospital.

"She didn't deserve this," the mother repeated over and over again Monday as she sat on her daughter's bed, which was covered with bright balloons, stuffed animals and family photos. "They're not people. They're animals for doing this to my baby. A person with a heart would never do this, so they're not people."

Aliyah's shooting was the most shocking of a particularly violent weekend in Chicago. According to an analysis by the Tribune, 49 people were shot — 10 of them fatally — from late Friday afternoon through early Monday, mostly on the South and Southwest sides. Chicago police, excluding Monday morning from the calculation, said nine homicides took place over the weekend.

The deadly weekend continues a violent start to 2012. From Jan. 1 through Sunday, homicides soared 42 percent, to 94 from 66 a year earlier, according to a police spokeswoman. So far in 2012, nonfatal shootings rose to 408, up from 296 a year earlier, a 38 percent jump, she said. That continues a troubling trend that started in the last quarter of 2011. Police say gangs are to blame for much of the violence, including Aliyah's killing.

more at-

Murder of 6-year-old girl caps violent weekend in Chicago - chicagotribune.com

We all know why, becasue the media and those 2 'persons' didn't have a race card to play, BUT and you can see it now, they are slowly very slowly but incrementally walking back the race angle...why?

Zimmerman despite his name, he is Hispanic, looks Hispanic and the last thing the Democratic party hence their media sympathizers wants is a Hispanics and blacks to come to blows over this.....

oh and the NY Times referred to Zimmerman as a ....wait for it-......."White Hispanic"...:lol:

I bet if he saved kids form a burning building or was running for office as a democrat or HE was shot by a 'real' white man in exactly the same situation, they would never ever refer to him as a "white" Hispanic.....simply shameless.

Were the Chicago murders investigated promptly? No claims of self defense in these heinous crimes I gather. And Zimmerman's mother is Peruvian, HISPANIC is an ethnic term, not a RACE. If the police in Chicago didn't investigate ASAP, they need to be out of their jobs, same thing if the shooters walked free after police questioning.

Demographics Peru: The Peruvian census does not contain information about ethnicity so only rough estimates are available. Its population can be composed of Mestizos: 47%,[1] Amerindians: 31%,[2] European: 18.5%,[1] Afro-Peruvians: 2%,[3] Asians and others: 1%.[4]

Largely native tribal ancestry, Europeans, Native Americans. (HINT: Spain is part of Europe.)

is that a distinction with little difference you want to grab onto, and what are you defending? so hes NOT white...thank you...hes latino...? So, I beg your pardon, shes a 'latina':lol: is that better? and you may want to correct the NY Times while you are at it...and, and NPR and its dear dear nina totenberg too:eek:, my gosh..:rolleyes:

Obama Picks Hispanic Woman For Supreme Court

by Nina Totenberg
Obama Picks Hispanic Woman For Supreme Court : NPR

get it now?

and the rest of my post? I see the point went right over your head, HINT- wheres the outrage for black on black crime?

uh huh...;)
The fact that it's not clear that he DID break the law is the reason for the outrage.


outrage? do you know how many black teenagers are purposefully gunned down in the streets in American cities? Where the fuck is the outrage there?

People are making this out like it is an injustice perpetrated by the system. It isn't. It was a dispute between two citizens that ended in tragedy.


Why does MarcATL want a lynch mob before all evidence is in? Is his mind affected by some kind of mental illness? This is a serious question. MarcATL and a few other people have become completely unhinged over a tragedy that is not theirs.

What is it about lonely shut-ins with internet service that makes them so angry and irrational?

some things...
You can't "confront" someone if you're actively trying to get away from them.

When and if they catch up with you after pursuing you, you aren't "confronting" them when you stand your ground.

What we have here is a case of standing your ground, and a criminal then gunning down the lawful citizen who was rightfully standing their ground.

Zimmerman is toast...TOAST I said!
KissMy said:
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You are stupid!


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Another one! :lol: LOL!!! LOL!!!
You can't "confront" someone if you're actively trying to get away from them.

