I don't think this shooting was justified...

If you haven't read my other posts, assure yourself that I'm all about giving LEOs and self defenders the benefit of the doubt...but this shooting looks to me like it was not justified. She introduces the gun from a desk drawer and he is just trying to escape the room. The coroner testified he was shot in the back at a trajectory consistent with him leaning out the window.

She is a bail bondswoman and he skipped bond.

She was found not guilty.

News link to follow.

Oklahoma DA’s office releases video of bail officer fatally shooting client

Shooting someone in the back while fleeing seem wrong but in the middle of a crime it has been done.

In Texas som years back two robbers were killed by a neighbor and he shot them in the back and was acquitted, so yeah it can happen...

Shooting a fleeing felon in the back is 100& legal.

"A police officer may not seize an unarmed, nondangerous suspect by shooting him dead...however...Where the officer has probable cause to believe that the suspect poses a threat of serious physical harm, either to the officer or to others, it is not constitutionally unreasonable to prevent escape by using deadly force."

—US Supreme Court Justice Byron White, Tennessee v. Garner
she's thinking ''danger, danger Will Robinson''
as usual the ''criminal'' initiates the problem
these are HUMANS in a dangerous situation---you have to have definite proof to convict the woman/cops for murder

At least manslaughter.
what if he's reaching for the gun?

If he was shot in the back, consistent with someone leaning out of a window, as indicated by the article, I don't see how he could have been reaching for the gun. It appears to be less than 2 seconds from the time the woman first puts her hand into the drawer to get the gun to the time she fires. That does not seem to be enough time for the man to be reaching for the gun, then turn around and start to climb out of the window, especially considering he doesn't seem to be reaching for the gun as the woman is pulling it from the drawer.
Also, the way the son is reacting doesn't seem to indicate the man is reaching for the gun. He doesn't seem particularly concerned until after the woman fires.

As I said earlier, I'm very curious what evidence the jury saw to create a reasonable doubt.
Leaning out a window? You trying to avoid detainment by escaping out a window?

I'm just going by the information provided in the article, which said "The state medical examiner reportedly said the bullet entered Williams’ lower back and exited his upper chest, which is consistent with being shot while bending out a window."

If you haven't read my other posts, assure yourself that I'm all about giving LEOs and self defenders the benefit of the doubt...but this shooting looks to me like it was not justified. She introduces the gun from a desk drawer and he is just trying to escape the room. The coroner testified he was shot in the back at a trajectory consistent with him leaning out the window.

She is a bail bondswoman and he skipped bond.

She was found not guilty.

News link to follow.

Oklahoma DA’s office releases video of bail officer fatally shooting client

Shooting someone in the back while fleeing seem wrong but in the middle of a crime it has been done.

In Texas som years back two robbers were killed by a neighbor and he shot them in the back and was acquitted, so yeah it can happen...

Shooting a fleeing felon in the back is 100& legal.

"A police officer may not seize an unarmed, nondangerous suspect by shooting him dead...however...Where the officer has probable cause to believe that the suspect poses a threat of serious physical harm, either to the officer or to others, it is not constitutionally unreasonable to prevent escape by using deadly force."

US Supreme Court Justice Byron White, Tennessee v. Garner

If there is probable cause to believe the suspect poses a significant threat should they escape. Just the fact that a felon is fleeing is not enough by itself.
If he was shot in the back, consistent with someone leaning out of a window, as indicated by the article, I don't see how he could have been reaching for the gun. It appears to be less than 2 seconds from the time the woman first puts her hand into the drawer to get the gun to the time she fires. That does not seem to be enough time for the man to be reaching for the gun, then turn around and start to climb out of the window, especially considering he doesn't seem to be reaching for the gun as the woman is pulling it from the drawer.
Also, the way the son is reacting doesn't seem to indicate the man is reaching for the gun. He doesn't seem particularly concerned until after the woman fires.

As I said earlier, I'm very curious what evidence the jury saw to create a reasonable doubt.
How can you say what the guy seems to be doing, when you can't see him ? He's not even in the picture. This looks bad for the woman, but you can't judge without seeing the guy who got shot.

He could have been about to throw something at her, or trying to flee the scene. Both of those would give justification to shoot, especially when he's well within the 21 foot zone.

She might have been cleared based on insufficient evidence.

I'm basing this on the medical examiner's report that he was shot in the lower back, and the bullet exited his upper chest, "which is consistent with being shot while bending out a window."

The man fleeing the scene does not, by itself, give legal justification to shoot. That requires probable cause that he is a significant threat to cause serious injury or death. It's possible there was such cause, it just doesn't exist in the video. I don't know if the jury took the woman's testimony that the suspect reached for the gun as the probable cause.

