I Don't Think Many Of You Know What "Confronted" Means

Will you hardcore, radical RWers please stop using the term "lynching?"

Clearly you haven't a CLUE as to what lynching means.

Locking up does not equate to lynching.

This is lynching...







THAT is lynching! Ghedditt!?!?

Not one hair on the killer George Zimmerman's coifed head has been harm, not one hair.

Trayvon Martin Case: Exclusive Surveillance Video of George Zimmerman - ABC News

You people are so disgusting!!!

If anyone was lynched it appears more likely that it was Trayvon Martin.

I bet those proud white Good Ole Boys n Gals in those pics felt that they were the victims too.

Dollars to donuts they did.

What mob was after Martin?
Hispanics can't be white?
It's not a made up term. This is not the first time we've heard this term before.
The only thing that Al Sharpton and others, including myself, are bringing attention to is the seemingly corrupt, biased and racist leanings of the authorities in Sanford, FL.
Zimmerman is almost of no relevance...almost.

You have not proven there is any evidence that the authorities are corrupt, biased or racist in Sanford Florida.
"seemingly" is a pitiful stance when you are accusing someone of corruption.

Don't you think that Sharpton is "seemingly" corrupt Marc?
There is PLENTY of evidence of that but you will always ignore that because he looks like you.
Heck no I don't think Sharpton is corrupt.

Why are you besmirching and damaging a man's name?

What evidence to you have to support that BOGUS claim?

You really are showing your colors now.

My goodness!!

That's exactly what it is, which is why you should stop advocating vigilantism.

Those guys were lynched by left wing mobs who didn't want to wait for the law to determine guilt.
It's not about race you big dope. Where did I state it was?

Lynching is a specific ACT that involves death of the victim.

The killer George Zimmerman has had not so much as a single hair on his coifed hair harmed.

But yet and still you and your fellow radical RWers are squawking, squealing and yelping on and on about some made up "lynching."

What you are doing is diminishing the value of the word, rendering it useless.

A travesty and a great offense.

Cut it out!

*wagging finger more sternly*

Lynch mobs typically take accused criminals out of the custody of the state to sentence them and carry out their sentence before the state has an opportunity to either carry out the sentence, or determine their guilt.

Which is exactly what the people who are claiming that there's "proof" pointing to Zimmerman's guilt are doing.

I know exactly what it is, and it always starts with groups of people who claim to be acting for the good of some victim somewhere.
You have not proven there is any evidence that the authorities are corrupt, biased or racist in Sanford Florida.
"seemingly" is a pitiful stance when you are accusing someone of corruption.

Don't you think that Sharpton is "seemingly" corrupt Marc?
There is PLENTY of evidence of that but you will always ignore that because he looks like you.
Heck no I don't think Sharpton is corrupt.

Why are you besmirching and damaging a man's name?

What evidence to you have to support that BOGUS claim?

You really are showing your colors now.

My goodness!!

Somehow, whenever I read your posts, I'm reminded of a hysterical woman at the scene of a disaster who is standing on the sidelines doing nothing but screaming hysterically, while everyone else is working to fix things and trying to ignore her screeches.

I suppose every disaster needs one, though. :thup:
Sharpton pays himself hundreds of thousands of dollars and what does he do?
He withholds payroll deductions for state and federal taxes for all of his employees and what does he do with that $$$.
He pockets it and does not pay the taxes he withheld. He owes 2.6 million to the IRS and $900,000 in state taxes as a result of that.
Yet Marc holds him as not corrupt with evidence staring him in the face and alleges the white honkey Sanford authorities as "seemingly" corrupt with NO evidence.
This ain't rocket science folks.
Somehow, whenever I read your posts, I'm reminded of a hysterical woman at the scene of a disaster who is standing on the sidelines doing nothing but screaming hysterically, while everyone else is working to fix things and trying to ignore her screeches.

I suppose every disaster needs one, though. :thup:

The whole neighborhood's full of them this time. On both sides.
Sharpton pays himself hundreds of thousands of dollars and what does he do?
He withholds payroll deductions for state and federal taxes for all of his employees and what does he do with that $$$.
He pockets it and does not pay the taxes he withheld. He owes 2.6 million to the IRS and $900,000 in state taxes as a result of that.
Yet Marc holds him as not corrupt with evidence staring him in the face and alleges the white honkey Sanford authorities as "seemingly" corrupt with NO evidence.
This ain't rocket science folks.
Peter didn't STAY a "brawler" though.

