I Don't Think Many Of You Know What "Confronted" Means

Thanks, asshole.

Your welcome.
What about it? ;)

(trying to be light here, let's see what you do with that)

We tend to agree much than disagree Si. I think we agree that the investigation needs to run its course and what comes out of that should be the basis of what happens next. Seems like you see some issues with the Florida law as it stands now.

The rest of it seems to be me emphasizing the death of a young man and you the right of a person to defend himself. Is that about right?

I think both Martin and Zimmerman had a right to due process.
Peter didn't STAY a "brawler" though.

In fact Christ admonished him to change those "brawler" ways.

There's a passage of text that goes something like this..."go and sin no more.."

But keep on promoting "brawler" ways...yuh heah!?

Marc, why does media release a 9th grade photo of Martin when they had a recent one that shows he looks like a 17 year old young man instead of the very young looking 9th grade photo?
Why do Sharpton and his team go with the made up term of "white" Hispanic?
Could it be to inflame the white versus black angle?
What good does that do Marc?
Where has anyone stated that it is wrong to make death threats against the Zimmerman family?
I stated it, and some left wing loon, rather than decrying it, pointed out that there were only 139 subscriptions to the "kill zimmerman" page or something like that.
Peter didn't STAY a "brawler" though.

In fact Christ admonished him to change those "brawler" ways.

There's a passage of text that goes something like this..."go and sin no more.."

But keep on promoting "brawler" ways...yuh heah!?

Marc, why does media release a 9th grade photo of Martin when they had a recent one that shows he looks like a 17 year old young man instead of the very young looking 9th grade photo?
Why do Sharpton and his team go with the made up term of "white" Hispanic?
Could it be to inflame the white versus black angle?
What good does that do Marc?
Where has anyone stated that it is wrong to make death threats against the Zimmerman family?
Hispanics can't be white?
It's not a made up term. This is not the first time we've heard this term before.
The only thing that Al Sharpton and others, including myself, are bringing attention to is the seemingly corrupt, biased and racist leanings of the authorities in Sanford, FL.
Zimmerman is almost of no relevance...almost.
Note: The hard RW radicals are all spewing the claim that "Martin came back" when there's absolutely NO proof of that. That is strictly based on their speculation and their predetermined view of who murdered victim, Trayvon Martin, is/was. Exactly like they did with the "Zimmerman got beat up" bogus claim.


You are the most hardened right wing radical posting here Marc.
You have convicted a man without trial and want the support of right wing radical laws to imprison him for 30 years without trial.
You love right wing radical laws when they support your agenda yet condemn them when they don't.
Your team plays both sides of the street.
Peter didn't STAY a "brawler" though.

In fact Christ admonished him to change those "brawler" ways.

There's a passage of text that goes something like this..."go and sin no more.."

But keep on promoting "brawler" ways...yuh heah!?

Marc, why does media release a 9th grade photo of Martin when they had a recent one that shows he looks like a 17 year old young man instead of the very young looking 9th grade photo?
Why do Sharpton and his team go with the made up term of "white" Hispanic?
Could it be to inflame the white versus black angle?
What good does that do Marc?
Where has anyone stated that it is wrong to make death threats against the Zimmerman family?
Hispanics can't be white?
It's not a made up term. This is not the first time we've heard this term before.
The only thing that Al Sharpton and others, including myself, are bringing attention to is the seemingly corrupt, biased and racist leanings of the authorities in Sanford, FL.
Zimmerman is almost of no relevance...almost.

You have not proven there is any evidence that the authorities are corrupt, biased or racist in Sanford Florida.
"seemingly" is a pitiful stance when you are accusing someone of corruption.
Will you hardcore, radical RWers please stop using the term "lynching?"

Clearly you haven't a CLUE as to what lynching means.

Locking up does not equate to lynching.

This is lynching...







THAT is lynching! Ghedditt!?!?

Not one hair on the killer George Zimmerman's coifed head has been harm, not one hair.

Trayvon Martin Case: Exclusive Surveillance Video of George Zimmerman - ABC News

You people are so disgusting!!!

That's exactly what it is, which is why you should stop advocating vigilantism.

Those guys were lynched by left wing mobs who didn't want to wait for the law to determine guilt.
It's a desired lynching. It's not specific to race, jackass.


(of a mob) Kill (someone), esp. by hanging, for an alleged offense with or without a legal trial.

Get a grip.
Note: The hard RW radicals are all spewing the claim that "Martin came back" when there's absolutely NO proof of that. That is strictly based on their speculation and their predetermined view of who murdered victim, Trayvon Martin, is/was. Exactly like they did with the "Zimmerman got beat up" bogus claim.


You are the most hardened right wing radical posting here Marc.
You have convicted a man without trial and want the support of right wing radical laws to imprison him for 30 years without trial.
You love right wing radical laws when they support your agenda yet condemn them when they don't.
Your team plays both sides of the street.
Please present one, single post where I've stated that I've convicted him.

