I Don't Think Many Of You Know What "Confronted" Means

A record of violence, he assaulted a police officer, got off through Pre Trial diversion. Had an Injunction against him for domestic violence, dismissed after he filed one also.

Was rejected from a police academy, reasons unknown. Set himself up as the "Neighborhood Watch" in his community.

Called 911 the EVENING he killed an armed teenager, Trayvon Martin. Ignored the advice given, and continued following the teenager.

Suffered minor wounds at some point in the encounter. Zimmerman was found standing over the young man he killed when police arrived minutes later. He went to a doctor the next day. Never entered a hospital, the police describe his injuries as NOT SERIOUS.

He remains free, in hiding, allegedly remorseful; why he might be remorseful after he killed in "self defense" is also unknown.

The evidence in the case is stale, no toxicology tests were done on the killer. Little evidence collected by the Sanford PD, no further investigation until the killing was publicized.

Why do many anti crime, usual victims' advocates, turn this 28 year old man into a sympathetic figure? The 17 year old victim will never see the light of day again. Trayvon Martin is the victim, not George Zimmerman.

He still has the gun he used to kill Trayvon.

It was never tested. His clothes were not tested. The Sanford police did nothing. They did not even question him at the scene.

I'm just curious as to where it is legal to shoot and kill someone for punching you in the nose, regardless of who started it? If this kid did attack Zimmerman unprovoked, which is debatable, how is it that Zimmerman, weighing 100 pounds more than the kid, gets beat up to the point that he needs to use a gun to defend himself? What a fucking pussy, if that is the case. If he's that much of a pussy, he should never have been following the kid in the first place. But then, I don't buy that story.

It is generally legal to shoot someone who is beating you down while you are on the ground. That actually applies in every single state and Washington DC because it is actually impossible to retreat when someone is holding you down.

I do appreciate you sticking to the spirit, and letter, of the OP, and not let actual facts sway your opinion, we should hunt Zimmerman down and kill him. It would teach him, and everyone else that thinks they have a right to self defense, a lesson.


So Trayvon's girlfriend's account of things is to be disregarded? She stated that while she was on the phone with him, Trayvon told her that this guy was following him and then that he was cornered. So after being stalked, Trayvon had no right to defend himself against a threat? Honestly if some guy that is a lot bigger than me corners me and threatens me, I'm going to fight for my life, and I think you would too. But doing so then gives your assailant the right to shoot and kill you. See the problem?

Link to her saying he said he was cornered, cause damn I haven't herd that anywhere yet.
So many threads ... so little that is relevant.
How about letting the police and the judiciary do their work?

When have we ever seen these "race movements" wait for the facts? You watch, this is going to end up like the Tawana Brawley and Duke lacrosse team cases. Im going to laugh my ass off when the real facts come out and Zimmerman is exhonerated. :badgrin:
Zimmerman outweighed Martin by 60 lbs.

Zimmerman is lying.

Trayvon was a very tall guy

Page 2: Trayvon Martin Shooter Says Teenager Went for His Gun - ABC News

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SANFORD, Fla., March 26

The law affords people enormous leeway to use deadly force if they feel their life is seriously endangered. Sonner said Zimmerman felt "one of them was going to die that night," when he pulled the trigger.

Corey, a veteran prosecutor known for her zealous defense of victims rights was hand-picked by Florida Gov. Rick Scott for the job. But she faces other challenges in the case.

While in life Trayvon Martin was barely 17, when it comes to justifiable homicide his size -- about 6-foot-3 and 150 pounds -- makes him an adult in death.

Zimmerman, 28, is 5-foot-9 and weighs well over 200 pounds.



To learn more about Trayvon’s character, we have to look to his friends and family to offer clues.
Unfortunately, it seems as if most people who knew him are intent on cleaning up his image,
rather than discussing what Trayvon was really like.


U.S. News - Trayvon Martin was suspended three times from school

In October, Martin was suspended with friends for writing “W.T.F.” on a hallway locker,
according to a school report obtained by the Herald.
A security guard looking through his backpack for the graffiti marker and instead found women’s rings
and earrings and a screwdriver, described by the staffer as a “burglary tool.”

Ben Crump, an attorney for Martin’s parents, told the Herald they had never heard about the bag of jewelry.

“And anyway, it’s completely irrelevant to what happened Feb. 26,” Crump told the Miami Herald.
“They never heard this and don’t believe it’s true.

So many threads ... so little that is relevant.
How about letting the police and the judiciary do their work?

When have we ever seen these "race movements" wait for the facts? You watch, this is going to end up like the Tawana Brawley and Duke lacrosse team cases. Im going to laugh my ass off when the real facts come out and Zimmerman is exhonerated. :badgrin:

Quite possible. I'll just wait and see how the process plays out. That is why we have police and prosecutors.
Martin probably was the aggressor - he probably told Zimmerman to fuck off and when he didn't he beat Zimmermans ass, only then did Zimmerman pull the pistol.