When and if they catch up with you after pursuing you, you aren't "confronting" them when you stand your ground.

What we have here is a case of standing your ground, and a criminal then gunning down the lawful citizen who was rightfully standing their ground.

Zimmerman is toast...TOAST I said!
KissMy said:
Hi, you have received -155 reputation points from KissMy.
Reputation was given for this post.

You are stupid!


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Another one! :lol: LOL!!! LOL!!!

Marc, don't you believe now that the initial media reports were one sided and they should have waited until the evidence was collected before the rush to judgment?

I am not condoning what Zimmerman did or didn't do or making up my mind yet as I have not seen ALL the evidence or probably anywhere near all of the evidence but it is very clear Marc that the initial reports on this were not true. Initial reports had Zimmerman gunning this kid down in cold blood and we know now that part is not true. There was a fight and Zimmerman pulled the gun when he was on the ground and shot him.
And there is evidence that Martin saw the gun before the fight but maybe Zimmerman threatened him with it, who knows? Maybe Martin felt like HIS life was in danger if a gun was pulled on him. Could be that way also as NO one knows. Could be that he was acting in fear of his life after seeing the gun. In his mind seeing a gun pulled on him meant that the gun was pulled TO BE USED ON HIM.
We just do not know. As a result of all of this there is no question in my mind the initial claims of "police corruption" and "they are not doing anything" are bogus to the core.
Both parties deserve the presumption of innocence in this case and Zimmerman did not get that after the circus side show started.
You can't "confront" someone if you're actively trying to get away from them.

When and if they catch up with you after pursuing you, you aren't "confronting" them when you stand your ground.

What we have here is a case of standing your ground, and a criminal then gunning down the lawful citizen who was rightfully standing their ground.

Zimmerman is toast...TOAST I said!
KissMy said:
Hi, you have received -155 reputation points from KissMy.
Reputation was given for this post.

You are stupid!


Note: This is an automated message.
Another one! :lol: LOL!!! LOL!!!

Marc, don't you believe now that the initial media reports were one sided and they should have waited until the evidence was collected before the rush to judgment?

I am not condoning what Zimmerman did or didn't do or making up my mind yet as I have not seen ALL the evidence or probably anywhere near all of the evidence but it is very clear Marc that the initial reports on this were not true. Initial reports had Zimmerman gunning this kid down in cold blood and we know now that part is not true. There was a fight and Zimmerman pulled the gun when he was on the ground and shot him.
And there is evidence that Martin saw the gun before the fight but maybe Zimmerman threatened him with it, who knows? Maybe Martin felt like HIS life was in danger if a gun was pulled on him. Could be that way also as NO one knows. Could be that he was acting in fear of his life after seeing the gun. In his mind seeing a gun pulled on him meant that the gun was pulled TO BE USED ON HIM.
We just do not know. As a result of all of this there is no question in my mind the initial claims of "police corruption" and "they are not doing anything" are bogus to the core.
Both parties deserve the presumption of innocence in this case and Zimmerman did not get that after the circus side show started.
No, I don't believe the media is hyping this up out of proportion.

We have an armed adult, killing an unarmed kid.

We have a man that was told not to pursue the kid.

We have a man that pursued the kid.

We have a kid that was now gunned down dead.

Had the adult man followed the instructions of the authorities and not pursue or discontinue his pursuit of the kid, who had EVERY RIGHT to be where he was, the kid would not be dead.

All of the above are facts.

How could such a man not be arrested with all the above?

How could such a man have a gun in the first place?

I believe these are the main points the media is talking about and questions being asked in the media.

Those are all fair.
It wasn't self defense, it was vigilantism.

It it was, the police will arrest him.

So basically he shouldn't be arrested until AFTER and if a jury finds him guilty.

That's brilliant. I'm sure he won't try to flee jurisdiction if it looks like the case is going against him.

You gotta love it. Poor black folks spend months behind bars under suspicion of all sorts of minor crimes because they can't afford bail - but if you KILL a black guy, you shouldn't even be arrested until AFTER (and if) you are found guilty!!Maybe we should let him stay free pending appeal. If he's got a good lawyer, he could probably drag it out for decades.