If you haven't read my other posts, assure yourself that I'm all about giving LEOs and self defenders the benefit of the doubt...but this shooting looks to me like it was not justified. She introduces the gun from a desk drawer and he is just trying to escape the room. The coroner testified he was shot in the back at a trajectory consistent with him leaning out the window.

She is a bail bondswoman and he skipped bond.

She was found not guilty.

News link to follow.

Oklahoma DA’s office releases video of bail officer fatally shooting client

He had skipped bond and was attempting to flee to avoid incarceration and prosecution. Bail bonds personnel are allowed to use force, up to and including lethal force to stop a fleeing felon. It's unfortunate that he's deceased, but had he cooperated, he'd be in jail, but alive.
Well, that's stupid. She's out her bond, unless death revokes it in her favor.

That is OK, and if the deceased has family, her son is in mortal danger.
Shot in the back and the defense argued that he tried to take the gun? That doesn't seem possible based on the video. I'm very curious what evidence caused the jury to acquit.
I may be wrong but the way i understood was this video just came out? Thats what someone out here said
she's thinking ''danger, danger Will Robinson''
as usual the ''criminal'' initiates the problem
these are HUMANS in a dangerous situation---you have to have definite proof to convict the woman/cops for murder

At least manslaughter.
what if he's reaching for the gun?

If he was shot in the back, consistent with someone leaning out of a window, as indicated by the article, I don't see how he could have been reaching for the gun. It appears to be less than 2 seconds from the time the woman first puts her hand into the drawer to get the gun to the time she fires. That does not seem to be enough time for the man to be reaching for the gun, then turn around and start to climb out of the window, especially considering he doesn't seem to be reaching for the gun as the woman is pulling it from the drawer.
Also, the way the son is reacting doesn't seem to indicate the man is reaching for the gun. He doesn't seem particularly concerned until after the woman fires.

As I said earlier, I'm very curious what evidence the jury saw to create a reasonable doubt.
Leaning out a window? You trying to avoid detainment by escaping out a window?

I'm just going by the information provided in the article, which said "The state medical examiner reportedly said the bullet entered Williams’ lower back and exited his upper chest, which is consistent with being shot while bending out a window."
Indeed, "Just bending out a window" would be how a convict describes his escape attempt after being shot for it. Seen it first hand.
Ah, OK. I think accident is a bad term in this instance, but I get what you are saying now.

A murder charge requires intent to harm someone outside of self-defense. The Prosecution couldn't prove this intent. This is the same reason most cops are acquitted after shooting "unarmed" criminals. This is the reason we don't normally throw people into jail for fatal car accidents.

A manslaughter charge, while not requiring intent to hurt others, is still ruled out if the intent is self-defense. Manslaughter requires a willful disregard for the safety of others.

This is why libtards claim white cops who shoot blacks are racist. They charge racism to provide the intent to hurt the criminal because the criminal is black.

I think she should have been convicted of manslaughter. I think she acted with gross negligence that demonstrates a depraved mind and I would have rejected her self-defense claim. But, I see how a jury might vote in her favor.
That was kidnapping and first degree murder during commission of a robbery. They lured the victim there on a false pretense and flat out murdered him over a fucking Mustang. If some scumbags did that to me or one of my family members and they were acquitted, they would likely be wishing that they had shot themselves to death.

My family is extremely cruel, merciless and brutal when it comes to vengeance.
At least manslaughter.
what if he's reaching for the gun?

If he was shot in the back, consistent with someone leaning out of a window, as indicated by the article, I don't see how he could have been reaching for the gun. It appears to be less than 2 seconds from the time the woman first puts her hand into the drawer to get the gun to the time she fires. That does not seem to be enough time for the man to be reaching for the gun, then turn around and start to climb out of the window, especially considering he doesn't seem to be reaching for the gun as the woman is pulling it from the drawer.
Also, the way the son is reacting doesn't seem to indicate the man is reaching for the gun. He doesn't seem particularly concerned until after the woman fires.

As I said earlier, I'm very curious what evidence the jury saw to create a reasonable doubt.
Leaning out a window? You trying to avoid detainment by escaping out a window?

I'm just going by the information provided in the article, which said "The state medical examiner reportedly said the bullet entered Williams’ lower back and exited his upper chest, which is consistent with being shot while bending out a window."
Indeed, "Just bending out a window" would be how a convict describes his escape attempt after being shot for it. Seen it first hand.

I don't think there is much question he was trying to escape if he was climbing out the window. :)
Ah, OK. I think accident is a bad term in this instance, but I get what you are saying now.

A murder charge requires intent to harm someone outside of self-defense. The Prosecution couldn't prove this intent. This is the same reason most cops are acquitted after shooting "unarmed" criminals. This is the reason we don't normally throw people into jail for fatal car accidents.