Yes, I want him arrested. That's the LEAST in this matter, as has been set by precedent previously...
Cops routinely make arrests in 'stand your ground' cases
Clearly George Zimmerman is getting some special treatment, most likely due to the relationship his father has with the law, being a retired Magistrate and all. He's now virtually untouchable.
It's not uncommon, nor unlawful to have been arrested and detained, pending bail, or trial in a matter such as this, as cited above.
You're speaking out of your neck now...and you know it.
Cut it out!
*wagging finger sternly*
Marc, why does media release a 9th grade photo of Martin when they had a recent one that shows he looks like a 17 year old young man instead of the very young looking 9th grade photo?
Why do Sharpton and his team go with the made up term of "white" Hispanic?
Could it be to inflame the white versus black angle?
What good does that do Marc?
Where has anyone stated that it is wrong to make death threats against the Zimmerman family?
Hispanics can't be white?
It's not a made up term. This is not the first time we've heard this term before.
The only thing that Al Sharpton and others, including myself, are bringing attention to is the seemingly corrupt, biased and racist leanings of the authorities in Sanford, FL.
Zimmerman is almost of no relevance...almost.

You have not proven there is any evidence that the authorities are corrupt, biased or racist in Sanford Florida.
"seemingly" is a pitiful stance when you are accusing someone of corruption.

Don't you think that Sharpton is "seemingly" corrupt Marc?
There is PLENTY of evidence of that but you will always ignore that because he looks like you.
It's not clear he's getting special treatment.

It's clear the prosecutor doesn't want to screw up her case by denying him due process, which is WHAT SHE SAID AT THE BEGINNING WHEN SHE TOLD THE COPS NOT TO ARREST HIM. She said that law made it extremely difficult to justify an arrest of somebody who claims self defense without clear cut evidence that a crime was committed.

Will you hardcore, radical RWers please stop using the term "lynching?"

Clearly you haven't a CLUE as to what lynching means.

Locking up does not equate to lynching.

This is lynching...







THAT is lynching! Ghedditt!?!?

Not one hair on the killer George Zimmerman's coifed head has been harm, not one hair.

Trayvon Martin Case: Exclusive Surveillance Video of George Zimmerman - ABC News

You people are so disgusting!!!

If anyone was lynched it appears more likely that it was Trayvon Martin.
That's exactly what it is, which is why you should stop advocating vigilantism.

Those guys were lynched by left wing mobs who didn't want to wait for the law to determine guilt.
It's not about race you big dope. Where did I state it was?

Lynching is a specific ACT that involves death of the victim.

The killer George Zimmerman has had not so much as a single hair on his coifed hair harmed.

But yet and still you and your fellow radical RWers are squawking, squealing and yelping on and on about some made up "lynching."

What you are doing is diminishing the value of the word, rendering it useless.

A travesty and a great offense.

Cut it out!

*wagging finger more sternly*
Note: The hard RW radicals are all spewing the claim that "Martin came back" when there's absolutely NO proof of that. That is strictly based on their speculation and their predetermined view of who murdered victim, Trayvon Martin, is/was. Exactly like they did with the "Zimmerman got beat up" bogus claim.


You are the most hardened right wing radical posting here Marc.
You have convicted a man without trial and want the support of right wing radical laws to imprison him for 30 years without trial.
You love right wing radical laws when they support your agenda yet condemn them when they don't.
Your team plays both sides of the street.
Please present one, single post where I've stated that I've convicted him.

Yes, I want him arrested. That's the LEAST in this matter, as has been set by precedent previously...
Cops routinely make arrests in 'stand your ground' cases
Clearly George Zimmerman is getting some special treatment, most likely due to the relationship his father has with the law, being a retired Magistrate and all. He's now virtually untouchable.
It's not uncommon, nor unlawful to have been arrested and detained, pending bail, or trial in a matter such as this, as cited above.
You're speaking out of your neck now...and you know it.
Cut it out!
*wagging finger sternly*
You really should read your link. :lol:
That's exactly what it is, which is why you should stop advocating vigilantism.

Those guys were lynched by left wing mobs who didn't want to wait for the law to determine guilt.

Gee, you're right. There's a guy in one of those pics with an ACLU Tshirt on. :cuckoo:
Will you hardcore, radical RWers please stop using the term "lynching?"

Clearly you haven't a CLUE as to what lynching means.

Locking up does not equate to lynching.

This is lynching...







THAT is lynching! Ghedditt!?!?

Not one hair on the killer George Zimmerman's coifed head has been harm, not one hair.

Trayvon Martin Case: Exclusive Surveillance Video of George Zimmerman - ABC News

You people are so disgusting!!!

If anyone was lynched it appears more likely that it was Trayvon Martin.

What mob was after him?
Will you hardcore, radical RWers please stop using the term "lynching?"

Clearly you haven't a CLUE as to what lynching means.

Locking up does not equate to lynching.

This is lynching...







THAT is lynching! Ghedditt!?!?

Not one hair on the killer George Zimmerman's coifed head has been harm, not one hair.

Trayvon Martin Case: Exclusive Surveillance Video of George Zimmerman - ABC News

You people are so disgusting!!!

If anyone was lynched it appears more likely that it was Trayvon Martin.

I bet those proud white Good Ole Boys n Gals in those pics felt that they were the victims too.

Dollars to donuts they did.

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