In fact Christ admonished him to change those "brawler" ways.

There's a passage of text that goes something like this..."go and sin no more.."

But keep on promoting "brawler" ways...yuh heah!?

Yeah, that's why Christ had to tell him to stop attacking the arresting soldiers.

Sharpton pays himself hundreds of thousands of dollars and what does he do?
He withholds payroll deductions for state and federal taxes for all of his employees and what does he do with that $$$.
He pockets it and does not pay the taxes he withheld. He owes 2.6 million to the IRS and $900,000 in state taxes as a result of that.
Yet Marc holds him as not corrupt with evidence staring him in the face and alleges the white honkey Sanford authorities as "seemingly" corrupt with NO evidence.
This ain't rocket science folks.

You go find it. It is on his National Alliance Network NAN tax filings and since they are a "non profit" it is all there Marc. Public record.
Additionally Sharpton held one of his "conferences" in Memphis in 2008 and had 3 floors including the penthouse suite rented at the Peabody downtown. Of course his plan everywhere he goes is to shakedown a local business. His cronies go to the Federal courthouse everywhere they go and research the docket looking for who has filed any form of employment discrimination, racial or not, and contact that person. In this particular case it was an age discrimination case and Sharpton, et al entered the case with the objections of the plaintiff's attorney. And what was the opening bid? Sharpton wanted the corporation being sued to pay the Peabody tab for that week which was $110,000.00 and he would advise the lady suing that company to settle her lawysuit for what the company had offered previously. Or course after the investigation in this matter and the evidence provided to the company which included the facts listed in the last sentence the company told "Bo Spanky" to kiss their ass. The case went to trial and an almost all black jury gave the woman nothing and sided with the company.
So what does Sharpton do? He stiffs the Peabody out of the $106,900.00 bill. After many months and finally finding a willing victim another one of his "non profits" paid the tab after suit was filed.
His defense to not paying the tab? "The Peabody Hotel is owned by greedy racists".
Go look that one up also Marc.
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Will you hardcore, radical RWers please stop using the term "lynching?"

Clearly you haven't a CLUE as to what lynching means.

Locking up does not equate to lynching.

This is lynching...

Oh shit, now you've cum all over your keyboard, Marc.

Saunter back to Stormfront with your pictures.
Sharpton pays himself hundreds of thousands of dollars and what does he do?
He withholds payroll deductions for state and federal taxes for all of his employees and what does he do with that $$$.
He pockets it and does not pay the taxes he withheld. He owes 2.6 million to the IRS and $900,000 in state taxes as a result of that.
Yet Marc holds him as not corrupt with evidence staring him in the face and alleges the white honkey Sanford authorities as "seemingly" corrupt with NO evidence.
This ain't rocket science folks.

You go find it. It is on his National Alliance Network NAN tax filings and since they are a "non profit" it is all there Marc. Public record.
Additionally Sharpton held one of his "conferences" in Memphis in 2008 and had 3 floors including the penthouse suite rented at the Peabody downtown. Of course his plan everywhere he goes is to shakedown a local business. His cronies go to the Federal courthouse everywhere they go and research the docket looking for who has filed any form of employment discrimination, racial or not, and contact that person. In this particular case it was an age discrimination case and Sharpton, et al entered the case with the objections of the plaintiff's attorney. And what was the opening bid? Sharpton wanted the corporation being sued to pay the Peabody tab for that week which was $110,000.00 and he would advise the lady suing that company to settle her lawysuit for what the company had offered previously. Or course after the investigation in this matter and the evidence provided to the company which included the facts listed in the last sentence the company told "Bo Spanky" to kiss their ass. The case went to trial and an almost all black jury gave the woman nothing and sided with the company.
So what does Sharpton do? He stiffs the Peabody out of the $106,900.00 bill. After many months and finally finding a willing victim another one of his "non profits" paid the tab after suit was filed.
His defense to not paying the tab? "The Peabody Hotel is owned by greedy racists".
Go look that one up also Marc.
That's really all I needed to read, but I read it anyway.

