I Don't Understand the Problem With Wearing Masks (AKA: Anti-Maskers)?

CNN is an accredited news station with actual journalists and faces real, legal scrutiny for posting libel or made-up things.
It takes 3 seconds to strap over your ears and go. What is the big deal to people? Why are there anti-maskers who are lying and saying they have medical conditions/other BS?

It literally takes like 3 seconds to put on your face and move on with your life...what gives?
There is no problem.
Tell that to these folks:

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It takes 3 seconds to strap over your ears and go. What is the big deal to people? Why are there anti-maskers who are lying and saying they have medical conditions/other BS?

It literally takes like 3 seconds to put on your face and move on with your life...what gives?
There is no problem.
Tell that to the folks who got bacterial pneumonia from all the waste bacteria that they breathed out into a mask that got sucked right back in on the next breath.

Who are they?
I also don't understand the problem with wearing a mask. We know that we are in the midst of a worldwide pandemic. We know that precautions need to be taken to prevent the spread of this virus. The people who don't want to wear masks really are being disrespectful to all others. It has nothing to do with "freedom." They seem to want to get sick and take as many other people with them as possible. The fantasy world that they are trying to live in is no match for harsh reality.
It takes 3 seconds to strap over your ears and go. What is the big deal to people? Why are there anti-maskers who are lying and saying they have medical conditions/other BS?

It literally takes like 3 seconds to put on your face and move on with your life...what gives?
View attachment 459615
Doctors say it can save lives...what makes me a Sheep for wanting to live? Dr. Fauci says double-mask if possible.
Who gives a shit what doctors think of a political topic? Find a doctor who can explain how the holes or pores in masks are supposed to filter out droplets or viruses that are 1000 times smaller than the virus.

As has been explained hundreds of times. the mask is NOT for your protection, but others around you.
What does that have to do with what you quoted of me?

I guess you are too fucking stupid to understand it. Don't wear a mask and kill someone you care about. Fine with me!
All you mask advocates are fucking fools.

You pathetic fools abdicate personal responsibility every chance you get and you demand everyone else do so too, so you won't feel so bad about being the cowardly losers you are.
When I think of how free the average American used to be when I was a kid, versus now, I wonder how the hell we got from there..... to here. And then I realize it was done one little bit at a time, and with the full cooperation and participation of sorry pieces of shit like you all.....
You're nothing more than livestock. You have no more sense or dignity than that of some dumb bovine in a field, chewing it's cud.

You disgust me.
I am 32 years old...live in Fort Worth, TX bro. LIve alone. Sorry.
Welcome to USMB. The home of angry old thickos. They hate so called "science" and "experts" and "education" because its all a conspiracy started by Soros and Gates to target angry old thickos and stop them from oppressing blacks and gays. Oh and muzzies as well.
Projection becomes you
It takes 3 seconds to strap over your ears and go. What is the big deal to people? Why are there anti-maskers who are lying and saying they have medical conditions/other BS?

It literally takes like 3 seconds to put on your face and move on with your life...what gives?
View attachment 459615
Doctors say it can save lives...what makes me a Sheep for wanting to live? Dr. Fauci says double-mask if possible.
Who gives a shit what doctors think of a political topic? Find a doctor who can explain how the holes or pores in masks are supposed to filter out droplets or viruses that are 1000 times smaller than the virus.

As has been explained hundreds of times. the mask is NOT for your protection, but others around you.
What does that have to do with what you quoted of me?

I guess you are too fucking stupid to understand it. Don't wear a mask and kill someone you care about. Fine with me!
Here you are talking about stupid, yet you cannot explain how the holes or pores of masks could ever filter out a droplet or virus that is a thousand times smaller. Worse yet, you don't even understand why we would want to know this information. You don't even understand why you will evade answering these questions.
It takes 3 seconds to strap over your ears and go. What is the big deal to people? Why are there anti-maskers who are lying and saying they have medical conditions/other BS?

It literally takes like 3 seconds to put on your face and move on with your life...what gives?
View attachment 459615
Doctors say it can save lives...what makes me a Sheep for wanting to live? Dr. Fauci says double-mask if possible.
Who gives a shit what doctors think of a political topic? Find a doctor who can explain how the holes or pores in masks are supposed to filter out droplets or viruses that are 1000 times smaller than the virus.

