I don’t understand why republicans are so selective about the definition of socialism

To them, it’s a completely leftwing ideology when in reality it’s been part of the framework of the country since the beginning. It’s also stupid to say that communism and socialism are the same thing when in reality communism is simply an example of socialism. Socialism itself is a very broad term that can’t be defined simply.

Also, isn’t Trump the bigger socialist than Obama? His bailout to farmers was twice as big as Obama’s bailout. Are republicans going to pretend that isn’t socialism?

Billy, just to make it simple, look at socialism as a pyramid scheme. Bernie Madoff is a typical socialist, just like Bernie Sanders.

There does not have to be anything impractical about socialism at all.
Sure you can't have people voting themselves lots of free stuff, but that is not socialism.
Socialism is where you invest public funds into enterprises so that no one can control them with a private monopoly.
If there is no monopoly risk, then you do not have to do anything.
But if you want, you can make some stuff free, like public education.
That has its own payback and worth it.
To them, it’s a completely leftwing ideology when in reality it’s been part of the framework of the country since the beginning. It’s also stupid to say that communism and socialism are the same thing when in reality communism is simply an example of socialism. Socialism itself is a very broad term that can’t be defined simply...
I don't understand why socialists have such a tough time understanding the definition of socialism. I mean, all one need do is Google:
  1. a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.

  2. (in Marxist theory) a transitional social state between the overthrow of capitalism and the realization of Communism.

Sure socialism is easy to define in broad terms, but read that definition more closely.

{... a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole. ...}

So all that definition really says is that if you have labor laws and anti trust laws, you have socialism.
So then socialism is essential to any free society.
There are lots of people claiming socialism ends private ownership, and that is just plain wrong.
To them, it’s a completely leftwing ideology when in reality it’s been part of the framework of the country since the beginning. It’s also stupid to say that communism and socialism are the same thing when in reality communism is simply an example of socialism. Socialism itself is a very broad term that can’t be defined simply.

Also, isn’t Trump the bigger socialist than Obama? His bailout to farmers was twice as big as Obama’s bailout. Are republicans going to pretend that isn’t socialism?

Billy, just to make it simple, look at socialism as a pyramid scheme. Bernie Madoff is a typical socialist, just like Bernie Sanders.
Is Trump not a socialist with his bailout? Can you explain how?
Trump gives money away to help people. Socialists keep the money to pass out free shit to freeloaders for votes.

With socialism, it is the people who control the tax money and the economy, so it goes to whatever they vote for.
So the only free stuff that is given out is what benefits everyone, like public education and health care.
To them, it’s a completely leftwing ideology when in reality it’s been part of the framework of the country since the beginning. It’s also stupid to say that communism and socialism are the same thing when in reality communism is simply an example of socialism. Socialism itself is a very broad term that can’t be defined simply.

Also, isn’t Trump the bigger socialist than Obama? His bailout to farmers was twice as big as Obama’s bailout. Are republicans going to pretend that isn’t socialism?

Billy, just to make it simple, look at socialism as a pyramid scheme. Bernie Madoff is a typical socialist, just like Bernie Sanders.
Is Trump not a socialist with his bailout? Can you explain how?
Trump gives money away to help people. Socialists keep the money to pass out free shit to freeloaders for votes.

First of all, those images are both of the US.
The first is Detroit, which was destroyed by automakers moving production to Mexico where there are no labor laws.

Second is that when you have income inequality like that, it is capitalism, not socialism.
To them, it’s a completely leftwing ideology when in reality it’s been part of the framework of the country since the beginning. It’s also stupid to say that communism and socialism are the same thing when in reality communism is simply an example of socialism. Socialism itself is a very broad term that can’t be defined simply.

Also, isn’t Trump the bigger socialist than Obama? His bailout to farmers was twice as big as Obama’s bailout. Are republicans going to pretend that isn’t socialism?

How many different ways can you frame “GIVE ME FREE SHIT”?
Dude look, we totally get it...you’re unable to pay your own way...FUCK stop embarrassing yourself.
Bulb...why do most red states have highest rates of welfare and food stamp recipients?
Dont blame it on brownies this time again.
You are not well informed

most welfare bums vote democrat no matter which state they live in
To them, it’s a completely leftwing ideology when in reality it’s been part of the framework of the country since the beginning. The founders had socialist ideas after all. They basically were leftists. It’s also stupid to say that communism and socialism are the same thing when in reality communism is simply an example of socialism. Socialism itself is a very broad term that can’t be defined simply.

Also, isn’t Trump the bigger socialist than Obama? His bailout to farmers was twice as big as Obama’s bailout. Are republicans going to pretend that isn’t socialism?

How come Liberals can’t accept that Capitalism pays for Socialism? How come Liberals can’t see that a more Socialist an economy, the lesser a Middle Class exists? How come Liberals can’t see that the more Socialist an economy, a more truer 1 percent exists and less opportunity for economic advancement among the masses (aka Opportunity)?

