I Don't Understand How A Natural Woman Can vote dim Anymore

Women's Health Care is more than a one issue situation. Which makes it more complicated than a simple thinking person such as a, maga "P01135809", to understand.
Complicated issues keep your head up P01135809 ass.
Can't even bring yourself to use the word abortion. Talk about linguistic gymnastics.
Women's Health Care is more than a one issue situation. Which makes it more complicated than a simple thinking person such as a, maga "P01135809", to understand.
Complicated issues keep your head up P01135809 ass
Use a little responsibility, on both sides, and killing innocent babies numbers would drop like a stone
As stated earlier, multifaceted complicated issues keep stupid people like you, stupid.
Twist it as many ways as you wish but it is more than what you want to talk about during the discussion.

They are pathological liars.

And scum.

Health Care is Health Care. Being pregnant is not a sickness or a disease. Being a stupid fucking dimocrap is closer to being diseased than is being pregnant.

Being ugly isn't a disease. But I'd rather see that addressed than being pregnant. Being pregnant can be an inconvenience, but that's about it. If there is a situation where there is a morbidity associated with being pregnant, THAT is a disease or sickness. A Healthy pregnancy is anything but a disease or a sickness.

Only dimocrap FILTH think otherwise. But, what could one expect? They are, afterall, FILTH.
Same reply to you. This is more than a one issue problem.
To bad you cannot understand the reality of the situation.
Oh I understand it perfectly. Put a hood on it.

How's that? Cripes you're stupid

Hint, if you can't be responsible, use protection... you and the big girl
A hood on your head? Hell , I don't even know you and with saying that I am glad I do not.
Speaking of stupid..
One more time dunce-ass, it is more than a single issue with Women's Health Care.
But you don't or won't accept that fact.

Oh I understand it perfectly. Put a hood on it.

How's that? Cripes you're stupid
A hood on your head? Hell , I don't even know you and with saying that I am glad I do not.
Speaking of stupid..
One more time dunce-ass, it is more than a single issue with Women's Health Care.
But you don't or won't accept that fact.

You really are slow.

It can't be an act. Go bother someone 6
Seems to me, the dim party wants to eliminate women from society. In Sports, in business, in Media.

Not just in Golf, but in High School Sports, College Sports, etc.

What about that Male that defeated all those female swimmers? How about Dylan Mulvaney?

I know why, do you?

Please, if you can, try to post something legible and coherent if you are want to make an educated response.
The nerve to actually think you are of some even limited intelligence.

Just stop, you're too fuckin stupid to read legibable

Goddamn loons

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