OJ Simpson alledgedly kills poor white woman (his wife) and her friend, then is chased for a long period of time by LA police, until the SUV finally stops (where he is crouched down in the back with a gun), and this ended at OJ's home or residence this chase, and then once captured, very quickly it is demanded by his lawyer who arrived on the scene, that the hand cuffs are to be removed immediately, because he hadn't been charged with a crime or proven guilty of a crime at that point (so why didn't the white people demand in the thousands, that OJ be arrested and the hand cuffs put back on immediately, because they FELT that OJ was guilty etc. ?.... What's with the hypocrsy in your statement, by using the poor black guy analogy in your statement, suggesting that Zimmerman be arrested and deemed guilty without a hearing, indictment or a trial to prove his guilt, and this beyond the shadow of a doubt ?

What if Latino's were yelling to the top of their voices right now, that their guy Zimmerman is the focus of a witch hunt, in which deems Zimmerman guilty before all the facts and the evidence is finally in ? We are a nation of laws and not of men, so we should make sure that the process is correct, and this by all our review, and if it isn't correct, then we should as Americans speak in unison against injustices, if it is to be found that justice is not served, and we must quit with the racial stereo typing and class warfare that is being used in these types of cases. :eusa_pray:
Another one! :lol: LOL!!! LOL!!!

Marc, don't you believe now that the initial media reports were one sided and they should have waited until the evidence was collected before the rush to judgment?

I am not condoning what Zimmerman did or didn't do or making up my mind yet as I have not seen ALL the evidence or probably anywhere near all of the evidence but it is very clear Marc that the initial reports on this were not true. Initial reports had Zimmerman gunning this kid down in cold blood and we know now that part is not true. There was a fight and Zimmerman pulled the gun when he was on the ground and shot him.
And there is evidence that Martin saw the gun before the fight but maybe Zimmerman threatened him with it, who knows? Maybe Martin felt like HIS life was in danger if a gun was pulled on him. Could be that way also as NO one knows. Could be that he was acting in fear of his life after seeing the gun. In his mind seeing a gun pulled on him meant that the gun was pulled TO BE USED ON HIM.
We just do not know. As a result of all of this there is no question in my mind the initial claims of "police corruption" and "they are not doing anything" are bogus to the core.
Both parties deserve the presumption of innocence in this case and Zimmerman did not get that after the circus side show started.
No, I don't believe the media is hyping this up out of proportion.

We have an armed adult, killing an unarmed kid.

We have a man that was told not to pursue the kid.

We have a man that pursued the kid.

We have a man that pursued the kid.

Had the adult man followed the instructions of the authorities and not pursue or discontinue his pursuit of the kid, who had EVERY RIGHT to be where he was, the kid would not be dead.

All of the above are facts.

How could such a man not be arrested with all the above?

How could such a man have a gun in the first place?

I believe these are the main points the media is talking about and questions being asked in the media.

Those are all fair.
You are a lying idiot most of what you said is untrue or based on racial emotions.
We have an armed adult, killing an unarmed kid.
A person can kill while defending them self

We have a man that was told not to pursue the kid.
He stopped when told to do so.

We have a man that pursued the kid.
Nothing wrong with observing a stranger who has enter your neighborhood, which had some recent break ins

We have a man that pursued the kid.
We have a 17 year old who hit another person and went for his gun

How could such a man not be arrested with all the above?

Not enough evidence to arrest

How could such a man have a gun in the first place?
Since when is defending your self wrong?
Your ENTIRE post was nothing but supposition and conjecture. Nothing supported by facts. You're also lying on top of that.

Your ENTIRE post was nothing but supposition and conjecture. Nothing supported by facts. You're also lying on top of that.


You're an idiot you wouldn't know a fact if it hit you in the face.
Your ENTIRE post was nothing but supposition and conjecture. Nothing supported by facts. You're also lying on top of that.