Historically enterprise used to be done by the government, like Egyptians and Romans building harbors, roads, harvests, aqueducts, etc.
Capitalism has a degree of innovation and energy, but it could all be done just as well with collective planning and profit sharing of socialism.
Social Security is a good example of how socialism works better than capitalism, as no private trust fund or investment scheme works nearly as well as social security does.
When you have income inequality, that is not socialism.
None of the Stalinist countries were even remotely socialist at all.
To them, it’s a completely leftwing ideology when in reality it’s been part of the framework of the country since the beginning. It’s also stupid to say that communism and socialism are the same thing when in reality communism is simply an example of socialism. Socialism itself is a very broad term that can’t be defined simply.

Also, isn’t Trump the bigger socialist than Obama? His bailout to farmers was twice as big as Obama’s bailout. Are republicans going to pretend that isn’t socialism?

How many different ways can you frame “GIVE ME FREE SHIT”?
Dude look, we totally get it...you’re unable to pay your own way...FUCK stop embarrassing yourself.
Bulb...why do most red states have highest rates of welfare and food stamp recipients?
Dont blame it on brownies this time again.
You are not well informed

most welfare bums vote democrat no matter which state they live in

Hardly anyone can get welfare in the US.
Only women with dependent children can get it, and even then not for long.
To them, it’s a completely leftwing ideology when in reality it’s been part of the framework of the country since the beginning. The founders had socialist ideas after all. They basically were leftists. It’s also stupid to say that communism and socialism are the same thing when in reality communism is simply an example of socialism. Socialism itself is a very broad term that can’t be defined simply.

Also, isn’t Trump the bigger socialist than Obama? His bailout to farmers was twice as big as Obama’s bailout. Are republicans going to pretend that isn’t socialism?

Try to stop changing the definition for it every 20 minutes ..
For yourselves not for us ..you poor little mental patients
To them, it’s a completely leftwing ideology when in reality it’s been part of the framework of the country since the beginning. The founders had socialist ideas after all. They basically were leftists. It’s also stupid to say that communism and socialism are the same thing when in reality communism is simply an example of socialism. Socialism itself is a very broad term that can’t be defined simply.

Also, isn’t Trump the bigger socialist than Obama? His bailout to farmers was twice as big as Obama’s bailout. Are republicans going to pretend that isn’t socialism?
It's not about being "selective". It's about being conditioned to think in simplistic, binary ways.

So to them, "socialism" can ONLY mean the worst possible thing, the scariest boogeyman, which is why they only bring up Venezuela. They refuse to see any shades of grey (such as Canada, Germany, Australia) because that would require too much intellectual elasticity.

At the same time, they'll also boast about an American economy being helped in no small part by "socialism" - aggressive spending increases, aggressive NY Fed intervention.

Shades of grey? They don't wanna know. Too complicated. That's how they're trained, that's all they know. Dittos.
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To them, it’s a completely leftwing ideology when in reality it’s been part of the framework of the country since the beginning. The founders had socialist ideas after all. They basically were leftists. It’s also stupid to say that communism and socialism are the same thing when in reality communism is simply an example of socialism. Socialism itself is a very broad term that can’t be defined simply.

Also, isn’t Trump the bigger socialist than Obama? His bailout to farmers was twice as big as Obama’s bailout. Are republicans going to pretend that isn’t socialism?

How come Liberals can’t accept that Capitalism pays for Socialism? How come Liberals can’t see that a more Socialist an economy, the lesser a Middle Class exists? How come Liberals can’t see that the more Socialist an economy, a more truer 1 percent exists and less opportunity for economic advancement among the masses (aka Opportunity)?

Historically enterprise used to be done by the government, like Egyptians and Romans building harbors, roads, harvests, aqueducts, etc.
Capitalism has a degree of innovation and energy, but it could all be done just as well with collective planning and profit sharing of socialism.
Social Security is a good example of how socialism works better than capitalism, as no private trust fund or investment scheme works nearly as well as social security does.
When you have income inequality, that is not socialism.
None of the Stalinist countries were even remotely socialist at all.

Income inequality exists everywhere..... dictatorship, fascism, communism, and, yes, socialism. While it definitely exists in capitalism, who gives a shit? What problem(s) does chasing an income inequality gap solve? Consider this: most immigrants come to the US from countries where they were told about the evils of income inequality. Now why would they come to the US where income gaps are so great? Here’s why: Opportunity. The Opportunity potential far outweighs the misery of class envy and the empty promises of closing an income gap
To them, it’s a completely leftwing ideology when in reality it’s been part of the framework of the country since the beginning. It’s also stupid to say that communism and socialism are the same thing when in reality communism is simply an example of socialism. Socialism itself is a very broad term that can’t be defined simply.

Also, isn’t Trump the bigger socialist than Obama? His bailout to farmers was twice as big as Obama’s bailout. Are republicans going to pretend that isn’t socialism?

Billy, just to make it simple, look at socialism as a pyramid scheme. Bernie Madoff is a typical socialist, just like Bernie Sanders.
Is Trump not a socialist with his bailout? Can you explain how?
Trump gives money away to help people. Socialists keep the money to pass out free shit to freeloaders for votes.

