I don't understand why Republicans can't carry loaded weapons at their convention.

Why is that?

Trump would like to see security and even armed teachers with proper training and licensing to protect children from potential nuts. I don't think there is anything idiotic about it.

Just change some nouns around a bit regarding Trump's rallies and convention.....

"Trump would like to see security and even armed [AIDES] with proper training and licensing to protect [Trump] from potential nuts. I don't think there is anything idiotic about it..."

Better ???
UPDATE: Petitioners for guns at RNC in Cleveland soar to 45,179; Secret Service says ‘No’

Updates March 28: As of Monday afternoon, 45,179 had endorsed a Change.org petition to allow guns at the Republican National Convention in Cleveland, climbing more than 500 hourly and up from 5,000 Friday morning. Commenters appear to be heavily anti-Republican.

As of 8 p.m. petitioners numbered 48,044.

The Washington Post is reporting that the Secret Service has said “no” to guns at the RNC.


I think they should just go ahead and carry them anyway. Who's gonna stop 'em?

And wouldn't that be what citizens who actually believed they had 2nd amendment rights would do? They would carry their guns anyway, out in the open slung over their shoulder. They love to try to intimidate people eating at Wendy's that way but for some reason, maybe it's because the SS has guns too and knows how to use them and WILL use them, these 'gun rights' activists are cowered into being unarmed in a gun free zone, making themselves THE prime target in the area for bad guys with guns.

Since when can the SS just arbitrarily supercede the Constitution? Come on gun lovers, put on your holsters and show up at the GOP convention and taunt the SS with your 2nd amendment rights.

My guess, they will show up unarmed and thank the SS for allowing them attend and will kiss their feet. Afterwards these unarmed posers will attend the international hypocrites convention a few blocks away at the local Wendys and drown their angst in milkshakes.
My guess, they will show up unarmed and thank the SS for allowing them attend and will kiss their feet. Afterwards these unarmed posers will attend the international hypocrites convention a few blocks away at the local Wendys and drown their angst in milkshakes.

Yeah conservatives tend to be like that; law abiding citizens.

But if you're really anxious to see people acting like animals and breaking the laws, wait until the liberals show up.
My guess, they will show up unarmed and thank the SS for allowing them attend and will kiss their feet. Afterwards these unarmed posers will attend the international hypocrites convention a few blocks away at the local Wendys and drown their angst in milkshakes.

Yeah conservatives tend to be like that; law abiding citizens.

But if you're really anxious to see people acting like animals and breaking the laws, wait until the liberals show up.

Riiight. You're scared. And like a flock of meek sheep you will show up unarmed and bray in unison. Of course you have to pose here 'cuz it makes ya' feel good.

Please explain how the SS can issue orders that supercede the Constitution? Again, no need. Sheep don't ask such questions, they just form a herd and braaayyyy.
I'll say it again........For Trumpsters its OK to call for arming of schools (after all, what couild go wrong there)...BUT, when it comes to their own convention, their pristine hides are too precious to expose to any possible danger. HYPOCRITES !!!
Riiight. You're scared. And like a flock of meek sheep you will show up unarmed and bray in unison. Of course you have to pose here 'cuz it makes ya' feel good.

Please explain how the SS can issue orders that supercede the Constitution? Again, no need. Sheep don't ask such questions, they just form a herd and braaayyyy.

I'll say it again........For Trumpsters its OK to call for arming of schools (after all, what couild go wrong there)...BUT, when it comes to their own convention, their pristine hides are too precious to expose to any possible danger. HYPOCRITES !!!

And I'll say it again: according to the article, it has little to do with the RNC itself. It's our laws here in Ohio and the authority of the SS. That's besides the fact Cleveland is a 100% Democrat city, and they have the right to restrict guns anywhere they post those signs.
UPDATE: Petitioners for guns at RNC in Cleveland soar to 45,179; Secret Service says ‘No’

Updates March 28: As of Monday afternoon, 45,179 had endorsed a Change.org petition to allow guns at the Republican National Convention in Cleveland, climbing more than 500 hourly and up from 5,000 Friday morning. Commenters appear to be heavily anti-Republican.

As of 8 p.m. petitioners numbered 48,044.

The Washington Post is reporting that the Secret Service has said “no” to guns at the RNC.


I think they should just go ahead and carry them anyway. Who's gonna stop 'em?
I believe they should certainly have the right.
Well....seeing as all of Trump's rallies are private events on private property since he pays for the rent himself....they can make any rules they want.
the fact Cleveland is a 100% Democrat city

Interesting and ironic choice for the RNC to then choose holding their convention in a 100% democrat city...probably the same reason why the DNC didn't choose Biloxi. MS for their convention.
Well....seeing as all of Trump's rallies are private events on private property since he pays for the rent himself....they can make any rules they want

Of course trump can do that........and its just as right for some of us to call him a hypocritical moron....

(Guns at schools, OK........Guns at my rallies, NOT OK)
Loaded guns and swords/knives should be allowed in all government places.

What, do you want a war? Have Some responsiblity! Fight the war ypurselves, then we, the people will decide if if want to be involved in YOUR TROUBLES.

50 cal semi auto sniper rifles with 5 round detachable magazines should be issued to everyone upon entry. With plenty of ammo.
Gun carriers this one is quite vexing. I thought touting the 2nd amendment was in fact to carry your gun on you REGARDLESS of what the government wants. Nobody in the government can single handedly declare their rules are above the Constitution. Why are you backing down on this? I know you'd think I'm being facetious but I'm not.

If the 2nd amendment guarantees you are free to own and open carry a gun in public, why is this venue different than a Chipotle or Walmart? The venue should have no bearing on the argument, if the 2nd amendment is the governing authority in all the land, and that is what the Constitution is, then you need to show up with your guns. Be peaceful, but armed. Isn't that the reason for showing up at all these places with a rifle slung over your shoulder?

I'm being honest, I don't get it. You give up your 2nd amendment rights TO THE GOVERNMENT of all entities the very second they say 'give up your guns'. What then is the point of having the rights if you can't exercise them?
The law giving the ability to the SS to declare a gun free zone was written after the shooting of RACIST DEMOCRAT George Wallace.
If you're saying guns should be allowed at the GOP convention, they I agree.
As of Monday afternoon, 45,179 had endorsed a Change.org petition to allow guns at the Republican National Convention in Cleveland

So why won't Republicans believe in democracy. I say arm the base.
You got your,gottcha question answered in your thread title,the secret service said no not the party.
You got your,gottcha question answered in your thread title,the secret service said no not the party.

Your ilk is so darn law-abiding...even when the Secret Service tries to curtail your precious 2nd amendment rights.....LOL
UPDATE: Petitioners for guns at RNC in Cleveland soar to 45,179; Secret Service says ‘No’

Updates March 28: As of Monday afternoon, 45,179 had endorsed a Change.org petition to allow guns at the Republican National Convention in Cleveland, climbing more than 500 hourly and up from 5,000 Friday morning. Commenters appear to be heavily anti-Republican.

As of 8 p.m. petitioners numbered 48,044.

The Washington Post is reporting that the Secret Service has said “no” to guns at the RNC.


I think they should just go ahead and carry them anyway. Who's gonna stop 'em?
Unfortunately, the United States Secret Service will goofball...

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