A manslaughter charge, while not requiring intent to hurt others, is still ruled out if the intent is self-defense. Manslaughter requires a willful disregard for the safety of others.

This is why libtards claim white cops who shoot blacks are racist. They charge racism to provide the intent to hurt the criminal because the criminal is black.

I think she should have been convicted of manslaughter. I think she acted with gross negligence that demonstrates a depraved mind and I would have rejected her self-defense claim. But, I see how a jury might vote in her favor.

A "depraved mind" would allow a second degree murder charge; that's actually part of the wording in the Oklahoma statute. Oklahoma Second-Degree Murder

If the jury decided she was acting in self defense, I don't think a murder or manslaughter charge would be sustained.
these situations can be/are dynamic

  1. 1.
    (of a process or system) characterized by constant change, activity, or progress.

..there are many incidents of cops aiming guns on unarmed people and they do not comply
..he very well could've been threatening/reaching/etc as she held the weapon--could've been trying to escape/stopping/escaping/stopped/reaching/etc --dynamic

..if he was trying to escape and not threatening, it still might not be termed as murder
..if he threatened in any way, not guilty
..if he didn't threaten, guilty of manslaughter/murder 2nd degree...I thought they charged 1st degree--which even if he was only escaping, probably not 1st
what if he's reaching for the gun?

If he was shot in the back, consistent with someone leaning out of a window, as indicated by the article, I don't see how he could have been reaching for the gun. It appears to be less than 2 seconds from the time the woman first puts her hand into the drawer to get the gun to the time she fires. That does not seem to be enough time for the man to be reaching for the gun, then turn around and start to climb out of the window, especially considering he doesn't seem to be reaching for the gun as the woman is pulling it from the drawer.
Also, the way the son is reacting doesn't seem to indicate the man is reaching for the gun. He doesn't seem particularly concerned until after the woman fires.

As I said earlier, I'm very curious what evidence the jury saw to create a reasonable doubt.
Leaning out a window? You trying to avoid detainment by escaping out a window?

I'm just going by the information provided in the article, which said "The state medical examiner reportedly said the bullet entered Williams’ lower back and exited his upper chest, which is consistent with being shot while bending out a window."
Indeed, "Just bending out a window" would be how a convict describes his escape attempt after being shot for it. Seen it first hand.

I don't think there is much question he was trying to escape if he was climbing out the window. :)
wait there...he can try to get out the window--and maybe has problems getting out--stopping--reaching for gun, sees gun, turns and trying to escape again
...maybe he couldn't get out the window immediately
..see my previous post
...evidence shows Mike Brown tried to get away, then came back

If you haven't read my other posts, assure yourself that I'm all about giving LEOs and self defenders the benefit of the doubt...but this shooting looks to me like it was not justified. She introduces the gun from a desk drawer and he is just trying to escape the room. The coroner testified he was shot in the back at a trajectory consistent with him leaning out the window.

She is a bail bondswoman and he skipped bond.

She was found not guilty.

News link to follow.

Oklahoma DA’s office releases video of bail officer fatally shooting client

Hollywood Glamorizing Convicts Is the Real Crime

Letting criminals run loose in society is what you want? We need a "Stop or I'll Shoot" law. It is no different from shooting man-eating animals if they escape from the zoo.
what if he's reaching for the gun?

If he was shot in the back, consistent with someone leaning out of a window, as indicated by the article, I don't see how he could have been reaching for the gun. It appears to be less than 2 seconds from the time the woman first puts her hand into the drawer to get the gun to the time she fires. That does not seem to be enough time for the man to be reaching for the gun, then turn around and start to climb out of the window, especially considering he doesn't seem to be reaching for the gun as the woman is pulling it from the drawer.
Also, the way the son is reacting doesn't seem to indicate the man is reaching for the gun. He doesn't seem particularly concerned until after the woman fires.

As I said earlier, I'm very curious what evidence the jury saw to create a reasonable doubt.
Leaning out a window? You trying to avoid detainment by escaping out a window?

I'm just going by the information provided in the article, which said "The state medical examiner reportedly said the bullet entered Williams’ lower back and exited his upper chest, which is consistent with being shot while bending out a window."
Indeed, "Just bending out a window" would be how a convict describes his escape attempt after being shot for it. Seen it first hand.

I don't think there is much question he was trying to escape if he was climbing out the window. :)
after Brown ran away from Wilson’s car
Officer Wilson said that Mr. Brown had lowered his arms and moved toward him,
Here is everything police and witnesses said happened when Michael Brown was killed
could she have just blasted away as he was going out the window --sure
could he have threatened her and then turned as he tried to go out the window--sure
it could've happened in less than a second--him grabbing then turning

I'd give her the benefit of the doubt

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