With socialism, it is the people who control the tax money and the economy, so it goes to whatever they vote for.
So the only free stuff that is given out is what benefits everyone, like public education and health care.
Wow, this has to be the most naive thing I've ever read.
The dems have been "Helping" the black community with free stuff for over 60 years. How's that working out?
Socialism itself is a very broad term that can’t be defined simply.

Socialism is the end result of a top heavy capitalist system, which is what our millionaire Congress will always divert from....

Also, isn’t Trump the bigger socialist than Obama?

You tell me, Trump doubled the GND from 9T to 23T , in a GOOD economy

To them, it’s a completely leftwing ideology when in reality it’s been part of the framework of the country since the beginning. The founders had socialist ideas after all. They basically were leftists. It’s also stupid to say that communism and socialism are the same thing when in reality communism is simply an example of socialism. Socialism itself is a very broad term that can’t be defined simply.

Also, isn’t Trump the bigger socialist than Obama? His bailout to farmers was twice as big as Obama’s bailout. Are republicans going to pretend that isn’t socialism?

I have never mistaken your Communists way of thinking as Norwegian or Canadian Socialism...

Why is it you want to usher in failed programs that ruined the Soviet Union, Cuba, Venezuela and so on?

Do you prefer bread rationing, lines for petro and waiting for months to see a Doctor?

Let say Bernier Sanders or Elizabeth Warren get their agenda through Congress and made into law do you believe they will allow themselves to be lower to equal status with you?

Do you actually believe they will have the same Healthcare status as you?

Do you believe the rich will be the only ones paying for the Healthcare programs you deemed that is needed?

Do you believe the rich will sit in line while waiting like you?

If so who is naive here?

Fact is what you want and what you will get are two different things because getting rid of the wealthy class will be replaced with the elite political class and you kid will still be a bottom feeder and in your society there will be no middle class just the poor and the political families.

So as you whine about how Republicans treat your insanity on this site just note you are a wannabe Trotsky without knowing the dangers you are heading toward...

In your so call Socialism you are still the bottom feeder that will never be equal!
How many different ways can you frame “GIVE ME FREE SHIT”?
Dude look, we totally get it...you’re unable to pay your own way...FUCK stop embarrassing yourself.

You are the one who lives in fear an immigrant will take your job. Seems like you want government to protect your lack of talent.
To them, it’s a completely leftwing ideology when in reality it’s been part of the framework of the country since the beginning. The founders had socialist ideas after all. They basically were leftists. It’s also stupid to say that communism and socialism are the same thing when in reality communism is simply an example of socialism. Socialism itself is a very broad term that can’t be defined simply.

Also, isn’t Trump the bigger socialist than Obama? His bailout to farmers was twice as big as Obama’s bailout. Are republicans going to pretend that isn’t socialism?
Yeah why would anyone want to use the actual definitions of words when we can just make up meanings for words as we go.
I have never mistaken your Communists way of thinking as Norwegian or Canadian Socialism...

Why is it you want to usher in failed programs that ruined the Soviet Union, Cuba, Venezuela and so on?

You mean countries we've punished for picking economic systems we didn't like?

Do you prefer bread rationing, lines for petro and waiting for months to see a Doctor?

Again, the European Social Democracies have better health care than we do and more access.
To them, it’s a completely leftwing ideology when in reality it’s been part of the framework of the country since the beginning. It’s also stupid to say that communism and socialism are the same thing when in reality communism is simply an example of socialism. Socialism itself is a very broad term that can’t be defined simply.

Also, isn’t Trump the bigger socialist than Obama? His bailout to farmers was twice as big as Obama’s bailout. Are republicans going to pretend that isn’t socialism?

How many different ways can you frame “GIVE ME FREE SHIT”?
Dude look, we totally get it...you’re unable to pay your own way...FUCK stop embarrassing yourself.
Oh believe me: the rest of us get it. You say this “free shit” thing over and over because it gives you a false sense of manliness and toughness.

Nothing is ever free and someone will pay for it and the price tag for what you want will mean everyone pays and not just the rich!

Medicare for all?

The entire society will pay for it while the Elite Political Families and Rich Families will get higher quality service while you wait at the back of the line for your day to see the doctor.

Free education from Community Colleges and Public Universities will result in many universities going private or shutting down.

Higher minimum wage will mean increase in cost of living because the rich will trickle it back to the consumer...

Tax the rich for more money to give to those like you will again increase cost of living because again the rich will recoup their loss that way...

Back to your Medicare for all and what you truly want is V.A. for all while forgetting the U.S. Government failure at running that agency.

So as you kick and scream like a child for what you want sometimes a real man need to slap you and tell you no!
I have never mistaken your Communists way of thinking as Norwegian or Canadian Socialism...

Why is it you want to usher in failed programs that ruined the Soviet Union, Cuba, Venezuela and so on?

You mean countries we've punished for picking economic systems we didn't like?

Do you prefer bread rationing, lines for petro and waiting for months to see a Doctor?

Again, the European Social Democracies have better health care than we do and more access.

Our Government can not run the VA properly and until they can it is a solid no to Univeral Healthcare that those like you changed to Medicare for all!

Also are you saying the Soviet Union was a good system and it failed because of our unwillingness to work with them?

If so you are nuts but you have proven you love Communism!

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