I Don't Think Many Of You Know What "Confronted" Means

When one shots someone in self defense, there is no trial dumb ass.

It wasn't self defense, it was vigilantism.

It it was, the police will arrest him.

So basically he shouldn't be arrested until AFTER and if a jury finds him guilty.

That's brilliant. I'm sure he won't try to flee jurisdiction if it looks like the case is going against him.

You gotta love it. Poor black folks spend months behind bars under suspicion of all sorts of minor crimes because they can't afford bail - but if you KILL a black guy, you shouldn't even be arrested until AFTER (and if) you are found guilty!!

Maybe we should let him stay free pending appeal. If he's got a good lawyer, he could probably drag it out for decades.
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Not that I am going to let facts sway my opinion, Zimmerman is obviously guilty and needs to be hinted down and killed.


Zimmerman told them he lost sight of Trayvon and was walking back to his SUV when Trayvon approached him from the left rear, and they exchanged words.
Trayvon asked Zimmerman if he had a problem. Zimmerman said no and reached for his cell phone, he told police. Trayvon then said, "Well, you do now" or something similar and punched Zimmerman in the nose, according to the account he gave police.
Zimmerman fell to the ground and Trayvon got on top of him and began slamming his head into the sidewalk, he told police.
Zimmerman began yelling for help.
Several witnesses heard those cries, and there has been a dispute about whether they came from Zimmerman or Trayvon.
Lawyers for Trayvon's family say it was Trayvon, but police say their evidence indicates it was Zimmerman.
One witness, who has since talked to local television news reporters, told police he saw Zimmerman on the ground with Trayvon on top, pounding him — and was unequivocal that it was Zimmerman who was crying for help.
Trayvon Martin: George Zimmerman's account to police of the Trayvon Martin shooting. - Orlando Sentinel

Gee, if Zimmerman said it, it must be true!

I said to hunt him down and kill him. :razz:
Martin - Zimmerman | Arrests | Florida Statute | Criminal Investigations

A tragey has visited the city of Sanford, Florida, and espeially the families involved in this very public circus. A young man is dead, and a mob is hounding and hunting an innocent man accused of no crime. The mob is bent on exacting a pound of flesh be owed ( Pound of flesh ), regardless of facts or solid evidence.

Sanford, Fla., explains why George Zimmerman was not arrested

Sanford, Fla., explains why George Zimmerman was not arrested - BlogPost - The Washington Post

"...the letter, signed by Sanford City Manager Norton Bonaparte Jr., says. “By Florida Statute, law enforcement was PROHIBITED from making an arrest based on the facts and circumstances they had at the time.” (Caps are theirs.)"

We are a nation of laws and NOT mob rule. The Founding Fathers and the Framers would be horrified, and maybe hypocritical, over the current display of a majority demanding law be put aside. The people who founded our nation were often mob-ish in action, but believed the system they set up would keep their not so better natures from running rough shod over the rights of individuals, and over the rule of law: Principles over personalities and emotions.

People are clamoring for an arrest of a man who is not a suspect in a crime. The US Justice Dept is said to be assisting in an investigation of a death. This means they are NOT there to assist building a case. That would be a criminal charge looking for a justification/scenario/cause. Evidence is what our system of justice demands during investigations. Investigations are NOT initiated solely in order to charge and convict people. They are initiated as searches for evidence and truth, truth being very subjective. Lack of evidence equals no charges brought.

Maybe a federal statute can be looked into, if state statutes cannot be brought to bear. But there needs to be evidence a crime was committed. This display of the mob using emotion to demand justice is nothing more than a modern day lynch mob.

Even if this man Zimmerman is eventually found to be accused in a court of law, this story is turning into a sad period in the history of Criminal and Civil Justice in American democracy.

That would be the same as me picking a fight with you---you respond--and I shoot you dead--and I get to walk away a free person. And you think that's O.K.--then God help this society. The Stand your ground law--did not include pursuit. The police dispatcher told Zimmerman not to pursue this kid--he ignored that by getting out of his car--and confronting this kid. Through Zimmerman's actions he killed an innocent kid--who had no criminal record what-so-ever. This could have been anyone's kid--including yours.
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Not that I am going to let facts sway my opinion, Zimmerman is obviously guilty and needs to be hinted down and killed.


Trayvon Martin: George Zimmerman's account to police of the Trayvon Martin shooting. - Orlando Sentinel

Gee, if Zimmerman said it, it must be true!

I said to hunt him down and kill him. :razz:

Clearly there are only two options a) kill him with a vigilante mob b) shut the fuck up and pretend like nothing ever happened and let him off
Not that I am going to let facts sway my opinion, Zimmerman is obviously guilty and needs to be hinted down and killed.