You're probably right. And, it was self-defense. Stupid no-limit-nigga, brought fists to a gun fight.
He still has the gun he used to kill Trayvon.

It was never tested. His clothes were not tested. The Sanford police did nothing. They did not even question him at the scene.


Yeah, unbelievable how stupid some people are, that they think Zimmerman did something wrong. Test the gun for what? Hmmm? What questions do you think they should have asked Zimmerman? Test his clothes for what?

My bad, he said "fucking" coons. I dont want to misrepresent this fine gentleman.

Does this make any difference in your mind?

He also said "they always get away". Who are they and what exactly was that kid doing wrong?

Again, any differnce?

Goon or coon? I can't tell and neither could many experts, but you seem to be able to, interesting, and who could they be? Criminals, kids, but you go again directly to the race card. Interesting.

Yeah..it was coons. In any case..it follows the narrative that 911 tapes show. And Zimmerman's previous calls..all which were made on black people.

All of which were made on black people?



And your proof of that is..... what exactly?
did the police at the crime scene forget to ask Jeb first ??? oh shucks.

you know jeb was the person who signed the bill into law, right?

don't you think he knows what the legislative intent was?

or does that not jive with what passes for reality in rightwingnutworld?

Actually you would need to ask the Legislature not the Governor what the intent was. But then as a Lawyer you would know that, RIGHT?

I suppose I could go find the bill jacket and look for the legislative intent, but both the sponsor of the bill and the governor who signed it into law said the bill does not apply to someone who hunts another person down.

but if you had two IQ points to rub together, you'd know that, wouldn't you?

or you could just shut your yap and look at the statute

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I said to hunt him down and kill him. :razz:

Clearly there are only two options a) kill him with a vigilante mob b) shut the fuck up and pretend like nothing ever happened and let him off

Clearly, there is a third, the one you have chosen.

I just prefer to actually accept the fact that Martin might actually have been wrong here.

Nawh martin couldn't have been in the wrong he was an angel who want to fly planes or work on them, don't believe me just ask anyone from the left.
A record of violence, he assaulted a police officer, got off through Pre Trial diversion. Had an Injunction against him for domestic violence, dismissed after he filed one also.

Was rejected from a police academy, reasons unknown. Set himself up as the "Neighborhood Watch" in his community.

Called 911 the EVENING he killed an armed teenager, Trayvon Martin. Ignored the advice given, and continued following the teenager.

Suffered minor wounds at some point in the encounter. Zimmerman was found standing over the young man he killed when police arrived minutes later. He went to a doctor the next day. Never entered a hospital, the police describe his injuries as NOT SERIOUS.

He remains free, in hiding, allegedly remorseful; why he might be remorseful after he killed in "self defense" is also unknown.

The evidence in the case is stale, no toxicology tests were done on the killer. Little evidence collected by the Sanford PD, no further investigation until the killing was publicized.

Why do many anti crime, usual victims' advocates, turn this 28 year old man into a sympathetic figure? The 17 year old victim will never see the light of day again. Trayvon Martin is the victim, not George Zimmerman.

He still has the gun he used to kill Trayvon.

It was never tested. His clothes were not tested. The Sanford police did nothing. They did not even question him at the scene.

Really? Then I wonder why the cop report said they disarmed Zimmerman and entered his gun into evidence and labeled it "TS-1".

They first responding officers did not question him at the scene because he was being treated by paramedics and they can't whenever that is happening. They then cuffed him and took him to the cop station where he was interviewed in an interview room by Investigator D. Singleton for several hours.

It's in the cop report. You should read it.

As to his clothes not being tested, what do you want them tested for? Gunshot residue? He admitted to shooting his gun at the kid, you know. Right?
you know jeb was the person who signed the bill into law, right?

don't you think he knows what the legislative intent was?

or does that not jive with what passes for reality in rightwingnutworld?

Actually you would need to ask the Legislature not the Governor what the intent was. But then as a Lawyer you would know that, RIGHT?

I suppose I could go find the bill jacket and look for the legislative intent, but both the sponsor of the bill and the governor who signed it into law said the bill does not apply to someone who hunts another person down.

but if you had two IQ points to rub together, you'd know that, wouldn't you?

or you could just shut your yap and look at the statute

Statutes & Constitution :View Statutes : Online Sunshine
But, correct me if I'm wrong, legislative intent is only probative BEFORE the law is passed, not after.

What any lawmaker says about the intent after the law is passed has little to probably no relevance.

It seems if it did, we could just bypass one branch of government - the judicial branch. The politicians/lawmakers could just apply the law where they saw fit.

Is that the case?

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