I Don't Think Many Of You Know What "Confronted" Means


When the hell you going to wake up?

Bo Spanky lives a lavish lifestyle, witholds his employees' taxes and spends it at The Ritz.

Stiffing the government as he goes.

I am getting ready for your next bogus excuse.

lol...good one.

I haven't read the link yet, busy working, but I will.

However, rich folks are often accused, and sometimes are victims of their own success by missing out on the details of each and every minute payment they may have had to make.

I'm certain that this is as isolated to Sharpton as you're making it out to be.
Martin was observed to be behaving strangely in a gated neighborhood that has had a string of robberies. He came towards Zimmerman first, then ran when Zimmerman moved to meet him. Zimmerman ran initially, then stopped pursuit when the 911 operator told him to (and he probably thought "what the HELL am I doing?")

That isn't profiling. He didn't notice the kid because he was black. He noticed him because he was behaving strangely, and that's what he said in his call to 911...the kid acted like he was on drugs.

What did he do that was "behaving strangely" and who observed it OTHER than Zimmerman?
Keep in mind that Zimmerman made over 90 nuisance calls to 911 about "behaving strangely" incidents that turned out to be nothing.
You have to have more than "behaving strangely" to play copper.
What was he specifically doing that was strange?
Where is there any evidence "the kid acted like he was on drugs"?
What exatly was he doing?
Ok, Trayvon was doing nothing but walking through a community that had had some problems in it (worst of all burgulary), in which Zimmerman was appointed as watchmen over ???....Ok, Next Zimmerman noticed Trayvon walking in the neighborhood, because Trayvon was wearing a hoodie (a favorite atire for druggies, hoodlums, gangsta's, criminals and so forth, who want to conceal their indentity by wearing these hoodies, in which is even more hightened in suspicions, when it is not the season for wearing clothes that are designed mainly to keep you warm in the heart of winter))?? Now very sadly our youth have taken on the look also in many cases (as what some sort of a statement maybe)? Ummmm where they think that it's so cool to look the part of a thug these days)? I guess this was the first flag for Zimmerman to begin checking Trayvon out (it was wrong in America's thinking these days to do this, but was right on in the mind of a person like Zimmerman, who I guess was on watch. OK, so Zimmermans profiling experience is based on what ? Does anyone know Zimmermans background in security work?? Does he even have a background in security work?

Zimmerman said he (Trayvon) was acting strange according to Zimmerman when called 9-11 (what ever that means), then he gave a description of Trayvon as a blackman etc. when Trayvon began walking closer to him, I guess because his hood was up, and he couldnot tell until Trayvon came closer.

Yes Trayvon was profiled by Zimmerman as a possible criminal element in the area, but why(?) Was it due to his atire worn, and this when Zimmerman first spotted him, and not because he was a blackman when Zimmerman first spotted him??... Zimmerman profiled Trayvon as a suspicious character, that later led to the two coming into a great and dire situation together, that next led to traggic consequences over what apears to be a possible mis-judgement by Zimmerman, who had profiled Trayvon wrongfully as based upon his atire worn (the hoodie), in which caused a person like Zimmerman to become initially suspicious of Trayvon, in which started the whole deadly dance between the two on that traggic (((night)))? I was under the impression it was day when this happened, but was it at night ?

Racial profiling would have only been the case, if Zimmerman would have called 9-11 and said to begin with " Hey their is a "blackman" walking and looking suspicious in the area, so I am going to place him under survielence as a suspicious person due to the crimes that have taken place in the area...
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Racial profiling would have only been the case, if

At night, from some distance, it could be real hard to tell what a hooded-person's race is. And, Zimmerman seemed unsure of the race until some point during the 911 call when, as you point out, Trayvon came closer, and squarely faced Zimmerman. But, even if Zimmerman knew it was a black guy from the start, that still wouldn't prove racial profiling (not that there's anything wrong with profiling).