Zimmerman told them he lost sight of Trayvon and was walking back to his SUV when Trayvon approached him from the left rear, and they exchanged words.
Trayvon asked Zimmerman if he had a problem. Zimmerman said no and reached for his cell phone, he told police. Trayvon then said, "Well, you do now" or something similar and punched Zimmerman in the nose, according to the account he gave police.
Zimmerman fell to the ground and Trayvon got on top of him and began slamming his head into the sidewalk, he told police.
Zimmerman began yelling for help.
Several witnesses heard those cries, and there has been a dispute about whether they came from Zimmerman or Trayvon.
Lawyers for Trayvon's family say it was Trayvon, but police say their evidence indicates it was Zimmerman.
One witness, who has since talked to local television news reporters, told police he saw Zimmerman on the ground with Trayvon on top, pounding him — and was unequivocal that it was Zimmerman who was crying for help.
Trayvon Martin: George Zimmerman's account to police of the Trayvon Martin shooting. - Orlando Sentinel

Wow, only took him 1 month to get his story straight.

We should definitely just believe whatever Zimmerman says. No need to put it to a Grand Jury. If the shooter says his shooting was justified - then obviously it is.

Come on guys, this is like law enforcement 101 - if someone commits a homicide and they tell you they did it in self defense - then they couldn't possibly be lying to protect themselves.

Umm, genius, the report is from the night of the shooting.
If Zimmerman had been arrested from the get-go, there would be no media at all. This would be like hundreds of other manslaughter cases across the country...ignored.

Why arrest him? Do you want everyone who gets attacked arrested?

People who commit homicides should generally be arrested, yes.

You think someone who kills a person who is breaking into their house should be arrested? You are aware that is homicide, aren't you?

Should police who kill people be arrested? More homicide.

Jessie Jackson and Al Sharpton (especially) have a long history of paying people to lie....

Tawana Brawley, Duke Lacrosse, Jenna 6 etc...

No one should believe a word that comes out of their black activist mouths...
When one shots someone in self defense, there is no trial dumb ass.

you decided it was self defense before an investigation?

i guess hunting season on young black men is ok to you.

You are a lawyer and know full well there WAS an investigation, and that the DA and cops all decided it was a clear case of self defense. MORON.

It was a clear case of self-defense from what? A 140 pound skinny kid? Really? The kid was that much of a threat that Zimmerman was justified in shooting him after he was told not to follow him? I don't know what happened and it doesn't really seem anyone else does either. Bottom line is that you don't kill someone for punching you in the face. If you do, you are likely going to prison. I really do hope they can determine what exactly happened so everyone can get some real answers. I'm just having a real hard time buying into this young kid going after Zimmerman and beating him up after he supposedly told his girlfriend he was scared that this guy was following him and had him cornered. Zimmerman's story doesn't add up. If Trayvon attacked Zimmerman it was out of pure fear which was brought on by Zimmerman stalking him.

If there was no media circus about this, there would be NO trial at all - the police were content to let Zimmerman go home, and ignore the dead kid.

He still hasn't been arrested yet, but it's nice to see how worried you are about whether he gets a "fair trial".

Would no trial at all been "fair"?

How do you try someone that did not break any laws?

I'm just curious as to where it is legal to shoot and kill someone for punching you in the nose, regardless of who started it? If this kid did attack Zimmerman unprovoked, which is debatable, how is it that Zimmerman, weighing 100 pounds more than the kid, gets beat up to the point that he needs to use a gun to defend himself? What a fucking pussy, if that is the case. If he's that much of a pussy, he should never have been following the kid in the first place. But then, I don't buy that story.

It is generally legal to shoot someone who is beating you down while you are on the ground. That actually applies in every single state and Washington DC because it is actually impossible to retreat when someone is holding you down.

I do appreciate you sticking to the spirit, and letter, of the OP, and not let actual facts sway your opinion, we should hunt Zimmerman down and kill him. It would teach him, and everyone else that thinks they have a right to self defense, a lesson.

It wasn't self defense, it was vigilantism.

It it was, the police will arrest him.

So basically he shouldn't be arrested until AFTER and if a jury finds him guilty.

That's brilliant. I'm sure he won't try to flee jurisdiction if it looks like the case is going against him.

You gotta love it. Poor black folks spend months behind bars under suspicion of all sorts of minor crimes because they can't afford bail - but if you KILL a black guy, you shouldn't even be arrested until AFTER (and if) you are found guilty!!

Maybe we should let him stay free pending appeal. If he's got a good lawyer, he could probably drag it out for decades.

No, genius, he shouldn't be arrested unless the police have evidence he did something wrong. That, believe it or not, is the way the system is supposed to work. Just because you think everyone should be arrested and that they are guilty until proven innocent does not mean the justice system agrees with you.
How do you try someone that did not break any laws?

I'm just curious as to where it is legal to shoot and kill someone for punching you in the nose, regardless of who started it? If this kid did attack Zimmerman unprovoked, which is debatable, how is it that Zimmerman, weighing 100 pounds more than the kid, gets beat up to the point that he needs to use a gun to defend himself? What a fucking pussy, if that is the case. If he's that much of a pussy, he should never have been following the kid in the first place. But then, I don't buy that story.

