I Don't Think My Chief Enemy is the Republican Party - Joe Biden


Gold Member
Jun 25, 2015
Swimming pools, movie stars
So is Joe Biden deluded or his he spot on with this remark? I think Hillary Clinton has a percentage of the Republican Party that can clearly be called her enemy, I mean what friend spends $100 million over twenty years trying to destroy you? or is that a fallacy too?

"Vice President Joe Biden on Tuesday took a swipe at Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton, saying it’s “naive” to think the country can be governed without working with Republicans.

At a gala honoring former Vice President Walter Mondale, Biden said it's critical to “end this notion that enemy is the other party.”

“End this notion that it is naive to think we can speak well of the other party and cooperation,” he added. “What is naive is to think it is remotely possible to govern this country unless we can.”

It was Biden’s sharpest critique yet of Clinton’s remark during last week’s Democratic debate that she sees the GOP as her “enemy.”

The vice president is considering challenging Clinton for the Democratic presidential nomination, and he is arguing he would be the candidate best suited to work across the aisle with Republicans if he runs.

Clinton was asked during last week’s debate which enemy she is most proud of. Clinton listed the National Rifle Association, the Iranians, drug companies and “probably the Republicans.”

“It’s most important that everyone in this room understand the other team is not the enemy,” the vice president said. “If you treat it as the enemy, there is no way you can ever resolve the problems we have.”
Biden swipes at Hillary: 'Naive' to think GOP is the enemy
Biden never accused her of being paranoid.
I think and I am a conservative that Joe maybe dead right on this issue. Hillary IS just to mentally unstable for the job. Could be that head injury or just good old fashion mental illness.

Having read what Joe said I DO see his concern and well fear that Hillary is simply NOT stable enough for leadership. That honesty speaks well of him.
Biden is as partisan as they get.... better go back and look at what he did to Clarence Thomas and Robert Bork.
Biden never accused her of being paranoid.
I think and I am a conservative that Joe maybe dead right on this issue. Hillary IS just to mentally unstable for the job. Could be that head injury or just good old fashion mental illness.

Having read what Joe said I DO see his concern and well fear that Hillary is simply NOT stable enough for leadership. That honesty speaks well of him.

Too bad it's Biden calling out Hillary because it wasn't but a few weeks ago all of you were calling him old man wacky doodle. Today you just look plain silly agreeing with him.
If Satan himself said Americans should stop looking at each other as enemies, it wouldn't make it any less the right thing to say.
Biden never accused her of being paranoid.
I think and I am a conservative that Joe maybe dead right on this issue. Hillary IS just to mentally unstable for the job. Could be that head injury or just good old fashion mental illness.

Having read what Joe said I DO see his concern and well fear that Hillary is simply NOT stable enough for leadership. That honesty speaks well of him.

Too bad it's Biden calling out Hillary because it wasn't but a few weeks ago all of you were calling him old man wacky doodle. Today you just look plain silly agreeing with him.

He's not calling her out, man... he's correcting her.

And I'll bet a dollar that she knows it and she'll be commenting in that direction shortly.

It was the right thing for SOMEONE with influence to say on the subject.

:beer: Kudos, Joe!​
So is Joe Biden deluded or his he spot on with this remark?

He's right on with that remark. When you start seeing your own countrymen as your enemies due to what they believe in, America is done.

"It's not naive to talk to Republicans" he said. Frankly, I see him as more bipartisan that some of the liberals here.
Biden never accused her of being paranoid.
I think and I am a conservative that Joe maybe dead right on this issue. Hillary IS just to mentally unstable for the job. Could be that head injury or just good old fashion mental illness.

Having read what Joe said I DO see his concern and well fear that Hillary is simply NOT stable enough for leadership. That honesty speaks well of him.

Too bad it's Biden calling out Hillary because it wasn't but a few weeks ago all of you were calling him old man wacky doodle. Today you just look plain silly agreeing with him.
I can see his point on this one and he has been around long enough to remember the last time democrats tried to force the country to accept some one with mental illness. Eagleton had spent time in a mental hospital getting shock treatments BEFORE be released to run for VP under McGovern.

So now Biden sees history TRYING to repeat its self. And Hillary and her mental illness as a NON starter.

So is Joe Biden deluded or his he spot on with this remark?

He's right on with that remark. When you start seeing your own countrymen as your enemies due to what they believe in America is done.

"It's not naive to talk to Republicans" he said. Frankly, I see him as more bipartisan that some of the liberals here.

I think it's odd to see Republicans overlook the 40 or so members of congress and the 30% or so of Tea Party members completely acting unhinged and destroying the Republican party to actually point to someone else as the bad guy.
Good for him. Partisan ideologues on both ends are so vicious towards the other side it's not exactly a stretch to think they consider the other enemies.

Too many crazies running around right now.

Exactly. :clap2:

Specific personalities creating the headlines in this here and now on the Timeline notwithstanding, the concept of both sides working together to drive this fucker in to the future is kind of do or die.
So is Joe Biden deluded or his he spot on with this remark?

He's right on with that remark. When you start seeing your own countrymen as your enemies due to what they believe in, America is done.

"It's not naive to talk to Republicans" he said. Frankly, I see him as more bipartisan that some of the liberals here.
And her paranoid thoughts and blame placement ARE growing. Suggesting the FBI is part of the RWC attacking her. So now she sees legit law enforcement as a threat.

For Biden to call her a "deluded paranoid" is right on the money.
So is Joe Biden deluded or his he spot on with this remark?

He's right on with that remark. When you start seeing your own countrymen as your enemies due to what they believe in America is done.

"It's not naive to talk to Republicans" he said. Frankly, I see him as more bipartisan that some of the liberals here.

I think it's odd to see Republicans overlook the 40 or so members of congress and the 30% or so of Tea Party members completely acting unhinged and destroying the Republican party to actually point to someone else as the bad guy.

They aren't helping. If you were looking for me to defend them, guess again. I'm sick and tired of all the partisanship.
Biden IS right Hillary IS a paranoid.

Shame the devil and tell the truth, I'd be a little paranoid too if I was her. She is an aging woman with a LOT of baggage, both personal and professional, and she's decided to pull herself under the lime-lights once again.


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