No, it's not racial profiling. But, the shit-for-brains racist lynch mob has to claim racial profiling or concede that Tyrone was acting suspiciously (Zimmerman's professed motivation).
Big article today all over about the PR firm that put out the photo of Martin in the 6th grade and the mug shot of Zimmerman in '05.
Sources state Martin looks nothing like that photo and Zimmerman is now much slimmer than he was then.
Talk about biased and prejudiced.
And Al, et al run with it.
Stinks more by the minute.
Marc, Malcolm X opposed the likes of Sharpton in his day.
I read the book on Malcolm X and also really enjoy the movie with Denzel Washington and Spike Lee in it.
Washington is one of my favorite actors and even though I do not agree with a lot of the politics of Lee he is a very talented writer and actor. His works are excellent.
Sharpton with his straightened Prince Valiant hair do. Malcolm despised the likes of Al Sharpton.
Big article today all over about the PR firm that put out the photo of Martin in the 6th grade and the mug shot of Zimmerman in '05.
Sources state Martin looks nothing like that photo and Zimmerman is now much slimmer than he was then.
Talk about biased and prejudiced.
And Al, et al run with it.
Stinks more by the minute.
After this, ANYONE who trusts the press to report on ANYTHING accurately, is even more of a fool than before.
Big article today all over about the PR firm that put out the photo of Martin in the 6th grade and the mug shot of Zimmerman in '05.
Sources state Martin looks nothing like that photo and Zimmerman is now much slimmer than he was then.
Talk about biased and prejudiced.
And Al, et al run with it.
Stinks more by the minute.
After this, ANYONE who trusts the press to report on ANYTHING accurately, is even more of a fool than before.

The press has been practicing with political reporting for so long, they think that's how you do everything now.

When the hell you going to wake up?

Bo Spanky lives a lavish lifestyle, witholds his employees' taxes and spends it at The Ritz.

Stiffing the government as he goes.

I am getting ready for your next bogus excuse.

lol...good one.

I haven't read the link yet, busy working, but I will.

However, rich folks are often accused, and sometimes are victims of their own success by missing out on the details of each and every minute payment they may have had to make.

I'm certain that this is as isolated to Sharpton as you're making it out to be.

"missing out on the details"
like stiffing a private business out of 100 grand.
"minute payment"
Earth to the simpleton Marc: 3 MILLION IS "MINUTE"?:cuckoo::cuckoo:
You asked for a link and now make excuses.
Seriously Marc, is that all the game you have? Excuse after excuse after excuse.
When I crossed the lines in no matter what I do, I am held accountable.
Since when have you ever called rich folks "victims"?
When they look like you do when their ass is caught in the crack.
Big article today all over about the PR firm that put out the photo of Martin in the 6th grade and the mug shot of Zimmerman in '05.
Sources state Martin looks nothing like that photo and Zimmerman is now much slimmer than he was then.
Talk about biased and prejudiced.
And Al, et al run with it.
Stinks more by the minute.
You mean that Zimmerman wasn't really a waddling obese porker unable to defend himself from a buff black football linebacker?

Big article today all over about the PR firm that put out the photo of Martin in the 6th grade and the mug shot of Zimmerman in '05.
Sources state Martin looks nothing like that photo and Zimmerman is now much slimmer than he was then.
Talk about biased and prejudiced.
And Al, et al run with it.
Stinks more by the minute.
You mean that Zimmerman wasn't really a waddling obese porker unable to defend himself from a buff black football linebacker?


Are you really this dense?
The photo of Martin media put out to begin with was a 6th grade photo-6 YEARS AGO.
To make him appear childlike.
The media puts out the orange jumpsuited Zimmerman mug shot to make him as bad as they possibly can.
And in Ravi's world that is not biased and prejudiced at all.
Marc, Malcolm X opposed the likes of Sharpton in his day.
I read the book on Malcolm X and also really enjoy the movie with Denzel Washington and Spike Lee in it.
Washington is one of my favorite actors and even though I do not agree with a lot of the politics of Lee he is a very talented writer and actor. His works are excellent.
Sharpton with his straightened Prince Valiant hair do. Malcolm despised the likes of Al Sharpton.
Spike Lee is a stone cold racist pure and simple, and the whites who have followed him (supported him) over the years have been duped by this cat... Proven by his actions in this case.
Marc, Malcolm X opposed the likes of Sharpton in his day.
I read the book on Malcolm X and also really enjoy the movie with Denzel Washington and Spike Lee in it.
Washington is one of my favorite actors and even though I do not agree with a lot of the politics of Lee he is a very talented writer and actor. His works are excellent.
Sharpton with his straightened Prince Valiant hair do. Malcolm despised the likes of Al Sharpton.
Spike Lee is a stone cold racist pure and simple, and the whites who have followed him (supported him) over the years have been duped by this cat... Proven by his actions in this case.
And a piece of shit for putting that innocent elderly couple in harms way by his RECKLESS acts. :mad:

I mean, WTF? That's plain egregious.
Big article today all over about the PR firm that put out the photo of Martin in the 6th grade and the mug shot of Zimmerman in '05.
Sources state Martin looks nothing like that photo and Zimmerman is now much slimmer than he was then.
Talk about biased and prejudiced.
And Al, et al run with it.
Stinks more by the minute.
You mean that Zimmerman wasn't really a waddling obese porker unable to defend himself from a buff black football linebacker?


Are you really this dense?
The photo of Martin media put out to begin with was a 6th grade photo-6 YEARS AGO.
To make him appear childlike.
The media puts out the orange jumpsuited Zimmerman mug shot to make him as bad as they possibly can.
And in Ravi's world that is not biased and prejudiced at all.
I was wondering about this aspect of it just as well in the beginning..........Things can begin to stink to the highest, when these things are orchastrated by any one side in a case, and this depending on all for whom are trying to save what it is that they want to save or cause (regardless of), especially in a case like this (or) upon anyother like it for that matter.

I just hope that justice prevails no matter what in the case..
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Marc, Malcolm X opposed the likes of Sharpton in his day.
I read the book on Malcolm X and also really enjoy the movie with Denzel Washington and Spike Lee in it.
Washington is one of my favorite actors and even though I do not agree with a lot of the politics of Lee he is a very talented writer and actor. His works are excellent.
Sharpton with his straightened Prince Valiant hair do. Malcolm despised the likes of Al Sharpton.
Spike Lee is a stone cold racist pure and simple, and the whites who have followed him (supported him) over the years have been duped by this cat... Proven by his actions in this case.

I agree but there are many whites that I also disagree with their politics that I enjoy their talents.
The media puts out the orange jumpsuited Zimmerman mug shot to make him as bad as they possibly can.

You're a god damned liar and you know it. Zimmerman wasn't wearing an orange jump suit in that picture. He was wearing a collared polo shirt. The arrest in connection with that mug shot never resulted in Zimmerman being incarcerated to be wearing a jailhouse jump suit in the first place in which he could have ever been photographed.

And if you'd been paying attention, the media has also been circulating a very well dressed, clean cut, picture of Zimmerman.

The media puts out the orange jumpsuited Zimmerman mug shot to make him as bad as they possibly can.

You're a god damned liar and you know it. Zimmerman wasn't wearing an orange jump suit in that picture. He was wearing a collared polo shirt. The arrest in connection with that mug shot never resulted in Zimmerman being incarcerated to be wearing a jailhouse jump suit in the first place in which he could have ever been photographed.

And if you'd been paying attention, the media has also been circulating a very well dressed, clean cut, picture of Zimmerman.


You are an idiot. You post ONE news source. AP has the photo of Zimmerman in the orange jump suit and STILL HAS the 6th grade photo of Martin. That matchup has covered the media in 99% of the markets.
You put up a "gumbumper.com" photo as your evidence. :lol::lol:
I am sure gumbumper.com has more than half of 1% of media exposure, if that.
You are beyond weak. Do you understand how foolish that makes you look?
Note to those that claim to be "in the middle": he left out the photo of Martin in the 6th grade.
Why do they put a photo of Martin in the 6th grade Moe?
You are an idiot.

No, you are, you dumb ass. You're just making shit up out of thin air, but what's worse is that you seem to actually believe what you're saying makes sense.

You post ONE news source.

No, I posted a picture. If you'd bothered to be paying attention, it's been all over the news.

AP has the photo of Zimmerman in the orange jump suit

It's not a jump suit, it's a polo shirt that belonged to Zimmerman. It's what he just happened to be wearing at the time of his arrest several years ago. It was the only picture available to the media when the story hit.
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