It is generally legal to shoot someone who is beating you down while you are on the ground. That actually applies in every single state and Washington DC because it is actually impossible to retreat when someone is holding you down.

I do appreciate you sticking to the spirit, and letter, of the OP, and not let actual facts sway your opinion, we should hunt Zimmerman down and kill him. It would teach him, and everyone else that thinks they have a right to self defense, a lesson.


So Trayvon's girlfriend's account of things is to be disregarded? She stated that while she was on the phone with him, Trayvon told her that this guy was following him and then that he was cornered. So after being stalked, Trayvon had no right to defend himself against a threat? Honestly if some guy that is a lot bigger than me corners me and threatens me, I'm going to fight for my life, and I think you would too. But doing so then gives your assailant the right to shoot and kill you. See the problem?

If there was no media circus about this, there would be NO trial at all - the police were content to let Zimmerman go home, and ignore the dead kid.

He still hasn't been arrested yet, but it's nice to see how worried you are about whether he gets a "fair trial".

Would no trial at all been "fair"?

How do you try someone that did not break any laws?

I'm just curious as to where it is legal to shoot and kill someone for punching you in the nose, regardless of who started it? If this kid did attack Zimmerman unprovoked, which is debatable, how is it that Zimmerman, weighing 100 pounds more than the kid, gets beat up to the point that he needs to use a gun to defend himself? What a fucking pussy, if that is the case. If he's that much of a pussy, he should never have been following the kid in the first place. But then, I don't buy that story.

IMO Zimmerman is a wanna b cop with an itchy trigger finger....

Martin probably was the aggressor - he probably told Zimmerman to fuck off and when he didn't he beat Zimmermans ass, only then did Zimmerman pull the pistol.

Zimmerman was probably dreaming for the day he could shoot someone (anyone)...

Zimmerman would have shot anyone who laid a finger on him while believing he was justified in doing such....
I'm just curious as to where it is legal to shoot and kill someone for punching you in the nose, regardless of who started it? If this kid did attack Zimmerman unprovoked, which is debatable, how is it that Zimmerman, weighing 100 pounds more than the kid, gets beat up to the point that he needs to use a gun to defend himself? What a fucking pussy, if that is the case. If he's that much of a pussy, he should never have been following the kid in the first place. But then, I don't buy that story.

It is generally legal to shoot someone who is beating you down while you are on the ground. That actually applies in every single state and Washington DC because it is actually impossible to retreat when someone is holding you down.

I do appreciate you sticking to the spirit, and letter, of the OP, and not let actual facts sway your opinion, we should hunt Zimmerman down and kill him. It would teach him, and everyone else that thinks they have a right to self defense, a lesson.


So Trayvon's girlfriend's account of things is to be disregarded? She stated that while she was on the phone with him, Trayvon told her that this guy was following him and then that he was cornered. So after being stalked, Trayvon had no right to defend himself against a threat? Honestly if some guy that is a lot bigger than me corners me and threatens me, I'm going to fight for my life, and I think you would too. But doing so then gives your assailant the right to shoot and kill you. See the problem?

Trayvon's girlfriend? The one that said there was some sort of fight? The one that refused to talk to police until someone explained to her that making Zimmerman look bad might help her make some money? That girlfriend?

Question, if Zimmerman was a threat, why was he on the ground under Trayvon? Why was Zimmerman yelling for help?

Don't let facts sway your opinion now, keep blaming the guy that was getting a beat down from a kid half his age.
I'm just curious as to where it is legal to shoot and kill someone for punching you in the nose, regardless of who started it? If this kid did attack Zimmerman unprovoked, which is debatable, how is it that Zimmerman, weighing 100 pounds more than the kid, gets beat up to the point that he needs to use a gun to defend himself? What a fucking pussy, if that is the case. If he's that much of a pussy, he should never have been following the kid in the first place. But then, I don't buy that story.

It is generally legal to shoot someone who is beating you down while you are on the ground. That actually applies in every single state and Washington DC because it is actually impossible to retreat when someone is holding you down.

I do appreciate you sticking to the spirit, and letter, of the OP, and not let actual facts sway your opinion, we should hunt Zimmerman down and kill him. It would teach him, and everyone else that thinks they have a right to self defense, a lesson.


So Trayvon's girlfriend's account of things is to be disregarded? She stated that while she was on the phone with him, Trayvon told her that this guy was following him and then that he was cornered. So after being stalked, Trayvon had no right to defend himself against a threat? Honestly if some guy that is a lot bigger than me corners me and threatens me, I'm going to fight for my life, and I think you would too. But doing so then gives your assailant the right to shoot and kill you. See the problem?

What she says is hardly relevant considering all she heard was Zimmerman saying: "what are you doing here" and "where are you going?"

I have little doubt Martin started the altercation physically, however that didn't give Zimmerman the right to shoot and kill him.

IMO, Zimmerman was just out looking for trouble and a reason to shoot anyone.

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