I Don't Understand the Problem With Wearing Masks (AKA: Anti-Maskers)?

It's an annoyance and inconvenience at best.

Certainly nothing worth freaking out over.
Actually masks can kill you indirectly by causing mask mouth, which is periodontal disease caused the disruption of normal air flow. And that increases your risk of heart disease, which in turn can lead to your untimely death.

Also, anyone with a lick of common sense knows that it's stupid to disrupt your normal respiration.

anybody knows that flossing & brushing yer teeth daily will negate that risk easily.
what whiny little babies they are.

Says the pathetic whiny wannabe-tyrant who is upset that sane people won't let him dictate his insane demands on everyone else.

If you want to be a tyrant, the very first thing you need is to come across as having some strength and authority. Being a whiny little bitch doesn't do it.


drama queen.jpg
It's an annoyance and inconvenience at best.

Certainly nothing worth freaking out over.
Actually masks can kill you indirectly by causing mask mouth, which is periodontal disease caused the disruption of normal air flow. And that increases your risk of heart disease, which in turn can lead to your untimely death.

Also, anyone with a lick of common sense knows that it's stupid to disrupt your normal respiration.

anybody knows that flossing & brushing yer teeth daily will negate that risk easily.
That's not necessarily the case. The mask mouth problem isn't caused by a lack of brushing and flossing.

The problem is twofold. First of all, the masks make it more difficult to breathe, which tends to make people gasp for air through their mouth. That increased airflow tends to dry out the protective saliva in the mouth.(and people don't drink as much water when they're wearing a mask) Furthermore, the increased CO2 concentration caused by the mask tends to acidify whatever saliva is left.
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It's an annoyance and inconvenience at best.

Certainly nothing worth freaking out over.
Actually masks can kill you indirectly by causing mask mouth, which is periodontal disease caused the disruption of normal air flow. And that increases your risk of heart disease, which in turn can lead to your untimely death.

Also, anyone with a lick of common sense knows that it's stupid to disrupt your normal respiration.

anybody knows that flossing & brushing yer teeth daily will negate that risk easily.
That's not necessarily the case. The mask mouth problem isn't caused by a lack of brushing and flossing.

The problem is twofold. First of all, the masks make it more difficult to breathe, which tends to make people gasp for air through their mouth. That increased airflow tends to dry out the protective saliva in the mouth.(and people don't drink as much water when they're wearing a mask) Furthermore, the increased CO2 concentration caused by the mask tends to acidify whatever saliva is left.

oh dear - so, let's weigh the pros & cons ....

wearing a mask & possibly getting 'mask mouth' a CONcern, no doubt ... but would take years to get to the point of having heart problems & can be mitigated.


not wearing a mask & possibly contracting a virus, that could not only KILL you in a very short amt of time - but that you can transmit that same deadly disease to multiple of people - that in turn can transmit it to another multitude of people... & so on & so on & so on....

huh. seems like an easy decision.
because they are spoiled little brats that don't care for their fellow humans as much as having their instant gratification with their silly thinking' FREEDOM... USA USA USA !!!!!!!!!' mentality.

if a woman can mask up & give birth during this pandemic, then a bunch of (R) gun strapping macho 'men' & their equally stooooooopid female counterparts can too.

what whiny little babies they are.

LOL, stuff it kid, you've bought into the lie. Neverending shots an mask wering, that's the ticket. Put your big person pants on.
not wearing a mask & possibly contracting a virus, that could not only KILL you in a very short amt of time - but that you can transmit that same deadly disease to multiple of people - that in turn can transmit it to another multitude of people... & so on & so on & so on....

Your error is in assuming that a mask offers any protection against viruses: which is as stupid as assuming that a chain-link fence can offer any protection from mosquitoes.

Being permitted to pepper spray, punch, or assault maskless people for defense purposes when they approached you could have resolved this social problem. Would have saved tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of lives.
Being permitted to pepper spray, punch, or assault maskless people for defense purposes when they approached you could have resolved this social problem. Would have saved tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of lives.

It would get you hurt very badly.

As if those who are so weak, cowardly, and stupid that they fall for the #CoronaHoax2020 are going to prevail by fantasizing about violently attacking those of us who are otherwise.
I was annoyed by the mask thing but then I realized that I kind of like being incognito.

With my hat, sunglasses and neck gaiter or my terrorist head wrap ( Shemagh) i have been able to walk around and not be bothered by people who know me that I don't want to talk to.
Being permitted to pepper spray, punch, or assault maskless people for defense purposes when they approached you could have resolved this social problem. Would have saved tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of lives.

It would get you hurt very badly.

As if those who are so weak, cowardly, and stupid that they fall for the #CoronaHoax2020 are going to prevail by fantasizing about violently attacking those of us who are otherwise.

I just shake my head at them.
Being permitted to pepper spray, punch, or assault maskless people for defense purposes when they approached you could have resolved this social problem. Would have saved tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of lives.

It would get you hurt very badly.
How would you react? Remember, I said assaulting the maskless punks would be permitted as an act of self-defense, so what would your dumb ass do?
Being permitted to pepper spray, punch, or assault maskless people for defense purposes when they approached you could have resolved this social problem. Would have saved tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of lives.

It would get you hurt very badly.
How would you react? Remember, I said assaulting the maskless punks would be permitted as an act of self-defense, so what would your dumb ass do?

It wouldn't be permitted by me.
How would you react? Remember, I said assaulting the maskless punks would be permitted as an act of self-defense, so what would your dumb ass do?

If you were to actually try it, you'd surely get your ass seriously kicked.

But we all know you're full of shit. If you really had the guts to initiate a violent attack, you wouldn't be cowering in fear in your mother's basement, in deathly terror over a hyperbolized flu bug.

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Being permitted to pepper spray, punch, or assault maskless people for defense purposes when they approached you could have resolved this social problem. Would have saved tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of lives.
Try it soon.
How would you react? Remember, I said assaulting the maskless punks would be permitted as an act of self-defense, so what would your dumb ass do?

If you were to actually try it, you'd surely get your ass seriously kicked.

But we all know you're full of shit. If you really had the guts to initiate a violent attack, you wouldn't be cowering in fear in your mother's basement, in deathly terror over a hyperbolized flu bug.

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They think that because Prog "men" are Beta Boi's by nature everyone else is too.
Being permitted to pepper spray, punch, or assault maskless people for defense purposes when they approached you could have resolved this social problem. Would have saved tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of lives.

It would get you hurt very badly.
How would you react? Remember, I said assaulting the maskless punks would be permitted as an act of self-defense, so what would your dumb ass do?
No, it would not be permitted.

That you feel entitled to assault people for refusing to be bullied into doing what you want them to do, illustrates what a sorry excuse for a person you are.

I don't wear a mask, would you like to try and assault me?
because they are spoiled little brats that don't care for their fellow humans as much as having their instant gratification with their silly thinking' FREEDOM... USA USA USA !!!!!!!!!' mentality.

if a woman can mask up & give birth during this pandemic, then a bunch of (R) gun strapping macho 'men' & their equally stooooooopid female counterparts can too.

what whiny little babies they are.

LOL, stuff it kid, you've bought into the lie. Neverending shots an mask wering, that's the ticket. Put your big person pants on.


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