As has been explained hundreds of times. the mask is NOT for your protection, but others around you.
Don't worry about protecting me. I take responsibility for my own health and safety, and i am trained to select the correct NIOSH approved PPE for whatever hazmat I need protection from. I do not need any help with my safety from somebody who thinks a hokey cloth mask is going to stop a virus.
It takes 3 seconds to strap over your ears and go. What is the big deal to people? Why are there anti-maskers who are lying and saying they have medical conditions/other BS?

It literally takes like 3 seconds to put on your face and move on with your life...what gives?

When is the last time you saw anyone not wearing the mask? I have never seen this since the mask cult has made an issue of it. I doubt you have either
It takes 3 seconds to strap over your ears and go. What is the big deal to people? Why are there anti-maskers who are lying and saying they have medical conditions/other BS?

It literally takes like 3 seconds to put on your face and move on with your life...what gives?

It doesn't work, its a costume, just a symbol that people "care". Like wearing a red ribbon for breast cancer awareness or something.

The purpose is Liberal Conformity, not Pubic Health.
Areas that were shut down the tightest have some of the worst second waves of the virus. Explain why that is!
One reason is those shut down the tightest had population among them that rebelled, and didn't wear masks or follow the guidelines. Thus their mitigation was only partly effective, and the underlying cases were kindling when restrictions were relaxed.

There was a state supreme court that even ruled that the governors mask mandates were unconstitutional.

States where masks weren't mandated and had more people not wearing them should by your contention have elevated levels of infection from the virus yet they don't...how do you explain that, Gene? The States that cracked down the hardest with regulations are now the hardest hit with the second wave of infections. What does that tell you?
It takes 3 seconds to strap over your ears and go. What is the big deal to people? Why are there anti-maskers who are lying and saying they have medical conditions/other BS?

It literally takes like 3 seconds to put on your face and move on with your life...what gives?

When is the last time you saw anyone not wearing the mask? I have never seen this since the mask cult has made an issue of it. I doubt you have either
The last ime I seen anyone not wearing them? It's been awhile honestly. Actually, here in Fort Worth almost everyone wears them without issue. I have not 1 time seen anyone make a public "Karen" type thing where they get put on Snapchat throwing groceries around or yelling at 16 year old cashiers about masks. I seen more of those from California richy-types actually than anywhere else (shame on y'all California)

I am very proud of Texas.
CNN is an accredited news station with actual journalists and faces real, legal scrutiny for posting libel or made-up things. So yes, what CNN says means more to me than you Googling photos of acne and posting it in my topic. Have a good weekend.

You probably didn't even know that propaganda is legal now. Here's a video for you to watch and this woman is a liberal, by the way. If you don't have time to watch the whole thing, fast forward it to 6:37 and watch until 8:24.

It takes 3 seconds to strap over your ears and go. What is the big deal to people? Why are there anti-maskers who are lying and saying they have medical conditions/other BS?

It literally takes like 3 seconds to put on your face and move on with your life...what gives?
View attachment 459615
Doctors say it can save lives...what makes me a Sheep for wanting to live? Dr. Fauci says double-mask if possible.
Since other doctors disagree, that's a fallacious appeal to authority.
because they are spoiled little brats that don't care for their fellow humans as much as having their instant gratification with their silly thinking' FREEDOM... USA USA USA !!!!!!!!!' mentality.

if a woman can mask up & give birth during this pandemic, then a bunch of (R) gun strapping macho 'men' & their equally stooooooopid female counterparts can too.

what whiny little babies they are.
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It takes 3 seconds to strap over your ears and go. What is the big deal to people? Why are there anti-maskers who are lying and saying they have medical conditions/other BS?
Can you name a few of these people and explain how you came to the conclusion that they are lying about having a medical condition?

Was George Floyd lying when he said he couldn't breathe?
It's an annoyance and inconvenience at best.

Certainly nothing worth freaking out over.
Actually masks can kill you indirectly by causing mask mouth, which is periodontal disease caused the disruption of normal air flow. And periodontal disease increases your risk of heart disease, which in turn can lead to your untimely death.

And if you have a slight SARS CoV-2 infection, a mask can make you rebreathe any virus that you shed, thus increasing your viral load and making it more likely that you will get sick with COVID-19. That can kill you too.

Also, anyone with a lick of common sense knows that it's stupid to disrupt your normal respiration.

Also, many people are immune to it now. There is no reason for them to be wearing a mask, except to virtue signal. And only those with no actual virtues feel a need to virtue signal.
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