The answer is a resounding NO! 1. I'm not the one making the claim, you are. The onus is on you to provide the link/proof/evidence of the claim. 2. It's important to you, not to me, so I have no interest in finding out whether or not that claim is true or false. 3. I typically posts links, videos, images, etc. when I'm making claims I suspect will get opposition. 4. I typically seek the evidence, proof, etc, when my claims are questioned and/or challenged.

Carry on.
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That's really all I needed to read, but I read it anyway.

The answer is a resounding NO! 1. I'm not the one making the claim, you are. The onus is on you to provide the link/proof/evidence of the claim. 2. It's important to you, not to me, so I have no interest in finding out whether or not that claim is true or false. 3. I typically posts links, videos, images, etc. when I'm making claims I suspect will get opposition. 4. I typically seek the evidence, proof, etc, when my claims are questioned and/or challenged.

Carry on.

Get real.

{The television show HBO's Real Sports with Bryant Gumbel showed a 1983 FBI videotape in which Al Sharpton is seen talking about laundering drug money with former mobster Michael Franzese, a Mafioso-turned-undercover-FBI informant posing as a cocaine dealer.

Skeleton Closet - Al Sharpton, The Dark Side
That's really all I needed to read, but I read it anyway.

The answer is a resounding NO! 1. I'm not the one making the claim, you are. The onus is on you to provide the link/proof/evidence of the claim. 2. It's important to you, not to me, so I have no interest in finding out whether or not that claim is true or false. 3. I typically posts links, videos, images, etc. when I'm making claims I suspect will get opposition. 4. I typically seek the evidence, proof, etc, when my claims are questioned and/or challenged.

Carry on.

Get real.

{The television show HBO's Real Sports with Bryant Gumbel showed a 1983 FBI videotape in which Al Sharpton is seen talking about laundering drug money with former mobster Michael Franzese, a Mafioso-turned-undercover-FBI informant posing as a cocaine dealer.

Skeleton Closet - Al Sharpton, The Dark Side

Marc knows it is all true.
Bo Spanky looks like Marc so Marc has to defend him.

You go find it. It is on his National Alliance Network NAN tax filings and since they are a "non profit" it is all there Marc. Public record.
Additionally Sharpton held one of his "conferences" in Memphis in 2008 and had 3 floors including the penthouse suite rented at the Peabody downtown. Of course his plan everywhere he goes is to shakedown a local business. His cronies go to the Federal courthouse everywhere they go and research the docket looking for who has filed any form of employment discrimination, racial or not, and contact that person. In this particular case it was an age discrimination case and Sharpton, et al entered the case with the objections of the plaintiff's attorney. And what was the opening bid? Sharpton wanted the corporation being sued to pay the Peabody tab for that week which was $110,000.00 and he would advise the lady suing that company to settle her lawysuit for what the company had offered previously. Or course after the investigation in this matter and the evidence provided to the company which included the facts listed in the last sentence the company told "Bo Spanky" to kiss their ass. The case went to trial and an almost all black jury gave the woman nothing and sided with the company.
So what does Sharpton do? He stiffs the Peabody out of the $106,900.00 bill. After many months and finally finding a willing victim another one of his "non profits" paid the tab after suit was filed.
His defense to not paying the tab? "The Peabody Hotel is owned by greedy racists".
Go look that one up also Marc.
That's really all I needed to read, but I read it anyway.

The answer is a resounding NO! 1. I'm not the one making the claim, you are. The onus is on you to provide the link/proof/evidence of the claim. 2. It's important to you, not to me, so I have no interest in finding out whether or not that claim is true or false. 3. I typically posts links, videos, images, etc. when I'm making claims I suspect will get opposition. 4. I typically seek the evidence, proof, etc, when my claims are questioned and/or challenged.

Carry on.

Read it and weep but grow some stones and join us in reality:

MSNBC Star Host Al Sharpton Owes IRS $2.6 Million | The Gateway Pundit

When the hell you going to wake up?

Bo Spanky lives a lavish lifestyle, witholds his employees' taxes and spends it at The Ritz.

Stiffing the government as he goes.

I am getting ready for your next bogus excuse.

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