Um, hit the little check box to add quote when respond....Thanks

This was the post he was talking about.
Marc, don't you believe now that the initial media reports were one sided and they should have waited until the evidence was collected before the rush to judgment?

I am not condoning what Zimmerman did or didn't do or making up my mind yet as I have not seen ALL the evidence or probably anywhere near all of the evidence but it is very clear Marc that the initial reports on this were not true. Initial reports had Zimmerman gunning this kid down in cold blood and we know now that part is not true. There was a fight and Zimmerman pulled the gun when he was on the ground and shot him.
And there is evidence that Martin saw the gun before the fight but maybe Zimmerman threatened him with it, who knows? Maybe Martin felt like HIS life was in danger if a gun was pulled on him. Could be that way also as NO one knows. Could be that he was acting in fear of his life after seeing the gun. In his mind seeing a gun pulled on him meant that the gun was pulled TO BE USED ON HIM.
We just do not know. As a result of all of this there is no question in my mind the initial claims of "police corruption" and "they are not doing anything" are bogus to the core.
Both parties deserve the presumption of innocence in this case and Zimmerman did not get that after the circus side show started.
No, I don't believe the media is hyping this up out of proportion.

We have an armed adult, killing an unarmed kid.

We have a man that was told not to pursue the kid.

We have a man that pursued the kid.

We have a man that pursued the kid.

Had the adult man followed the instructions of the authorities and not pursue or discontinue his pursuit of the kid, who had EVERY RIGHT to be where he was, the kid would not be dead.

All of the above are facts.

How could such a man not be arrested with all the above?

How could such a man have a gun in the first place?

I believe these are the main points the media is talking about and questions being asked in the media.

Those are all fair.
You are a lying idiot most of what you said is untrue or based on racial emotions.
We have an armed adult, killing an unarmed kid.
A person can kill while defending them self

We have a man that was told not to pursue the kid.
He stopped when told to do so.

We have a man that pursued the kid.
Nothing wrong with observing a stranger who has enter your neighborhood, which had some recent break ins

We have a man that pursued the kid.
We have a 17 year old who hit another person and went for his gun

How could such a man not be arrested with all the above?

Not enough evidence to arrest

How could such a man have a gun in the first place?
Since when is defending your self wrong?

He has a hard time using the quote feature when he can't make his argument stick.
Last edited:
O k M, any of this shit true?

It’s becoming more and more evident that 17-teen-year-old Trayvon Martin had fully embraced the anti white black thug culture that is so pervasive here in our country and that is, in fact, largely responsible for rotting the morals of our youth.

What could be even more alarming than this? I’ve just learned that the youth’s “no limit nigga” lingo -lingo that was found on his Twitter account – is actually POPULAR slang used by the Florida Black Foot Soldiers when they are talking about what they call “black on white (BOW) reparations protests.’

Trayvon Martin “Florida Black Foot Soldier Link” ESTABLISHED! “No Limit Nigga’ Lingo is Popular Florida Black Foot Soldier Slang for “Black On White (BOW) Crime:” Had Teen Embraced Anti White Black Thug Culture & D

For those of you who don’t know, Black Foot Soldier BOW reparations protests are actully black on white robberies. They use lingo like this to mask their support of their support of crime and violence against whites for any reason.

What’s most important for us to all remember here? It’s most important to remember that the anti white black thug culture that Trayvon embraced emphatically hates white people and has ZERO respect for whites in positions of authority.

You can't "confront" someone if you're actively trying to get away from them.

When and if they catch up with you after pursuing you, you aren't "confronting" them when you stand your ground.

What we have here is a case of standing your ground, and a criminal then gunning down the lawful citizen who was rightfully standing their ground.

Zimmerman is toast...TOAST I said!
But of course you ascribing to the one you support is somehow different right? Care to LINK to an eye witness account that it was martin yelling?

And that is where you are lying. I haven't been basing my arguments on the witness who said it was Trayvon heard yelling on the tape, and you know it. I've pointed out all of the inconsistencies in Zimmerman's stories, in the stories that have been presented to defend him and fill in other blanks, and the physical evidence known.

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